use crate::Error;
use num_traits::{FromPrimitive, Num, One, Signed, ToPrimitive, Zero};
#[cfg(feature = "diesel")]
use diesel::sql_types::Numeric;
use std::{
cmp::{Ordering::Equal, *},
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
iter::{repeat, Sum},
ops::{Add, AddAssign, Div, DivAssign, Mul, MulAssign, Neg, Rem, RemAssign, Sub, SubAssign},
// Sign mask for the flags field. A value of zero in this bit indicates a
// positive Decimal value, and a value of one in this bit indicates a
// negative Decimal value.
const SIGN_MASK: u32 = 0x8000_0000;
const UNSIGN_MASK: u32 = 0x4FFF_FFFF;
// Scale mask for the flags field. This byte in the flags field contains
// the power of 10 to divide the Decimal value by. The scale byte must
// contain a value between 0 and 28 inclusive.
const SCALE_MASK: u32 = 0x00FF_0000;
const U8_MASK: u32 = 0x0000_00FF;
const U32_MASK: u64 = 0xFFFF_FFFF;
// Number of bits scale is shifted by.
const SCALE_SHIFT: u32 = 16;
// Number of bits sign is shifted by.
const SIGN_SHIFT: u32 = 31;
// The maximum supported precision
pub(crate) const MAX_PRECISION: u32 = 28;
// 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335
const MAX_I128_REPR: i128 = 0x0000_0000_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF;
static ONE_INTERNAL_REPR: [u32; 3] = [1, 0, 0];
const MIN: Decimal = Decimal {
flags: 2_147_483_648,
lo: 4_294_967_295,
mid: 4_294_967_295,
hi: 4_294_967_295,
const MAX: Decimal = Decimal {
flags: 0,
lo: 4_294_967_295,
mid: 4_294_967_295,
hi: 4_294_967_295,
// Fast access for 10^n where n is 0-9
static POWERS_10: [u32; 10] = [
// Fast access for 10^n where n is 10-19
static BIG_POWERS_10: [u64; 10] = [
/// `UnpackedDecimal` contains unpacked representation of `Decimal` where each component
/// of decimal-format stored in it's own field
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct UnpackedDecimal {
pub is_negative: bool,
pub scale: u32,
pub hi: u32,
pub mid: u32,
pub lo: u32,
/// `Decimal` represents a 128 bit representation of a fixed-precision decimal number.
/// The finite set of values of type `Decimal` are of the form m / 10e,
/// where m is an integer such that -296 < m < 296, and e is an integer
/// between 0 and 28 inclusive.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "diesel", derive(FromSqlRow, AsExpression), sql_type = "Numeric")]
pub struct Decimal {
// Bits 0-15: unused
// Bits 16-23: Contains "e", a value between 0-28 that indicates the scale
// Bits 24-30: unused
// Bit 31: the sign of the Decimal value, 0 meaning positive and 1 meaning negative.
flags: u32,
// The lo, mid, hi, and flags fields contain the representation of the
// Decimal value as a 96-bit integer.
hi: u32,
lo: u32,
mid: u32,
/// `RoundingStrategy` represents the different strategies that can be used by
/// `round_dp_with_strategy`.
/// `RoundingStrategy::BankersRounding` - Rounds toward the nearest even number, e.g. 6.5 -> 6, 7.5 -> 8
/// `RoundingStrategy::RoundHalfUp` - Rounds up if the value >= 5, otherwise rounds down, e.g. 6.5 -> 7,
/// `RoundingStrategy::RoundHalfDown` - Rounds down if the value =< 5, otherwise rounds up, e.g.
/// 6.5 -> 6, 6.51 -> 7
/// 1.4999999 -> 1
/// `RoundingStrategy::RoundDown` - Always round down.
/// `RoundingStrategy::RoundUp` - Always round up.
pub enum RoundingStrategy {
impl Decimal {
/// Returns a `Decimal` with a 64 bit `m` representation and corresponding `e` scale.
/// # Arguments
/// * `num` - An i64 that represents the `m` portion of the decimal number
/// * `scale` - A u32 representing the `e` portion of the decimal number.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let pi = Decimal::new(3141, 3);
/// assert_eq!(pi.to_string(), "3.141");
/// ```
pub fn new(num: i64, scale: u32) -> Decimal {
if scale > MAX_PRECISION {
"Scale exceeds the maximum precision allowed: {} > {}",
let flags: u32 = scale << SCALE_SHIFT;
if num < 0 {
let pos_num = num.wrapping_neg() as u64;
return Decimal {
flags: flags | SIGN_MASK,
hi: 0,
lo: (pos_num & U32_MASK) as u32,
mid: ((pos_num >> 32) & U32_MASK) as u32,
Decimal {
hi: 0,
lo: (num as u64 & U32_MASK) as u32,
mid: ((num as u64 >> 32) & U32_MASK) as u32,
/// Creates a `Decimal` using a 128 bit signed `m` representation and corresponding `e` scale.
/// # Arguments
/// * `num` - An i128 that represents the `m` portion of the decimal number
/// * `scale` - A u32 representing the `e` portion of the decimal number.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let pi = Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(3141i128, 3);
/// assert_eq!(pi.to_string(), "3.141");
/// ```
pub fn from_i128_with_scale(num: i128, scale: u32) -> Decimal {
if scale > MAX_PRECISION {
"Scale exceeds the maximum precision allowed: {} > {}",
let mut neg = false;
let mut wrapped = num;
if num > MAX_I128_REPR {
panic!("Number exceeds maximum value that can be represented");
} else if num < -MAX_I128_REPR {
panic!("Number less than minimum value that can be represented");
} else if num < 0 {
neg = true;
wrapped = -num;
let flags: u32 = flags(neg, scale);
Decimal {
lo: (wrapped as u64 & U32_MASK) as u32,
mid: ((wrapped as u64 >> 32) & U32_MASK) as u32,
hi: ((wrapped as u128 >> 64) as u64 & U32_MASK) as u32,
/// Returns a `Decimal` using the instances constituent parts.
/// # Arguments
/// * `lo` - The low 32 bits of a 96-bit integer.
/// * `mid` - The middle 32 bits of a 96-bit integer.
/// * `hi` - The high 32 bits of a 96-bit integer.
/// * `negative` - `true` to indicate a negative number.
/// * `scale` - A power of 10 ranging from 0 to 28.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let pi = Decimal::from_parts(1102470952, 185874565, 1703060790, false, 28);
/// assert_eq!(pi.to_string(), "3.1415926535897932384626433832");
/// ```
pub const fn from_parts(lo: u32, mid: u32, hi: u32, negative: bool, scale: u32) -> Decimal {
Decimal {
flags: flags(negative, scale),
/// Returns a `Result` which if successful contains the `Decimal` constitution of
/// the scientific notation provided by `value`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `value` - The scientific notation of the `Decimal`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let value = Decimal::from_scientific("9.7e-7").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(value.to_string(), "0.00000097");
/// ```
pub fn from_scientific(value: &str) -> Result {
let err = Error::new("Failed to parse");
let mut split = value.splitn(2, |c| c == 'e' || c == 'E');
let base =|| err.clone())?;
let exp =|| err.clone())?;
let mut ret = Decimal::from_str(base)?;
let current_scale = ret.scale();
if exp.starts_with('-') {
let exp: u32 = exp[1..].parse().map_err(move |_| err)?;
ret.set_scale(current_scale + exp)?;
} else {
let exp: u32 = exp.parse().map_err(move |_| err)?;
if exp <= current_scale {
ret.set_scale(current_scale - exp)?;
} else {
ret *= Decimal::from_i64(10_i64.pow(exp)).unwrap();
ret = ret.normalize();
/// Returns the scale of the decimal number, otherwise known as `e`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let num = Decimal::new(1234, 3);
/// assert_eq!(num.scale(), 3u32);
/// ```
pub const fn scale(&self) -> u32 {
((self.flags & SCALE_MASK) >> SCALE_SHIFT) as u32
/// An optimized method for changing the sign of a decimal number.
/// # Arguments
/// * `positive`: true if the resulting decimal should be positive.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let mut one = Decimal::new(1, 0);
/// one.set_sign(false);
/// assert_eq!(one.to_string(), "-1");
/// ```
#[deprecated(since = "1.4.0", note = "please use `set_sign_positive` instead")]
pub fn set_sign(&mut self, positive: bool) {
/// An optimized method for changing the sign of a decimal number.
/// # Arguments
/// * `positive`: true if the resulting decimal should be positive.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let mut one = Decimal::new(1, 0);
/// one.set_sign_positive(false);
/// assert_eq!(one.to_string(), "-1");
/// ```
pub fn set_sign_positive(&mut self, positive: bool) {
if positive {
self.flags &= UNSIGN_MASK;
} else {
self.flags |= SIGN_MASK;
/// An optimized method for changing the sign of a decimal number.
/// # Arguments
/// * `negative`: true if the resulting decimal should be negative.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let mut one = Decimal::new(1, 0);
/// one.set_sign_negative(true);
/// assert_eq!(one.to_string(), "-1");
/// ```
pub fn set_sign_negative(&mut self, negative: bool) {
/// An optimized method for changing the scale of a decimal number.
/// # Arguments
/// * `scale`: the new scale of the number
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let mut one = Decimal::new(1, 0);
/// one.set_scale(5);
/// assert_eq!(one.to_string(), "0.00001");
/// ```
pub fn set_scale(&mut self, scale: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
if scale > MAX_PRECISION {
return Err(Error::new("Scale exceeds maximum precision"));
self.flags = (scale << SCALE_SHIFT) | (self.flags & SIGN_MASK);
/// Modifies the `Decimal` to the given scale, attempting to do so without changing the
/// underlying number itself.
/// Note that setting the scale to something less then the current `Decimal`s scale will
/// cause the newly created `Decimal` to have some rounding.
