use core::pin::Pin; use futures_core::future::Future; use futures_core::task::{Context, Poll}; use futures_sink::Sink; /// Future for the [`send`](super::SinkExt::send) method. #[derive(Debug)] #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"] pub struct Send<'a, Si: ?Sized, Item> { sink: &'a mut Si, item: Option, } // Pinning is never projected to children impl Unpin for Send<'_, Si, Item> {} impl<'a, Si: Sink + Unpin + ?Sized, Item> Send<'a, Si, Item> { pub(super) fn new(sink: &'a mut Si, item: Item) -> Self { Send { sink, item: Some(item), } } } impl + Unpin + ?Sized, Item> Future for Send<'_, Si, Item> { type Output = Result<(), Si::Error>; fn poll( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Poll { let this = &mut *self; if let Some(item) = this.item.take() { let mut sink = Pin::new(&mut this.sink); match sink.as_mut().poll_ready(cx)? { Poll::Ready(()) => sink.as_mut().start_send(item)?, Poll::Pending => { this.item = Some(item); return Poll::Pending; } } } // we're done sending the item, but want to block on flushing the // sink ready!(Pin::new(&mut this.sink).poll_flush(cx))?; Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } }