//! Functions for performing affine transformations. use crate::buffer::{ImageBuffer, Pixel}; use crate::image::{GenericImage, GenericImageView}; /// Rotate an image 90 degrees clockwise. pub fn rotate90( image: &I, ) -> ImageBuffer::Subpixel>> where I::Pixel: 'static, { let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(height, width); let _ = rotate90_in(image, &mut out); out } /// Rotate an image 180 degrees clockwise. pub fn rotate180( image: &I, ) -> ImageBuffer::Subpixel>> where I::Pixel: 'static, { let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height); let _ = rotate180_in(image, &mut out); out } /// Rotate an image 270 degrees clockwise. pub fn rotate270( image: &I, ) -> ImageBuffer::Subpixel>> where I::Pixel: 'static, { let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(height, width); let _ = rotate270_in(image, &mut out); out } /// Rotate an image 90 degrees clockwise and put the result into the destination [`ImageBuffer`]. pub fn rotate90_in( image: &I, destination: &mut ImageBuffer ) -> crate::ImageResult<()> where I: GenericImageView, I::Pixel: 'static, Container: std::ops::DerefMut::Subpixel]> { let ((w0, h0), (w1, h1)) = (image.dimensions(), destination.dimensions()); if w0 != h1 || h0 != w1 { return Err(crate::ImageError::DimensionError); } for y in 0..h0 { for x in 0..w0 { let p = image.get_pixel(x, y); destination.put_pixel(h0 - y - 1, x, p); } } Ok(()) } /// Rotate an image 180 degrees clockwise and put the result into the destination [`ImageBuffer`]. pub fn rotate180_in( image: &I, destination: &mut ImageBuffer ) -> crate::ImageResult<()> where I: GenericImageView, I::Pixel: 'static, Container: std::ops::DerefMut::Subpixel]> { let ((w0, h0), (w1, h1)) = (image.dimensions(), destination.dimensions()); if w0 != w1 || h0 != h1 { return Err(crate::ImageError::DimensionError); } for y in 0..h0 { for x in 0..w0 { let p = image.get_pixel(x, y); destination.put_pixel(w0 - x - 1, h0 - y - 1, p); } } Ok(()) } /// Rotate an image 270 degrees clockwise and put the result into the destination [`ImageBuffer`]. pub fn rotate270_in( image: &I, destination: &mut ImageBuffer ) -> crate::ImageResult<()> where I: GenericImageView, I::Pixel: 'static, Container: std::ops::DerefMut::Subpixel]> { let ((w0, h0), (w1, h1)) = (image.dimensions(), destination.dimensions()); if w0 != h1 || h0 != w1 { return Err(crate::ImageError::DimensionError); } for y in 0..h0 { for x in 0..w0 { let p = image.get_pixel(x, y); destination.put_pixel(y, w0 - x - 1, p); } } Ok(()) } /// Flip an image horizontally pub fn flip_horizontal( image: &I, ) -> ImageBuffer::Subpixel>> where I::Pixel: 'static, { let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height); let _ = flip_horizontal_in(image, &mut out); out } /// Flip an image vertically pub fn flip_vertical( image: &I, ) -> ImageBuffer::Subpixel>> where I::Pixel: 'static, { let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); let mut out = ImageBuffer::new(width, height); let _ = flip_vertical_in(image, &mut out); out } /// Flip an image horizontally and put the result into the destination [`ImageBuffer`]. pub fn flip_horizontal_in( image: &I, destination: &mut ImageBuffer ) -> crate::ImageResult<()> where I: GenericImageView, I::Pixel: 'static, Container: std::ops::DerefMut::Subpixel]> { let ((w0, h0), (w1, h1)) = (image.dimensions(), destination.dimensions()); if w0 != w1 || h0 != h1 { return Err(crate::ImageError::DimensionError); } for y in 0..h0 { for x in 0..w0 { let p = image.get_pixel(x, y); destination.put_pixel(w0 - x - 1, y, p); } } Ok(()) } /// Flip an image vertically and put the result into the destination [`ImageBuffer`]. pub fn flip_vertical_in( image: &I, destination: &mut ImageBuffer ) -> crate::ImageResult<()> where I: GenericImageView, I::Pixel: 'static, Container: std::ops::DerefMut::Subpixel]> { let ((w0, h0), (w1, h1)) = (image.dimensions(), destination.dimensions()); if w0 != w1 || h0 != h1 { return Err(crate::ImageError::DimensionError); } for y in 0..h0 { for x in 0..w0 { let p = image.get_pixel(x, y); destination.put_pixel(x, h0 - 1 - y, p); } } Ok(()) } /// Rotate an image 180 degrees clockwise in place. pub fn rotate180_in_place(image: &mut I) { let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); for y in 0..height / 2 { for x in 0..width { let p = image.get_pixel(x, y); let x2 = width - x - 1; let y2 = height - y - 1; let p2 = image.get_pixel(x2, y2); image.put_pixel(x, y, p2); image.put_pixel(x2, y2, p); } } if height % 2 != 0 { let middle = height / 2; for x in 