#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/warp/0.2.2")]
#![cfg_attr(test, deny(warnings))]
//! # warp
//! warp is a super-easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds.
//! Thanks to its [`Filter`][Filter] system, warp provides these out of the box:
//! - Path routing and parameter extraction
//! - Header requirements and extraction
//! - Query string deserialization
//! - JSON and Form bodies
//! - Multipart form data
//! - Static Files and Directories
//! - Websockets
//! - Access logging
//! - Etc
//! Since it builds on top of [hyper](https://hyper.rs), you automatically get:
//! - HTTP/1
//! - HTTP/2
//! - Asynchronous
//! - One of the fastest HTTP implementations
//! - Tested and **correct**
//! ## Filters
//! The main concept in warp is the [`Filter`][Filter], which allows composition
//! to describe various endpoints in your web service. Besides this powerful
//! trait, warp comes with several built in [filters](filters/index.html), which
//! can be combined for your specific needs.
//! As a small example, consider an endpoint that has path and header requirements:
//! ```
//! use warp::Filter;
//! let hi = warp::path("hello")
//! .and(warp::path::param())
//! .and(warp::header("user-agent"))
//! .map(|param: String, agent: String| {
//! format!("Hello {}, whose agent is {}", param, agent)
//! });
//! ```
//! This example composes several [`Filter`s][Filter] together using `and`:
//! - A path prefix of "hello"
//! - A path parameter of a `String`
//! - The `user-agent` header parsed as a `String`
//! These specific filters will [`reject`][reject] requests that don't match
//! their requirements.
//! This ends up matching requests like:
//! ```notrust
//! GET /hello/sean HTTP/1.1
//! Host: hyper.rs
//! User-Agent: reqwest/v0.8.6
//! ```
//! And it returns a response similar to this:
//! ```notrust
//! HTTP/1.1 200 OK
//! Content-Length: 41
//! Date: ...
//! Hello sean, whose agent is reqwest/v0.8.6
//! ```
//! Take a look at the full list of [`filters`](filters/index.html) to see what
//! you can build.
//! ## Testing
//! Testing your web services easily is extremely important, and warp provides
//! a [`test`](test) module to help send mocked requests through your service.
//! [Filter]: trait.Filter.html
//! [reject]: reject/index.html
mod error;
mod filter;
pub mod filters;
mod generic;
pub mod redirect;
pub mod reject;
pub mod reply;
mod route;
mod server;
mod service;
pub mod test;
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
mod tls;
mod transport;
pub use self::error::Error;
pub use self::filter::Filter;
// This otherwise shows a big dump of re-exports in the doc homepage,
// with zero context, so just hide it from the docs. Doc examples
// on each can show that a convenient import exists.
#[cfg(feature = "multipart")]
pub use self::filters::multipart;
#[cfg(feature = "websocket")]
pub use self::filters::ws;
pub use self::filters::{
// any() function
// cookie() function
// cors() function
// header() function
// log() function
method::{delete, get, head, method, options, patch, post, put},
// path() function and macro
// query() function
// ws() function
#[cfg(feature = "websocket")]
pub use self::filters::ws::ws;
pub use self::redirect::redirect;
pub use self::reject::{reject, Rejection};
pub use self::reply::{reply, Reply};
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
pub use self::server::TlsServer;
pub use self::server::{serve, Server};
pub use self::service::service;
pub use http;
pub use hyper;
pub use bytes::Buf;
pub use futures::{Future, Sink, Stream};
pub(crate) type Request = http::Request;