// Copyright 2017 GFX developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or the MIT license , at your option. This file may not be // copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. use super::*; use cocoa_foundation::foundation::{NSInteger, NSRange, NSUInteger}; use std::ops::Range; #[repr(u64)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum MTLPrimitiveType { Point = 0, Line = 1, LineStrip = 2, Triangle = 3, TriangleStrip = 4, } #[repr(u64)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum MTLIndexType { UInt16 = 0, UInt32 = 1, } #[repr(u64)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum MTLVisibilityResultMode { Disabled = 0, Boolean = 1, Counting = 2, } #[repr(u64)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum MTLCullMode { None = 0, Front = 1, Back = 2, } #[repr(u64)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum MTLWinding { Clockwise = 0, CounterClockwise = 1, } #[repr(u64)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum MTLDepthClipMode { Clip = 0, Clamp = 1, } #[repr(u64)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum MTLTriangleFillMode { Fill = 0, Lines = 1, } bitflags! { #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] pub struct MTLBlitOption: NSUInteger { const DepthFromDepthStencil = 1 << 0; const StencilFromDepthStencil = 1 << 1; const RowLinearPVRTC = 1 << 2; } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct MTLScissorRect { pub x: NSUInteger, pub y: NSUInteger, pub width: NSUInteger, pub height: NSUInteger, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct MTLViewport { pub originX: f64, pub originY: f64, pub width: f64, pub height: f64, pub znear: f64, pub zfar: f64, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct MTLDrawPrimitivesIndirectArguments { pub vertexCount: u32, pub instanceCount: u32, pub vertexStart: u32, pub baseInstance: u32, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct MTLDrawIndexedPrimitivesIndirectArguments { pub indexCount: u32, pub instanceCount: u32, pub indexStart: u32, pub baseVertex: i32, pub baseInstance: u32, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct VertexAmplificationViewMapping { pub renderTargetArrayIndexOffset: u32, pub viewportArrayIndexOffset: u32, } pub enum MTLCommandEncoder {} foreign_obj_type! { type CType = MTLCommandEncoder; pub struct CommandEncoder; pub struct CommandEncoderRef; } impl CommandEncoderRef { pub fn label(&self) -> &str { unsafe { let label = msg_send![self, label]; crate::nsstring_as_str(label) } } pub fn set_label(&self, label: &str) { unsafe { let nslabel = crate::nsstring_from_str(label); msg_send![self, setLabel: nslabel] } } pub fn end_encoding(&self) { unsafe { msg_send![self, endEncoding] } } pub fn insert_debug_signpost(&self, name: &str) { unsafe { let nslabel = crate::nsstring_from_str(name); msg_send![self, insertDebugSignpost: nslabel] } } pub fn push_debug_group(&self, name: &str) { unsafe { let nslabel = crate::nsstring_from_str(name); msg_send![self, pushDebugGroup: nslabel] } } pub fn pop_debug_group(&self) { unsafe { msg_send![self, popDebugGroup] } } } pub enum MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder {} foreign_obj_type! { type CType = MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder; pub struct ParallelRenderCommandEncoder; pub struct ParallelRenderCommandEncoderRef; type ParentType = CommandEncoderRef; } impl ParallelRenderCommandEncoderRef { pub fn render_command_encoder(&self) -> &RenderCommandEncoderRef { unsafe { msg_send![self, renderCommandEncoder] } } } pub enum MTLRenderCommandEncoder {} foreign_obj_type! { type CType = MTLRenderCommandEncoder; pub struct RenderCommandEncoder; pub struct RenderCommandEncoderRef; type ParentType = CommandEncoderRef; } impl RenderCommandEncoderRef { pub fn set_render_pipeline_state(&self, pipeline_state: &RenderPipelineStateRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setRenderPipelineState: pipeline_state] } } pub fn set_viewport(&self, viewport: MTLViewport) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setViewport: viewport] } } pub fn set_front_facing_winding(&self, winding: MTLWinding) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setFrontFacingWinding: winding] } } pub fn set_cull_mode(&self, mode: MTLCullMode) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setCullMode: mode] } } pub fn set_depth_clip_mode(&self, mode: MTLDepthClipMode) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setDepthClipMode: mode] } } pub fn set_depth_bias(&self, bias: f32, scale: f32, clamp: f32) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setDepthBias:bias slopeScale:scale clamp:clamp] } } pub