use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream}; use quote::quote; use syn::{ parse::{Parse, ParseStream}, *, }; use crate::utils::{SliceExt, CURRENT_PRIVATE_MODULE}; use super::PIN; // To generate the correct `Unpin` implementation and the projection methods, // we need to collect the types of the pinned fields. // However, since proc-macro-attribute is applied before `#[cfg]` and `#[cfg_attr]` on fields, // we cannot be collecting field types properly at this timing. // So instead of generating the `Unpin` implementation and the projection methods here, // delegate their processing to proc-macro-derive. // // At this stage, only attributes are parsed and the following attributes are // added to the attributes of the item. // * `#[derive(InternalDerive)]` - An internal helper macro that does the above processing. // * `#[pin(#private(#args))]` - Pass the argument of `#[pin_project]` to proc-macro-derive (`InternalDerive`). pub(super) fn parse_attribute(args: &TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> Result { let Input { mut attrs, body } = syn::parse2(input)?; let private = Ident::new(CURRENT_PRIVATE_MODULE, Span::call_site()); attrs.push(syn::parse_quote! { #[derive(::pin_project::#private::__PinProjectInternalDerive)] }); // Use `#private` to prevent users from trying to control `InternalDerive` manually. // `#private` does not guarantee compatibility between patch versions, // so it should be sufficient for this purpose in most cases. attrs.push(syn::parse_quote! { #[pin(#private(#args))] }); Ok(quote! { #(#attrs)* #body }) } #[allow(dead_code)] // struct Input { attrs: Vec, body: TokenStream, } impl Parse for Input { fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result { let attrs =; let ahead = input.fork(); let _vis: Visibility = ahead.parse()?; if !ahead.peek(Token![struct]) && !ahead.peek(Token![enum]) { // If we check this only on proc-macro-derive, it may generate unhelpful error messages. // So it is preferable to be able to detect it here. Err(error!( input.parse::()?, "#[pin_project] attribute may only be used on structs or enums" )) } else if let Some(attr) = attrs.find(PIN) { Err(error!(attr, "#[pin] attribute may only be used on fields of structs or variants")) } else if let Some(attr) = attrs.find("pin_project") { Err(error!(attr, "only one #[pin_project] attribute is allowed")) } else { Ok(Self { attrs, body: input.parse()? }) } } }