use num_traits::{Signed, ToPrimitive, Zero}; use rust_decimal::{Decimal, RoundingStrategy}; use std::{ cmp::{Ordering, Ordering::*}, str::FromStr, }; // Parsing #[test] fn it_creates_a_new_negative_decimal() { let a = Decimal::new(-100, 2); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), true); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 2); assert_eq!("-1.00", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_creates_a_new_decimal_using_numeric_boundaries() { let a = Decimal::new(i64::max_value(), 2); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), false); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 2); assert_eq!("92233720368547758.07", a.to_string()); let b = Decimal::new(i64::min_value(), 2); assert_eq!(b.is_sign_negative(), true); assert_eq!(b.scale(), 2); assert_eq!("-92233720368547758.08", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_parses_empty_string() { assert!(Decimal::from_str("").is_err()); assert!(Decimal::from_str(" ").is_err()); } #[test] fn it_parses_positive_int_string() { let a = Decimal::from_str("233").unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), false); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 0); assert_eq!("233", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_parses_negative_int_string() { let a = Decimal::from_str("-233").unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), true); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 0); println!("to_string"); assert_eq!("-233", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_parses_positive_float_string() { let a = Decimal::from_str("233.323223").unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), false); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 6); assert_eq!("233.323223", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_parses_negative_float_string() { let a = Decimal::from_str("-233.43343").unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), true); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 5); assert_eq!("-233.43343", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_parses_positive_tiny_float_string() { let a = Decimal::from_str(".000001").unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), false); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 6); assert_eq!("0.000001", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_parses_negative_tiny_float_string() { let a = Decimal::from_str("-0.000001").unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), true); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 6); assert_eq!("-0.000001", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_parses_big_integer_string() { let a = Decimal::from_str("79228162514264337593543950330").unwrap(); assert_eq!("79228162514264337593543950330", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_parses_big_float_string() { let a = Decimal::from_str("79.228162514264337593543950330").unwrap(); assert_eq!("79.228162514264337593543950330", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_serialize_deserialize() { let a = Decimal::from_str("12.3456789").unwrap(); let bytes = a.serialize(); let b = Decimal::deserialize(bytes); assert_eq!("12.3456789", b.to_string()); } // Formatting #[test] fn it_formats() { let a = Decimal::from_str("233.323223").unwrap(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "233.323223"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.9}", a), "233.323223000"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", a), "233"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", a), "233.32"); assert_eq!(format!("{:010.2}", a), "0000233.32"); assert_eq!(format!("{:0<10.2}", a), "233.320000"); } #[test] fn it_formats_neg() { let a = Decimal::from_str("-233.323223").unwrap(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "-233.323223"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.9}", a), "-233.323223000"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", a), "-233"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", a), "-233.32"); assert_eq!(format!("{:010.2}", a), "-000233.32"); assert_eq!(format!("{:0<10.2}", a), "-233.32000"); } #[test] fn it_formats_small() { let a = Decimal::from_str("0.2223").unwrap(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "0.2223"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.9}", a), "0.222300000"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", a), "0"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", a), "0.22"); assert_eq!(format!("{:010.2}", a), "0000000.22"); assert_eq!(format!("{:0<10.2}", a), "0.22000000"); } #[test] fn it_formats_small_leading_zeros() { let a = Decimal::from_str("0.0023554701772169").unwrap(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "0.0023554701772169"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.9}", a), "0.002355470"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", a), "0"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", a), "0.00"); assert_eq!(format!("{:010.2}", a), "0000000.00"); assert_eq!(format!("{:0<10.2}", a), "0.00000000"); } #[test] fn it_formats_small_neg() { let a = Decimal::from_str("-0.2223").unwrap(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "-0.2223"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.9}", a), "-0.222300000"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", a), "-0"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", a), "-0.22"); assert_eq!