#![deny(missing_docs, missing_debug_implementations)] #![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/tokio-executor/0.1.9")] //! Task execution related traits and utilities. //! //! In the Tokio execution model, futures are lazy. When a future is created, no //! work is performed. In order for the work defined by the future to happen, //! the future must be submitted to an executor. A future that is submitted to //! an executor is called a "task". //! //! The executor is responsible for ensuring that [`Future::poll`] is called //! whenever the task is notified. Notification happens when the internal //! state of a task transitions from *not ready* to *ready*. For example, a //! socket might have received data and a call to `read` will now be able to //! succeed. //! //! This crate provides traits and utilities that are necessary for building an //! executor, including: //! //! * The [`Executor`] trait spawns future object onto an executor. //! //! * The [`TypedExecutor`] trait spawns futures of a specific type onto an //! executor. This is used to be generic over executors that spawn futures //! that are either `Send` or `!Send` or implement executors that apply to //! specific futures. //! //! * [`enter`] marks that the current thread is entering an execution //! context. This prevents a second executor from accidentally starting from //! within the context of one that is already running. //! //! * [`DefaultExecutor`] spawns tasks onto the default executor for the current //! context. //! //! * [`Park`] abstracts over blocking and unblocking the current thread. //! //! # Implementing an executor //! //! Executors should always implement `TypedExecutor`. This usually is the bound //! that applications and libraries will use when generic over an executor. See //! the [trait documentation][`TypedExecutor`] for more details. //! //! If the executor is able to spawn all futures that are `Send`, then the //! executor should also implement the `Executor` trait. This trait is rarely //! used directly by applications and libraries. Instead, `tokio::spawn` is //! configured to dispatch to type that implements `Executor`. //! //! [`Executor`]: trait.Executor.html //! [`TypedExecutor`]: trait.TypedExecutor.html //! [`enter`]: fn.enter.html //! [`DefaultExecutor`]: struct.DefaultExecutor.html //! [`Park`]: park/index.html //! [`Future::poll`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/future/trait.Future.html#tymethod.poll extern crate crossbeam_utils; extern crate futures; mod enter; mod error; mod executor; mod global; pub mod park; mod typed; pub use enter::{enter, exit, Enter, EnterError}; pub use error::SpawnError; pub use executor::Executor; pub use global::{set_default, spawn, with_default, DefaultExecutor, DefaultGuard}; pub use typed::TypedExecutor;