/// Scales greater than the maximum precision supported by `Decimal` will be automatically
/// rounded to `Decimal::MAX_PRECISION`.
/// Rounding leverages the half up strategy.
/// # Arguments
/// * `scale`: The scale to use for the new `Decimal` number.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let mut number = Decimal::new(1_123, 3);
/// number.rescale(6);
/// assert_eq!(number, Decimal::new(1_123_000, 6));
/// let mut round = Decimal::new(145, 2);
/// round.rescale(1);
/// assert_eq!(round, Decimal::new(15, 1));
/// ```
pub fn rescale(&mut self, scale: u32) {
let mut array = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
let mut value_scale = self.scale();
rescale_internal(&mut array, &mut value_scale, scale);
self.lo = array[0];
self.mid = array[1];
self.hi = array[2];
self.flags = flags(self.is_sign_negative(), value_scale);
/// Returns a serialized version of the decimal number.
/// The resulting byte array will have the following representation:
/// * Bytes 1-4: flags
/// * Bytes 5-8: lo portion of `m`
/// * Bytes 9-12: mid portion of `m`
/// * Bytes 13-16: high portion of `m`
pub const fn serialize(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
(self.flags & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.flags >> 8) & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.flags >> 16) & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.flags >> 24) & U8_MASK) as u8,
(self.lo & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.lo >> 8) & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.lo >> 16) & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.lo >> 24) & U8_MASK) as u8,
(self.mid & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.mid >> 8) & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.mid >> 16) & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.mid >> 24) & U8_MASK) as u8,
(self.hi & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.hi >> 8) & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.hi >> 16) & U8_MASK) as u8,
((self.hi >> 24) & U8_MASK) as u8,
/// Deserializes the given bytes into a decimal number.
/// The deserialized byte representation must be 16 bytes and adhere to the followign convention:
/// * Bytes 1-4: flags
/// * Bytes 5-8: lo portion of `m`
/// * Bytes 9-12: mid portion of `m`
/// * Bytes 13-16: high portion of `m`
pub const fn deserialize(bytes: [u8; 16]) -> Decimal {
Decimal {
flags: (bytes[0] as u32) | (bytes[1] as u32) << 8 | (bytes[2] as u32) << 16 | (bytes[3] as u32) << 24,
lo: (bytes[4] as u32) | (bytes[5] as u32) << 8 | (bytes[6] as u32) << 16 | (bytes[7] as u32) << 24,
mid: (bytes[8] as u32) | (bytes[9] as u32) << 8 | (bytes[10] as u32) << 16 | (bytes[11] as u32) << 24,
hi: (bytes[12] as u32) | (bytes[13] as u32) << 8 | (bytes[14] as u32) << 16 | (bytes[15] as u32) << 24,
/// Returns `true` if the decimal is negative.
#[deprecated(since = "0.6.3", note = "please use `is_sign_negative` instead")]
pub fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if the decimal is positive.
#[deprecated(since = "0.6.3", note = "please use `is_sign_positive` instead")]
pub fn is_positive(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if the sign bit of the decimal is negative.
pub const fn is_sign_negative(&self) -> bool {
self.flags & SIGN_MASK > 0
/// Returns `true` if the sign bit of the decimal is positive.
pub const fn is_sign_positive(&self) -> bool {
self.flags & SIGN_MASK == 0
/// Returns the minimum possible number that `Decimal` can represent.
pub const fn min_value() -> Decimal {
/// Returns the maximum possible number that `Decimal` can represent.
pub const fn max_value() -> Decimal {
/// Returns a new `Decimal` integral with no fractional portion.
/// This is a true truncation whereby no rounding is performed.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let pi = Decimal::new(3141, 3);
/// let trunc = Decimal::new(3, 0);
/// // note that it returns a decimal
/// assert_eq!(pi.trunc(), trunc);
/// ```
pub fn trunc(&self) -> Decimal {
let mut scale = self.scale();
if scale == 0 {
// Nothing to do
return *self;
let mut working = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
while scale > 0 {
// We're removing precision, so we don't care about overflow
if scale < 10 {
div_by_u32(&mut working, POWERS_10[scale as usize]);
} else {
div_by_u32(&mut working, POWERS_10[9]);
// Only 9 as this array starts with 1
scale -= 9;
Decimal {
lo: working[0],
mid: working[1],
hi: working[2],
flags: flags(self.is_sign_negative(), 0),
/// Returns a new `Decimal` representing the fractional portion of the number.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let pi = Decimal::new(3141, 3);
/// let fract = Decimal::new(141, 3);
/// // note that it returns a decimal
/// assert_eq!(pi.fract(), fract);
/// ```
pub fn fract(&self) -> Decimal {
// This is essentially the original number minus the integral.
// Could possibly be optimized in the future
*self - self.trunc()
/// Computes the absolute value of `self`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let num = Decimal::new(-3141, 3);
/// assert_eq!(num.abs().to_string(), "3.141");
/// ```
pub fn abs(&self) -> Decimal {
let mut me = *self;
/// Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let num = Decimal::new(3641, 3);
/// assert_eq!(num.floor().to_string(), "3");
/// ```
pub fn floor(&self) -> Decimal {
let scale = self.scale();
if scale == 0 {
// Nothing to do
return *self;
// Opportunity for optimization here
let floored = self.trunc();
if self.is_sign_negative() && !self.fract().is_zero() {
floored - Decimal::one()
} else {
/// Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let num = Decimal::new(3141, 3);
/// assert_eq!(num.ceil().to_string(), "4");
/// let num = Decimal::new(3, 0);
/// assert_eq!(num.ceil().to_string(), "3");
/// ```
pub fn ceil(&self) -> Decimal {
let scale = self.scale();
if scale == 0 {
// Nothing to do
return *self;
// Opportunity for optimization here
if self.is_sign_positive() && !self.fract().is_zero() {
self.trunc() + Decimal::one()
} else {
/// Returns the maximum of the two numbers.
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let x = Decimal::new(1, 0);
/// let y = Decimal::new(2, 0);
/// assert_eq!(y, x.max(y));
/// ```
pub fn max(self, other: Decimal) -> Decimal {
if self < other {
return other;
} else {
/// Returns the minimum of the two numbers.
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let x = Decimal::new(1, 0);
/// let y = Decimal::new(2, 0);
/// assert_eq!(x, x.min(y));
/// ```
pub fn min(self, other: Decimal) -> Decimal {
if self > other {
return other;
} else {
/// Strips any trailing zero's from a `Decimal` and converts -0 to 0.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// let number = Decimal::new(3100, 3);
/// // note that it returns a decimal, without the extra scale
/// assert_eq!(number.normalize().to_string(), "3.1");
/// ```
pub fn normalize(&self) -> Decimal {
if self.is_zero() {
// Convert -0, -0.0*, or 0.0* to 0.
return Decimal::zero();
let mut scale = self.scale();
if scale == 0 {
// Nothing to do
return *self;
let mut result = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
let mut working = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
while scale > 0 {
if div_by_u32(&mut working, 10) > 0 {
scale -= 1;
Decimal {
lo: result[0],
mid: result[1],
hi: result[2],
flags: flags(self.is_sign_negative(), scale),
/// Returns a new `Decimal` number with no fractional portion (i.e. an integer).
/// Rounding currently follows "Bankers Rounding" rules. e.g. 6.5 -> 6, 7.5 -> 8
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// // Demonstrating bankers rounding...
/// let number_down = Decimal::new(65, 1);
/// let number_up = Decimal::new(75, 1);
/// assert_eq!(number_down.round().to_string(), "6");
/// assert_eq!(number_up.round().to_string(), "8");
/// ```
pub fn round(&self) -> Decimal {
/// Returns a new `Decimal` number with the specified number of decimal points for fractional
/// portion.
/// Rounding is performed using the provided [`RoundingStrategy`]
/// # Arguments
/// * `dp`: the number of decimal points to round to.
/// * `strategy`: the [`RoundingStrategy`] to use.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::{Decimal, RoundingStrategy};
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// let tax = Decimal::from_str("3.4395").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(tax.round_dp_with_strategy(2, RoundingStrategy::RoundHalfUp).to_string(), "3.44");
/// ```
pub fn round_dp_with_strategy(&self, dp: u32, strategy: RoundingStrategy) -> Decimal {
// Short circuit for zero
if self.is_zero() {
return Decimal {
lo: 0,
mid: 0,
hi: 0,
flags: flags(self.is_sign_negative(), dp),
let old_scale = self.scale();
// return early if decimal has a smaller number of fractional places than dp
// e.g. 2.51 rounded to 3 decimal places is 2.51
if old_scale <= dp {
return *self;
let mut value = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
let mut value_scale = self.scale();
let negative = self.is_sign_negative();
value_scale -= dp;
// Rescale to zero so it's easier to work with
while value_scale > 0 {
if value_scale < 10 {
div_by_u32(&mut value, POWERS_10[value_scale as usize]);
value_scale = 0;
} else {
div_by_u32(&mut value, POWERS_10[9]);
value_scale -= 9;
// Do some midpoint rounding checks
// We're actually doing two things here.
// 1. Figuring out midpoint rounding when we're right on the boundary. e.g. 2.50000
// 2. Figuring out whether to add one or not e.g. 2.51
// For this, we need to figure out the fractional portion that is additional to
// the rounded number. e.g. for 0.12345 rounding to 2dp we'd want 345.
