/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ContextualIdentityService"]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); // The maximum valid numeric value for the userContextId. const MAX_USER_CONTEXT_ID = -1 >>> 0; const LAST_CONTAINERS_JSON_VERSION = 4; const SAVE_DELAY_MS = 1500; const CONTEXTUAL_IDENTITY_ENABLED_PREF = "privacy.userContext.enabled"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gBrowserBundle", function() { return Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties" ); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gTextDecoder", function() { return new TextDecoder(); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gTextEncoder", function() { return new TextEncoder(); }); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "AsyncShutdown", "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "DeferredTask", "resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "FileUtils", "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" ); function _TabRemovalObserver(resolver, remoteTabIds) { this._resolver = resolver; this._remoteTabIds = remoteTabIds; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "ipc:browser-destroyed"); } _TabRemovalObserver.prototype = { _resolver: null, _remoteTabIds: null, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIObserver"]), observe(subject, topic, data) { let remoteTab = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRemoteTab); if (this._remoteTabIds.has(remoteTab.tabId)) { this._remoteTabIds.delete(remoteTab.tabId); if (this._remoteTabIds.size == 0) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "ipc:browser-destroyed"); this._resolver(); } } }, }; function _ContextualIdentityService(path) { this.init(path); } _ContextualIdentityService.prototype = { LAST_CONTAINERS_JSON_VERSION, _defaultIdentities: [ { userContextId: 1, public: true, icon: "fingerprint", color: "blue", l10nID: "userContextPersonal.label", accessKey: "userContextPersonal.accesskey", telemetryId: 1, }, { userContextId: 2, public: true, icon: "briefcase", color: "orange", l10nID: "userContextWork.label", accessKey: "userContextWork.accesskey", telemetryId: 2, }, { userContextId: 3, public: true, icon: "dollar", color: "green", l10nID: "userContextBanking.label", accessKey: "userContextBanking.accesskey", telemetryId: 3, }, { userContextId: 4, public: true, icon: "cart", color: "pink", l10nID: "userContextShopping.label", accessKey: "userContextShopping.accesskey", telemetryId: 4, }, { userContextId: 5, public: false, icon: "", color: "", name: "userContextIdInternal.thumbnail", accessKey: "", }, // This userContextId is used by ExtensionStorageIDB.jsm to create an IndexedDB database // opened with the extension principal but not directly accessible to the extension code // (do not change the userContextId assigned here, otherwise the installed extensions will // not be able to access the data previously stored with the browser.storage.local API). { userContextId: MAX_USER_CONTEXT_ID, public: false, icon: "", color: "", name: "userContextIdInternal.webextStorageLocal", accessKey: "", }, ], _identities: null, _openedIdentities: new Set(), _lastUserContextId: 0, _path: null, _dataReady: false, _saver: null, init(path) { this._path = path; Services.prefs.addObserver(CONTEXTUAL_IDENTITY_ENABLED_PREF, this); }, async observe(aSubject, aTopic) { if (aTopic === "nsPref:changed") { const contextualIdentitiesEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( CONTEXTUAL_IDENTITY_ENABLED_PREF ); if (!contextualIdentitiesEnabled) { await this.closeContainerTabs(); this.notifyAllContainersCleared(); this.resetDefault(); } } }, load() { return IOUtils.read(this._path).then( bytes => { // If synchronous loading happened in the meantime, exit now. if (this._dataReady) { return; } try { this.parseData(bytes); } catch (error) { this.loadError(error); } }, error => { this.loadError(error); } ); }, resetDefault() { this._identities = []; // Compute the last used context id (excluding the reserved userContextIds // "userContextIdInternal.webextStorageLocal" which has UINT32_MAX as its // userContextId). this._lastUserContextId = this._defaultIdentities .filter(identity => identity.userContextId < MAX_USER_CONTEXT_ID) .map(identity => identity.userContextId) .sort((a, b) => a >= b) .pop(); // Clone the array for (let identity of this._defaultIdentities) { this._identities.push(Object.assign({}, identity)); } this._openedIdentities = new Set(); this._dataReady = true; // Let's delete all the data of any userContextId. 