(format!("{:010.2}", a), "-000000.22"); assert_eq!(format!("{:0<10.2}", a), "-0.2200000"); } #[test] fn it_formats_zero() { let a = Decimal::from_str("0").unwrap(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "0"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.9}", a), "0.000000000"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", a), "0"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", a), "0.00"); assert_eq!(format!("{:010.2}", a), "0000000.00"); assert_eq!(format!("{:0<10.2}", a), "0.00000000"); } #[test] fn it_formats_int() { let a = Decimal::from_str("5").unwrap(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "5"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.9}", a), "5.000000000"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.0}", a), "5"); assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", a), "5.00"); assert_eq!(format!("{:010.2}", a), "0000005.00"); assert_eq!(format!("{:0<10.2}", a), "5.00000000"); } // Negation #[test] fn it_negates_decimals() { fn neg(a: &str, b: &str) { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let result = -a; assert_eq!(b, result.to_string(), "- {}", a.to_string()); } let tests = &[ ("1", "-1"), ("2", "-2"), ("2454495034", "-2454495034"), (".1", "-0.1"), ("11.815126050420168067226890757", "-11.815126050420168067226890757"), ]; for &(a, b) in tests { neg(a, b); } } // Addition #[test] fn it_adds_decimals() { fn add(a: &str, b: &str, c: &str) { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str(b).unwrap(); let result = a + b; assert_eq!(c, result.to_string(), "{} + {}", a.to_string(), b.to_string()); let result = b + a; assert_eq!(c, result.to_string(), "{} + {}", b.to_string(), a.to_string()); } let tests = &[ ("2", "3", "5"), ("2454495034", "3451204593", "5905699627"), ("24544.95034", ".3451204593", "24545.2954604593"), (".1", ".1", "0.2"), (".10", ".1", "0.20"), (".1", "-.1", "0.0"), ("0", "1.001", "1.001"), ("2", "-3", "-1"), ("-2", "3", "1"), ("-2", "-3", "-5"), ("3", "-2", "1"), ("-3", "2", "-1"), ("1.234", "2.4567", "3.6907"), ( "11.815126050420168067226890757", "0.6386554621848739495798319328", "12.453781512605042016806722690", ), ( "-11.815126050420168067226890757", "0.6386554621848739495798319328", "-11.176470588235294117647058824", ), ( "11.815126050420168067226890757", "-0.6386554621848739495798319328", "11.176470588235294117647058824", ), ( "-11.815126050420168067226890757", "-0.6386554621848739495798319328", "-12.453781512605042016806722690", ), ( "11815126050420168067226890757", "0.4386554621848739495798319328", "11815126050420168067226890757", ), ( "-11815126050420168067226890757", "0.4386554621848739495798319328", "-11815126050420168067226890757", ), ( "11815126050420168067226890757", "-0.4386554621848739495798319328", "11815126050420168067226890757", ), ( "-11815126050420168067226890757", "-0.4386554621848739495798319328", "-11815126050420168067226890757", ), ( "0.0872727272727272727272727272", "843.65000000", "843.7372727272727272727272727", ), ( "7314.6229858868828353570724702", "1000", // Overflow causes this to round "8314.622985886882835357072470", ), ( "108053.27500000000000000000000", "0.00000000000000000000000", "108053.27500000000000000000000", ), ( "108053.27500000000000000000000", // This zero value has too high precision and will be trimmed "0.000000000000000000000000", "108053.27500000000000000000000", ), ( "108053.27500000000000000000000", // This value has too high precision and will be rounded "0.000000000000000000000001", "108053.27500000000000000000000", ), ( "108053.27500000000000000000000", // This value has too high precision and will be rounded "0.000000000000000000000005", "108053.27500000000000000000001", ), ( "8097370036018690744.2590371109596744091", "3807285637671831400.15346897797550749555", "11904655673690522144.412506089", ), ]; for &(a, b, c) in tests { add(a, b, c); } } #[test] fn it_can_addassign() { let mut a = Decimal::from_str("1.01").unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str("0.99").unwrap(); a += b; assert_eq!("2.00", a.to_string()); a += &b; assert_eq!("2.99", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c += b; assert_eq!("3.98", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c += &b; assert_eq!("4.97", a.to_string()); } // Subtraction #[test] fn it_subtracts_decimals() { fn sub(a: &str, b: &str, c: &str) { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str(b).unwrap(); let result = a - b; assert_eq!(c, result.to_string(), "{} - {}", a.to_string(), b.to_string()); } let tests = &[ ("2", "3", "-1"), ("3451204593", "2323322332", "1127882261"), ("24544.95034", ".3451204593", "24544.6052195407"), (".1", ".1", "0.0"), (".1", "-.1", "0.2"), ("1.001", "0", "1.001"), ("2", "-3", "5"), ("-2", "3", "-5"), ("-2", "-3", "1"), ("3", "-2", "5"), ("-3", "2", "-5"), ("1.234", "2.4567", "-1.2227"), ("844.13000000", "843.65000000", "0.48000000"), ("79228162514264337593543950335", "79228162514264337593543950335", "0"), // 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFF_FFFF - 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFF_FFFF ("79228162514264337593543950335", "0", "79228162514264337593543950335"), ("79228162514264337593543950335", "79228162514264337593543950333", "2"), ("4951760157141521099596496896", "1", "4951760157141521099596496895"), // 0x1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 - 1 = 0x0FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFF_FFFF ("79228162514264337593543950334", "79228162514264337593543950335", "-1"), ("1", "4951760157141521099596496895", "-4951760157141521099596496894"), ("18446744073709551615", "-18446744073709551615", "36893488147419103230"), // 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF - -0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF ]; for &(a, b, c) in tests { sub(a, b, c); } } #[test] fn it_can_subassign() { let mut a = Decimal::from_str("1.01").unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str("0.51").unwrap(); a -= b; assert_eq!