// We're doing the equivalent of losing precision (e.g. to get 0.12)
// then increasing the precision back up to 0.12000
let mut offset = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
let mut diff = old_scale - dp;
while diff > 0 {
if diff < 10 {
div_by_u32(&mut offset, POWERS_10[diff as usize]);
} else {
div_by_u32(&mut offset, POWERS_10[9]);
// Only 9 as this array starts with 1
diff -= 9;
let mut diff = old_scale - dp;
while diff > 0 {
if diff < 10 {
mul_by_u32(&mut offset, POWERS_10[diff as usize]);
} else {
mul_by_u32(&mut offset, POWERS_10[9]);
// Only 9 as this array starts with 1
diff -= 9;
let mut decimal_portion = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
sub_internal(&mut decimal_portion, &offset);
// If the decimal_portion is zero then we round based on the other data
let mut cap = [5, 0, 0];
for _ in 0..(old_scale - dp - 1) {
mul_by_u32(&mut cap, 10);
let order = cmp_internal(&decimal_portion, &cap);
match strategy {
RoundingStrategy::BankersRounding => {
match order {
Ordering::Equal => {
if (value[0] & 1) == 1 {
add_internal(&mut value, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
Ordering::Greater => {
// Doesn't matter about the decimal portion
add_internal(&mut value, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
_ => {}
RoundingStrategy::RoundHalfDown => {
if let Ordering::Greater = order {
add_internal(&mut value, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
RoundingStrategy::RoundHalfUp => {
// when Ordering::Equal, decimal_portion is 0.5 exactly
// when Ordering::Greater, decimal_portion is > 0.5
match order {
Ordering::Equal => {
add_internal(&mut value, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
Ordering::Greater => {
// Doesn't matter about the decimal portion
add_internal(&mut value, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
_ => {}
RoundingStrategy::RoundUp => {
if !is_all_zero(&decimal_portion) {
add_internal(&mut value, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
RoundingStrategy::RoundDown => (),
Decimal {
lo: value[0],
mid: value[1],
hi: value[2],
flags: flags(negative, dp),
/// Returns a new `Decimal` number with the specified number of decimal points for fractional portion.
/// Rounding currently follows "Bankers Rounding" rules. e.g. 6.5 -> 6, 7.5 -> 8
/// # Arguments
/// * `dp`: the number of decimal points to round to.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// let pi = Decimal::from_str("3.1415926535897932384626433832").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(pi.round_dp(2).to_string(), "3.14");
/// ```
pub fn round_dp(&self, dp: u32) -> Decimal {
self.round_dp_with_strategy(dp, RoundingStrategy::BankersRounding)
/// Convert `Decimal` to an internal representation of the underlying struct. This is useful
/// for debugging the internal state of the object.
/// # Important Disclaimer
/// This is primarily intended for library maintainers. The internal representation of a
/// `Decimal` is considered "unstable" for public use.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// let pi = Decimal::from_str("3.1415926535897932384626433832").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", pi), "3.1415926535897932384626433832");
/// assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", pi.unpack()), "UnpackedDecimal { \
/// is_negative: false, scale: 28, hi: 1703060790, mid: 185874565, lo: 1102470952 \
/// }");
/// ```
pub const fn unpack(&self) -> UnpackedDecimal {
UnpackedDecimal {
is_negative: self.is_sign_negative(),
scale: self.scale(),
hi: self.hi,
lo: self.lo,
mid: self.mid,
/// Convert `Decimal` to an internal representation of the underlying struct. This is useful
/// for debugging the internal state of the object.
/// # Important Disclaimer
/// This is primarily intended for library maintainers. The internal representation of a
/// `Decimal` is considered "unstable" for public use.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// let pi = Decimal::from_str("3.1415926535897932384626433832").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", pi), "3.1415926535897932384626433832");
/// assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", pi.unpack()), "UnpackedDecimal { \
/// is_negative: false, scale: 28, hi: 1703060790, mid: 185874565, lo: 1102470952 \
/// }");
/// ```
pub(crate) fn mantissa_array3(&self) -> [u32; 3] {
[self.lo, self.mid, self.hi]
pub(crate) fn mantissa_array4(&self) -> [u32; 4] {
[self.lo, self.mid, self.hi, 0]
fn base2_to_decimal(bits: &mut [u32; 3], exponent2: i32, positive: bool, is64: bool) -> Option {
// 2^exponent2 = (10^exponent2)/(5^exponent2)
// = (5^-exponent2)*(10^exponent2)
let mut exponent5 = -exponent2;
let mut exponent10 = exponent2; // Ultimately, we want this for the scale
while exponent5 > 0 {
// Check to see if the mantissa is divisible by 2
if bits[0] & 0x1 == 0 {
exponent10 += 1;
exponent5 -= 1;
// We can divide by 2 without losing precision
let hi_carry = bits[2] & 0x1 == 1;
bits[2] >>= 1;
let mid_carry = bits[1] & 0x1 == 1;
bits[1] = (bits[1] >> 1) | if hi_carry { SIGN_MASK } else { 0 };
bits[0] = (bits[0] >> 1) | if mid_carry { SIGN_MASK } else { 0 };
} else {
// The mantissa is NOT divisible by 2. Therefore the mantissa should
// be multiplied by 5, unless the multiplication overflows.
exponent5 -= 1;
let mut temp = [bits[0], bits[1], bits[2]];
if mul_by_u32(&mut temp, 5) == 0 {
// Multiplication succeeded without overflow, so copy result back
bits[0] = temp[0];
bits[1] = temp[1];
bits[2] = temp[2];
} else {
// Multiplication by 5 overflows. The mantissa should be divided
// by 2, and therefore will lose significant digits.
exponent10 += 1;
// Shift right
let hi_carry = bits[2] & 0x1 == 1;
bits[2] >>= 1;
let mid_carry = bits[1] & 0x1 == 1;
bits[1] = (bits[1] >> 1) | if hi_carry { SIGN_MASK } else { 0 };
bits[0] = (bits[0] >> 1) | if mid_carry { SIGN_MASK } else { 0 };
// In order to divide the value by 5, it is best to multiply by 2/10.
// Therefore, exponent10 is decremented, and the mantissa should be multiplied by 2
while exponent5 < 0 {
if bits[2] & SIGN_MASK == 0 {
// No far left bit, the mantissa can withstand a shift-left without overflowing
exponent10 -= 1;
exponent5 += 1;
shl_internal(bits, 1, 0);
} else {
// The mantissa would overflow if shifted. Therefore it should be
// directly divided by 5. This will lose significant digits, unless
// by chance the mantissa happens to be divisible by 5.
exponent5 += 1;
div_by_u32(bits, 5);
// At this point, the mantissa has assimilated the exponent5, but
// exponent10 might not be suitable for assignment. exponent10 must be
// in the range [-MAX_PRECISION..0], so the mantissa must be scaled up or
// down appropriately.
while exponent10 > 0 {
// In order to bring exponent10 down to 0, the mantissa should be
// multiplied by 10 to compensate. If the exponent10 is too big, this
// will cause the mantissa to overflow.
if mul_by_u32(bits, 10) == 0 {
exponent10 -= 1;
} else {
// Overflowed - return?
return None;
// In order to bring exponent up to -MAX_PRECISION, the mantissa should
// be divided by 10 to compensate. If the exponent10 is too small, this
// will cause the mantissa to underflow and become 0.
while exponent10 < -(MAX_PRECISION as i32) {
let rem10 = div_by_u32(bits, 10);
exponent10 += 1;
if is_all_zero(bits) {
// Underflow, unable to keep dividing
exponent10 = 0;
} else if rem10 >= 5 {
add_internal(bits, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
// This step is required in order to remove excess bits of precision from the
// end of the bit representation, down to the precision guaranteed by the
// floating point number
if is64 {
// Guaranteed to about 16 dp
while exponent10 < 0 && (bits[2] != 0 || (bits[1] & 0xFFF0_0000) != 0) {
let rem10 = div_by_u32(bits, 10);
exponent10 += 1;
if rem10 >= 5 {
add_internal(bits, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
} else {
// Guaranteed to about 7 dp
while exponent10 < 0
&& (bits[2] != 0 || bits[1] != 0 || (bits[2] == 0 && bits[1] == 0 && (bits[0] & 0xFF00_0000) != 0))
let rem10 = div_by_u32(bits, 10);
exponent10 += 1;
if rem10 >= 5 {
add_internal(bits, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
// Remove multiples of 10 from the representation
while exponent10 < 0 {
let mut temp = [bits[0], bits[1], bits[2]];
let remainder = div_by_u32(&mut temp, 10);
if remainder == 0 {
exponent10 += 1;
bits[0] = temp[0];
bits[1] = temp[1];
bits[2] = temp[2];
} else {
Some(Decimal {
lo: bits[0],
mid: bits[1],
hi: bits[2],
flags: flags(!positive, -exponent10 as u32),
/// Checked addition. Computes `self + other`, returning `None` if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_add(self, other: Decimal) -> Option {
// Convert to the same scale
let mut my = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
let mut my_scale = self.scale();
let mut ot = [other.lo, other.mid, other.hi];
let mut other_scale = other.scale();
rescale_to_maximum_scale(&mut my, &mut my_scale, &mut ot, &mut other_scale);
let mut final_scale = my_scale.max(other_scale);
// Add the items together
let my_negative = self.is_sign_negative();
let other_negative = other.is_sign_negative();
let mut negative = false;
let carry;
if !(my_negative ^ other_negative) {
negative = my_negative;
carry = add3_internal(&mut my, &ot);
} else {
let cmp = cmp_internal(&my, &ot);
// -x + y
// if x > y then it's negative (i.e. -2 + 1)
match cmp {
Ordering::Less => {
negative = other_negative;
sub3_internal(&mut ot, &my);
my[0] = ot[0];
my[1] = ot[1];
my[2] = ot[2];
Ordering::Greater => {
negative = my_negative;
sub3_internal(&mut my, &ot);
Ordering::Equal => {
// -2 + 2
my[0] = 0;
my[1] = 0;
my[2] = 0;
carry = 0;
// If we have a carry we underflowed.
