#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/tokio-timer/0.2.11")] #![deny(missing_docs, warnings, missing_debug_implementations)] //! Utilities for tracking time. //! //! This crate provides a number of utilities for working with periods of time: //! //! * [`Delay`]: A future that completes at a specified instant in time. //! //! * [`Interval`] A stream that yields at fixed time intervals. //! //! * [`Throttle`]: Throttle down a stream by enforcing a fixed delay between items. //! //! * [`Timeout`]: Wraps a future or stream, setting an upper bound to the //! amount of time it is allowed to execute. If the future or stream does not //! complete in time, then it is canceled and an error is returned. //! //! * [`DelayQueue`]: A queue where items are returned once the requested delay //! has expired. //! //! These three types are backed by a [`Timer`] instance. In order for //! [`Delay`], [`Interval`], and [`Timeout`] to function, the associated //! [`Timer`] instance must be running on some thread. //! //! [`Delay`]: struct.Delay.html //! [`DelayQueue`]: struct.DelayQueue.html //! [`Throttle`]: throttle/struct.Throttle.html //! [`Timeout`]: struct.Timeout.html //! [`Interval`]: struct.Interval.html //! [`Timer`]: timer/struct.Timer.html extern crate tokio_executor; extern crate crossbeam_utils; #[macro_use] extern crate futures; extern crate slab; pub mod clock; pub mod delay_queue; pub mod throttle; pub mod timeout; pub mod timer; mod atomic; mod deadline; mod delay; mod error; mod interval; mod wheel; #[deprecated(since = "0.2.6", note = "use Timeout instead")] #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(deprecated)] pub use self::deadline::{Deadline, DeadlineError}; pub use self::delay::Delay; #[doc(inline)] pub use self::delay_queue::DelayQueue; pub use self::error::Error; pub use self::interval::Interval; #[doc(inline)] pub use self::timeout::Timeout; pub use self::timer::{with_default, Timer}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; /// Create a Future that completes in `duration` from now. pub fn sleep(duration: Duration) -> Delay { Delay::new(Instant::now() + duration) } // ===== Internal utils ===== enum Round { Up, Down, } /// Convert a `Duration` to milliseconds, rounding up and saturating at /// `u64::MAX`. /// /// The saturating is fine because `u64::MAX` milliseconds are still many /// million years. #[inline] fn ms(duration: Duration, round: Round) -> u64 { const NANOS_PER_MILLI: u32 = 1_000_000; const MILLIS_PER_SEC: u64 = 1_000; // Round up. let millis = match round { Round::Up => (duration.subsec_nanos() + NANOS_PER_MILLI - 1) / NANOS_PER_MILLI, Round::Down => duration.subsec_nanos() / NANOS_PER_MILLI, }; duration .as_secs() .saturating_mul(MILLIS_PER_SEC) .saturating_add(millis as u64) }