use futures::channel::oneshot; use futures::executor::{block_on, LocalPool}; use futures::future::{self, FutureExt, TryFutureExt, LocalFutureObj}; use futures::task::LocalSpawn; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::rc::Rc; use std::thread; fn send_shared_oneshot_and_wait_on_multiple_threads(threads_number: u32) { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::(); let f = rx.shared(); let join_handles = (0..threads_number) .map(|_| { let cloned_future = f.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(block_on(cloned_future).unwrap(), 6); }) }) .collect::>(); tx.send(6).unwrap(); assert_eq!(block_on(f).unwrap(), 6); for join_handle in join_handles { join_handle.join().unwrap(); } } #[test] fn one_thread() { send_shared_oneshot_and_wait_on_multiple_threads(1); } #[test] fn two_threads() { send_shared_oneshot_and_wait_on_multiple_threads(2); } #[test] fn many_threads() { send_shared_oneshot_and_wait_on_multiple_threads(1000); } #[test] fn drop_on_one_task_ok() { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::(); let f1 = rx.shared(); let f2 = f1.clone(); let (tx2, rx2) = oneshot::channel::(); let t1 = thread::spawn(|| { let f = future::try_select(f1.map_err(|_| ()), rx2.map_err(|_| ())); drop(block_on(f)); }); let (tx3, rx3) = oneshot::channel::(); let t2 = thread::spawn(|| { let _ = block_on(f2.map_ok(|x| tx3.send(x).unwrap()).map_err(|_| ())); }); tx2.send(11).unwrap(); // cancel `f1` t1.join().unwrap(); tx.send(42).unwrap(); // Should cause `f2` and then `rx3` to get resolved. let result = block_on(rx3).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, 42); t2.join().unwrap(); } #[test] fn drop_in_poll() { let slot1 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None)); let slot2 = slot1.clone(); let future1 = future::lazy(move |_| { slot2.replace(None); // Drop future 1 }).shared(); let future2 = LocalFutureObj::new(Box::new(future1.clone())); slot1.replace(Some(future2)); assert_eq!(block_on(future1), 1); } #[test] fn peek() { let mut local_pool = LocalPool::new(); let spawn = &mut local_pool.spawner(); let (tx0, rx0) = oneshot::channel::(); let f1 = rx0.shared(); let f2 = f1.clone(); // Repeated calls on the original or clone do not change the outcome. for _ in 0..2 { assert!(f1.peek().is_none()); assert!(f2.peek().is_none()); } // Completing the underlying future has no effect, because the value has not been `poll`ed in. tx0.send(42).unwrap(); for _ in 0..2 { assert!(f1.peek().is_none()); assert!(f2.peek().is_none()); } // Once the Shared has been polled, the value is peekable on the clone. spawn.spawn_local_obj(LocalFutureObj::new(Box::new(|_| ())))).unwrap();; for _ in 0..2 { assert_eq!(*f2.peek().unwrap(), Ok(42)); } } struct CountClone(Rc>); impl Clone for CountClone { fn clone(&self) -> Self { self.0.set(self.0.get() + 1); CountClone(self.0.clone()) } } #[test] fn dont_clone_in_single_owner_shared_future() { let counter = CountClone(Rc::new(Cell::new(0))); let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let rx = rx.shared(); tx.send(counter).ok().unwrap(); assert_eq!(block_on(rx).unwrap().0.get(), 0); } #[test] fn dont_do_unnecessary_clones_on_output() { let counter = CountClone(Rc::new(Cell::new(0))); let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let rx = rx.shared(); tx.send(counter).ok().unwrap(); assert_eq!(block_on(rx.clone()).unwrap().0.get(), 1); assert_eq!(block_on(rx.clone()).unwrap().0.get(), 2); assert_eq!(block_on(rx).unwrap().0.get(), 2); }