// We need to lose some significant digits (if possible)
if carry > 0 {
if final_scale == 0 {
return None;
// Copy it over to a temp array for modification
let mut temp = [my[0], my[1], my[2], carry];
while final_scale > 0 && temp[3] != 0 {
div_by_u32(&mut temp, 10);
final_scale -= 1;
// If we still have a carry bit then we overflowed
if temp[3] > 0 {
return None;
// Copy it back - we're done
my[0] = temp[0];
my[1] = temp[1];
my[2] = temp[2];
Some(Decimal {
lo: my[0],
mid: my[1],
hi: my[2],
flags: flags(negative, final_scale),
/// Checked subtraction. Computes `self - other`, returning `None` if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_sub(self, other: Decimal) -> Option {
let negated_other = Decimal {
lo: other.lo,
mid: other.mid,
hi: other.hi,
flags: other.flags ^ SIGN_MASK,
/// Checked multiplication. Computes `self * other`, returning `None` if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_mul(self, other: Decimal) -> Option {
// Early exit if either is zero
if self.is_zero() || other.is_zero() {
return Some(Decimal::zero());
// We are only resulting in a negative if we have mismatched signs
let negative = self.is_sign_negative() ^ other.is_sign_negative();
// We get the scale of the result by adding the operands. This may be too big, however
// we'll correct later
let mut final_scale = self.scale() + other.scale();
// First of all, if ONLY the lo parts of both numbers is filled
// then we can simply do a standard 64 bit calculation. It's a minor
// optimization however prevents the need for long form multiplication
if self.mid == 0 && self.hi == 0 && other.mid == 0 && other.hi == 0 {
// Simply multiplication
let mut u64_result = u64_to_array(u64::from(self.lo) * u64::from(other.lo));
// If we're above max precision then this is a very small number
if final_scale > MAX_PRECISION {
final_scale -= MAX_PRECISION;
// If the number is above 19 then this will equate to zero.
// This is because the max value in 64 bits is 1.84E19
if final_scale > 19 {
return Some(Decimal::zero());
let mut rem_lo = 0;
let mut power;
if final_scale > 9 {
// Since 10^10 doesn't fit into u32, we divide by 10^10/4
// and multiply the next divisor by 4.
rem_lo = div_by_u32(&mut u64_result, 2_500_000_000);
power = POWERS_10[final_scale as usize - 10] << 2;
} else {
power = POWERS_10[final_scale as usize];
// Divide fits in 32 bits
let rem_hi = div_by_u32(&mut u64_result, power);
// Round the result. Since the divisor is a power of 10
// we check to see if the remainder is >= 1/2 divisor
power >>= 1;
if rem_hi >= power && (rem_hi > power || (rem_lo | (u64_result[0] & 0x1)) != 0) {
u64_result[0] += 1;
final_scale = MAX_PRECISION;
return Some(Decimal {
lo: u64_result[0],
mid: u64_result[1],
hi: 0,
flags: flags(negative, final_scale),
// We're using some of the high bits, so we essentially perform
// long form multiplication. We compute the 9 partial products
// into a 192 bit result array.
// [my-h][my-m][my-l]
// x [ot-h][ot-m][ot-l]
// --------------------------------------
// 1. [r-hi][r-lo] my-l * ot-l [0, 0]
// 2. [r-hi][r-lo] my-l * ot-m [0, 1]
// 3. [r-hi][r-lo] my-m * ot-l [1, 0]
// 4. [r-hi][r-lo] my-m * ot-m [1, 1]
// 5. [r-hi][r-lo] my-l * ot-h [0, 2]
// 6. [r-hi][r-lo] my-h * ot-l [2, 0]
// 7. [r-hi][r-lo] my-m * ot-h [1, 2]
// 8. [r-hi][r-lo] my-h * ot-m [2, 1]
// 9.[r-hi][r-lo] my-h * ot-h [2, 2]
let my = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
let ot = [other.lo, other.mid, other.hi];
let mut product = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
// We can perform a minor short circuit here. If the
// high portions are both 0 then we can skip portions 5-9
let to = if my[2] == 0 && ot[2] == 0 { 2 } else { 3 };
for my_index in {
for ot_index in {
let (mut rlo, mut rhi) = mul_part(my[my_index], ot[ot_index], 0);
// Get the index for the lo portion of the product
for prod in product.iter_mut().skip(my_index + ot_index) {
let (res, overflow) = add_part(rlo, *prod);
*prod = res;
// If we have something in rhi from before then promote that
if rhi > 0 {
// If we overflowed in the last add, add that with rhi
if overflow > 0 {
let (nlo, nhi) = add_part(rhi, overflow);
rlo = nlo;
rhi = nhi;
} else {
rlo = rhi;
rhi = 0;
} else if overflow > 0 {
rlo = overflow;
rhi = 0;
} else {
// If nothing to do next round then break out
if rlo == 0 {
// If our result has used up the high portion of the product
// then we either have an overflow or an underflow situation
// Overflow will occur if we can't scale it back, whereas underflow
// with kick in rounding
let mut remainder = 0;
while final_scale > 0 && (product[3] != 0 || product[4] != 0 || product[5] != 0) {
remainder = div_by_u32(&mut product, 10u32);
final_scale -= 1;
// Round up the carry if we need to
if remainder >= 5 {
for part in product.iter_mut() {
if remainder == 0 {
let digit: u64 = u64::from(*part) + 1;
remainder = if digit > 0xFFFF_FFFF { 1 } else { 0 };
*part = (digit & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as u32;
// If we're still above max precision then we'll try again to
// reduce precision - we may be dealing with a limit of "0"
if final_scale > MAX_PRECISION {
// We're in an underflow situation
// The easiest way to remove precision is to divide off the result
while final_scale > MAX_PRECISION && !is_all_zero(&product) {
div_by_u32(&mut product, 10);
final_scale -= 1;
// If we're still at limit then we can't represent any
// siginificant decimal digits and will return an integer only
// Can also be invoked while representing 0.
if final_scale > MAX_PRECISION {
final_scale = 0;
} else if !(product[3] == 0 && product[4] == 0 && product[5] == 0) {
// We're in an overflow situation - we're within our precision bounds
// but still have bits in overflow
return None;
Some(Decimal {
lo: product[0],
mid: product[1],
hi: product[2],
flags: flags(negative, final_scale),
/// Checked division. Computes `self / other`, returning `None` if `other == 0.0` or the
/// division results in overflow.
pub fn checked_div(self, other: Decimal) -> Option {
match self.div_impl(other) {
DivResult::Ok(quot) => Some(quot),
DivResult::Overflow => None,
DivResult::DivByZero => None,
fn div_impl(self, other: Decimal) -> DivResult {
if other.is_zero() {
return DivResult::DivByZero;
if self.is_zero() {
return DivResult::Ok(Decimal::zero());
let dividend = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
let divisor = [other.lo, other.mid, other.hi];
let mut quotient = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
let mut quotient_scale: i32 = self.scale() as i32 - other.scale() as i32;
// We supply an extra overflow word for each of the dividend and the remainder
let mut working_quotient = [dividend[0], dividend[1], dividend[2], 0u32];
let mut working_remainder = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
let mut working_scale = quotient_scale;
let mut remainder_scale = quotient_scale;
let mut underflow;
loop {
div_internal(&mut working_quotient, &mut working_remainder, &divisor);
underflow = add_with_scale_internal(
&mut quotient,
&mut quotient_scale,
&mut working_quotient,
&mut working_scale,
// Multiply the remainder by 10
let mut overflow = 0;
for part in working_remainder.iter_mut() {
let (lo, hi) = mul_part(*part, 10, overflow);
*part = lo;
overflow = hi;
// Copy temp remainder into the temp quotient section
remainder_scale += 1;
working_scale = remainder_scale;
if underflow || is_all_zero(&working_remainder) {
// If we have a really big number try to adjust the scale to 0
while quotient_scale < 0 {
copy_array_diff_lengths(&mut working_quotient, "ient);
working_quotient[3] = 0;
working_remainder.iter_mut().for_each(|x| *x = 0);
// Mul 10
let mut overflow = 0;
for part in &mut working_quotient {
let (lo, hi) = mul_part(*part, 10, overflow);
*part = lo;
overflow = hi;
for part in &mut working_remainder {
let (lo, hi) = mul_part(*part, 10, overflow);
*part = lo;
overflow = hi;
if working_quotient[3] == 0 && is_all_zero(&working_remainder) {
quotient_scale += 1;
quotient[0] = working_quotient[0];
quotient[1] = working_quotient[1];
quotient[2] = working_quotient[2];
} else {
// Overflow
return DivResult::Overflow;
if quotient_scale > 255 {
quotient[0] = 0;
quotient[1] = 0;
quotient[2] = 0;
quotient_scale = 0;
let mut quotient_negative = self.is_sign_negative() ^ other.is_sign_negative();
// Check for underflow
let mut final_scale: u32 = quotient_scale as u32;
if final_scale > MAX_PRECISION {
let mut remainder = 0;
// Division underflowed. We must remove some significant digits over using
// an invalid scale.
while final_scale > MAX_PRECISION && !is_all_zero("ient) {
remainder = div_by_u32(&mut quotient, 10);
final_scale -= 1;
if final_scale > MAX_PRECISION {
// Result underflowed so set to zero
final_scale = 0;
quotient_negative = false;
} else if remainder >= 5 {
for part in &mut quotient {
if remainder == 0 {
let digit: u64 = u64::from(*part) + 1;
remainder = if digit > 0xFFFF_FFFF { 1 } else { 0 };
*part = (digit & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as u32;
DivResult::Ok(Decimal {
lo: quotient[0],
mid: quotient[1],
hi: quotient[2],
flags: flags(quotient_negative, final_scale),
/// Checked remainder. Computes `self % other`, returning `None` if `other == 0.0`.
pub fn checked_rem(self, other: Decimal) -> Option {
if other.is_zero() {
return None;
if self.is_zero() {
return Some(Decimal::zero());
// Rescale so comparable
let initial_scale = self.scale();
let mut quotient = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
let mut quotient_scale = initial_scale;
let mut divisor = [other.lo, other.mid, other.hi];
let mut divisor_scale = other.scale();
rescale_to_maximum_scale(&mut quotient, &mut quotient_scale, &mut divisor, &mut divisor_scale);
// Working is the remainder + the quotient
// We use an aligned array since we'll be using it a lot.
let mut working_quotient = [quotient[0], quotient[1], quotient[2], 0u32];
let mut working_remainder = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
div_internal(&mut working_quotient, &mut working_remainder, &divisor);
// Round if necessary. This is for semantic correctness, but could feasibly be removed for
// performance improvements.
if quotient_scale > initial_scale {
let mut working = [
while quotient_scale > initial_scale {
if div_by_u32(&mut working, 10) > 0 {
quotient_scale -= 1;
Some(Decimal {
lo: working_remainder[0],
mid: working_remainder[1],
hi: working_remainder[2],
flags: flags(self.is_sign_negative(), quotient_scale),
impl Default for Decimal {
fn default() -> Self {
enum DivResult {
const fn flags(neg: bool, scale: u32) -> u32 {
(scale << SCALE_SHIFT) | ((neg as u32) << SIGN_SHIFT)
/// Rescales the given decimals to equivalent scales.