fn set_scissor_rect(&self, rect: MTLScissorRect) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setScissorRect: rect] } } pub fn set_triangle_fill_mode(&self, mode: MTLTriangleFillMode) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setTriangleFillMode: mode] } } pub fn set_blend_color(&self, red: f32, green: f32, blue: f32, alpha: f32) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setBlendColorRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha] } } pub fn set_depth_stencil_state(&self, depth_stencil_state: &DepthStencilStateRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setDepthStencilState: depth_stencil_state] } } pub fn set_stencil_reference_value(&self, value: u32) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setStencilReferenceValue: value] } } pub fn set_stencil_front_back_reference_value(&self, front: u32, back: u32) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setStencilFrontReferenceValue:front backReferenceValue:back] } } pub fn set_visibility_result_mode(&self, mode: MTLVisibilityResultMode, offset: NSUInteger) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setVisibilityResultMode:mode offset:offset] } } pub fn set_vertex_amplification_count( &self, count: NSUInteger, view_mappings: Option<&[VertexAmplificationViewMapping]>, ) { unsafe { msg_send! [self, setVertexAmplificationCount: count viewMappings: view_mappings.map_or(std::ptr::null(), |vm| vm.as_ptr())] } } // Specifying Resources for a Vertex Shader Function pub fn set_vertex_bytes( &self, index: NSUInteger, length: NSUInteger, bytes: *const std::ffi::c_void, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setVertexBytes:bytes length:length atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_vertex_buffer( &self, index: NSUInteger, buffer: Option<&BufferRef>, offset: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setVertexBuffer:buffer offset:offset atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_vertex_buffer_offset(&self, index: NSUInteger, offset: NSUInteger) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setVertexBufferOffset:offset atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_vertex_buffers( &self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[Option<&BufferRef>], offsets: &[NSUInteger], ) { debug_assert_eq!(offsets.len(), data.len()); unsafe { msg_send![self, setVertexBuffers: data.as_ptr() offsets: offsets.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_vertex_texture(&self, index: NSUInteger, texture: Option<&TextureRef>) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setVertexTexture:texture atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_vertex_textures(&self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[Option<&TextureRef>]) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setVertexTextures: data.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_vertex_sampler_state(&self, index: NSUInteger, sampler: Option<&SamplerStateRef>) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setVertexSamplerState:sampler atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_vertex_sampler_states( &self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[Option<&SamplerStateRef>], ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setVertexSamplerStates: data.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_vertex_sampler_state_with_lod( &self, index: NSUInteger, sampler: Option<&SamplerStateRef>, lod_clamp: Range, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setVertexSamplerState:sampler lodMinClamp:lod_clamp.start lodMaxClamp:lod_clamp.end atIndex:index ] } } // Specifying Resources for a Fragment Shader Function pub fn set_fragment_bytes( &self, index: NSUInteger, length: NSUInteger, bytes: *const std::ffi::c_void, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setFragmentBytes:bytes length:length atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_fragment_buffer( &self, index: NSUInteger, buffer: Option<&BufferRef>, offset: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setFragmentBuffer:buffer offset:offset atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_fragment_buffer_offset(&self, index: NSUInteger, offset: NSUInteger) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setFragmentBufferOffset:offset atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_fragment_buffers( &self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[Option<&BufferRef>], offsets: &[NSUInteger], ) { debug_assert_eq!(offsets.len(), data.len()); unsafe { msg_send![self, setFragmentBuffers: data.as_ptr() offsets: offsets.