/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
interface nsIInterfaceRequestor;
interface nsIWebBrowserChrome;
interface nsIURIContentListener;
interface mozIDOMWindowProxy;
interface nsIWeakReference;
namespace mozilla {
class OriginAttributes;
[ref] native const_OriginAttributesRef(const mozilla::OriginAttributes);
* The nsIWebBrowser interface is implemented by web browser objects.
* Embedders use this interface during initialisation to associate
* the new web browser instance with the embedders chrome and
* to register any listeners. The interface may also be used at runtime
* to obtain the content DOM window and from that the rest of the DOM.
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(4052b6da-4faa-4646-b3a1-7e16a01c2dc2)]
interface nsIWebBrowser : nsISupports
* The chrome object associated with the browser instance. The embedder
* must create one chrome object for each browser object
* that is instantiated. The embedder must associate the two by setting
* this property to point to the chrome object before creating the browser
* window via the browser's nsIBaseWindow
* The chrome object must also implement nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow
* The chrome may optionally implement nsIInterfaceRequestor
* nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus
* nsIContextMenuListener
* nsITooltipListener
to receive additional notifications
* from the browser object.
* The chrome object may optionally implement
* nsIWebProgressListener
to register a progress listener
* object. If the implementation does this, it must also implement
* nsIWeakReference
* @note The implementation should not refcount the supplied chrome
* object; it should assume that a non nullptr
value is
* always valid. The embedder must explicitly set this value back
* to nullptr if the chrome object is destroyed before the browser
* object.
* @see nsIBaseWindow
* @see nsIWebBrowserChrome
* @see nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow
* @see nsIInterfaceRequestor
* @see nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus
* @see nsIContextMenuListener
* @see nsITooltipListener
* @see nsIWeakReference
* @see nsIWebProgressListener
attribute nsIWebBrowserChrome containerWindow;
* The top-level DOM window. The embedder may walk the entire
* DOM starting from this value.
readonly attribute mozIDOMWindowProxy contentDOMWindow;
* Set Origin Attributes on the nsIWebBrowser.
* The Origin Attributes will be passed to the docshell once it has been
* created
[noscript, notxpcom, nostdcall, binaryname(SetOriginAttributes)]
void binarySetOriginAttributes(in const_OriginAttributesRef aOriginAttrs);