/// It will firstly try to scale both the left and the right side to
/// the maximum scale of left/right. If it is unable to do that it
/// will try to reduce the accuracy of the other argument.
/// e.g. with 1.23 and 2.345 it'll rescale the first arg to 1.230
fn rescale_to_maximum_scale(left: &mut [u32; 3], left_scale: &mut u32, right: &mut [u32; 3], right_scale: &mut u32) {
if left_scale == right_scale {
// Nothing to do
if is_all_zero(left) {
*left_scale = *right_scale;
} else if is_all_zero(right) {
*right_scale = *left_scale;
if left_scale > right_scale {
rescale_internal(right, right_scale, *left_scale);
if right_scale != left_scale {
rescale_internal(left, left_scale, *right_scale);
} else {
rescale_internal(left, left_scale, *right_scale);
if right_scale != left_scale {
rescale_internal(right, right_scale, *left_scale);
/// Rescales the given decimal to new scale.
/// e.g. with 1.23 and new scale 3 rescale the value to 1.230
fn rescale_internal(value: &mut [u32; 3], value_scale: &mut u32, new_scale: u32) {
if *value_scale == new_scale {
// Nothing to do
if is_all_zero(value) {
*value_scale = new_scale;
if *value_scale > new_scale {
let mut diff = *value_scale - new_scale;
// Scaling further isn't possible since we got an overflow
// In this case we need to reduce the accuracy of the "side to keep"
// Now do the necessary rounding
let mut remainder = 0;
while diff > 0 {
if is_all_zero(value) {
*value_scale = new_scale;
diff -= 1;
// Any remainder is discarded if diff > 0 still (i.e. lost precision)
remainder = div_by_10(value);
if remainder >= 5 {
for part in value.iter_mut() {
let digit = u64::from(*part) + 1u64;
remainder = if digit > 0xFFFF_FFFF { 1 } else { 0 };
*part = (digit & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as u32;
if remainder == 0 {
*value_scale = new_scale;
} else {
let mut diff = new_scale - *value_scale;
let mut working = [value[0], value[1], value[2]];
while diff > 0 && mul_by_10(&mut working) == 0 {
diff -= 1;
*value_scale = new_scale - diff;
// This method should only be used where copy from slice cannot be
fn copy_array_diff_lengths(into: &mut [u32], from: &[u32]) {
for i in 0..into.len() {
if i >= from.len() {
into[i] = from[i];
fn u64_to_array(value: u64) -> [u32; 2] {
[(value & U32_MASK) as u32, (value >> 32 & U32_MASK) as u32]
fn add_internal(value: &mut [u32], by: &[u32]) -> u32 {
let mut carry: u64 = 0;
let vl = value.len();
let bl = by.len();
if vl >= bl {
let mut sum: u64;
for i in {
sum = u64::from(value[i]) + u64::from(by[i]) + carry;
value[i] = (sum & U32_MASK) as u32;
carry = sum >> 32;
if vl > bl && carry > 0 {
for i in value.iter_mut().skip(bl) {
sum = u64::from(*i) + carry;
*i = (sum & U32_MASK) as u32;
carry = sum >> 32;
if carry == 0 {
} else if vl + 1 == bl {
// Overflow, by default, is anything in the high portion of by
let mut sum: u64;
for i in 0..vl {
sum = u64::from(value[i]) + u64::from(by[i]) + carry;
value[i] = (sum & U32_MASK) as u32;
carry = sum >> 32;
if by[vl] > 0 {
carry += u64::from(by[vl]);
} else {
panic!("Internal error: add using incompatible length arrays. {} <- {}", vl, bl);
carry as u32
fn add3_internal(value: &mut [u32; 3], by: &[u32; 3]) -> u32 {
let mut carry: u32 = 0;
let bl = by.len();
for i in {
let res1 = value[i].overflowing_add(by[i]);
let res2 = res1.0.overflowing_add(carry);
value[i] = res2.0;
carry = (res1.1 | res2.1) as u32;
fn add_with_scale_internal(
quotient: &mut [u32; 3],
quotient_scale: &mut i32,
working_quotient: &mut [u32; 4],
working_scale: &mut i32,
) -> bool {
// Add quotient and the working (i.e. quotient = quotient + working)
if is_all_zero(quotient) {
// Quotient is zero so we can just copy the working quotient in directly
// First, make sure they are both 96 bit.
while working_quotient[3] != 0 {
div_by_u32(working_quotient, 10);
*working_scale -= 1;
copy_array_diff_lengths(quotient, working_quotient);
*quotient_scale = *working_scale;
return false;
if is_all_zero(working_quotient) {
return false;
// We have ensured that our working is not zero so we should do the addition
// If our two quotients are different then
// try to scale down the one with the bigger scale
let mut temp3 = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
let mut temp4 = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
if *quotient_scale != *working_scale {
// TODO: Remove necessity for temp (without performance impact)
fn div_by_10(target: &mut [u32], temp: &mut [u32], scale: &mut i32, target_scale: i32) {
// Copy to the temp array
// divide by 10 until target scale is reached
while *scale > target_scale {
let remainder = div_by_u32(temp, 10);
if remainder == 0 {
*scale -= 1;
} else {
if *quotient_scale < *working_scale {
div_by_10(working_quotient, &mut temp4, working_scale, *quotient_scale);
} else {
div_by_10(quotient, &mut temp3, quotient_scale, *working_scale);
// If our two quotients are still different then
// try to scale up the smaller scale
if *quotient_scale != *working_scale {
// TODO: Remove necessity for temp (without performance impact)
fn mul_by_10(target: &mut [u32], temp: &mut [u32], scale: &mut i32, target_scale: i32) {
let mut overflow = 0;
// Multiply by 10 until target scale reached or overflow
while *scale < target_scale && overflow == 0 {
overflow = mul_by_u32(temp, 10);
if overflow == 0 {
// Still no overflow
*scale += 1;
if *quotient_scale > *working_scale {
mul_by_10(working_quotient, &mut temp4, working_scale, *quotient_scale);
} else {
mul_by_10(quotient, &mut temp3, quotient_scale, *working_scale);
// If our two quotients are still different then
// try to scale down the one with the bigger scale
// (ultimately losing significant digits)
if *quotient_scale != *working_scale {
// TODO: Remove necessity for temp (without performance impact)
fn div_by_10_lossy(target: &mut [u32], temp: &mut [u32], scale: &mut i32, target_scale: i32) {
// divide by 10 until target scale is reached
while *scale > target_scale {
div_by_u32(temp, 10);
*scale -= 1;
if *quotient_scale < *working_scale {
div_by_10_lossy(working_quotient, &mut temp4, working_scale, *quotient_scale);
} else {
div_by_10_lossy(quotient, &mut temp3, quotient_scale, *working_scale);
// If quotient or working are zero we have an underflow condition
if is_all_zero(quotient) || is_all_zero(working_quotient) {
// Underflow
return true;
} else {
// Both numbers have the same scale and can be added.
// We just need to know whether we can fit them in
let mut underflow = false;
let mut temp = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
while !underflow {
// Add the working quotient
let overflow = add_internal(&mut temp, working_quotient);
if overflow == 0 {
// addition was successful
} else {
// addition overflowed - remove significant digits and try again
div_by_u32(quotient, 10);
*quotient_scale -= 1;
div_by_u32(working_quotient, 10);
*working_scale -= 1;
// Check for underflow
underflow = is_all_zero(quotient) || is_all_zero(working_quotient);
if underflow {
return true;
fn add_part(left: u32, right: u32) -> (u32, u32) {
let added = u64::from(left) + u64::from(right);
((added & U32_MASK) as u32, (added >> 32 & U32_MASK) as u32)
fn sub3_internal(value: &mut [u32; 3], by: &[u32; 3]) {
let mut overflow = 0;
let vl = value.len();
for i in 0..vl {
let part = (0x1_0000_0000u64 + u64::from(value[i])) - (u64::from(by[i]) + overflow);
value[i] = part as u32;
overflow = 1 - (part >> 32);
fn sub_internal(value: &mut [u32], by: &[u32]) -> u32 {
// The way this works is similar to long subtraction
// Let's assume we're working with bytes for simpliciy in an example:
// 257 - 8 = 249
// 0000_0001 0000_0001 - 0000_0000 0000_1000 = 0000_0000 1111_1001
// We start by doing the first byte...