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_fragment_texture(&self, index: NSUInteger, texture: Option<&TextureRef>) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setFragmentTexture:texture atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_fragment_textures(&self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[Option<&TextureRef>]) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setFragmentTextures: data.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_fragment_sampler_state(&self, index: NSUInteger, sampler: Option<&SamplerStateRef>) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setFragmentSamplerState:sampler atIndex:index] } } pub fn set_fragment_sampler_states( &self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[Option<&SamplerStateRef>], ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setFragmentSamplerStates: data.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_fragment_sampler_state_with_lod( &self, index: NSUInteger, sampler: Option<&SamplerStateRef>, lod_clamp: Range, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setFragmentSamplerState:sampler lodMinClamp:lod_clamp.start lodMaxClamp:lod_clamp.end atIndex:index ] } } // Drawing Geometric Primitives pub fn draw_primitives( &self, primitive_type: MTLPrimitiveType, vertex_start: NSUInteger, vertex_count: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, drawPrimitives: primitive_type vertexStart: vertex_start vertexCount: vertex_count ] } } pub fn draw_primitives_instanced( &self, primitive_type: MTLPrimitiveType, vertex_start: NSUInteger, vertex_count: NSUInteger, instance_count: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, drawPrimitives: primitive_type vertexStart: vertex_start vertexCount: vertex_count instanceCount: instance_count ] } } pub fn draw_primitives_instanced_base_instance( &self, primitive_type: MTLPrimitiveType, vertex_start: NSUInteger, vertex_count: NSUInteger, instance_count: NSUInteger, base_instance: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, drawPrimitives: primitive_type vertexStart: vertex_start vertexCount: vertex_count instanceCount: instance_count baseInstance: base_instance ] } } pub fn draw_primitives_indirect( &self, primitive_type: MTLPrimitiveType, indirect_buffer: &BufferRef, indirect_buffer_offset: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, drawPrimitives: primitive_type indirectBuffer: indirect_buffer indirectBufferOffset: indirect_buffer_offset ] } } pub fn draw_indexed_primitives( &self, primitive_type: MTLPrimitiveType, index_count: NSUInteger, index_type: MTLIndexType, index_buffer: &BufferRef, index_buffer_offset: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, drawIndexedPrimitives: primitive_type indexCount: index_count indexType: index_type indexBuffer: index_buffer indexBufferOffset: index_buffer_offset ] } } pub fn draw_indexed_primitives_instanced( &self, primitive_type: MTLPrimitiveType, index_count: NSUInteger, index_type: MTLIndexType, index_buffer: &BufferRef, index_buffer_offset: NSUInteger, instance_count: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, drawIndexedPrimitives: primitive_type indexCount: index_count indexType: index_type indexBuffer: index_buffer indexBufferOffset: index_buffer_offset instanceCount: instance_count ] } } pub fn draw_indexed_primitives_instanced_base_instance( &self, primitive_type: MTLPrimitiveType, index_count: NSUInteger, index_type: MTLIndexType, index_buffer: &BufferRef, index_buffer_offset: NSUInteger, instance_count: NSUInteger, base_vertex: NSInteger, base_instance: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, drawIndexedPrimitives: primitive_type indexCount: index_count indexType: index_type indexBuffer: index_buffer indexBufferOffset: index_buffer_offset instanceCount: instance_count baseVertex: base_vertex baseInstance: base_instance ] } } pub fn draw_indexed_primitives_indirect( &self, primitive_type: MTLPrimitiveType, index_type: MTLIndexType, index_buffer: &BufferRef, index_buffer_offset: NSUInteger, indirect_buffer: &BufferRef, indirect_buffer_offset: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, drawIndexedPrimitives: primitive_type indexType: index_type indexBuffer: index_buffer indexBufferOffset: index_buffer_offset indirectBuffer: indirect_buffer indirectBufferOffset: indirect_buffer_offset ] } } // TODO: more draws // fn setVertexBufferOffset_atIndex(self, offset: NSUInteger, index: NSUInteger); // fn setVertexBuffers_offsets_withRange(self, buffers: *const id, offsets: *const NSUInteger, range: NSRange); // fn setVertexSamplerStates_lodMinClamps_lodMaxClamps_withRange(self, samplers: *const id, lodMinClamps: *const f32, lodMaxClamps: *const f32, range: NSRange); pub