//! NEUQUANT Neural-Net quantization algorithm by Anthony Dekker, 1994.
//! See "Kohonen neural networks for optimal colour quantization"
//! in "Network: Computation in Neural Systems" Vol. 5 (1994) pp 351-367.
//! for a discussion of the algorithm.
//! See also
/* NeuQuant Neural-Net Quantization Algorithm
* ------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 1994 Anthony Dekker
* NEUQUANT Neural-Net quantization algorithm by Anthony Dekker, 1994.
* See "Kohonen neural networks for optimal colour quantization"
* in "Network: Computation in Neural Systems" Vol. 5 (1994) pp 351-367.
* for a discussion of the algorithm.
* See also https://scientificgems.wordpress.com/stuff/neuquant-fast-high-quality-image-quantization/
* Any party obtaining a copy of these files from the author, directly or
* indirectly, is granted, free of charge, a full and unrestricted irrevocable,
* world-wide, paid up, royalty-free, nonexclusive right and license to deal
* in this software and documentation files (the "Software"), including without
* limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons who receive
* copies from any such party to do so, with the only requirement being
* that this copyright notice remain intact.
* Incorporated bugfixes and alpha channel handling from pngnq
* http://pngnq.sourceforge.net
use crate::math::utils::clamp;
use std::cmp::{max, min};
const CHANNELS: usize = 4;
const RADIUS_DEC: i32 = 30; // factor of 1/30 each cycle
const ALPHA_BIASSHIFT: i32 = 10; // alpha starts at 1
const INIT_ALPHA: i32 = 1 << ALPHA_BIASSHIFT; // biased by 10 bits
const GAMMA: f64 = 1024.0;
const BETA: f64 = 1.0 / GAMMA;
const BETAGAMMA: f64 = BETA * GAMMA;
// four primes near 500 - assume no image has a length so large
// that it is divisible by all four primes
const PRIMES: [usize; 4] = [499, 491, 478, 503];
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Quad {
r: T,
g: T,
b: T,
a: T,
type Neuron = Quad;
type Color = Quad;
/// Neural network color quantizer
pub struct NeuQuant {
network: Vec,
colormap: Vec,
netindex: Vec,
bias: Vec, // bias and freq arrays for learning
freq: Vec,
samplefac: i32,
netsize: usize,
impl NeuQuant {
/// Creates a new neural network and trains it with the supplied data
pub fn new(samplefac: i32, colors: usize, pixels: &[u8]) -> Self {
let netsize = colors;
let mut this = NeuQuant {
network: Vec::with_capacity(netsize),
colormap: Vec::with_capacity(netsize),
netindex: vec![0; 256],
bias: Vec::with_capacity(netsize),
freq: Vec::with_capacity(netsize),
/// Initializes the neural network and trains it with the supplied data
pub fn init(&mut self, pixels: &[u8]) {
let freq = (self.netsize as f64).recip();
for i in 0..self.netsize {
let tmp = (i as f64) * 256.0 / (self.netsize as f64);
// Sets alpha values at 0 for dark pixels.
