//! bit level parsers //! use crate::error::{ErrorKind, ParseError}; use crate::internal::{Err, IResult, Needed}; use crate::lib::std::ops::{AddAssign, RangeFrom, Shl, Shr, Div}; use crate::traits::{InputIter, InputLength, Slice, ToUsize}; /// generates a parser taking `count` bits pub fn take<I, O, C, E: ParseError<(I, usize)>>(count: C) -> impl Fn((I, usize)) -> IResult<(I, usize), O, E> where I: Slice<RangeFrom<usize>> + InputIter<Item = u8> + InputLength, C: ToUsize, O: From<u8> + AddAssign + Shl<usize, Output = O> + Shr<usize, Output = O>, { let count = count.to_usize(); move |(input, bit_offset): (I, usize)| { if count == 0 { Ok(((input, bit_offset), 0u8.into())) } else { let cnt = (count + bit_offset).div(8); if input.input_len() * 8 < count + bit_offset { Err(Err::Incomplete(Needed::Size(count as usize))) } else { let mut acc:O = (0 as u8).into(); let mut offset: usize = bit_offset; let mut remaining: usize = count; let mut end_offset: usize = 0; for byte in input.iter_elements().take(cnt + 1) { if remaining == 0 { break; } let val: O = if offset == 0 { byte.into() } else { ((byte << offset) as u8 >> offset).into() }; if remaining < 8 - offset { acc += val >> (8 - offset - remaining); end_offset = remaining + offset; break; } else { acc += val << (remaining - (8 - offset)); remaining -= 8 - offset; offset = 0; } } Ok(( (input.slice(cnt..), end_offset) , acc)) } } } } /// generates a parser taking `count` bits and comparing them to `pattern` pub fn tag<I, O, C, E: ParseError<(I, usize)>>(pattern: O, count: C) -> impl Fn((I, usize)) -> IResult<(I, usize), O, E> where I: Slice<RangeFrom<usize>> + InputIter<Item = u8> + InputLength + Clone, C: ToUsize, O: From<u8> + AddAssign + Shl<usize, Output = O> + Shr<usize, Output = O> + PartialEq, { let count = count.to_usize(); move |input: (I, usize)| { let inp = input.clone(); take(count)(input).and_then(|(i, o)| { if pattern == o { Ok((i, o)) } else { Err(Err::Error(error_position!(inp, ErrorKind::TagBits))) } }) } }