#![cfg(unix)] extern crate futures; extern crate tokio; extern crate tokio_uds; extern crate tempfile; use tokio_uds::*; use tokio::io; use tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime; use futures::{Future, Stream}; use futures::sync::oneshot; use tempfile::Builder; macro_rules! t { ($e:expr) => (match $e { Ok(e) => e, Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with {:?}", stringify!($e), e), }) } #[test] fn echo() { let dir = Builder::new().prefix("tokio-uds-tests").tempdir().unwrap(); let sock_path = dir.path().join("connect.sock"); let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap(); let server = t!(UnixListener::bind(&sock_path)); let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); rt.spawn({ server.incoming() .into_future() .and_then(move |(sock, _)| { tx.send(sock.unwrap()).unwrap(); Ok(()) }) .map_err(|e| panic!("err={:?}", e)) }); let client = rt.block_on(UnixStream::connect(&sock_path)).unwrap(); let server = rt.block_on(rx).unwrap(); // Write to the client rt.block_on(io::write_all(client, b"hello")).unwrap(); // Read from the server let (_, buf) = rt.block_on(io::read_to_end(server, vec![])).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, b"hello"); }