fn use_resource(&self, resource: &ResourceRef, usage: MTLResourceUsage) { unsafe { msg_send![self, useResource:resource usage:usage] } } pub fn use_heap(&self, heap: &HeapRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, useHeap: heap] } } } pub enum MTLBlitCommandEncoder {} foreign_obj_type! { type CType = MTLBlitCommandEncoder; pub struct BlitCommandEncoder; pub struct BlitCommandEncoderRef; type ParentType = CommandEncoderRef; } impl BlitCommandEncoderRef { pub fn synchronize_resource(&self, resource: &ResourceRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, synchronizeResource: resource] } } pub fn fill_buffer(&self, destination_buffer: &BufferRef, range: NSRange, value: u8) { unsafe { msg_send![self, fillBuffer: destination_buffer range: range value: value ] } } pub fn copy_from_buffer( &self, source_buffer: &BufferRef, source_offset: NSUInteger, destination_buffer: &BufferRef, destination_offset: NSUInteger, size: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, copyFromBuffer: source_buffer sourceOffset: source_offset toBuffer: destination_buffer destinationOffset: destination_offset size: size ] } } pub fn copy_from_texture( &self, source_texture: &TextureRef, source_slice: NSUInteger, source_level: NSUInteger, source_origin: MTLOrigin, source_size: MTLSize, destination_texture: &TextureRef, destination_slice: NSUInteger, destination_level: NSUInteger, destination_origin: MTLOrigin, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, copyFromTexture: source_texture sourceSlice: source_slice sourceLevel: source_level sourceOrigin: source_origin sourceSize: source_size toTexture: destination_texture destinationSlice: destination_slice destinationLevel: destination_level destinationOrigin: destination_origin ] } } pub fn copy_from_buffer_to_texture( &self, source_buffer: &BufferRef, source_offset: NSUInteger, source_bytes_per_row: NSUInteger, source_bytes_per_image: NSUInteger, source_size: MTLSize, destination_texture: &TextureRef, destination_slice: NSUInteger, destination_level: NSUInteger, destination_origin: MTLOrigin, options: MTLBlitOption, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, copyFromBuffer: source_buffer sourceOffset: source_offset sourceBytesPerRow: source_bytes_per_row sourceBytesPerImage: source_bytes_per_image sourceSize: source_size toTexture: destination_texture destinationSlice: destination_slice destinationLevel: destination_level destinationOrigin: destination_origin options: options ] } } pub fn copy_from_texture_to_buffer( &self, source_texture: &TextureRef, source_slice: NSUInteger, source_level: NSUInteger, source_origin: MTLOrigin, source_size: MTLSize, destination_buffer: &BufferRef, destination_offset: NSUInteger, destination_bytes_per_row: NSUInteger, destination_bytes_per_image: NSUInteger, options: MTLBlitOption, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, copyFromTexture: source_texture sourceSlice: source_slice sourceLevel: source_level sourceOrigin: source_origin sourceSize: source_size toBuffer: destination_buffer destinationOffset: destination_offset destinationBytesPerRow: destination_bytes_per_row destinationBytesPerImage: destination_bytes_per_image options: options ] } } pub fn optimize_contents_for_gpu_access(&self, texture: &TextureRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, optimizeContentsForGPUAccess: texture] } } pub fn optimize_contents_for_gpu_access_slice_level( &self, texture: &TextureRef, slice: NSUInteger, level: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, optimizeContentsForGPUAccess: texture slice: slice level: level ] } } pub fn optimize_contents_for_cpu_access(&self, texture: &TextureRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, optimizeContentsForCPUAccess: texture] } } pub fn optimize_contents_for_cpu_access_slice_level( &self, texture: &TextureRef, slice: NSUInteger, level: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, optimizeContentsForCPUAccess: texture slice: slice level: level ] } } } pub enum MTLComputeCommandEncoder {} foreign_obj_type! { type CType = MTLComputeCommandEncoder; pub struct ComputeCommandEncoder; pub struct ComputeCommandEncoderRef; type ParentType = CommandEncoderRef; } impl ComputeCommandEncoderRef { pub fn set_compute_pipeline_state(&self, state: &ComputePipelineStateRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setComputePipelineState: state] } } pub fn set_buffer(&self, index: NSUInteger, buffer: Option<&BufferRef>, offset: NSUInteger) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setBuffer:buffer offset:offset atIndex:index] } } pub fn set_buffers( &self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[Option<&BufferRef>], offsets: &[NSUInteger], ) { debug_assert_eq!