0..width / 2 { let p = image.get_pixel(x, middle); let x2 = width - x - 1; let p2 = image.get_pixel(x2, middle); image.put_pixel(x, middle, p2); image.put_pixel(x2, middle, p); } } } /// Flip an image horizontally in place. pub fn flip_horizontal_in_place(image: &mut I) { let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); for y in 0..height { for x in 0..width / 2 { let x2 = width - x - 1; let p2 = image.get_pixel(x2, y); let p = image.get_pixel(x, y); image.put_pixel(x2, y, p); image.put_pixel(x, y, p2); } } } /// Flip an image vertically in place. pub fn flip_vertical_in_place(image: &mut I) { let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); for y in 0..height / 2 { for x in 0..width { let y2 = height - y - 1; let p2 = image.get_pixel(x, y2); let p = image.get_pixel(x, y); image.put_pixel(x, y2, p); image.put_pixel(x, y, p2); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::{ flip_horizontal, flip_horizontal_in_place, flip_vertical, flip_vertical_in_place, rotate180, rotate180_in_place, rotate270, rotate90, }; use crate::buffer::{GrayImage, ImageBuffer, Pixel}; use crate::image::GenericImage; macro_rules! assert_pixels_eq { ($actual:expr, $expected:expr) => {{ let actual_dim = $actual.dimensions(); let expected_dim = $expected.dimensions(); if actual_dim != expected_dim { panic!( "dimensions do not match. \ actual: {:?}, expected: {:?}", actual_dim, expected_dim ) } let diffs = pixel_diffs($actual, $expected); if !diffs.is_empty() { let mut err = "pixels do not match. ".to_string(); let diff_messages = diffs .iter() .take(5) .map(|d| format!("\nactual: {:?}, expected {:?} ", d.0, d.1)) .collect::>() .join(""); err.push_str(&diff_messages); panic!(err) } }}; } #[test] fn test_rotate90() { let image: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![00u8, 01u8, 02u8, 10u8, 11u8, 12u8]).unwrap(); let expected: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(2, 3, vec![10u8, 00u8, 11u8, 01u8, 12u8, 02u8]).unwrap(); assert_pixels_eq!(&rotate90(&image), &expected); } #[test] fn test_rotate180() { let image: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![00u8, 01u8, 02u8, 10u8, 11u8, 12u8]).unwrap(); let expected: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![12u8, 11u8, 10u8, 02u8, 01u8, 00u8]).unwrap(); assert_pixels_eq!(&rotate180(&image), &expected); } #[test] fn test_rotate270() { let image: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![00u8, 01u8, 02u8, 10u8, 11u8, 12u8]).unwrap(); let expected: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(2, 3, vec![02u8, 12u8, 01u8, 11u8, 00u8, 10u8]).unwrap(); assert_pixels_eq!(&rotate270(&image), &expected); } #[test] fn test_rotate180_in_place() { let mut image: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![00u8, 01u8, 02u8, 10u8, 11u8, 12u8]).unwrap(); let expected: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![12u8, 11u8, 10u8, 02u8, 01u8, 00u8]).unwrap(); rotate180_in_place(&mut image); assert_pixels_eq!(&image, &expected); } #[test] fn test_flip_horizontal() { let image: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![00u8, 01u8, 02u8, 10u8, 11u8, 12u8]).unwrap(); let expected: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![02u8, 01u8, 00u8, 12u8, 11u8, 10u8]).unwrap(); assert_pixels_eq!(&flip_horizontal(&image), &expected); } #[test] fn test_flip_vertical() { let image: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![00u8, 01u8, 02u8, 10u8, 11u8, 12u8]).unwrap(); let expected: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![10u8, 11u8, 12u8, 00u8, 01u8, 02u8]).unwrap(); assert_pixels_eq!(&flip_vertical(&image), &expected); } #[test] fn test_flip_horizontal_in_place() { let mut image: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![00u8, 01u8, 02u8, 10u8, 11u8, 12u8]).unwrap(); let expected: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![02u8, 01u8, 00u8, 12u8, 11u8, 10u8]).unwrap(); flip_horizontal_in_place(&mut image); assert_pixels_eq!(&image, &expected); } #[test] fn test_flip_vertical_in_place() { let mut image: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![00u8, 01u8, 02u8, 10u8, 11u8, 12u8]).unwrap(); let expected: GrayImage = ImageBuffer::from_raw(3, 2, vec![10u8, 11u8, 12u8, 00u8, 01u8, 02u8]).unwrap(); flip_vertical_in_place(&mut image); assert_pixels_eq!(&image, &expected); } fn pixel_diffs(left: &I, right: &J) -> Vec<((u32, u32, P), (u32, u32, P))> where I: GenericImage, J: GenericImage, P: Pixel + Eq, { left.pixels() .zip(right.pixels()) .filter(|&(p, q)| p != q) .collect::>() } }