let a = if i < 16 { i as f64 * 16.0 } else { 255.0 };
self.network.push(Neuron {
r: tmp,
g: tmp,
b: tmp,
self.colormap.push(Color {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0,
a: 255,
/// Maps the pixel in-place to the best-matching color in the color map
pub fn map_pixel(&self, pixel: &mut [u8]) {
assert_eq!(pixel.len(), 4);
match (pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3]) {
(r, g, b, a) => {
let i = self.search_netindex(b, g, r, a);
pixel[0] = self.colormap[i].r as u8;
pixel[1] = self.colormap[i].g as u8;
pixel[2] = self.colormap[i].b as u8;
pixel[3] = self.colormap[i].a as u8;
/// Finds the best-matching index in the color map for `pixel`
pub fn index_of(&self, pixel: &[u8]) -> usize {
assert_eq!(pixel.len(), 4);
match (pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3]) {
(r, g, b, a) => self.search_netindex(b, g, r, a),
/// Move neuron i towards biased (a,b,g,r) by factor alpha
fn alter_single(&mut self, alpha: f64, i: i32, quad: Quad) {
let n = &mut self.network[i as usize];
n.b -= alpha * (n.b - quad.b);
n.g -= alpha * (n.g - quad.g);
n.r -= alpha * (n.r - quad.r);
n.a -= alpha * (n.a - quad.a);
/// Move neuron adjacent neurons towards biased (a,b,g,r) by factor alpha
fn alter_neighbour(&mut self, alpha: f64, rad: i32, i: i32, quad: Quad) {
let lo = max(i - rad, 0);
let hi = min(i + rad, self.netsize as i32);
let mut j = i + 1;
let mut k = i - 1;
let mut q = 0;
while (j < hi) || (k > lo) {
let rad_sq = f64::from(rad) * f64::from(rad);
let alpha = (alpha * (rad_sq - f64::from(q) * f64::from(q))) / rad_sq;
q += 1;
if j < hi {
let p = &mut self.network[j as usize];
p.b -= alpha * (p.b - quad.b);
p.g -= alpha * (p.g - quad.g);
p.r -= alpha * (p.r - quad.r);
p.a -= alpha * (p.a - quad.a);
j += 1;
if k > lo {
let p = &mut self.network[k as usize];
p.b -= alpha * (p.b - quad.b);
p.g -= alpha * (p.g - quad.g);
p.r -= alpha * (p.r - quad.r);
p.a -= alpha * (p.a - quad.a);
k -= 1;
/// Search for biased BGR values
/// finds closest neuron (min dist) and updates freq
/// finds best neuron (min dist-bias) and returns position
/// for frequently chosen neurons, freq[i] is high and bias[i] is negative
/// bias[i] = gamma*((1/self.netsize)-freq[i])
fn contest(&mut self, b: f64, g: f64, r: f64, a: f64) -> i32 {
use std::f64;
let mut bestd = f64::MAX;
let mut bestbiasd: f64 = bestd;
let mut bestpos = -1;
let mut bestbiaspos: i32 = bestpos;
for i in 0..self.netsize {
let bestbiasd_biased = bestbiasd + self.bias[i];
let mut dist;
let n = &self.network[i];
dist = (n.b - b).abs();
dist += (n.r - r).abs();
if dist < bestd || dist < bestbiasd_biased {
dist += (n.g - g).abs();
dist += (n.a - a).abs();
if dist < bestd {
bestd = dist;
bestpos = i as i32;
let biasdist = dist - self.bias[i];
if biasdist < bestbiasd {
bestbiasd = biasdist;
bestbiaspos = i as i32;
self.freq[i] -= BETA * self.freq[i];
self.bias[i] += BETAGAMMA * self.freq[i];
self.freq[bestpos as usize] += BETA;
self.bias[bestpos as usize] -= BETAGAMMA;
/// Main learning loop
/// Note: the number of learning cycles is crucial and the parameters are not
/// optimized for net sizes < 26 or > 256. 1064 colors seems to work fine
fn learn(&mut self, pixels: &[u8]) {
let initrad: i32 = self.netsize as i32 / 8; // for 256 cols, radius starts at 32
let radiusbiasshift: i32 = 6;
let radiusbias: i32 = 1 << radiusbiasshift;
let init_bias_radius: i32 = initrad * radiusbias;
let mut bias_radius = init_bias_radius;
