extern crate tokio; extern crate env_logger; extern crate futures; use futures::sync::oneshot; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::thread; use tokio::io; use tokio::net::{TcpStream, TcpListener}; use tokio::prelude::future::lazy; use tokio::prelude::*; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; // this import is used in all child modules that have it in scope // from importing super::*, but the compiler doesn't realise that // and warns about it. pub use futures::future::Executor; macro_rules! t { ($e:expr) => (match $e { Ok(e) => e, Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with {:?}", stringify!($e), e), }) } fn create_client_server_future() -> Box + Send> { let server = t!(TcpListener::bind(&"".parse().unwrap())); let addr = t!(server.local_addr()); let client = TcpStream::connect(&addr); let server = server.incoming().take(1) .map_err(|e| panic!("accept err = {:?}", e)) .for_each(|socket| { tokio::spawn({ io::write_all(socket, b"hello") .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|e| panic!("write err = {:?}", e)) }) }) .map(|_| ()); let client = client .map_err(|e| panic!("connect err = {:?}", e)) .and_then(|client| { // Read all io::read_to_end(client, vec![]) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|e| panic!("read err = {:?}", e)) }); let future = server.join(client) .map(|_| ()); Box::new(future) } #[test] fn runtime_tokio_run() { let _ = env_logger::try_init(); tokio::run(create_client_server_future()); } #[test] fn runtime_single_threaded() { let _ = env_logger::try_init(); let mut runtime = tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new() .unwrap(); runtime.block_on(create_client_server_future()).unwrap(); runtime.run().unwrap(); } #[test] fn runtime_single_threaded_block_on() { let _ = env_logger::try_init(); tokio::runtime::current_thread::block_on_all(create_client_server_future()).unwrap(); } mod runtime_single_threaded_block_on_all { use super::*; fn test(spawn: F) where F: Fn(Box + Send>), { let cnt = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)); let c = cnt.clone(); let msg = tokio::runtime::current_thread::block_on_all(lazy(move || { { let mut x = c.lock().unwrap(); *x = 1 + *x; } // Spawn! spawn(Box::new(lazy(move || { { let mut x = c.lock().unwrap(); *x = 1 + *x; } Ok::<(), ()>(()) }))); Ok::<_, ()>("hello") })).unwrap(); assert_eq!(2, *cnt.lock().unwrap()); assert_eq!(msg, "hello"); } #[test] fn spawn() { test(|f| { tokio::spawn(f); }) } #[test] fn execute() { test(|f| { tokio::executor::DefaultExecutor::current() .execute(f) .unwrap(); }) } } mod runtime_single_threaded_racy { use super::*; fn test(spawn: F) where F: Fn( tokio::runtime::current_thread::Handle, Box + Send>, ), { let (trigger, exit) = futures::sync::oneshot::channel(); let (handle_tx, handle_rx) = ::std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let jh = ::std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut rt = tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap(); handle_tx.send(rt.handle()).unwrap(); // don't exit until we are told to rt.block_on(exit.map_err(|_| ())).unwrap(); // run until all spawned futures (incl. the "exit" signal future) have completed. rt.run().unwrap(); }); let (tx, rx) = futures::sync::oneshot::channel(); let handle = handle_rx.recv().unwrap(); spawn(handle, Box::new(futures::future::lazy(move || { tx.send(()).unwrap(); Ok(()) }))); // signal runtime thread to exit trigger.send(()).unwrap(); // wait for runtime thread to exit jh.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(rx.wait().unwrap(), ()); } #[test] fn spawn() { test(|handle, f| { handle.spawn(f).unwrap(); }) } #[test] fn execute() { test(|handle, f| { handle.execute(f).unwrap(); }) } } mod runtime_multi_threaded { use super::*; fn test(spawn: F) where F: Fn(&mut Runtime) + Send + 'static, { let _ = env_logger::try_init(); let mut runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new() .build() .unwrap(); spawn(&mut runtime); runtime.shutdown_on_idle().wait().unwrap(); } #[test] fn spawn() { test(|rt| { rt.spawn(create_client_server_future()); }); } #[test] fn execute() { test(|rt| { rt.executor().execute(create_client_server_future()).unwrap(); }); } } #[test] fn block_on_timer() { use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use tokio::timer::{Delay, Error}; fn after_1s(x: T) -> Box + Send> where T: Send + 'static, { Box::new(Delay::new(Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(100)).map(move |_| x)) } let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); assert_eq!(runtime.block_on(after_1s(42)).unwrap(), 42); runtime.shutdown_on_idle().wait().unwrap(); } mod from_block_on { use super::*; fn test(spawn: F) where F: Fn(Box + Send>) + Send + 'static, { let cnt = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)); let c = cnt.clone(); let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); let msg = runtime .block_on(lazy(move || { { let mut x = c.lock().unwrap(); *x = 1 + *x; } // Spawn! spawn(Box::new(lazy(move || { { let mut x = c.lock().unwrap(); *x = 1 + *x; } Ok::<(), ()>(()) }))); Ok::<_, ()>("hello") })) .unwrap(); runtime.shutdown_on_idle().wait().unwrap(); assert_eq!(2, *cnt.lock().unwrap()); assert_eq!(msg, "hello"); } #[test] fn execute() { test(|f| { tokio::executor::DefaultExecutor::current() .execute(f) .unwrap(); }) } #[test] fn spawn() { test(|f| { tokio::spawn(f); }) } } #[test] fn block_waits() { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); thread::spawn(|| { use std::time::Duration; thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000)); tx.send(()).unwrap(); }); let cnt = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)); let c = cnt.clone(); let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); runtime .block_on(rx.then(move |_| { { let mut x = c.lock().unwrap(); *x = 1 + *x; } Ok::<_, ()>(()) })) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, *cnt.lock().unwrap()); runtime.shutdown_on_idle().wait().unwrap(); } mod many { use super::*; const ITER: usize = 200; fn test(spawn: F) where F: Fn(&mut Runtime, Box + Send>), { let cnt = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)); let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); for _ in 0..ITER { let c = cnt.clone(); spawn(&mut runtime, Box::new(lazy(move || { { let mut x = c.lock().unwrap(); *x = 1 + *x; } Ok::<(), ()>(()) }))); } runtime.shutdown_on_idle().wait().unwrap(); assert_eq!(ITER, *cnt.lock().unwrap()); } #[test] fn spawn() { test(|rt, f| { rt.spawn(f); }) } #[test] fn execute() { test(|rt, f| { rt.executor() .execute(f) .unwrap(); }) } } mod from_block_on_all { use super::*; fn test(spawn: F) where F: Fn(Box + Send>) + Send + 'static, { let cnt = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)); let c = cnt.clone(); let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); let msg = runtime .block_on_all(lazy(move || { { let mut x = c.lock().unwrap(); *x = 1 + *x; } // Spawn! spawn(Box::new(lazy(move || { { let mut x = c.lock().unwrap(); *x = 1 + *x; } Ok::<(), ()>(()) }))); Ok::<_, ()>("hello") })) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(2, *cnt.lock().unwrap()); assert_eq!(msg, "hello"); } #[test] fn execute() { test(|f| { tokio::executor::DefaultExecutor::current() .execute(f) .unwrap(); }) } #[test] fn spawn() { test(|f| { tokio::spawn(f); }) } } #[test] fn run_in_run() { use std::panic; tokio::run(lazy(|| { panic::catch_unwind(|| { tokio::run(lazy(|| { Ok::<(), ()>(()) })) }).unwrap_err(); Ok::<(), ()>(()) })); }