/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ExtensionStorage"]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "ExtensionUtils", "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "JSONFile", "resource://gre/modules/JSONFile.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "OS", "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); const global = this; function isStructuredCloneHolder(value) { return ( value && typeof value === "object" && Cu.getClassName(value, true) === "StructuredCloneHolder" ); } class SerializeableMap extends Map { toJSON() { let result = {}; for (let [key, value] of this) { if (isStructuredCloneHolder(value)) { value = value.deserialize(global); this.set(key, value); } result[key] = value; } return result; } /** * Like toJSON, but attempts to serialize every value separately, and * elides any which fail to serialize. Should only be used if initial * JSON serialization fails. * * @returns {object} */ toJSONSafe() { let result = {}; for (let [key, value] of this) { try { void JSON.stringify(value); result[key] = value; } catch (e) { Cu.reportError( new Error(`Failed to serialize browser.storage key "${key}": ${e}`) ); } } return result; } } /** * Serializes an arbitrary value into a StructuredCloneHolder, if * appropriate. Existing StructuredCloneHolders are returned unchanged. * Non-object values are also returned unchanged. Anything else is * serialized, and a new StructuredCloneHolder returned. * * This allows us to avoid a second structured clone operation after * sending a storage value across a message manager, before cloning it * into an extension scope. * * @param {StructuredCloneHolder|*} value * A value to serialize. * @returns {*} */ function serialize(value) { if (value && typeof value === "object" && !isStructuredCloneHolder(value)) { return new StructuredCloneHolder(value); } return value; } var ExtensionStorage = { // Map> jsonFilePromises: new Map(), listeners: new Map(), /** * Asynchronously reads the storage file for the given extension ID * and returns a Promise for its initialized JSONFile object. * * @param {string} extensionId * The ID of the extension for which to return a file. * @returns {Promise} */ async _readFile(extensionId) { OS.File.makeDir(this.getExtensionDir(extensionId), { ignoreExisting: true, from: OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, }); let jsonFile = new JSONFile({ path: this.getStorageFile(extensionId) }); await jsonFile.load(); jsonFile.data = this._serializableMap(jsonFile.data); return jsonFile; }, _serializableMap(data) { return new SerializeableMap(Object.entries(data)); }, /** * Returns a Promise for initialized JSONFile instance for the * extension's storage file. * * @param {string} extensionId * The ID of the extension for which to return a file. * @returns {Promise} */ getFile(extensionId) { let promise = this.jsonFilePromises.get(extensionId); if (!promise) { promise = this._readFile(extensionId); this.jsonFilePromises.set(extensionId, promise); } return promise; }, /** * Clear the cached jsonFilePromise for a given extensionId * (used by ExtensionStorageIDB to free the jsonFile once the data migration * has been completed). * * @param {string} extensionId * The ID of the extension for which to return a file. */ async clearCachedFile(extensionId) { let promise = this.jsonFilePromises.get(extensionId); if (promise) { this.jsonFilePromises.delete(extensionId); await promise.then(jsonFile => jsonFile.finalize()); } }, /** * Sanitizes the given value, and returns a JSON-compatible * representation of it, based on the privileges of the given global. * * @param {value} value * The value to sanitize. * @param {Context} context * The extension context in which to sanitize the value * @returns {value} * The sanitized value. */ sanitize(value, context) { let json = context.jsonStringify(value === undefined ? null : value); if (json == undefined) { throw new ExtensionUtils.ExtensionError( "DataCloneError: The object could not be cloned." ); } return JSON.parse(json); }, /** * Returns the path to the storage directory within the profile for * the given extension ID. * * @param {string} extensionId * The ID of the extension for which to return a directory path. * @returns {string} */ getExtensionDir(extensionId) { return OS.Path.join(this.extensionDir, extensionId); }, /** * Returns the path to the JSON storage file for the given extension * ID. * * @param {string} extensionId * The ID of the extension for which to return a file path. * @returns {string} */ getStorageFile(extensionId) { return OS.Path.join(this.extensionDir, extensionId, "storage.js"); }, /** * Asynchronously sets the values of the given storage items for the * given extension. * * @param {string} extensionId * The ID of the extension for which to set storage values. * @param {object} items * The storage items to set. For each property in the object, * the storage value for that property is set to its value in * said object. Any values which are StructuredCloneHolder * instances are deserialized before being stored. * @returns {Promise} */ async set(extensionId, items) { let jsonFile = await this.getFile(extensionId); let changes = {}; for (let prop in items) { let item = items[prop]; changes[prop] = { oldValue: serialize(jsonFile.data.get(prop)), newValue: serialize(item), }; jsonFile.data.set(prop, item); } this.notifyListeners(extensionId, changes); jsonFile.saveSoon(); return null; }, /** * Asynchronously removes the given storage items for the given * extension ID. * * @param {string} extensionId * The ID of the extension for which to remove storage values. * @param {Array} items * A list of storage items to remove. * @returns {Promise} */ async remove(extensionId, items) { let jsonFile = await this.getFile(extensionId); let changed = false; let changes = {}; for (let prop of [].concat(items)) { if (jsonFile.data.has(prop)) { changes[prop] = { oldValue: serialize(jsonFile.data.get(prop)) }; jsonFile.data.delete(prop); changed = true; } } if (changed) { this.notifyListeners(extensionId, changes); jsonFile.saveSoon(); } return null; }, /** * Asynchronously clears all storage entries for the given extension * ID. * * @param {string} extensionId * The ID of the extension for which to clear storage. * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} [options.shouldNotifyListeners = true] * Whether or not collect and send the changes to the listeners, * used when the extension data is being cleared on uninstall. * @returns {Promise} */ async clear(extensionId, { shouldNotifyListeners = true } = {}) { let jsonFile = await this.getFile(extensionId); let changed = false; let changes = {}; for (let [prop, oldValue] of jsonFile.data.entries()) { if (shouldNotifyListeners) { changes[prop] = { oldValue: serialize(oldValue) }; } jsonFile.data.delete(prop); changed = true; } if (changed) { if (shouldNotifyListeners) { this.notifyListeners(extensionId, changes); } jsonFile.saveSoon(); } return null; }, /** * Asynchronously retrieves the values for the given storage items for * the given extension ID. * * @param {string} extensionId * The ID of the extension for which to get storage values. * @param {Array|object|null} [keys] * The storage items to get. If an array, the value of each key * in the array is returned. If null, the values of all items * are returned. If an object, the value for each key in the * object is returned, or that key's value if the item is not * set. * @returns {Promise} * An object which a property for each requested key, * containing that key's storage value. Values are * StructuredCloneHolder objects which can be deserialized to * the original storage value. */ async get(extensionId, keys) { let jsonFile = await this.getFile(extensionId); return this._filterProperties(jsonFile.data, keys); }, async _filterProperties(data, keys) { let result = {}; if (keys === null) { Object.assign(result, data.toJSON()); } else if (typeof keys == "object" && !Array.isArray(keys)) { for (let prop in keys) { if (data.has(prop)) { result[prop] = serialize(data.get(prop)); } else { result[prop] = keys[prop]; } } } else { for (let prop of [].concat(keys)) { if (data.has(prop)) { result[prop] = serialize(data.get(prop)); } } } return result; }, addOnChangedListener(extensionId, listener) { let listeners = this.listeners.get(extensionId) || new Set(); listeners.add(listener); this.listeners.set(extensionId, listeners); }, removeOnChangedListener(extensionId, listener) { let listeners = this.listeners.get(extensionId); listeners.delete(listener); }, notifyListeners(extensionId, changes) { let listeners = this.listeners.get(extensionId); if (listeners) { for (let listener of listeners) { listener(changes); } } }, init() { if (Services.appinfo.processType != Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) { return; } Services.obs.addObserver(this, "extension-invalidate-storage-cache"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); }, observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "xpcom-shutdown") { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "extension-invalidate-storage-cache"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); } else if (topic == "extension-invalidate-storage-cache") { for (let promise of this.jsonFilePromises.values()) { promise.then(jsonFile => { jsonFile.finalize(); }); } this.jsonFilePromises.clear(); } }, // Serializes an arbitrary value into a StructuredCloneHolder, if appropriate. serialize, /** * Serializes the given storage items for transporting between processes. * * @param {BaseContext} context * The context to use for the created StructuredCloneHolder * objects. * @param {Array|object} items * The items to serialize. If an object is provided, its * values are serialized to StructuredCloneHolder objects. * Otherwise, it is returned as-is. * @returns {Array|object} */ serializeForContext(context, items) { if (items && typeof items === "object" && !Array.isArray(items)) { let result = {}; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(items)) { try { result[key] = new StructuredCloneHolder(value, context.cloneScope); } catch (e) { throw new ExtensionUtils.ExtensionError(String(e)); } } return result; } return items; }, /** * Deserializes the given storage items into the given extension context. * * @param {BaseContext} context * The context to use to deserialize the StructuredCloneHolder objects. * @param {object} items * The items to deserialize. Any property of the object which * is a StructuredCloneHolder instance is deserialized into * the extension scope. Any other object is cloned into the * extension scope directly. * @returns {object} */ deserializeForContext(context, items) { let result = new context.cloneScope.Object(); for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(items)) { if ( value && typeof value === "object" && Cu.getClassName(value, true) === "StructuredCloneHolder" ) { value = value.deserialize(context.cloneScope, true); } else { value = Cu.cloneInto(value, context.cloneScope); } result[key] = value; } return result; }, }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(ExtensionStorage, "extensionDir", () => OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "browser-extension-data") ); ExtensionStorage.init();