use std::cmp; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io; use std::os::unix::net; use std::os::unix::prelude::*; use std::path::Path; use std::net::Shutdown; use iovec::IoVec; use iovec::unix as iovec; use libc; use mio::event::Evented; use mio::unix::EventedFd; use mio::{Poll, Token, Ready, PollOpt}; use cvt; use socket::{sockaddr_un, Socket}; /// A Unix stream socket. /// /// This type represents a `SOCK_STREAM` connection of the `AF_UNIX` family, /// otherwise known as Unix domain sockets or Unix sockets. This stream is /// readable/writable and acts similarly to a TCP stream where reads/writes are /// all in order with respect to the other connected end. /// /// Streams can either be connected to paths locally or another ephemeral socket /// created by the `pair` function. /// /// A `UnixStream` implements the `Read`, `Write`, `Evented`, `AsRawFd`, /// `IntoRawFd`, and `FromRawFd` traits for interoperating with other I/O code. /// /// Note that all values of this type are typically in nonblocking mode, so the /// `read` and `write` methods may return an error with the kind of /// `WouldBlock`, indicating that it's not ready to read/write just yet. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UnixStream { inner: net::UnixStream, } impl UnixStream { /// Connects to the socket named by `path`. /// /// The socket returned may not be readable and/or writable yet, as the /// connection may be in progress. The socket should be registered with an /// event loop to wait on both of these properties being available. pub fn connect>(p: P) -> io::Result { UnixStream::_connect(p.as_ref()) } fn _connect(path: &Path) -> io::Result { unsafe { let (addr, len) = try!(sockaddr_un(path)); let socket = try!(Socket::new(libc::SOCK_STREAM)); let addr = &addr as *const _ as *const _; match cvt(libc::connect(socket.fd(), addr, len)) { Ok(_) => {} Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {} Err(e) => return Err(e), } Ok(UnixStream::from_raw_fd(socket.into_fd())) } } /// Consumes a standard library `UnixStream` and returns a wrapped /// `UnixStream` compatible with mio. /// /// The returned stream is moved into nonblocking mode and is otherwise /// ready to get associated with an event loop. pub fn from_stream(stream: net::UnixStream) -> io::Result { try!(stream.set_nonblocking(true)); Ok(UnixStream { inner: stream }) } /// Creates an unnamed pair of connected sockets. /// /// Returns two `UnixStream`s which are connected to each other. pub fn pair() -> io::Result<(UnixStream, UnixStream)> { Socket::pair(libc::SOCK_STREAM).map(|(a, b)| unsafe { (UnixStream::from_raw_fd(a.into_fd()), UnixStream::from_raw_fd(b.into_fd())) }) } /// Creates a new independently owned handle to the underlying socket. /// /// The returned `UnixStream` is a reference to the same stream that this /// object references. Both handles will read and write the same stream of /// data, and options set on one stream will be propogated to the other /// stream. pub fn try_clone(&self) -> io::Result { self.inner.try_clone().map(|s| { UnixStream { inner: s } }) } /// Returns the socket address of the local half of this connection. pub fn local_addr(&self) -> io::Result { self.inner.local_addr() } /// Returns the socket address of the remote half of this connection. pub fn peer_addr(&self) -> io::Result { self.inner.peer_addr() } /// Returns the value of the `SO_ERROR` option. pub fn take_error(&self) -> io::Result> { self.inner.take_error() } /// Shuts down the read, write, or both halves of this connection. /// /// This function will cause all pending and future I/O calls on the /// specified portions to immediately return with an appropriate value /// (see the documentation of `Shutdown`). pub fn shutdown(&self, how: Shutdown) -> io::Result<()> { self.inner.shutdown(how) } /// Read in a list of buffers all at once. /// /// This operation will attempt to read bytes from this socket and place /// them into the list of buffers provided. Note that each buffer is an /// `IoVec` which can be created from a byte slice. /// /// The buffers provided will be filled in sequentially. A buffer will be /// entirely filled up before the next is written to. /// /// The number of bytes read is returned, if successful, or an error is /// returned otherwise. If no bytes are available to be read yet then /// a "would block" error is returned. This operation does not block. pub fn read_bufs(&self, bufs: &mut [&mut IoVec]) -> io::Result { unsafe { let slice = iovec::as_os_slice_mut(bufs); let len = cmp::min(::max_value() as usize, slice.len()); let rc = libc::readv(self.inner.as_raw_fd(), slice.as_ptr(), len as libc::c_int); if rc < 0 { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(rc as usize) } } } /// Write a list of buffers all at once. /// /// This operation will attempt to write a list of byte buffers to this /// socket. Note that each buffer is an `IoVec` which can be created from a /// byte slice. /// /// The buffers provided will be written sequentially. A buffer will be /// entirely written before the next is written. /// /// The number of bytes written is returned, if successful, or an error is /// returned otherwise. If the socket is not currently writable then a /// "would block" error is returned. This operation does not block. pub fn write_bufs(&self, bufs: &[&IoVec]) -> io::Result { unsafe { let slice = iovec::as_os_slice(bufs); let len = cmp::min(::max_value() as usize, slice.len()); let rc = libc::writev(self.inner.as_raw_fd(), slice.as_ptr(), len as libc::c_int); if rc < 0 { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(rc as usize) } } } } impl Evented for UnixStream { fn register(&self, poll: &Poll, token: Token, events: Ready, opts: PollOpt) -> io::Result<()> { EventedFd(&self.as_raw_fd()).register(poll, token, events, opts) } fn reregister(&self, poll: &Poll, token: Token, events: Ready, opts: PollOpt) -> io::Result<()> { EventedFd(&self.as_raw_fd()).reregister(poll, token, events, opts) } fn deregister(&self, poll: &Poll) -> io::Result<()> { EventedFd(&self.as_raw_fd()).deregister(poll) } } impl Read for UnixStream { fn read(&mut self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { } } impl<'a> Read for &'a UnixStream { fn read(&mut self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { (&self.inner).read(bytes) } } impl Write for UnixStream { fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.inner.write(bytes) } fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { self.inner.flush() } } impl<'a> Write for &'a UnixStream { fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> io::Result { (&self.inner).write(bytes) } fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { (&self.inner).flush() } } impl AsRawFd for UnixStream { fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> i32 { self.inner.as_raw_fd() } } impl IntoRawFd for UnixStream { fn into_raw_fd(self) -> i32 { self.inner.into_raw_fd() } } impl FromRawFd for UnixStream { unsafe fn from_raw_fd(fd: i32) -> UnixStream { UnixStream { inner: net::UnixStream::from_raw_fd(fd) } } }