use lock_api::RawRwLock; use std::{cell::UnsafeCell, collections::hash_map::HashMap, fmt, hash, ops}; /// `StorageMap` is a wrapper around `HashMap` that allows efficient concurrent /// access for the use case when only rarely the missing elements need to be created. pub struct StorageMap { lock: L, map: UnsafeCell, } unsafe impl Send for StorageMap {} unsafe impl Sync for StorageMap {} impl Default for StorageMap { fn default() -> Self { StorageMap { lock: L::INIT, map: UnsafeCell::new(M::default()), } } } impl fmt::Debug for StorageMap { fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { } } /// An element guard that releases the lock when dropped. pub struct StorageMapGuard<'a, L: 'a + RawRwLock, V: 'a> { lock: &'a L, value: &'a V, exclusive: bool, } impl<'a, L: RawRwLock, V> ops::Deref for StorageMapGuard<'a, L, V> { type Target = V; fn deref(&self) -> &V { self.value } } impl<'a, L: RawRwLock, V> Drop for StorageMapGuard<'a, L, V> { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if self.exclusive { self.lock.unlock_exclusive(); } else { self.lock.unlock_shared(); } } } } pub struct WholeMapWriteGuard<'a, L: 'a + RawRwLock, M: 'a> { lock: &'a L, map: &'a mut M, } impl<'a, L: RawRwLock, M> ops::Deref for WholeMapWriteGuard<'a, L, M> { type Target = M; fn deref(&self) -> &M { } } impl<'a, L: RawRwLock, M> ops::DerefMut for WholeMapWriteGuard<'a, L, M> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut M { } } impl<'a, L: RawRwLock, V> Drop for WholeMapWriteGuard<'a, L, V> { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { self.lock.unlock_exclusive(); } } } /// Result of preparing a particular key. pub enum PrepareResult { /// Nothing is created, the key/value pair is already there. AlreadyExists, /// Key was not found, but value creation failed. UnableToCreate, /// Key was not found, but now the value has been created and inserted. Created, } impl StorageMap> where L: RawRwLock, K: Clone + Eq + hash::Hash, S: hash::BuildHasher, { /// Create a new storage map with the given hasher. pub fn with_hasher(hash_builder: S) -> Self { StorageMap { lock: L::INIT, map: UnsafeCell::new(HashMap::with_hasher(hash_builder)), } } /// Get a value associated with the key. The method assumes that more often then not /// the value is already there. If it's not - the closure will be called to create one. /// This closure is expected to always produce the same value given the same key. pub fn get_or_create_with<'a, F: FnOnce() -> V>( &'a self, key: &K, create_fn: F, ) -> StorageMapGuard<'a, L, V> { self.lock.lock_shared(); // try mapping for reading first let map = unsafe { &* }; if let Some(value) = map.get(key) { return StorageMapGuard { lock: &self.lock, value, exclusive: false, }; } unsafe { self.lock.unlock_shared(); } // now actually lock for writes let value = create_fn(); self.lock.lock_exclusive(); let map = unsafe { &mut * }; StorageMapGuard { lock: &self.lock, value: &*map.entry(key.clone()).or_insert(value), exclusive: true, } } /// Make sure the given key is in the map, as a way to warm up /// future run-time access to the map at the initialization stage. pub fn prepare_maybe Option>(&self, key: &K, create_fn: F) -> PrepareResult { self.lock.lock_shared(); // try mapping for reading first let map = unsafe { &* }; let has = map.contains_key(key); unsafe { self.lock.unlock_shared(); } if has { return PrepareResult::AlreadyExists; } // try creating a new value let value = match create_fn() { Some(value) => value, None => return PrepareResult::UnableToCreate, }; // now actually lock for writes self.lock.lock_exclusive(); let map = unsafe { &mut * }; map.insert(key.clone(), value); unsafe { self.lock.unlock_exclusive(); } PrepareResult::Created } /// Lock the whole map for writing. pub fn whole_write(&self) -> WholeMapWriteGuard> { self.lock.lock_exclusive(); WholeMapWriteGuard { lock: &self.lock, map: unsafe { &mut * }, } } }