let alphadec = 30 + ((self.samplefac - 1) / 3);
let lengthcount = pixels.len() / CHANNELS;
let samplepixels = lengthcount / self.samplefac as usize;
// learning cycles
let n_cycles = match self.netsize >> 1 {
n if n <= 100 => 100,
n => n,
let delta = match samplepixels / n_cycles {
0 => 1,
n => n,
let mut alpha = INIT_ALPHA;
let mut rad = bias_radius >> radiusbiasshift;
if rad <= 1 {
rad = 0
let mut pos = 0;
let step = *PRIMES
.find(|&&prime| lengthcount % prime != 0)
let mut i = 0;
while i < samplepixels {
let (r, g, b, a) = {
let p = &pixels[CHANNELS * pos..][..CHANNELS];
let j = self.contest(b, g, r, a);
let alpha_ = (1.0 * f64::from(alpha)) / f64::from(INIT_ALPHA);
self.alter_single(alpha_, j, Quad { b, g, r, a });
if rad > 0 {
self.alter_neighbour(alpha_, rad, j, Quad { b, g, r, a })
pos += step;
while pos >= lengthcount {
pos -= lengthcount
i += 1;
if i % delta == 0 {
alpha -= alpha / alphadec;
bias_radius -= bias_radius / RADIUS_DEC;
rad = bias_radius >> radiusbiasshift;
if rad <= 1 {
rad = 0
/// initializes the color map
fn build_colormap(&mut self) {
for i in 0usize..self.netsize {
self.colormap[i].b = clamp(self.network[i].b.round() as i32, 0, 255);
self.colormap[i].g = clamp(self.network[i].g.round() as i32, 0, 255);
self.colormap[i].r = clamp(self.network[i].r.round() as i32, 0, 255);
self.colormap[i].a = clamp(self.network[i].a.round() as i32, 0, 255);
/// Insertion sort of network and building of netindex[0..255]
fn build_netindex(&mut self) {
let mut previouscol = 0;
let mut startpos = 0;
for i in 0..self.netsize {
let mut p = self.colormap[i];
let mut q;
let mut smallpos = i;
let mut smallval = p.g as usize; // index on g
// find smallest in i..netsize-1
for j in (i + 1)..self.netsize {
q = self.colormap[j];
if (q.g as usize) < smallval {
// index on g
smallpos = j;
smallval = q.g as usize; // index on g
q = self.colormap[smallpos];
// swap p (i) and q (smallpos) entries
if i != smallpos {
::std::mem::swap(&mut p, &mut q);
self.colormap[i] = p;
self.colormap[smallpos] = q;
// smallval entry is now in position i
if smallval != previouscol {
self.netindex[previouscol] = (startpos + i) >> 1;
for j in (previouscol + 1)..smallval {
self.netindex[j] = i
previouscol = smallval;
startpos = i;
let max_netpos = self.netsize - 1;
self.netindex[previouscol] = (startpos + max_netpos) >> 1;
for j in (previouscol + 1)..256 {
self.netindex[j] = max_netpos
} // really 256
/// Search for best matching color
fn search_netindex(&self, b: u8, g: u8, r: u8, a: u8) -> usize {
let mut bestd = 1 << 30; // ~ 1_000_000
let mut best = 0;
// start at netindex[g] and work outwards
let mut i = self.netindex[g as usize];
let mut j = if i > 0 { i - 1 } else { 0 };
while (i < self.netsize) || (j > 0) {
if i < self.netsize {
let p = self.colormap[i];
let mut e = p.g - i32::from(g);
let mut dist = e * e; // index key
if dist >= bestd {
} else {
e = p.b - i32::from(b);
dist += e * e;
if dist < bestd {
e = p.r - i32::from(r);
dist += e * e;
if dist < bestd {
e = p.a - i32::from(a);
dist += e * e;
if dist < bestd {
bestd = dist;
best = i;
i += 1;
if j > 0 {
let p = self.colormap[j];
let mut e = p.g - i32::from(g);
let mut dist = e * e; // index key
if dist >= bestd {
} else {
e = p.b - i32::from(b);
dist += e * e;
if dist < bestd {
e = p.r - i32::from(r);
dist += e * e;
if dist < bestd {
e = p.a - i32::from(a);
dist += e * e;
if dist < bestd {
bestd = dist;
best = j;
j -= 1;