#![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] extern crate getopts; extern crate glob; extern crate png; use std::io; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::path::Path; use std::fs::File; use std::env; use getopts::{Matches, Options, ParsingStyle}; use term::{color, Attr}; fn parse_args() -> Matches { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let mut opts = Options::new(); opts.optflag("c", "", "colorize output (for ANSI terminals)") .optflag("q", "", "test quietly (output only errors)") //.optflag("t", "", "print contents of tEXt chunks (can be used with -q)"); .optflag("v", "", "test verbosely (print most chunk data)") .parsing_style(ParsingStyle::StopAtFirstFree); if args.len() > 1 { match opts.parse(&args[1..]) { Ok(matches) => return matches, Err(err) => println!("{}", err) } } println!("{}", opts.usage(&format!("Usage: pngcheck [-cpt] [file ...]"))); std::process::exit(0); } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct Config { quiet: bool, verbose: bool, color: bool } fn display_interlaced(i: bool) -> &'static str { if i { "interlaced" } else { "non-interlaced" } } fn display_image_type(bits: u8, color: png::ColorType) -> String { use png::ColorType::*; format!( "{}-bit {}", bits, match color { Grayscale => "grayscale", RGB => "RGB", Indexed => "palette", GrayscaleAlpha => "grayscale+alpha", RGBA => "RGB+alpha" } ) } // channels after expansion of tRNS fn final_channels(c: png::ColorType, trns: bool) -> u8 { use png::ColorType::*; match c { Grayscale => 1 + if trns { 1 } else { 0 }, RGB => 3, Indexed => 3 + if trns { 1 } else { 0 }, GrayscaleAlpha => 2, RGBA => 4 } } fn check_image>(c: Config, fname: P) -> io::Result<()> { // TODO improve performance by resusing allocations from decoder use png::Decoded::*; let mut t = term::stdout().ok_or(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "could not open terminal" ))?; let mut data = vec![0; 10*1024]; let data_p = data.as_mut_ptr(); let mut reader = io::BufReader::new(File::open(&fname)?); let fname = fname.as_ref().to_string_lossy(); let n = reader.read(&mut data)?; let mut buf = &data[..n]; let mut pos = 0; let mut decoder = png::StreamingDecoder::new(); // Image data let mut width = 0; let mut height = 0; let mut color = png::ColorType::Grayscale; let mut bits = 0; let mut trns = false; let mut interlaced = false; let mut compressed_size = 0; let mut n_chunks = 0; let mut have_idat = false; macro_rules! c_ratio( // TODO add palette entries to compressed_size () => ({ compressed_size as f32/( height as u64 * (width as u64 * final_channels(color, trns) as u64 * bits as u64 + 7)>>3 ) as f32 }); ); let display_error = |err| -> Result<_, io::Error> { let mut t = term::stdout().ok_or(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "could not open terminal" ))?; if c.verbose { if c.color { print!(": "); t.fg(color::RED)?; writeln!(t, "{}", err)?; t.attr(Attr::Bold)?; write!(t, "ERRORS DETECTED")?; t.reset()?; } else { println!(": {}", err); print!("ERRORS DETECTED") } println!(" in {}", fname); } else { if !c.quiet { if c.color { t.fg(color::RED)?; t.attr(Attr::Bold)?; write!(t, "ERROR")?; t.reset()?; write!(t, ": ")?; t.fg(color::YELLOW)?; writeln!(t, "{}", fname)?; t.reset()?; } else { println!("ERROR: {}", fname) }} print!("{}: ", fname); if c.color { t.fg(color::RED)?; writeln!(t, "{}", err)?; t.reset()?; } else { println!("{}", err); } } Ok(()) }; if c.verbose { print!("File: "); if c.color { t.attr(Attr::Bold)?; write!(t, "{}", fname)?; t.reset()?; } else { print!("{}", fname); } print!(" ({}) bytes", data.len()) } loop { if buf.len() == 0 { // circumvent borrow checker assert!(!data.is_empty()); let n = reader.read(unsafe { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(data_p, data.len()) })?; // EOF if n == 0 { println!("ERROR: premature end of file {}", fname); break; } buf = &data[..n]; } match decoder.update(buf, &mut Vec::new()) { Ok((_, ImageEnd)) => { if !have_idat { display_error(png::DecodingError::Format("IDAT chunk missing".into()))?; break; } if !c.verbose && !c.quiet { if c.color { t.fg(color::GREEN)?; t.attr(Attr::Bold)?; write!(t, "OK")?; t.reset()?; write!(t, ": ")?; t.fg(color::YELLOW)?; write!(t, "{}", fname)?; t.reset()?; } else { print!("OK: {}", fname) } println!( " ({}x{}, {}{}, {}, {:.1}%)", width, height, display_image_type(bits, color), (if trns { "+trns" } else { "" }), display_interlaced(interlaced), 100.0*(1.0-c_ratio!()) ) } else if !c.quiet { println!(""); if c.color { t.fg(color::GREEN)?; t.attr(Attr::Bold)?; write!(t, "No errors detected ")?; t.reset()?; } else { print!("No errors detected "); } println!( "in {} ({} chunks, {:.1}% compression)", fname, n_chunks, 100.0*(1.0-c_ratio!()) ) } break }, Ok((n, res)) => { buf = &buf[n..]; pos += n; match res { Header(w, h, b, c, i) => { width = w; height = h; bits = b as u8; color = c; interlaced = i; } ChunkBegin(len, type_str) => { use png::chunk; n_chunks += 1; if c.verbose { let chunk = String::from_utf8_lossy(&type_str); println!(""); print!(" chunk "); if c.color { t.fg(color::YELLOW)?; write!(t, "{}", chunk)?; t.reset()?; } else { print!("{}", chunk) } print!( " at offset {:#07x}, length {}", pos - 4, // substract chunk name length len ) } match type_str { chunk::IDAT => { have_idat = true; compressed_size += len }, chunk::tRNS => { trns = true; }, _ => () } } ImageData => { //println!("got {} bytes of image data", data.len()) } ChunkComplete(_, type_str) if c.verbose => { use png::chunk::*; match type_str { IHDR => { println!(""); print!( " {} x {} image, {}{}, {}", width, height, display_image_type(bits, color), (if trns { "+trns" } else { "" }), display_interlaced(interlaced), ); } _ => () } } AnimationControl(actl) => { println!(""); print!( " {} frames, {} plays", actl.num_frames, actl.num_plays, ); } FrameControl(fctl) => { println!(""); println!( " sequence #{}, {} x {} pixels @ ({}, {})", fctl.sequence_number, fctl.width, fctl.height, fctl.x_offset, fctl.y_offset, /*fctl.delay_num, fctl.delay_den, fctl.dispose_op, fctl.blend_op,*/ ); print!( " {}/{} s delay, dispose: {}, blend: {}", fctl.delay_num, if fctl.delay_den == 0 { 100 } else {fctl.delay_den}, fctl.dispose_op, fctl.blend_op, ); } _ => () } //println!("{} {:?}", n, res) }, Err(err) => { let _ = display_error(err); break } } } Ok(()) } fn main() { let m = parse_args(); let config = Config { quiet: m.opt_present("q"), verbose: m.opt_present("v"), color: m.opt_present("c") }; for file in m.free { let result = if file.contains("*") { glob::glob(&file).map_err(|err| { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err) }).and_then(|mut glob| glob.try_for_each(|entry| { entry.map_err(|err| { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err) }).and_then(|file| { check_image(config, file) }) })) } else { check_image(config, &file) }; result.unwrap_or_else(|err| { println!("{}: {}", file, err); std::process::exit(1) }); } }