// Copyright © 2015, skdltmxn // Licensed under the MIT License //! common Configuration Manager definitions for both user mode and kernel mode code ENUM!{enum PNP_VETO_TYPE { PNP_VetoTypeUnknown, PNP_VetoLegacyDevice, PNP_VetoPendingClose, PNP_VetoWindowsApp, PNP_VetoWindowsService, PNP_VetoOutstandingOpen, PNP_VetoDevice, PNP_VetoDriver, PNP_VetoIllegalDeviceRequest, PNP_VetoInsufficientPower, PNP_VetoNonDisableable, PNP_VetoLegacyDriver, PNP_VetoInsufficientRights, }} pub type PPNP_VETO_TYPE = *mut PNP_VETO_TYPE; pub const CM_PROB_NOT_CONFIGURED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000001; pub const CM_PROB_DEVLOADER_FAILED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000002; pub const CM_PROB_OUT_OF_MEMORY: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000003; pub const CM_PROB_ENTRY_IS_WRONG_TYPE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000004; pub const CM_PROB_LACKED_ARBITRATOR: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000005; pub const CM_PROB_BOOT_CONFIG_CONFLICT: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000006; pub const CM_PROB_FAILED_FILTER: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000007; pub const CM_PROB_DEVLOADER_NOT_FOUND: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000008; pub const CM_PROB_INVALID_DATA: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000009; pub const CM_PROB_FAILED_START: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000000A; pub const CM_PROB_LIAR: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000000B; pub const CM_PROB_NORMAL_CONFLICT: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000000C; pub const CM_PROB_NOT_VERIFIED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000000D; pub const CM_PROB_NEED_RESTART: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000000E; pub const CM_PROB_REENUMERATION: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000000F; pub const CM_PROB_PARTIAL_LOG_CONF: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000010; pub const CM_PROB_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000011; pub const CM_PROB_REINSTALL: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000012; pub const CM_PROB_REGISTRY: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000013; pub const CM_PROB_VXDLDR: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000014; pub const CM_PROB_WILL_BE_REMOVED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000015; pub const CM_PROB_DISABLED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000016; pub const CM_PROB_DEVLOADER_NOT_READY: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000017; pub const CM_PROB_DEVICE_NOT_THERE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000018; pub const CM_PROB_MOVED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000019; pub const CM_PROB_TOO_EARLY: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000001A; pub const CM_PROB_NO_VALID_LOG_CONF: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000001B; pub const CM_PROB_FAILED_INSTALL: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000001C; pub const CM_PROB_HARDWARE_DISABLED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000001D; pub const CM_PROB_CANT_SHARE_IRQ: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000001E; pub const CM_PROB_FAILED_ADD: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000001F; pub const CM_PROB_DISABLED_SERVICE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000020; pub const CM_PROB_TRANSLATION_FAILED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000021; pub const CM_PROB_NO_SOFTCONFIG: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000022; pub const CM_PROB_BIOS_TABLE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000023; pub const CM_PROB_IRQ_TRANSLATION_FAILED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000024; pub const CM_PROB_FAILED_DRIVER_ENTRY: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000025; pub const CM_PROB_DRIVER_FAILED_PRIOR_UNLOAD: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000026; pub const CM_PROB_DRIVER_FAILED_LOAD: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000027; pub const CM_PROB_DRIVER_SERVICE_KEY_INVALID: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000028; pub const CM_PROB_LEGACY_SERVICE_NO_DEVICES: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000029; pub const CM_PROB_DUPLICATE_DEVICE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000002A; pub const CM_PROB_FAILED_POST_START: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000002B; pub const CM_PROB_HALTED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000002C; pub const CM_PROB_PHANTOM: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000002D; pub const CM_PROB_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000002E; pub const CM_PROB_HELD_FOR_EJECT: ::CONFIGRET = 0x0000002F; pub const