1 is the first valid // userContextId value. this.deleteContainerData(); this.saveSoon(); }, loadError(error) { if (error != null && error.name != "NotFoundError") { // Let's report the error. Cu.reportError(error); } // If synchronous loading happened in the meantime, exit now. if (this._dataReady) { return; } this.resetDefault(); }, saveSoon() { if (!this._saver) { this._saverCallback = () => this._saver.finalize(); this._saver = new DeferredTask(() => this.save(), SAVE_DELAY_MS); AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.addBlocker( "ContextualIdentityService: writing data", this._saverCallback ); } else { this._saver.disarm(); } this._saver.arm(); }, save() { AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.removeBlocker(this._saverCallback); this._saver = null; this._saverCallback = null; let object = { version: LAST_CONTAINERS_JSON_VERSION, lastUserContextId: this._lastUserContextId, identities: this._identities, }; let bytes = gTextEncoder.encode(JSON.stringify(object)); return IOUtils.write(this._path, bytes, { tmpPath: this._path + ".tmp", }); }, create(name, icon, color) { this.ensureDataReady(); // Retrieve the next userContextId available. let userContextId = ++this._lastUserContextId; // Throw an error if the next userContextId available is invalid (the one associated to // MAX_USER_CONTEXT_ID is already reserved to "userContextIdInternal.webextStorageLocal", which // is also the last valid userContextId available, because its userContextId is equal to UINT32_MAX). if (userContextId >= MAX_USER_CONTEXT_ID) { throw new Error( `Unable to create a new userContext with id '${userContextId}'` ); } let identity = { userContextId, public: true, icon, color, name, }; this._identities.push(identity); this.saveSoon(); Services.obs.notifyObservers( this.getIdentityObserverOutput(identity), "contextual-identity-created" ); return Cu.cloneInto(identity, {}); }, update(userContextId, name, icon, color) { this.ensureDataReady(); let identity = this._identities.find( identity => identity.userContextId == userContextId && identity.public ); if (identity && name) { identity.name = name; identity.color = color; identity.icon = icon; delete identity.l10nID; delete identity.accessKey; this.saveSoon(); Services.obs.notifyObservers( this.getIdentityObserverOutput(identity), "contextual-identity-updated" ); } return !!identity; }, remove(userContextId) { this.ensureDataReady(); let index = this._identities.findIndex( i => i.userContextId == userContextId && i.public ); if (index == -1) { return false; } Services.clearData.deleteDataFromOriginAttributesPattern({ userContextId }); let deletedOutput = this.getIdentityObserverOutput( this.getPublicIdentityFromId(userContextId) ); this._identities.splice(index, 1); this._openedIdentities.delete(userContextId); this.saveSoon(); Services.obs.notifyObservers(deletedOutput, "contextual-identity-deleted"); return true; }, getIdentityObserverOutput(identity) { let wrappedJSObject = { name: this.getUserContextLabel(identity.userContextId), icon: identity.icon, color: identity.color, userContextId: identity.userContextId, }; return { wrappedJSObject }; }, parseData(bytes) { let data = JSON.parse(gTextDecoder.decode(bytes)); if (data.version == 1) { this.resetDefault(); return; } let saveNeeded = false; if (data.version == 2) { data = this.migrate2to3(data); saveNeeded = true; } if (data.version == 3) { data = this.migrate3to4(data); saveNeeded = true; } if (data.version != LAST_CONTAINERS_JSON_VERSION) { dump( "ERROR - ContextualIdentityService - Unknown version found in " + this._path + "\n" ); this.loadError(null); return; } this._identities = data.identities; this._lastUserContextId = data.lastUserContextId; // If we had a migration, let's force the saving of the file. if (saveNeeded) { this.saveSoon(); } this._dataReady = true; }, ensureDataReady() { if (this._dataReady) { return; } try { // This reads the file and automatically detects the UTF-8 encoding. let inputStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); inputStream.init( new FileUtils.File(this._path), FileUtils.MODE_RDONLY, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0 ); try { let bytes = NetUtil.readInputStream( inputStream, inputStream.available() ); this.parseData(bytes); } finally { inputStream.close(); } } catch (error) { this.loadError(error); } }, getPrivateUserContextIds() { return this._identities .filter(identity => !identity.public) .map(identity => identity.userContextId); }, getPublicIdentities() { this.ensureDataReady(); return Cu.cloneInto( this._identities.filter(info => info.public), {} ); }, getPrivateIdentity(name) { this.ensureDataReady(); return Cu.cloneInto( this._identities.find(info => !info.public && info.name == name), {} ); }, // getDefaultPrivateIdentity is similar to getPrivateIdentity but it only looks in the // default identities (e.g. it is used in the data migration methods to retrieve a new default // private identity and add it to the containers data stored on file). getDefaultPrivateIdentity(name) { return Cu.cloneInto( this._defaultIdentities.find(info => !info.public && info.name == name), {} ); }, getPublicIdentityFromId(userContextId) { this.ensureDataReady(); return