(offsets.len(), data.len()); unsafe { msg_send![self, setBuffers: data.as_ptr() offsets: offsets.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_texture(&self, index: NSUInteger, texture: Option<&TextureRef>) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setTexture:texture atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_textures(&self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[Option<&TextureRef>]) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setTextures: data.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_sampler_state(&self, index: NSUInteger, sampler: Option<&SamplerStateRef>) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setSamplerState:sampler atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_sampler_states(&self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[Option<&SamplerStateRef>]) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setSamplerStates: data.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_sampler_state_with_lod( &self, index: NSUInteger, sampler: Option<&SamplerStateRef>, lod_clamp: Range, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setSamplerState:sampler lodMinClamp:lod_clamp.start lodMaxClamp:lod_clamp.end atIndex:index ] } } pub fn set_bytes(&self, index: NSUInteger, length: NSUInteger, bytes: *const std::ffi::c_void) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setBytes: bytes length: length atIndex: index ] } } pub fn dispatch_thread_groups( &self, thread_groups_count: MTLSize, threads_per_thread_group: MTLSize, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, dispatchThreadgroups:thread_groups_count threadsPerThreadgroup:threads_per_thread_group ] } } pub fn dispatch_thread_groups_indirect( &self, buffer: &BufferRef, offset: NSUInteger, threads_per_thread_group: MTLSize, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, dispatchThreadgroupsWithIndirectBuffer:buffer indirectBufferOffset:offset threadsPerThreadgroup:threads_per_thread_group ] } } pub fn use_resource(&self, resource: &ResourceRef, usage: MTLResourceUsage) { unsafe { msg_send![self, useResource:resource usage:usage ] } } pub fn use_heap(&self, heap: &HeapRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, useHeap: heap] } } } pub enum MTLArgumentEncoder {} foreign_obj_type! { type CType = MTLArgumentEncoder; pub struct ArgumentEncoder; pub struct ArgumentEncoderRef; } impl ArgumentEncoderRef { pub fn encoded_length(&self) -> NSUInteger { unsafe { msg_send![self, encodedLength] } } pub fn alignment(&self) -> NSUInteger { unsafe { msg_send![self, alignment] } } pub fn set_argument_buffer(&self, buffer: &BufferRef, offset: NSUInteger) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setArgumentBuffer: buffer offset: offset ] } } pub fn set_argument_buffer_to_element( &self, array_element: NSUInteger, buffer: &BufferRef, offset: NSUInteger, ) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setArgumentBuffer: buffer startOffset: offset arrayElement: array_element ] } } pub fn set_buffer(&self, at_index: NSUInteger, buffer: &BufferRef, offset: NSUInteger) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setBuffer: buffer offset: offset atIndex: at_index ] } } pub fn set_buffers( &self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[&BufferRef], offsets: &[NSUInteger], ) { assert_eq!(offsets.len(), data.len()); unsafe { msg_send![self, setBuffers: data.as_ptr() offsets: offsets.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_texture(&self, at_index: NSUInteger, texture: &TextureRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setTexture: texture atIndex: at_index ] } } pub fn set_textures(&self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[&TextureRef]) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setTextures: data.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn set_sampler_state(&self, at_index: NSUInteger, sampler_state: &SamplerStateRef) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setSamplerState: sampler_state atIndex: at_index ] } } pub fn set_sampler_states(&self, start_index: NSUInteger, data: &[&SamplerStateRef]) { unsafe { msg_send![self, setSamplerStates: data.as_ptr() withRange: NSRange { location: start_index, length: data.len() as _, } ] } } pub fn constant_data(&self, at_index: NSUInteger) -> *mut std::ffi::c_void { unsafe { msg_send![self, constantDataAtIndex: at_index] } } pub fn new_argument_encoder_for_buffer(&self, index: NSUInteger) -> ArgumentEncoder { unsafe { let ptr = msg_send![self, newArgumentEncoderForBufferAtIndex: index]; ArgumentEncoder::from_ptr(ptr) } } }