("0.50", a.to_string()); a -= &b; assert_eq!("-0.01", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c -= b; assert_eq!("-0.52", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c -= &b; assert_eq!("-1.03", a.to_string()); } // Multiplication #[test] fn it_multiplies_decimals() { fn mul(a: &str, b: &str, c: &str) { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str(b).unwrap(); let result = a * b; assert_eq!(c, result.to_string(), "{} * {}", a.to_string(), b.to_string()); let result = b * a; assert_eq!(c, result.to_string(), "{} * {}", b.to_string(), a.to_string()); } let tests = &[ ("2", "3", "6"), ("2454495034", "3451204593", "8470964534836491162"), ("24544.95034", ".3451204593", "8470.964534836491162"), (".1", ".1", "0.01"), ("0", "1.001", "0"), ("2", "-3", "-6"), ("-2", "3", "-6"), ("-2", "-3", "6"), ("1", "2.01", "2.01"), ("1.0", "2.01", "2.010"), // Scale is always additive ( "0.00000000000000001", "0.00000000000000001", "0.0000000000000000000000000000", ), ("0.0000000000000000000000000001", "0.0000000000000000000000000001", "0"), ( "0.6386554621848739495798319328", "11.815126050420168067226890757", "7.5457947885036367488171739292", ), ( "2123456789012345678901234567.8", "11.815126050420168067226890757", "25088909624801327937270048761", ), ( "2123456789012345678901234567.8", "-11.815126050420168067226890757", "-25088909624801327937270048761", ), ( "2.1234567890123456789012345678", "2.1234567890123456789012345678", "4.5090687348026215523554336227", ), ( "0.48000000", "0.1818181818181818181818181818", "0.0872727272727272727272727272", ), ]; for &(a, b, c) in tests { mul(a, b, c); } } #[test] #[should_panic] fn it_panics_when_multiply_with_overflow() { let a = Decimal::from_str("2000000000000000000001").unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str("3000000000000000000001").unwrap(); let _ = a * b; } #[test] fn it_can_mulassign() { let mut a = Decimal::from_str("1.25").unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str("0.01").unwrap(); a *= b; assert_eq!("0.0125", a.to_string()); a *= &b; assert_eq!("0.000125", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c *= b; assert_eq!("0.00000125", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c *= &b; assert_eq!("0.0000000125", a.to_string()); } // Division #[test] fn it_divides_decimals() { fn div(a: &str, b: &str, c: &str) { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str(b).unwrap(); let result = a / b; assert_eq!(c, result.to_string(), "{} / {}", a.to_string(), b.to_string()); } let tests = &[ ("6", "3", "2"), ("10", "2", "5"), ("2.2", "1.1", "2"), ("-2.2", "-1.1", "2"), ("12.88", "5.6", "2.3"), ("1023427554493", "43432632", "23563.562864276795382789603908"), ("10000", "3", "3333.3333333333333333333333333"), ("2", "3", "0.6666666666666666666666666667"), ("1", "3", "0.3333333333333333333333333333"), ("-2", "3", "-0.6666666666666666666666666667"), ("2", "-3", "-0.6666666666666666666666666667"), ("-2", "-3", "0.6666666666666666666666666667"), ("1234.567890123456789012345678", "1.234567890123456789012345678", "1000"), ]; for &(a, b, c) in tests { div(a, b, c); } } #[test] #[should_panic] fn it_can_divide_by_zero() { let a = Decimal::from_str("2").unwrap(); let _ = a / Decimal::zero(); } #[test] fn it_can_divassign() { let mut a = Decimal::from_str("1.25").unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str("0.01").unwrap(); a /= b; assert_eq!("125", a.to_string()); a /= &b; assert_eq!("12500", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c /= b; assert_eq!("1250000", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c /= &b; assert_eq!("125000000", a.to_string()); } // Modulus and Remainder are not the same thing! // #[test] fn it_rems_decimals() { fn rem(a: &str, b: &str, c: &str) { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str(b).unwrap(); // a = qb + r let result = a % b; assert_eq!(c, result.to_string(), "{} % {}", a.to_string(), b.to_string()); } let tests = &[ ("2", "3", "2"), ("-2", "3", "-2"), ("2", "-3", "2"), ("-2", "-3", "-2"), ("6", "3", "0"), ("42.2", "11.9", "6.5"), ("2.1", "3", "2.1"), ("2", "3.1", "2"), ("2.0", "3.1", "2.0"), ("4", "3.1", "0.9"), ]; for &(a, b, c) in tests { rem(a, b, c); } } #[test] fn it_can_remassign() { let mut a = Decimal::from_str("5").unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str("2").unwrap(); a %= b; assert_eq!("1", a.to_string()); a %= &b; assert_eq!("1", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c %= b; assert_eq!("1", a.to_string()); let mut c = &mut a; c %= &b; assert_eq!("1", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_eqs_decimals() { fn eq(a: &str, b: &str, c: bool) { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str(b).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c, a.eq(&b), "{} == {}", a.to_string(), b.to_string()); assert_eq!