/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const cacheURL = "http://example.org/browser/browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/file_cache.html"; function countMatchingCacheEntries(cacheEntries, domain, fileSuffix) { return cacheEntries .map(entry => entry.uri.asciiSpec) .filter(spec => spec.includes(domain)) .filter(spec => spec.includes("file_thirdPartyChild." + fileSuffix)).length; } async function checkCache(suffixes, originAttributes) { const loadContextInfo = Services.loadContextInfo.custom( false, originAttributes ); const data = await new Promise(resolve => { let cacheEntries = []; let cacheVisitor = { onCacheStorageInfo(num, consumption) {}, onCacheEntryInfo(uri, idEnhance) { cacheEntries.push({ uri, idEnhance }); }, onCacheEntryVisitCompleted() { resolve(cacheEntries); }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsICacheStorageVisitor"]), }; // Visiting the disk cache also visits memory storage so we do not // need to use Services.cache2.memoryCacheStorage() here. let storage = Services.cache2.diskCacheStorage(loadContextInfo, false); storage.asyncVisitStorage(cacheVisitor, true); }); for (let suffix of suffixes) { let foundEntryCount = countMatchingCacheEntries( data, "example.net", suffix ); ok( foundEntryCount > 0, `Cache entries expected for ${suffix} and OA=${JSON.stringify( originAttributes )}` ); } } add_task(async function() { info("Disable predictor and accept all"); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["network.predictor.enabled", false], ["network.predictor.enable-prefetch", false], ["network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0], ], }); const tests = [ { prefValue: true, originAttributes: { partitionKey: "(http,example.org)" }, }, { prefValue: false, originAttributes: {}, }, ]; for (let test of tests) { info("Clear image and network caches"); let tools = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"].getService( SpecialPowers.Ci.imgITools ); let imageCache = tools.getImgCacheForDocument(window.document); imageCache.clearCache(true); // true=chrome imageCache.clearCache(false); // false=content Services.cache2.clear(); info("Enabling network state partitioning"); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["privacy.partition.network_state", test.prefValue]], }); info("Let's load a page to populate some entries"); let tab = (gBrowser.selectedTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser)); BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(tab.linkedBrowser, cacheURL); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser, false, cacheURL); let argObj = { randomSuffix: Math.random(), urlPrefix: "http://example.net/browser/browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/", }; await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [argObj], async function(arg) { // The CSS cache needs to be cleared in-process. content.windowUtils.clearSharedStyleSheetCache(); let videoURL = arg.urlPrefix + "file_thirdPartyChild.video.ogv"; let audioURL = arg.urlPrefix + "file_thirdPartyChild.audio.ogg"; let URLSuffix = "?r=" + arg.randomSuffix; // Create the audio and video elements. let audio = content.document.createElement("audio"); let video = content.document.createElement("video"); let audioSource = content.document.createElement("source"); // Append the audio element into the body, and wait until they're finished. await new content.Promise(resolve => { let audioLoaded = false; let audioListener = () => { Assert.ok(true, `Audio suspended: ${audioURL + URLSuffix}`); audio.removeEventListener("suspend", audioListener); audioLoaded = true; if (audioLoaded) { resolve(); } }; Assert.ok(true, `Loading audio: ${audioURL + URLSuffix}`); // Add the event listeners before everything in case we lose events. audio.addEventListener("suspend", audioListener); // Assign attributes for the audio element. audioSource.setAttribute("src", audioURL + URLSuffix); audioSource.setAttribute("type", "audio/ogg"); audio.appendChild(audioSource); audio.autoplay = true; content.document.body.appendChild(audio); }); // Append the video element into the body, and wait until it's finished. await new content.Promise(resolve => { let listener = () => { Assert.ok(true, `Video suspended: ${videoURL + URLSuffix}`); video.removeEventListener("suspend", listener); resolve(); }; Assert.ok(true, `Loading video: ${videoURL + URLSuffix}`); // Add the event listener before everything in case we lose the event. video.addEventListener("suspend", listener); // Assign attributes for the video element. video.setAttribute("src", videoURL + URLSuffix); video.setAttribute("type", "video/ogg"); content.document.body.appendChild(video); }); }); let maybePartitionedSuffixes = [ "iframe.html", "link.css", "script.js", "img.png", "favicon.png", "object.png", "embed.png", "xhr.html", "worker.xhr.html", "audio.ogg", "video.ogv", "fetch.html", "worker.fetch.html", "request.html", "worker.request.html", "import.js", "worker.js", "sharedworker.js", ]; info("Query the cache (maybe) partitioned cache"); await checkCache(maybePartitionedSuffixes, test.originAttributes); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); } });