// Overflow = 0
// Left = 0000_0001 (1)
// Right = 0000_1000 (8)
// Firstly, we make sure the left and right are scaled up to twice the size
// Left = 0000_0000 0000_0001
// Right = 0000_0000 0000_1000
// We then subtract right from left
// Result = Left - Right = 1111_1111 1111_1001
// We subtract the overflow, which in this case is 0.
// Because left < right (1 < 8) we invert the high part.
// Lo = 1111_1001
// Hi = 1111_1111 -> 0000_0001
// Lo is the field, hi is the overflow.
// We do the same for the second byte...
// Overflow = 1
// Left = 0000_0001
// Right = 0000_0000
// Result = Left - Right = 0000_0000 0000_0001
// We subtract the overflow...
// Result = 0000_0000 0000_0001 - 1 = 0
// And we invert the high, just because (invert 0 = 0).
// So our result is:
// 0000_0000 1111_1001
let mut overflow = 0;
let vl = value.len();
let bl = by.len();
for i in 0..vl {
if i >= bl {
let (lo, hi) = sub_part(value[i], by[i], overflow);
value[i] = lo;
overflow = hi;
fn sub_part(left: u32, right: u32, overflow: u32) -> (u32, u32) {
let part = 0x1_0000_0000u64 + u64::from(left) - (u64::from(right) + u64::from(overflow));
let lo = part as u32;
let hi = 1 - ((part >> 32) as u32);
(lo, hi)
// Returns overflow
fn mul_by_10(bits: &mut [u32; 3]) -> u32 {
let mut overflow = 0u64;
for b in bits.iter_mut() {
let result = u64::from(*b) * 10u64 + overflow;
let hi = (result >> 32) & U32_MASK;
let lo = (result & U32_MASK) as u32;
*b = lo;
overflow = hi;
overflow as u32
// Returns overflow
pub(crate) fn mul_by_u32(bits: &mut [u32], m: u32) -> u32 {
let mut overflow = 0;
for b in bits.iter_mut() {
let (lo, hi) = mul_part(*b, m, overflow);
*b = lo;
overflow = hi;
fn mul_part(left: u32, right: u32, high: u32) -> (u32, u32) {
let result = u64::from(left) * u64::from(right) + u64::from(high);
let hi = ((result >> 32) & U32_MASK) as u32;
let lo = (result & U32_MASK) as u32;
(lo, hi)
fn div_internal(quotient: &mut [u32; 4], remainder: &mut [u32; 4], divisor: &[u32; 3]) {
// There are a couple of ways to do division on binary numbers:
// 1. Using long division
// 2. Using the complement method
// ref:
// The complement method basically keeps trying to subtract the
// divisor until it can't anymore and placing the rest in remainder.
let mut complement = [
divisor[0] ^ 0xFFFF_FFFF,
divisor[1] ^ 0xFFFF_FFFF,
divisor[2] ^ 0xFFFF_FFFF,
// Add one onto the complement
add_internal(&mut complement, &[1u32]);
// Make sure the remainder is 0
remainder.iter_mut().for_each(|x| *x = 0);
// If we have nothing in our hi+ block then shift over till we do
let mut blocks_to_process = 0;
while blocks_to_process < 4 && quotient[3] == 0 {
// Shift whole blocks to the "left"
shl_internal(quotient, 32, 0);
// Incremember the counter
blocks_to_process += 1;
// Let's try and do the addition...
let mut block = blocks_to_process << 5;
let mut working = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
while block < 128 {
// << 1 for quotient AND remainder
let carry = shl_internal(quotient, 1, 0);
shl_internal(remainder, 1, carry);
// Copy the remainder of working into sub
// Add the remainder with the complement
add_internal(&mut working, &complement);
// Check for the significant bit - move over to the quotient
// as necessary
if (working[3] & 0x8000_0000) == 0 {
quotient[0] |= 1;
// Increment our pointer
block += 1;
// Returns remainder
pub(crate) fn div_by_u32(bits: &mut [u32], divisor: u32) -> u32 {
if divisor == 0 {
// Divide by zero
panic!("Internal error: divide by zero");
} else if divisor == 1 {
// dividend remains unchanged
} else {
let mut remainder = 0u32;
let divisor = u64::from(divisor);
for part in bits.iter_mut().rev() {
let temp = (u64::from(remainder) << 32) + u64::from(*part);
remainder = (temp % divisor) as u32;
*part = (temp / divisor) as u32;
fn div_by_10(bits: &mut [u32; 3]) -> u32 {
let mut remainder = 0u32;
let divisor = 10u64;
for part in bits.iter_mut().rev() {
let temp = (u64::from(remainder) << 32) + u64::from(*part);
remainder = (temp % divisor) as u32;
*part = (temp / divisor) as u32;
fn shl_internal(bits: &mut [u32], shift: u32, carry: u32) -> u32 {
let mut shift = shift;
// Whole blocks first
while shift >= 32 {
// memcpy would be useful here
for i in (1..bits.len()).rev() {
bits[i] = bits[i - 1];
bits[0] = 0;
shift -= 32;
// Continue with the rest
if shift > 0 {
let mut carry = carry;
for part in bits.iter_mut() {
let b = *part >> (32 - shift);
*part = (*part << shift) | carry;
carry = b;
} else {
fn cmp_internal(left: &[u32; 3], right: &[u32; 3]) -> Ordering {
let left_hi: u32 = left[2];
let right_hi: u32 = right[2];
let left_lo: u64 = u64::from(left[1]) << 32 | u64::from(left[0]);
let right_lo: u64 = u64::from(right[1]) << 32 | u64::from(right[0]);
if left_hi < right_hi || (left_hi <= right_hi && left_lo < right_lo) {
} else if left_hi == right_hi && left_lo == right_lo {
} else {
pub(crate) fn is_all_zero(bits: &[u32]) -> bool {
bits.iter().all(|b| *b == 0)
macro_rules! impl_from {
($T:ty, $from_ty:path) => {
impl From<$T> for Decimal {
fn from(t: $T) -> Decimal {
impl_from!(isize, FromPrimitive::from_isize);
impl_from!(i8, FromPrimitive::from_i8);
impl_from!(i16, FromPrimitive::from_i16);
impl_from!(i32, FromPrimitive::from_i32);
impl_from!(i64, FromPrimitive::from_i64);
impl_from!(usize, FromPrimitive::from_usize);
impl_from!(u8, FromPrimitive::from_u8);
impl_from!(u16, FromPrimitive::from_u16);
impl_from!(u32, FromPrimitive::from_u32);
impl_from!(u64, FromPrimitive::from_u64);
macro_rules! forward_val_val_binop {
(impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
impl $imp<$res> for $res {
type Output = $res;
fn $method(self, other: $res) -> $res {
macro_rules! forward_ref_val_binop {
(impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
impl<'a> $imp<$res> for &'a $res {
type Output = $res;
fn $method(self, other: $res) -> $res {
macro_rules! forward_val_ref_binop {
(impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
impl<'a> $imp<&'a $res> for $res {
type Output = $res;
fn $method(self, other: &$res) -> $res {
macro_rules! forward_all_binop {
(impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
forward_val_val_binop!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
forward_ref_val_binop!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
forward_val_ref_binop!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
impl Zero for Decimal {
fn zero() -> Decimal {
Decimal {
flags: 0,
hi: 0,
lo: 0,
mid: 0,
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
self.lo.is_zero() && self.mid.is_zero() && self.hi.is_zero()
impl One for Decimal {
fn one() -> Decimal {
Decimal {
flags: 0,
hi: 0,
lo: 1,
mid: 0,
impl Signed for Decimal {
fn abs(&self) -> Self {
fn abs_sub(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
if self <= other {
} else {
fn signum(&self) -> Self {
if self.is_zero() {
} else {
let mut value = Decimal::one();
if self.is_sign_negative() {
fn is_positive(&self) -> bool {
fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
impl Num for Decimal {
type FromStrRadixErr = Error;
fn from_str_radix(str: &str, radix: u32) -> Result {
if str.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: empty"));
if radix < 2 {
return Err(Error::new("Unsupported radix < 2"));
if radix > 36 {
// As per trait documentation
return Err(Error::new("Unsupported radix > 36"));
let mut offset = 0;
let mut len = str.len();
let bytes: Vec = str.bytes().collect();
let mut negative = false; // assume positive
// handle the sign
if bytes[offset] == b'-' {
negative = true; // leading minus means negative
offset += 1;
len -= 1;
} else if bytes[offset] == b'+' {
// leading + allowed
offset += 1;
len -= 1;
// should now be at numeric part of the significand
let mut digits_before_dot: i32 = -1; // digits before '.', -1 if no '.'
let mut coeff = Vec::new(); // integer significand array
// Supporting different radix
let (max_n, max_alpha_lower, max_alpha_upper) = if radix <= 10 {
(b'0' + (radix - 1) as u8, 0, 0)
} else {
let adj = (radix - 11) as u8;
(b'9', adj + b'a', adj + b'A')
// Estimate the max precision. All in all, it needs to fit into 96 bits.