(c, b.eq(&a), "{} == {}", b.to_string(), a.to_string()); } let tests = &[ ("1", "1", true), ("1", "-1", false), ("1", "1.00", true), ("1.2345000000000", "1.2345", true), ("1.0000000000000000000000000000", "1.0000000000000000000000000000", true), ( "1.0000000000000000000000000001", "1.0000000000000000000000000000", false, ), ]; for &(a, b, c) in tests { eq(a, b, c); } } #[test] fn it_cmps_decimals() { fn cmp(a: &str, b: &str, c: Ordering) { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str(b).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c, a.cmp(&b), "{} {:?} {}", a.to_string(), c, b.to_string()); } let tests = &[ ("1", "1", Equal), ("1", "-1", Greater), ("1", "1.00", Equal), ("1.2345000000000", "1.2345", Equal), ( "1.0000000000000000000000000001", "1.0000000000000000000000000000", Greater, ), ("1.0000000000000000000000000000", "1.0000000000000000000000000001", Less), ("-1", "100", Less), ("-100", "1", Less), ("0", "0.5", Less), ("0.5", "0", Greater), ("100", "0.0098", Greater), ("1000000000000000", "999000000000000.0001", Greater), ("2.0001", "2.0001", Equal), ( "11.815126050420168067226890757", "0.6386554621848739495798319328", Greater, ), ("0.6386554621848739495798319328", "11.815126050420168067226890757", Less), ("-0.5", "-0.01", Less), ("-0.5", "-0.1", Less), ("-0.01", "-0.5", Greater), ("-0.1", "-0.5", Greater), ]; for &(a, b, c) in tests { cmp(a, b, c); } } #[test] fn it_floors_decimals() { let tests = &[ ("1", "1"), ("1.00", "1"), ("1.2345", "1"), ("-1", "-1"), ("-1.00", "-1"), ("-1.2345", "-2"), ]; for &(a, expected) in tests { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, a.floor().to_string(), "Failed flooring {}", a); } } #[test] fn it_ceils_decimals() { let tests = &[ ("1", "1"), ("1.00", "1"), ("1.2345", "2"), ("-1", "-1"), ("-1.00", "-1"), ("-1.2345", "-1"), ]; for &(a, expected) in tests { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, a.ceil().to_string(), "Failed ceiling {}", a); } } #[test] fn it_finds_max_of_two() { let tests = &[("1", "1", "1"), ("2", "1", "2"), ("1", "2", "2")]; for &(a, b, expected) in tests { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str(b).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, a.max(b).to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_finds_min_of_two() { let tests = &[("1", "1", "1"), ("2", "1", "1"), ("1", "2", "1")]; for &(a, b, expected) in tests { let a = Decimal::from_str(a).unwrap(); let b = Decimal::from_str(b).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, a.min(b).to_string()); } } #[test] fn test_max_compares() { let x = "225.33543601344182".parse::().unwrap(); let y = Decimal::max_value(); assert!(x < y); assert!(y > x); assert_ne!(y, x); } #[test] fn test_min_compares() { let x = "225.33543601344182".parse::().unwrap(); let y = Decimal::min_value(); assert!(x > y); assert!(y < x); assert_ne!(y, x); } #[test] fn it_can_parse_from_i32() { use num_traits::FromPrimitive; let tests = &[ (0i32, "0"), (1i32, "1"), (-1i32, "-1"), (i32::max_value(), "2147483647"), (i32::min_value(), "-2147483648"), ]; for &(input, expected) in tests { let parsed = Decimal::from_i32(input).unwrap(); assert_eq!( expected, parsed.to_string(), "expected {} does not match parsed {}", expected, parsed ); assert_eq!( input.to_string(), parsed.to_string(), "i32 to_string {} does not match parsed {}", input, parsed ); } } #[test] fn it_can_parse_from_i64() { use num_traits::FromPrimitive; let tests = &[ (0i64, "0"), (1i64, "1"), (-1i64, "-1"), (i64::max_value(), "9223372036854775807"), (i64::min_value(), "-9223372036854775808"), ]; for &(input, expected) in tests { let parsed = Decimal::from_i64(input).unwrap(); assert_eq!( expected, parsed.to_string(), "expected {} does not match parsed {}", expected, parsed ); assert_eq!( input.to_string(), parsed.to_string(), "i64 to_string {} does not match parsed {}", input, parsed ); } } #[test] fn it_can_round_to_2dp() { let a = Decimal::from_str("6.12345").unwrap(); let b = (Decimal::from_str("100").unwrap() * a).round() / Decimal::from_str("100").unwrap(); assert_eq!("6.12", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_using_bankers_rounding() { let tests = &[ ("6.12345", 2, "6.12"), ("6.126", 2, "6.13"), ("-6.126", 2, "-6.13"), ("6.5", 0, "6"), ("7.5", 0, "8"), ("1.2250", 2, "1.22"), ("1.2252", 2, "1.23"), ("1.2249", 2, "1.22"), ("6.1", 2, "6.1"), ("0.0000", 2, "0.00"), ("0.6666666666666666666666666666", 2, "0.67"), ("1.40", 0, "1"), ("2.60", 0, "3"), ("2.1234567890123456789012345678", 27, "2.123456789012345678901234568"), ]; for &(input, dp, expected) in tests { let a = Decimal::from_str(input).unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp_with_strategy(dp, RoundingStrategy::BankersRounding); assert_eq!(expected, b.to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_round_complex_numbers_using_bankers_rounding() { // Issue #71 let rate = Decimal::new(19, 2); // 0.19 let one = Decimal::new(1, 0); // 1 let part = rate / (rate + one); // 0.19 / (0.19 + 1) = 0.1596638655462184873949579832 let part = part.round_dp_with_strategy(2, RoundingStrategy::BankersRounding); // 0.16 assert_eq!("0.16", part.