Cu.cloneInto( this._identities.find( info => info.userContextId == userContextId && info.public ), {} ); }, getUserContextLabel(userContextId) { let identity = this.getPublicIdentityFromId(userContextId); if (!identity) { return ""; } // We cannot localize the user-created identity names. if (identity.name) { return identity.name; } return gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName(identity.l10nID); }, setTabStyle(tab) { if (!tab.hasAttribute("usercontextid")) { return; } let userContextId = tab.getAttribute("usercontextid"); let identity = this.getPublicIdentityFromId(userContextId); let prefix = "identity-color-"; /* Remove the existing container color highlight if it exists */ for (let className of tab.classList) { if (className.startsWith(prefix)) { tab.classList.remove(className); } } if (identity && identity.color) { tab.classList.add(prefix + identity.color); } }, countContainerTabs(userContextId = 0) { let count = 0; this._forEachContainerTab(function() { ++count; }, userContextId); return count; }, closeContainerTabs(userContextId = 0) { return new Promise(resolve => { let remoteTabIds = new Set(); this._forEachContainerTab((tab, tabbrowser) => { let frameLoader = tab.linkedBrowser.frameLoader; // We don't have remoteTab in non-e10s mode. if (frameLoader.remoteTab) { remoteTabIds.add(frameLoader.remoteTab.tabId); } tabbrowser.removeTab(tab); }, userContextId); if (remoteTabIds.size == 0) { resolve(); return; } new _TabRemovalObserver(resolve, remoteTabIds); }); }, notifyAllContainersCleared() { for (let identity of this._identities) { // Don't clear the data related to private identities (e.g. the one used internally // for the thumbnails and the one used for the storage.local IndexedDB backend). if (!identity.public) { continue; } Services.clearData.deleteDataFromOriginAttributesPattern({ userContextId: identity.userContextId, }); } }, _forEachContainerTab(callback, userContextId = 0) { for (let win of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) { if (win.closed || !win.gBrowser) { continue; } let tabbrowser = win.gBrowser; for (let i = tabbrowser.tabs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { let tab = tabbrowser.tabs[i]; if ( tab.hasAttribute("usercontextid") && (!userContextId || parseInt(tab.getAttribute("usercontextid"), 10) == userContextId) ) { callback(tab, tabbrowser); } } } }, telemetry(userContextId) { let identity = this.getPublicIdentityFromId(userContextId); // Let's ignore unknown identities for now. if (!identity) { return; } if (!this._openedIdentities.has(userContextId)) { this._openedIdentities.add(userContextId); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("UNIQUE_CONTAINERS_OPENED").add(1); } Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("TOTAL_CONTAINERS_OPENED").add(1); if (identity.telemetryId) { Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("CONTAINER_USED") .add(identity.telemetryId); } }, createNewInstanceForTesting(path) { return new _ContextualIdentityService(path); }, deleteContainerData() { // The userContextId 0 is reserved to the default firefox identity, // and it should not be clear when we delete the public containers data. let minUserContextId = 1; // Collect the userContextId related to the identities that should not be cleared // (the ones marked as `public = false`). const keepDataContextIds = this.getPrivateUserContextIds(); // Collect the userContextIds currently used by any stored cookie. let cookiesUserContextIds = new Set(); for (let cookie of Services.cookies.cookies) { // Skip any userContextIds that should not be cleared. if ( cookie.originAttributes.userContextId >= minUserContextId && !keepDataContextIds.includes(cookie.originAttributes.userContextId) ) { cookiesUserContextIds.add(cookie.originAttributes.userContextId); } } for (let userContextId of cookiesUserContextIds) { Services.clearData.deleteDataFromOriginAttributesPattern({ userContextId, }); } }, migrate2to3(data) { // migrating from 2 to 3 is basically just increasing the version id. // This migration was needed for bug 1419591. See bug 1419591 to know more. data.version = 3; return data; }, migrate3to4(data) { // Migrating from 3 to 4 is: // - adding the reserver userContextId used by the webextension storage.local API // - add the keepData property to all the existent identities // - increasing the version id. // // This migration was needed for Bug 1406181. See bug 1406181 for rationale. const webextStorageLocalIdentity = this.getDefaultPrivateIdentity( "userContextIdInternal.webextStorageLocal" ); data.identities.push(webextStorageLocalIdentity); data.version = 4; return data; }, }; let path = PathUtils.join( Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path, "containers.json" ); var ContextualIdentityService = new _ContextualIdentityService(path);