// Rather than try to estimate, I've included the constants directly in here. We could,
// perhaps, replace this with a formula if it's faster - though it does appear to be log2.
let estimated_max_precision = match radix {
2 => 96,
3 => 61,
4 => 48,
5 => 42,
6 => 38,
7 => 35,
8 => 32,
9 => 31,
10 => 29,
11 => 28,
12 => 27,
13 => 26,
14 => 26,
15 => 25,
16 => 24,
17 => 24,
18 => 24,
19 => 23,
20 => 23,
21 => 22,
22 => 22,
23 => 22,
24 => 21,
25 => 21,
26 => 21,
27 => 21,
28 => 20,
29 => 20,
30 => 20,
31 => 20,
32 => 20,
33 => 20,
34 => 19,
35 => 19,
36 => 19,
_ => return Err(Error::new("Unsupported radix")),
let mut maybe_round = false;
while len > 0 {
let b = bytes[offset];
match b {
b'0'..=b'9' => {
if b > max_n {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: invalid character"));
coeff.push(u32::from(b - b'0'));
offset += 1;
len -= 1;
// If the coefficient is longer than the max, exit early
if coeff.len() as u32 > estimated_max_precision {
maybe_round = true;
b'a'..=b'z' => {
if b > max_alpha_lower {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: invalid character"));
coeff.push(u32::from(b - b'a') + 10);
offset += 1;
len -= 1;
if coeff.len() as u32 > estimated_max_precision {
maybe_round = true;
b'A'..=b'Z' => {
if b > max_alpha_upper {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: invalid character"));
coeff.push(u32::from(b - b'A') + 10);
offset += 1;
len -= 1;
if coeff.len() as u32 > estimated_max_precision {
maybe_round = true;
b'.' => {
if digits_before_dot >= 0 {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: two decimal points"));
digits_before_dot = coeff.len() as i32;
offset += 1;
len -= 1;
b'_' => {
// Must start with a number...
if coeff.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: must start lead with a number"));
offset += 1;
len -= 1;
_ => return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: unknown character")),
// If we exited before the end of the string then do some rounding if necessary
if maybe_round && offset < bytes.len() {
let next_byte = bytes[offset];
let digit = match next_byte {
b'0'..=b'9' => {
if next_byte > max_n {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: invalid character"));
u32::from(next_byte - b'0')
b'a'..=b'z' => {
if next_byte > max_alpha_lower {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: invalid character"));
u32::from(next_byte - b'a') + 10
b'A'..=b'Z' => {
if next_byte > max_alpha_upper {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: invalid character"));
u32::from(next_byte - b'A') + 10
b'_' => 0,
b'.' => {
// Still an error if we have a second dp
if digits_before_dot >= 0 {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: two decimal points"));
_ => return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: unknown character")),
// Round at midpoint
let midpoint = if radix & 0x1 == 1 { radix / 2 } else { radix + 1 / 2 };
if digit >= midpoint {
let mut index = coeff.len() - 1;
loop {
let new_digit = coeff[index] + 1;
if new_digit <= 9 {
coeff[index] = new_digit;
} else {
coeff[index] = 0;
if index == 0 {
coeff.insert(0, 1u32);
digits_before_dot += 1;
index -= 1;
// here when no characters left
if coeff.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: no digits found"));
let mut scale = if digits_before_dot >= 0 {
// we had a decimal place so set the scale
(coeff.len() as u32) - (digits_before_dot as u32)
} else {
// Parse this using specified radix
let mut data = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
let mut tmp = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32];
let len = coeff.len();
for (i, digit) in coeff.iter().enumerate() {
// If the data is going to overflow then we should go into recovery mode
tmp[0] = data[0];
tmp[1] = data[1];
tmp[2] = data[2];
let overflow = mul_by_u32(&mut tmp, radix);
if overflow > 0 {
// This means that we have more data to process, that we're not sure what to do with.
// This may or may not be an issue - depending on whether we're past a decimal point
// or not.
if (i as i32) < digits_before_dot && i + 1 < len {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: overflow from too many digits"));
if *digit >= 5 {
let carry = add_internal(&mut data, &ONE_INTERNAL_REPR);
if carry > 0 {
// Highly unlikely scenario which is more indicative of a bug
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: overflow when rounding"));
// We're also one less digit so reduce the scale
let diff = (len - i) as u32;
if diff > scale {
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: overflow from scale mismatch"));
scale -= diff;
} else {
data[0] = tmp[0];
data[1] = tmp[1];
data[2] = tmp[2];
let carry = add_internal(&mut data, &[*digit]);
if carry > 0 {
// Highly unlikely scenario which is more indicative of a bug
return Err(Error::new("Invalid decimal: overflow from carry"));
Ok(Decimal {
lo: data[0],
mid: data[1],
hi: data[2],
flags: flags(negative, scale),
impl FromStr for Decimal {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(value: &str) -> Result {
Decimal::from_str_radix(value, 10)
impl FromPrimitive for Decimal {
fn from_i32(n: i32) -> Option {
let flags: u32;
let value_copy: i64;
if n >= 0 {
flags = 0;
value_copy = n as i64;
} else {
flags = SIGN_MASK;
value_copy = -(n as i64);
Some(Decimal {
lo: value_copy as u32,
mid: 0,
hi: 0,
fn from_i64(n: i64) -> Option {
let flags: u32;
let value_copy: i128;
if n >= 0 {
flags = 0;
value_copy = n as i128;
} else {
flags = SIGN_MASK;
value_copy = -(n as i128);
Some(Decimal {
lo: value_copy as u32,
mid: (value_copy >> 32) as u32,
hi: 0,
fn from_u32(n: u32) -> Option {
Some(Decimal {
flags: 0,
lo: n,
mid: 0,
hi: 0,
fn from_u64(n: u64) -> Option {
Some(Decimal {
flags: 0,
lo: n as u32,
mid: (n >> 32) as u32,
hi: 0,
fn from_f32(n: f32) -> Option {
// Handle the case if it is NaN, Infinity or -Infinity
if !n.is_finite() {
return None;
// It's a shame we can't use a union for this due to it being broken up by bits
// i.e. 1/8/23 (sign, exponent, mantissa)
// See
// n = (sign*-1) * 2^exp * mantissa
// Decimal of course stores this differently... 10^-exp * significand
let raw = n.to_bits();
let positive = (raw >> 31) == 0;
let biased_exponent = ((raw >> 23) & 0xFF) as i32;
let mantissa = raw & 0x007F_FFFF;
// Handle the special zero case
if biased_exponent == 0 && mantissa == 0 {
let mut zero = Decimal::zero();
if !positive {
return Some(zero);
// Get the bits and exponent2
let mut exponent2 = biased_exponent - 127;
let mut bits = [mantissa, 0u32, 0u32];
if biased_exponent == 0 {
// Denormalized number - correct the exponent
exponent2 += 1;
} else {
// Add extra hidden bit to mantissa
bits[0] |= 0x0080_0000;
// The act of copying a mantissa as integer bits is equivalent to shifting
// left the mantissa 23 bits. The exponent is reduced to compensate.
exponent2 -= 23;
// Convert to decimal
Decimal::base2_to_decimal(&mut bits, exponent2, positive, false)
fn from_f64(n: f64) -> Option {
// Handle the case if it is NaN, Infinity or -Infinity
if !n.is_finite() {
return None;
// It's a shame we can't use a union for this due to it being broken up by bits
// i.e. 1/11/52 (sign, exponent, mantissa)
// See
// n = (sign*-1) * 2^exp * mantissa
// Decimal of course stores this differently... 10^-exp * significand
let raw = n.to_bits();
let positive = (raw >> 63) == 0;
let biased_exponent = ((raw >> 52) & 0x7FF) as i32;
let mantissa = raw & 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF;
// Handle the special zero case
if biased_exponent == 0 && mantissa == 0 {
let mut zero = Decimal::zero();
if !positive {
return Some(zero);
// Get the bits and exponent2
let mut exponent2 = biased_exponent - 1023;
let mut bits = [
(mantissa & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as u32,
((mantissa >> 32) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as u32,
if biased_exponent == 0 {
// Denormalized number - correct the exponent
exponent2 += 1;
} else {
// Add extra hidden bit to mantissa
bits[1] |= 0x0010_0000;
// The act of copying a mantissa as integer bits is equivalent to shifting
// left the mantissa 52 bits. The exponent is reduced to compensate.
exponent2 -= 52;
// Convert to decimal
Decimal::base2_to_decimal(&mut bits, exponent2, positive, true)
impl ToPrimitive for Decimal {
fn to_i64(&self) -> Option {
let d = self.trunc();
// Quick overflow check
if d.hi != 0 || (d.mid & 0x8000_0000) > 0 {
// Overflow
return None;
let raw: i64 = (i64::from(d.mid) << 32) | i64::from(d.lo);
if self.is_sign_negative() {
} else {
fn to_u64(&self) -> Option {
if self.is_sign_negative() {
return None;
let d = self.trunc();
if d.hi != 0 {
// Overflow
return None;
Some((u64::from(d.mid) << 32) | u64::from(d.lo))
fn to_f64(&self) -> Option {
if self.scale() == 0 {
let integer = self.to_i64();
match integer {
Some(i) => Some(i as f64),
None => None,
} else {
let sign: f64 = if self.is_sign_negative() { -1.0 } else { 1.0 };
let mut mantissa: u128 = self.lo.into();
mantissa |= (self.mid as u128) << 32;
mantissa |= (self.hi as u128) << 64;
// scale is at most 28, so this fits comfortably into a u128.