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_using_round_half_up() { let tests = &[ ("0", 0, "0"), ("1.234", 3, "1.234"), ("1.12", 5, "1.12"), ("6.34567", 2, "6.35"), ("6.5", 0, "7"), ("12.49", 0, "12"), ("0.6666666666666666666666666666", 2, "0.67"), ("1.40", 0, "1"), ("2.60", 0, "3"), ("2.1234567890123456789012345678", 27, "2.123456789012345678901234568"), ]; for &(input, dp, expected) in tests { let a = Decimal::from_str(input).unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp_with_strategy(dp, RoundingStrategy::RoundHalfUp); assert_eq!(expected, b.to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_round_complex_numbers_using_round_half_up() { // Issue #71 let rate = Decimal::new(19, 2); // 0.19 let one = Decimal::new(1, 0); // 1 let part = rate / (rate + one); // 0.19 / (0.19 + 1) = 0.1596638655462184873949579832 let part = part.round_dp_with_strategy(2, RoundingStrategy::RoundHalfUp); // 0.16 assert_eq!("0.16", part.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_using_round_half_down() { let tests = &[ ("0", 0, "0"), ("1.234", 3, "1.234"), ("1.12", 5, "1.12"), ("6.34567", 2, "6.35"), ("6.51", 0, "7"), ("12.5", 0, "12"), ("0.6666666666666666666666666666", 2, "0.67"), ("1.40", 0, "1"), ("2.60", 0, "3"), ("2.1234567890123456789012345678", 27, "2.123456789012345678901234568"), ]; for &(input, dp, expected) in tests { let a = Decimal::from_str(input).unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp_with_strategy(dp, RoundingStrategy::RoundHalfDown); assert_eq!(expected, b.to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_round_complex_numbers_using_round_half_down() { // Issue #71 let rate = Decimal::new(19, 2); // 0.19 let one = Decimal::new(1, 0); // 1 let part = rate / (rate + one); // 0.19 / (0.19 + 1) = 0.1596638655462184873949579832 let part = part.round_dp_with_strategy(2, RoundingStrategy::RoundHalfDown); // 0.16 assert_eq!("0.16", part.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_to_2dp_using_explicit_function() { let a = Decimal::from_str("6.12345").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(2u32); assert_eq!("6.12", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_up_to_2dp_using_explicit_function() { let a = Decimal::from_str("6.126").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(2u32); assert_eq!("6.13", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_down_to_2dp_using_explicit_function() { let a = Decimal::from_str("-6.126").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(2u32); assert_eq!("-6.13", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_down_using_bankers_rounding() { let a = Decimal::from_str("6.5").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(0u32); assert_eq!("6", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_up_using_bankers_rounding() { let a = Decimal::from_str("7.5").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(0u32); assert_eq!("8", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_correctly_using_bankers_rounding_1() { let a = Decimal::from_str("1.2250").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(2u32); assert_eq!("1.22", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_correctly_using_bankers_rounding_2() { let a = Decimal::from_str("1.2251").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(2u32); assert_eq!("1.23", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_down_when_required() { let a = Decimal::from_str("1.2249").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(2u32); assert_eq!("1.22", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_to_2dp_using_explicit_function_without_changing_value() { let a = Decimal::from_str("6.1").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(2u32); assert_eq!("6.1", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_zero() { let a = Decimal::from_str("0.0000").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(2u32); assert_eq!("0.00", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_large_decimals() { let a = Decimal::from_str("0.6666666666666666666666666666").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(2u32); assert_eq!("0.67", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_simple_numbers_down() { let a = Decimal::from_str("1.40").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(0u32); assert_eq!("1", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_simple_numbers_up() { let a = Decimal::from_str("2.60").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(0u32); assert_eq!("3", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_simple_numbers_with_high_precision() { let a = Decimal::from_str("2.1234567890123456789012345678").unwrap(); let b = a.round_dp(27u32); assert_eq!("2.123456789012345678901234568", b.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_complex_numbers() { // Issue #71 let rate = Decimal::new(19, 2); // 0.19 let one = Decimal::new(1, 0); // 1 let part = rate / (rate + one); // 0.19 / (0.19 + 1) = 0.1596638655462184873949579832 let part = part.round_dp(2); // 0.16 assert_eq!("0.16", part.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_down() { let a = Decimal::new(470, 3).round_dp_with_strategy(1, RoundingStrategy::RoundDown); assert_eq!("0.4", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_only_rounds_down_when_needed() { let a = Decimal::new(400, 3).round_dp_with_strategy(1, RoundingStrategy::RoundDown); assert_eq!("0.4", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_round_up() { let a = Decimal::new(320, 3).round_dp_with_strategy(1, RoundingStrategy::RoundUp); assert_eq!