use crate::loom::cell::UnsafeCell; use crate::util::slab::{Address, Entry, Slot, TransferStack, INITIAL_PAGE_SIZE}; use std::fmt; /// Data accessed only by the thread that owns the shard. pub(crate) struct Local { head: UnsafeCell, } /// Data accessed by any thread. pub(crate) struct Shared { remote: TransferStack, size: usize, prev_sz: usize, slab: UnsafeCell]>>>, } /// Returns the size of the page at index `n` pub(super) fn size(n: usize) -> usize { INITIAL_PAGE_SIZE << n } impl Local { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Self { head: UnsafeCell::new(0), } } fn head(&self) -> usize { self.head.with(|head| unsafe { *head }) } fn set_head(&self, new_head: usize) { self.head.with_mut(|head| unsafe { *head = new_head; }) } } impl Shared { pub(crate) fn new(size: usize, prev_sz: usize) -> Shared { Self { prev_sz, size, remote: TransferStack::new(), slab: UnsafeCell::new(None), } } /// Allocates storage for this page if it does not allready exist. /// /// This requires unique access to the page (e.g. it is called from the /// thread that owns the page, or, in the case of `SingleShard`, while the /// lock is held). In order to indicate this, a reference to the page's /// `Local` data is taken by this function; the `Local` argument is not /// actually used, but requiring it ensures that this is only called when /// local access is held. #[cold] fn alloc_page(&self, _: &Local) { debug_assert!(self.slab.with(|s| unsafe { (*s).is_none() })); let mut slab = Vec::with_capacity(self.size); slab.extend((1..self.size).map(Slot::new)); slab.push(Slot::new(Address::NULL)); self.slab.with_mut(|s| { // this mut access is safe — it only occurs to initially // allocate the page, which only happens on this thread; if the // page has not yet been allocated, other threads will not try // to access it yet. unsafe { *s = Some(slab.into_boxed_slice()); } }); } pub(crate) fn alloc(&self, local: &Local) -> Option
{ let head = local.head(); // are there any items on the local free list? (fast path) let head = if head < self.size { head } else { // if the local free list is empty, pop all the items on the remote // free list onto the local free list. self.remote.pop_all()? }; // if the head is still null, both the local and remote free lists are // empty --- we can't fit any more items on this page. if head == Address::NULL { return None; } // do we need to allocate storage for this page? let page_needs_alloc = self.slab.with(|s| unsafe { (*s).is_none() }); if page_needs_alloc { self.alloc_page(local); } let gen = self.slab.with(|slab| { let slab = unsafe { &*(slab) } .as_ref() .expect("page must have been allocated to alloc!"); let slot = &slab[head]; local.set_head(; slot.generation() }); let index = head + self.prev_sz; Some(Address::new(index, gen)) } pub(crate) fn get(&self, addr: Address) -> Option<&T> { let page_offset = addr.slot() - self.prev_sz; self.slab .with(|slab| unsafe { &*slab }.as_ref()?.get(page_offset)) .map(|slot| slot.get()) } pub(crate) fn remove_local(&self, local: &Local, addr: Address) { let offset = addr.slot() - self.prev_sz; self.slab.with(|slab| { let slab = unsafe { &*slab }.as_ref(); let slot = if let Some(slot) = slab.and_then(|slab| slab.get(offset)) { slot } else { return; }; if slot.reset(addr.generation()) { slot.set_next(local.head()); local.set_head(offset); } }) } pub(crate) fn remove_remote(&self, addr: Address) { let offset = addr.slot() - self.prev_sz; self.slab.with(|slab| { let slab = unsafe { &*slab }.as_ref(); let slot = if let Some(slot) = slab.and_then(|slab| slab.get(offset)) { slot } else { return; }; if !slot.reset(addr.generation()) { return; } self.remote.push(offset, |next| slot.set_next(next)); }) } } impl fmt::Debug for Local { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { self.head.with(|head| { let head = unsafe { *head }; f.debug_struct("Local") .field("head", &format_args!("{:#0x}", head)) .finish() }) } } impl fmt::Debug for Shared { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Shared") .field("remote", &self.remote) .field("prev_sz", &self.prev_sz) .field("size", &self.size) // .field("slab", &self.slab) .finish() } }