let scale = self.scale();
let precision: u128 = 10_u128.pow(scale);
let integral_part = mantissa / precision;
let frac_part = mantissa % precision;
let frac_f64 = (frac_part as f64) / (precision as f64);
Some(sign * ((integral_part as f64) + frac_f64))
impl fmt::Display for Decimal {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
// Get the scale - where we need to put the decimal point
let mut scale = self.scale() as usize;
// Convert to a string and manipulate that (neg at front, inject decimal)
let mut chars = Vec::new();
let mut working = [self.lo, self.mid, self.hi];
while !is_all_zero(&working) {
let remainder = div_by_u32(&mut working, 10u32);
chars.push(char::from(b'0' + remainder as u8));
while scale > chars.len() {
let mut rep = chars.iter().rev().collect::();
let len = rep.len();
if let Some(n_dp) = f.precision() {
if n_dp < scale {
rep.truncate(len - scale + n_dp)
} else {
let zeros = repeat("0").take(n_dp - scale).collect::();
scale = n_dp;
let len = rep.len();
// Inject the decimal point
if scale > 0 {
// Must be a low fractional
// TODO: Remove this condition as it's no longer possible for `scale > len`
if scale > len {
let mut new_rep = String::new();
let zeros = repeat("0").take(scale as usize - len).collect::();
rep = new_rep;
} else if scale == len {
rep.insert(0, '.');
rep.insert(0, '0');
} else {
rep.insert(len - scale as usize, '.');
} else if rep.is_empty() {
// corner case for when we truncated everything in a low fractional
rep.insert(0, '0');
f.pad_integral(self.is_sign_positive(), "", &rep)
impl fmt::Debug for Decimal {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
fmt::Display::fmt(self, f)
impl Neg for Decimal {
type Output = Decimal;
fn neg(self) -> Decimal {
impl<'a> Neg for &'a Decimal {
type Output = Decimal;
fn neg(self) -> Decimal {
Decimal {
flags: flags(!self.is_sign_negative(), self.scale()),
hi: self.hi,
lo: self.lo,
mid: self.mid,
forward_all_binop!(impl Add for Decimal, add);
impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b Decimal> for &'a Decimal {
type Output = Decimal;
fn add(self, other: &Decimal) -> Decimal {
match self.checked_add(*other) {
Some(sum) => sum,
None => panic!("Addition overflowed"),
impl AddAssign for Decimal {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
let result = self.add(other);
self.lo = result.lo;
self.mid = result.mid;
self.hi = result.hi;
self.flags = result.flags;
impl<'a> AddAssign<&'a Decimal> for Decimal {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::add_assign(self, *other)
impl<'a> AddAssign for &'a mut Decimal {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
Decimal::add_assign(*self, other)
impl<'a> AddAssign<&'a Decimal> for &'a mut Decimal {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::add_assign(*self, *other)
forward_all_binop!(impl Sub for Decimal, sub);
impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b Decimal> for &'a Decimal {
type Output = Decimal;
fn sub(self, other: &Decimal) -> Decimal {
match self.checked_sub(*other) {
Some(diff) => diff,
None => panic!("Subtraction overflowed"),
impl SubAssign for Decimal {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
let result = self.sub(other);
self.lo = result.lo;
self.mid = result.mid;
self.hi = result.hi;
self.flags = result.flags;
impl<'a> SubAssign<&'a Decimal> for Decimal {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::sub_assign(self, *other)
impl<'a> SubAssign for &'a mut Decimal {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
Decimal::sub_assign(*self, other)
impl<'a> SubAssign<&'a Decimal> for &'a mut Decimal {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::sub_assign(*self, *other)
forward_all_binop!(impl Mul for Decimal, mul);
impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Decimal> for &'a Decimal {
type Output = Decimal;
fn mul(self, other: &Decimal) -> Decimal {
match self.checked_mul(*other) {
Some(prod) => prod,
None => panic!("Multiplication overflowed"),
impl MulAssign for Decimal {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
let result = self.mul(other);
self.lo = result.lo;
self.mid = result.mid;
self.hi = result.hi;
self.flags = result.flags;
impl<'a> MulAssign<&'a Decimal> for Decimal {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::mul_assign(self, *other)
impl<'a> MulAssign for &'a mut Decimal {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
Decimal::mul_assign(*self, other)
impl<'a> MulAssign<&'a Decimal> for &'a mut Decimal {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::mul_assign(*self, *other)
forward_all_binop!(impl Div for Decimal, div);
impl<'a, 'b> Div<&'b Decimal> for &'a Decimal {
type Output = Decimal;
fn div(self, other: &Decimal) -> Decimal {
match self.div_impl(*other) {
DivResult::Ok(quot) => quot,
DivResult::Overflow => panic!("Division overflowed"),
DivResult::DivByZero => panic!("Division by zero"),
impl DivAssign for Decimal {
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
let result = self.div(other);
self.lo = result.lo;
self.mid = result.mid;
self.hi = result.hi;
self.flags = result.flags;
impl<'a> DivAssign<&'a Decimal> for Decimal {
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::div_assign(self, *other)
impl<'a> DivAssign for &'a mut Decimal {
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
Decimal::div_assign(*self, other)
impl<'a> DivAssign<&'a Decimal> for &'a mut Decimal {
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::div_assign(*self, *other)
forward_all_binop!(impl Rem for Decimal, rem);
impl<'a, 'b> Rem<&'b Decimal> for &'a Decimal {
type Output = Decimal;
fn rem(self, other: &Decimal) -> Decimal {
match self.checked_rem(*other) {
Some(rem) => rem,
None => panic!("Division by zero"),
impl RemAssign for Decimal {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
let result = self.rem(other);
self.lo = result.lo;
self.mid = result.mid;
self.hi = result.hi;
self.flags = result.flags;
impl<'a> RemAssign<&'a Decimal> for Decimal {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::rem_assign(self, *other)
impl<'a> RemAssign for &'a mut Decimal {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: Decimal) {
Decimal::rem_assign(*self, other)
impl<'a> RemAssign<&'a Decimal> for &'a mut Decimal {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Decimal) {
Decimal::rem_assign(*self, *other)
impl PartialEq for Decimal {
fn eq(&self, other: &Decimal) -> bool {
self.cmp(other) == Equal
impl Eq for Decimal {}
impl Hash for Decimal {
fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) {
let n = self.normalize();
impl PartialOrd for Decimal {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Decimal) -> Option {
impl Ord for Decimal {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Decimal) -> Ordering {
// Quick exit if major differences
let self_negative = self.is_sign_negative();
let other_negative = other.is_sign_negative();
if self_negative && !other_negative {
if self.is_zero() && other.is_zero() {
return Ordering::Equal;
return Ordering::Less;
} else if !self_negative && other_negative {
if self.is_zero() && other.is_zero() {
return Ordering::Equal;
return Ordering::Greater;
// If we have 1.23 and 1.2345 then we have
// 123 scale 2 and 12345 scale 4
// We need to convert the first to
// 12300 scale 4 so we can compare equally
let left: &Decimal;
let right: &Decimal;
if self_negative && other_negative {
// Both are negative, so reverse cmp
left = other;
right = self;
} else {
left = self;
right = other;
let mut left_scale = left.scale();
let mut right_scale = right.scale();
if left_scale == right_scale {
// Fast path for same scale
if left.hi != right.hi {
return left.hi.cmp(&right.hi);
if left.mid != right.mid {
return left.mid.cmp(&right.mid);
return left.lo.cmp(&right.lo);
// Rescale and compare
let mut left_raw = [left.lo, left.mid, left.hi];
let mut right_raw = [right.lo, right.mid, right.hi];
rescale_to_maximum_scale(&mut left_raw, &mut left_scale, &mut right_raw, &mut right_scale);
cmp_internal(&left_raw, &right_raw)
impl Sum for Decimal {
fn sum>(iter: I) -> Self {
let mut sum = Decimal::zero();
for i in iter {
sum += i;
mod test {
// Tests on private methods.
// All public tests should go under `tests/`.
use super::*;
fn it_can_rescale_to_maximum_scale() {
fn extract(value: &str) -> ([u32; 3], u32) {
let v = Decimal::from_str(value).unwrap();
([v.lo, v.mid, v.hi], v.scale())
let tests = &[
("1", "1", "1", "1"),
("1", "1.0", "1.0", "1.0"),
("1", "1.00000", "1.00000", "1.00000"),
("1", "1.0000000000", "1.0000000000", "1.0000000000"),
("1.1", "1.1", "1.1", "1.1"),
("1.1", "1.10000", "1.10000", "1.10000"),
("1.1", "1.1000000000", "1.1000000000", "1.1000000000"),
"0.0872727272727272727272727272", // Scale 28
"843.65000000", // Scale 8
"0.0872727272727272727272727", // 25
"843.6500000000000000000000000", // 25
for &(left_raw, right_raw, expected_left, expected_right) in tests {
// Left = the value to rescale
// Right = the new scale we're scaling to
// Expected = the expected left value after rescale
let (expected_left, expected_lscale) = extract(expected_left);
let (expected_right, expected_rscale) = extract(expected_right);
let (mut left, mut left_scale) = extract(left_raw);
let (mut right, mut right_scale) = extract(right_raw);
rescale_to_maximum_scale(&mut left, &mut left_scale, &mut right, &mut right_scale);
assert_eq!(left, expected_left);
assert_eq!(left_scale, expected_lscale);
assert_eq!(right, expected_right);
assert_eq!(right_scale, expected_rscale);
// Also test the transitive case
let (mut left, mut left_scale) = extract(left_raw);
let (mut right, mut right_scale) = extract(right_raw);
rescale_to_maximum_scale(&mut right, &mut right_scale, &mut left, &mut left_scale);
assert_eq!(left, expected_left);
assert_eq!(left_scale, expected_lscale);
assert_eq!(right, expected_right);
assert_eq!(right_scale, expected_rscale);
fn it_can_rescale_internal() {
fn extract(value: &str) -> ([u32; 3], u32) {
let v = Decimal::from_str(value).unwrap();
([v.lo, v.mid, v.hi], v.scale())
let tests = &[
("1", 0, "1"),
("1", 1, "1.0"),
("1", 5, "1.00000"),
("1", 10, "1.0000000000"),
("1", 20, "1.00000000000000000000"),
("0.6386554621848739495798319328", 27, "0.638655462184873949579831933"),
"843.65000000", // Scale 8
25, // 25
"843.6500000000000000000000000", // 25
"843.65000000", // Scale 8
30, // 30
"843.6500000000000000000000000000", // 28
for &(value_raw, new_scale, expected_value) in tests {
let (expected_value, _) = extract(expected_value);
let (mut value, mut value_scale) = extract(value_raw);
rescale_internal(&mut value, &mut value_scale, new_scale);
assert_eq!(value, expected_value);