("0.4", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_only_rounds_up_when_needed() { let a = Decimal::new(300, 3).round_dp_with_strategy(1, RoundingStrategy::RoundUp); assert_eq!("0.3", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_trunc() { let tests = &[("1.00000000000000000000", "1"), ("1.000000000000000000000001", "1")]; for &(value, expected) in tests { let value = Decimal::from_str(value).unwrap(); let expected = Decimal::from_str(expected).unwrap(); let trunc = value.trunc(); assert_eq!(expected.to_string(), trunc.to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_fract() { let tests = &[ ("1.00000000000000000000", "0.00000000000000000000"), ("1.000000000000000000000001", "0.000000000000000000000001"), ]; for &(value, expected) in tests { let value = Decimal::from_str(value).unwrap(); let expected = Decimal::from_str(expected).unwrap(); let fract = value.fract(); assert_eq!(expected.to_string(), fract.to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_normalize() { let tests = &[ ("1.00000000000000000000", "1"), ("1.10000000000000000000000", "1.1"), ("1.00010000000000000000000", "1.0001"), ("1", "1"), ("1.1", "1.1"), ("1.0001", "1.0001"), ("-0", "0"), ("-0.0", "0"), ("-0.010", "-0.01"), ("0.0", "0"), ]; for &(value, expected) in tests { let value = Decimal::from_str(value).unwrap(); let expected = Decimal::from_str(expected).unwrap(); let normalized = value.normalize(); assert_eq!(expected.to_string(), normalized.to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_return_the_max_value() { assert_eq!("79228162514264337593543950335", Decimal::max_value().to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_return_the_min_value() { assert_eq!("-79228162514264337593543950335", Decimal::min_value().to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_go_from_and_into() { let d = Decimal::from_str("5").unwrap(); let di8 = 5u8.into(); let di32 = 5i32.into(); let disize = 5isize.into(); let di64 = 5i64.into(); let du8 = 5u8.into(); let du32 = 5u32.into(); let dusize = 5usize.into(); let du64 = 5u64.into(); assert_eq!(d, di8); assert_eq!(di8, di32); assert_eq!(di32, disize); assert_eq!(disize, di64); assert_eq!(di64, du8); assert_eq!(du8, du32); assert_eq!(du32, dusize); assert_eq!(dusize, du64); } #[test] fn it_converts_to_f64() { assert_eq!(5f64, Decimal::from_str("5").unwrap().to_f64().unwrap()); assert_eq!(-5f64, Decimal::from_str("-5").unwrap().to_f64().unwrap()); assert_eq!(0.1f64, Decimal::from_str("0.1").unwrap().to_f64().unwrap()); assert_eq!(0f64, Decimal::from_str("0.0").unwrap().to_f64().unwrap()); assert_eq!(0f64, Decimal::from_str("-0.0").unwrap().to_f64().unwrap()); assert_eq!( 0.25e-11f64, Decimal::from_str("0.0000000000025").unwrap().to_f64().unwrap(), ); assert_eq!( 1e6f64, Decimal::from_str("1000000.0000000000025").unwrap().to_f64().unwrap() ); assert_eq!( 0.25e-25_f64, Decimal::from_str("0.000000000000000000000000025") .unwrap() .to_f64() .unwrap(), ); assert_eq!( 2.1234567890123456789012345678_f64, Decimal::from_str("2.1234567890123456789012345678") .unwrap() .to_f64() .unwrap(), ); assert_eq!( None, // Cannot be represented in an f64 Decimal::from_str("21234567890123456789012345678").unwrap().to_f64(), ); } #[test] fn it_converts_to_i64() { assert_eq!(5i64, Decimal::from_str("5").unwrap().to_i64().unwrap()); assert_eq!(-5i64, Decimal::from_str("-5").unwrap().to_i64().unwrap()); assert_eq!(5i64, Decimal::from_str("5.12345").unwrap().to_i64().unwrap()); assert_eq!(-5i64, Decimal::from_str("-5.12345").unwrap().to_i64().unwrap()); assert_eq!( 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF, Decimal::from_str("9223372036854775807").unwrap().to_i64().unwrap() ); assert_eq!(None, Decimal::from_str("92233720368547758089").unwrap().to_i64()); } #[test] fn it_converts_to_u64() { assert_eq!(5u64, Decimal::from_str("5").unwrap().to_u64().unwrap()); assert_eq!(None, Decimal::from_str("-5").unwrap().to_u64()); assert_eq!(5u64, Decimal::from_str("5.12345").unwrap().to_u64().unwrap()); assert_eq!( 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF, Decimal::from_str("18446744073709551615").unwrap().to_u64().unwrap() ); assert_eq!(None, Decimal::from_str("18446744073709551616").unwrap().to_u64()); } #[test] fn it_converts_from_f32() { fn from_f32(f: f32) -> Option { num_traits::FromPrimitive::from_f32(f) } assert_eq!("1", from_f32(1f32).unwrap().to_string()); assert_eq!("0", from_f32(0f32).unwrap().to_string()); assert_eq!("0.12345", from_f32(0.12345f32).unwrap().to_string()); assert_eq!( "0.12345678", from_f32(0.1234567800123456789012345678f32).unwrap().to_string() ); assert_eq!( "0.12345679", from_f32(0.12345678901234567890123456789f32).unwrap().to_string() ); assert_eq!("0", from_f32(0.00000000000000000000000000001f32).unwrap().to_string()); assert!(from_f32(std::f32::NAN).is_none()); assert!(from_f32(std::f32::INFINITY).is_none()); // These both overflow assert!(from_f32(std::f32::MAX).is_none()); assert!(from_f32(std::f32::MIN).is_none()); } #[test] fn it_converts_from_f64() { fn from_f64(f: f64) -> Option { num_traits::FromPrimitive::from_f64(f) } assert_eq!("1", from_f64(1f64).unwrap().to_string()); assert_eq!("0", from_f64(0f64).unwrap().to_string()); assert_eq!("0.12345", from_f64(0.12345f64).unwrap().to_string()); assert_eq!( "0.1234567890123456", from_f64(0.1234567890123456089012345678f64).unwrap().to_string() ); assert_eq!( "0.1234567890123457", from_f64(0.12345678901234567890123456789f64).unwrap().to_string() ); assert_eq!