CM_PROB_DRIVER_BLOCKED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000030; pub const CM_PROB_REGISTRY_TOO_LARGE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000031; pub const CM_PROB_SETPROPERTIES_FAILED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000032; pub const CM_PROB_WAITING_ON_DEPENDENCY: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000033; pub const CM_PROB_UNSIGNED_DRIVER: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000034; pub const CM_PROB_USED_BY_DEBUGGER: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000035; pub const NUM_CM_PROB_V1: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000025; pub const NUM_CM_PROB_V2: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000032; pub const NUM_CM_PROB_V3: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000033; pub const NUM_CM_PROB_V4: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000034; pub const NUM_CM_PROB_V5: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000035; pub const NUM_CM_PROB_V6: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000036; pub const DN_ROOT_ENUMERATED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000001; pub const DN_DRIVER_LOADED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000002; pub const DN_ENUM_LOADED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000004; pub const DN_STARTED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000008; pub const DN_MANUAL: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000010; pub const DN_NEED_TO_ENUM: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000020; pub const DN_NOT_FIRST_TIME: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000040; pub const DN_HARDWARE_ENUM: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000080; pub const DN_LIAR: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000100; pub const DN_HAS_MARK: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000200; pub const DN_HAS_PROBLEM: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000400; pub const DN_FILTERED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00000800; pub const DN_MOVED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00001000; pub const DN_DISABLEABLE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00002000; pub const DN_REMOVABLE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00004000; pub const DN_PRIVATE_PROBLEM: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00008000; pub const DN_MF_PARENT: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00010000; pub const DN_MF_CHILD: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00020000; pub const DN_WILL_BE_REMOVED: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00040000; pub const DN_NOT_FIRST_TIMEE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00080000; pub const DN_STOP_FREE_RES: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00100000; pub const DN_REBAL_CANDIDATE: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00200000; pub const DN_BAD_PARTIAL: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00400000; pub const DN_NT_ENUMERATOR: ::CONFIGRET = 0x00800000; pub const DN_NT_DRIVER: ::CONFIGRET = 0x01000000; pub const DN_NEEDS_LOCKING: ::CONFIGRET = 0x02000000; pub const DN_ARM_WAKEUP: ::CONFIGRET = 0x04000000; pub const DN_APM_ENUMERATOR: ::CONFIGRET = 0x08000000; pub const DN_APM_DRIVER: ::CONFIGRET = 0x10000000; pub const DN_SILENT_INSTALL: ::CONFIGRET = 0x20000000; pub const DN_NO_SHOW_IN_DM: ::CONFIGRET = 0x40000000; pub const DN_BOOT_LOG_PROB: ::CONFIGRET = 0x80000000; pub const DN_NEED_RESTART: ::CONFIGRET = DN_LIAR; pub const DN_DRIVER_BLOCKED: ::CONFIGRET = DN_NOT_FIRST_TIME; pub const DN_LEGACY_DRIVER: ::CONFIGRET = DN_MOVED; pub const DN_CHILD_WITH_INVALID_ID: ::CONFIGRET = DN_HAS_MARK; pub const DN_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED: ::CONFIGRET = DN_NEEDS_LOCKING; pub const DN_CHANGEABLE_FLAGS: ::CONFIGRET = DN_NOT_FIRST_TIME + DN_HARDWARE_ENUM + DN_HAS_MARK + DN_DISABLEABLE + DN_REMOVABLE + DN_MF_CHILD + DN_MF_PARENT + DN_NOT_FIRST_TIMEE + DN_STOP_FREE_RES + DN_REBAL_CANDIDATE + DN_NT_ENUMERATOR + DN_NT_DRIVER + DN_SILENT_INSTALL + DN_NO_SHOW_IN_DM; pub const LCPRI_FORCECONFIG: ::PRIORITY = 0x00000000; pub const LCPRI_BOOTCONFIG: ::PRIORITY = 0x00000001; pub const LCPRI_DESIRED: ::PRIORITY = 0x00002000; pub const LCPRI_NORMAL: ::PRIORITY = 0x00003000; pub const LCPRI_LASTBESTCONFIG: ::PRIORITY = 0x00003FFF; pub const LCPRI_SUBOPTIMAL: ::PRIORITY = 0x00005000; pub const LCPRI_LASTSOFTCONFIG: ::PRIORITY = 0x00007FFF; pub const LCPRI_RESTART: ::PRIORITY = 0x00008000; pub const LCPRI_REBOOT: ::PRIORITY = 0x00009000; pub const LCPRI_POWEROFF: ::PRIORITY = 0x0000A000; pub const LCPRI_HARDRECONFIG: ::PRIORITY = 0x0000C000; pub const LCPRI_HARDWIRED: ::PRIORITY = 0x0000E000; pub const LCPRI_IMPOSSIBLE: ::PRIORITY = 0x0000F000; pub const LCPRI_DISABLED: ::PRIORITY = 0x0000FFFF; pub const MAX_LCPRI: ::PRIORITY = 0x0000FFFF;