("0", from_f64(0.00000000000000000000000000001f64).unwrap().to_string()); assert_eq!("0.6927", from_f64(0.6927f64).unwrap().to_string()); assert_eq!("0.00006927", from_f64(0.00006927f64).unwrap().to_string()); assert_eq!("0.000000006927", from_f64(0.000000006927f64).unwrap().to_string()); assert!(from_f64(std::f64::NAN).is_none()); assert!(from_f64(std::f64::INFINITY).is_none()); // These both overflow assert!(from_f64(std::f64::MAX).is_none()); assert!(from_f64(std::f64::MIN).is_none()); } #[test] fn it_handles_simple_underflow() { // Issue #71 let rate = Decimal::new(19, 2); // 0.19 let one = Decimal::new(1, 0); // 1 let part = rate / (rate + one); // 0.19 / (0.19 + 1) = 0.1596638655462184873949579832 let result = one * part; assert_eq!("0.1596638655462184873949579832", result.to_string()); // 169 * 0.1596638655462184873949579832 = 26.983193277310924 let result = part * Decimal::new(169, 0); assert_eq!("26.983193277310924369747899161", result.to_string()); let result = Decimal::new(169, 0) * part; assert_eq!("26.983193277310924369747899161", result.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_parse_highly_significant_numbers() { let tests = &[ ("11.111111111111111111111111111", "11.111111111111111111111111111"), ("11.11111111111111111111111111111", "11.111111111111111111111111111"), ("11.1111111111111111111111111115", "11.111111111111111111111111112"), ("115.111111111111111111111111111", "115.11111111111111111111111111"), ("1115.11111111111111111111111111", "1115.1111111111111111111111111"), ("11.1111111111111111111111111195", "11.111111111111111111111111120"), ("99.9999999999999999999999999995", "100.00000000000000000000000000"), ("-11.1111111111111111111111111195", "-11.111111111111111111111111120"), ("-99.9999999999999999999999999995", "-100.00000000000000000000000000"), ("3.1415926535897932384626433832", "3.1415926535897932384626433832"), ( "8808257419827262908.5944405087133154018", "8808257419827262908.594440509", ), ( "8097370036018690744.2590371109596744091", "8097370036018690744.259037111", ), ( "8097370036018690744.2590371149596744091", "8097370036018690744.259037115", ), ( "8097370036018690744.2590371159596744091", "8097370036018690744.259037116", ), ]; for &(value, expected) in tests { assert_eq!(expected, Decimal::from_str(value).unwrap().to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_parse_alternative_formats() { let tests = &[ ("1_000", "1000"), ("1_000_000", "1000000"), ("10_000_000", "10000000"), ("100_000", "100000"), // At the moment, we'll accept this ("1_____________0", "10"), ]; for &(value, expected) in tests { assert_eq!(expected, Decimal::from_str(value).unwrap().to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_parse_fractional_numbers_with_underscore_separators() { let a = Decimal::from_str("0.1_23_456").unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), false); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 6); assert_eq!("0.123456", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_parse_numbers_with_underscore_separators_before_decimal_point() { let a = Decimal::from_str("1_234.56").unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.is_sign_negative(), false); assert_eq!(a.scale(), 2); assert_eq!("1234.56", a.to_string()); } #[test] fn it_can_parse_numbers_and_round_correctly_with_underscore_separators_before_decimal_point() { let tests = &[ ( "8_097_370_036_018_690_744.2590371159596744091", "8097370036018690744.259037116", ), ( "8097370036018690744.259_037_115_959_674_409_1", "8097370036018690744.259037116", ), ( "8_097_370_036_018_690_744.259_037_115_959_674_409_1", "8097370036018690744.259037116", ), ]; for &(value, expected) in tests { assert_eq!(expected, Decimal::from_str(value).unwrap().to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_reject_invalid_formats() { let tests = &["_1", "1.0.0", "10_00.0_00.0"]; for &value in tests { assert!( Decimal::from_str(value).is_err(), "This succeeded unexpectedly: {}", value ); } } #[test] fn it_can_reject_large_numbers_with_panic() { let tests = &[ // The maximum number supported is 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 "79228162514264337593543950336", "79228162514264337593543950337", "79228162514264337593543950338", "79228162514264337593543950339", "79228162514264337593543950340", ]; for &value in tests { assert!( Decimal::from_str(value).is_err(), "This succeeded unexpectedly: {}", value ); } } #[test] fn it_can_parse_individual_parts() { let pi = Decimal::from_parts(1102470952, 185874565, 1703060790, false, 28); assert_eq!(pi.to_string(), "3.1415926535897932384626433832"); } #[test] fn it_can_parse_scientific_notation() { let tests = &[ ("9.7e-7", "0.00000097"), ("9e-7", "0.0000009"), ("1.2e10", "12000000000"), ("1.2e+10", "12000000000"), ("12e10", "120000000000"), ("9.7E-7", "0.00000097"), ]; for &(value, expected) in tests { assert_eq!(expected, Decimal::from_scientific(value).unwrap().to_string()); } } #[test] fn it_can_parse_different_radix() { use num_traits::Num; let tests = &[ // Input, Radix, Success, to_string() ("123", 10, true, "123"), ("123", 8, true, "83"), ("123", 16, true, "291"), ("abc", 10, false, ""), ("abc", 16, true, "2748"), ("78", 10, true, "78"), ("78", 8, false, ""), ("101", 2, true, "5"), // Parse base 2 ("1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111", 2, true, "4294967295"), // Max supported value ( "1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_\ 1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111", 2, true, &Decimal::max_value().to_string(), ), // We limit to 28 dp ( "843.6500000000000000000000000000", 10, true, "843.6500000000000000000000000", ), ]; for &(input, radix, success, expected) in tests { let result = Decimal::from_str_radix(input, radix); assert_eq!( success, result.is_ok(), "Failed to parse: {} radix {}: {:?}", input, radix, result.err() ); if result.is_ok() { assert_eq!( expected, result.unwrap().to_string(), "Original input: {} radix {}", input, radix ); } } } #[test] fn it_can_calculate_signum() { let tests = &[("123", 1), ("-123", -1), ("0", 0)]; for &(input, expected) in tests { let input = Decimal::from_str(input).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, input.signum().to_i32().unwrap(), "Input: {}", input); } } #[test] fn it_can_calculate_abs_sub() { let tests = &[ ("123", "124", 0), ("123", "123", 0), ("123", "122", 123), ("-123", "-124", 123), ("-123", "-123", 0), ("-123", "-122", 0), ]; for &(input1, input2, expected) in tests { let input1 = Decimal::from_str(input1).unwrap(); let input2 = Decimal::from_str(input2).unwrap(); assert_eq!( expected, input1.abs_sub(&input2).to_i32().unwrap(), "Input: {} {}", input1, input2 ); } } #[test] #[should_panic] fn it_panics_when_scale_too_large() { let _ = Decimal::new(1, 29); } #[test] fn test_zero_eq_negative_zero() { let zero: Decimal = 0.into(); assert!(zero == zero); assert!(-zero == zero); assert!(zero == -zero); } #[cfg(feature = "postgres")] #[test] fn to_from_sql() { use bytes::BytesMut; use postgres::types::{FromSql, Kind, ToSql, Type}; let tests = &[ "3950.123456", "3950", "0.1", "0.01", "0.001", "0.0001", "0.00001", "0.000001", "1", "-100", "-123.456", "119996.25", "1000000", "9999999.99999", "12340.56789", "79228162514264337593543950335", // 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF (96 bit) "4951760157141521099596496895", // 0x0FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF (95 bit) "4951760157141521099596496896", // 0x1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 "18446744073709551615", "-18446744073709551615", ]; let t = Type::new("".into(), 0, Kind::Simple, "".into()); for test in tests { let input = Decimal::from_str(test).unwrap(); let mut bytes = BytesMut::new(); input.to_sql(&t, &mut bytes).unwrap(); let output = Decimal::from_sql(&t, &bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(input, output); } } fn hash_it(d: Decimal) -> u64 { use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::hash::Hash; use std::hash::Hasher; let mut h = DefaultHasher::new(); d.hash(&mut h); h.finish() } #[test] fn it_computes_equal_hashes_for_equal_values() { // From the Rust Hash docs: // // "When implementing both Hash and Eq, it is important that the following property holds: // // k1 == k2 -> hash(k1) == hash(k2)" let k1 = Decimal::from_str("1").unwrap(); let k2 = Decimal::from_str("1.0").unwrap(); let k3 = Decimal::from_str("1.00").unwrap(); let k4 = Decimal::from_str("1.01").unwrap(); assert_eq!(k1, k2); assert_eq!(k1, k3); assert_ne!(k1, k4); let h1 = hash_it(k1); let h2 = hash_it(k2); let h3 = hash_it(k3); let h4 = hash_it(k4); assert_eq!(h1, h2); assert_eq!(h1, h3); assert_ne!(h1, h4); // Test the application of Hash calculation to a HashMap. use std::collections::HashMap; let mut map = HashMap::new(); map.insert(k1, k1.to_string()); // map[k2] should overwrite map[k1] because k1 == k2. map.insert(k2, k2.to_string()); assert_eq!("1.0", map.get(&k3).expect("could not get k3")); assert_eq!(1, map.len()); // map[k3] should overwrite map[k2] because k3 == k2. map.insert(k3, k3.to_string()); // map[k4] should not overwrite map[k3] because k4 != k3. map.insert(k4, k4.to_string()); assert_eq!(2, map.len()); assert_eq!("1.00", map.get(&k1).expect("could not get k1")); } #[test] fn it_computes_equal_hashes_for_positive_and_negative_zero() { // Verify 0 and -0 have the same hash let k1 = Decimal::from_str("0").unwrap(); let k2 = Decimal::from_str("-0").unwrap(); assert_eq!("-0", k2.to_string()); assert_eq!(k1, k2); let h1 = hash_it(k1); let h2 = hash_it(k2); assert_eq!(h1, h2); // Verify 0 and -0.0 have the same hash let k1 = Decimal::from_str("0").unwrap(); let k2 = Decimal::from_str("-0.0").unwrap(); assert_eq!("-0.0", k2.to_string()); assert_eq!(k1, k2); let h1 = hash_it(k1); let h2 = hash_it(k2); assert_eq!(h1, h2); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn it_handles_i128_min() { Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(std::i128::MIN, 0); } #[test] fn it_can_rescale() { let tests = &[ ("0", 6, "0.000000"), ("0.000000", 2, "0.00"), ("0.12345600000", 6, "0.123456"), ("0.123456", 12, "0.123456000000"), ("0.123456", 0, "0"), ("0.000001", 4, "0.0000"), ("1233456", 4, "1233456.0000"), ("1.2", 30, "1.2000000000000000000000000000"), ("79228162514264337593543950335", 0, "79228162514264337593543950335"), ("4951760157141521099596496895", 1, "4951760157141521099596496895.0"), ("4951760157141521099596496896", 1, "4951760157141521099596496896.0"), ("18446744073709551615", 6, "18446744073709551615.000000"), ("-18446744073709551615", 6, "-18446744073709551615.000000"), ]; for &(value_raw, new_scale, expected_value) in tests { let new_value = Decimal::from_str(expected_value).unwrap(); let mut value = Decimal::from_str(value_raw).unwrap(); value.rescale(new_scale); assert_eq!(new_value.to_string(), value.to_string()); } }