/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ExtensionTelemetry", "getTrimmedString"]; ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm" ); // Map of the base histogram ids for the metrics recorded for the extensions. const histograms = { extensionStartup: "WEBEXT_EXTENSION_STARTUP_MS", backgroundPageLoad: "WEBEXT_BACKGROUND_PAGE_LOAD_MS", browserActionPopupOpen: "WEBEXT_BROWSERACTION_POPUP_OPEN_MS", browserActionPreloadResult: "WEBEXT_BROWSERACTION_POPUP_PRELOAD_RESULT_COUNT", contentScriptInjection: "WEBEXT_CONTENT_SCRIPT_INJECTION_MS", pageActionPopupOpen: "WEBEXT_PAGEACTION_POPUP_OPEN_MS", storageLocalGetJSON: "WEBEXT_STORAGE_LOCAL_GET_MS", storageLocalSetJSON: "WEBEXT_STORAGE_LOCAL_SET_MS", storageLocalGetIDB: "WEBEXT_STORAGE_LOCAL_IDB_GET_MS", storageLocalSetIDB: "WEBEXT_STORAGE_LOCAL_IDB_SET_MS", userScriptInjection: "WEBEXT_USER_SCRIPT_INJECTION_MS", }; /** * Get a trimmed version of the given string if it is longer than 80 chars (used in telemetry * when a string may be longer than allowed). * * @param {string} str * The original string content. * * @returns {string} * The trimmed version of the string when longer than 80 chars, or the given string * unmodified otherwise. */ function getTrimmedString(str) { if (str.length <= 80) { return str; } const length = str.length; // Trim the string to prevent a flood of warnings messages logged internally by recordEvent, // the trimmed version is going to be composed by the first 40 chars and the last 37 and 3 dots // that joins the two parts, to visually indicate that the string has been trimmed. return `${str.slice(0, 40)}...${str.slice(length - 37, length)}`; } /** * This is a internal helper object which contains a collection of helpers used to make it easier * to collect extension telemetry (in both the general histogram and in the one keyed by addon id). * * This helper object is not exported from ExtensionUtils, it is used by the ExtensionTelemetry * Proxy which is exported and used by the callers to record telemetry data for one of the * supported metrics. */ class ExtensionTelemetryMetric { constructor(metric) { this.metric = metric; } // Stopwatch methods. stopwatchStart(extension, obj = extension) { this._wrappedStopwatchMethod("start", this.metric, extension, obj); } stopwatchFinish(extension, obj = extension) { this._wrappedStopwatchMethod("finish", this.metric, extension, obj); } stopwatchCancel(extension, obj = extension) { this._wrappedStopwatchMethod("cancel", this.metric, extension, obj); } // Histogram counters methods. histogramAdd(opts) { this._histogramAdd(this.metric, opts); } /** * Wraps a call to a TelemetryStopwatch method for a given metric and extension. * * @param {string} method * The stopwatch method to call ("start", "finish" or "cancel"). * @param {string} metric * The stopwatch metric to record (used to retrieve the base histogram id from the _histogram object). * @param {Extension | BrowserExtensionContent} extension * The extension to record the telemetry for. * @param {any | undefined} [obj = extension] * An optional telemetry stopwatch object (which defaults to the extension parameter when missing). */ _wrappedStopwatchMethod(method, metric, extension, obj = extension) { if (!extension) { throw new Error(`Mandatory extension parameter is undefined`); } const baseId = histograms[metric]; if (!baseId) { throw new Error(`Unknown metric ${metric}`); } // Record metric in the general histogram. TelemetryStopwatch[method](baseId, obj); // Record metric in the histogram keyed by addon id. let extensionId = getTrimmedString(extension.id); TelemetryStopwatch[`${method}Keyed`]( `${baseId}_BY_ADDONID`, extensionId, obj ); } /** * Record a telemetry category and/or value for a given metric. * * @param {string} metric * The metric to record (used to retrieve the base histogram id from the _histogram object). * @param {Object} options * @param {Extension | BrowserExtensionContent} options.extension * The extension to record the telemetry for. * @param {string | undefined} [options.category] * An optional histogram category. * @param {number | undefined} [options.value] * An optional value to record. */ _histogramAdd(metric, { category, extension, value }) { if (!extension) { throw new Error(`Mandatory extension parameter is undefined`); } const baseId = histograms[metric]; if (!baseId) { throw new Error(`Unknown metric ${metric}`); } const histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(baseId); if (typeof category === "string") { histogram.add(category, value); } else { histogram.add(value); } const keyedHistogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById( `${baseId}_BY_ADDONID` ); const extensionId = getTrimmedString(extension.id); if (typeof category === "string") { keyedHistogram.add(extensionId, category, value); } else { keyedHistogram.add(extensionId, value); } } } // Cache of the ExtensionTelemetryMetric instances that has been lazily created by the // Extension Telemetry Proxy. const metricsCache = new Map(); /** * This proxy object provides the telemetry helpers for the currently supported metrics (the ones listed in * ExtensionTelemetryHelpers._histograms), the telemetry helpers for a particular metric are lazily created * when the related property is being accessed on this object for the first time, e.g.: * * ExtensionTelemetry.extensionStartup.stopwatchStart(extension); * ExtensionTelemetry.browserActionPreloadResult.histogramAdd({category: "Shown", extension}); */ var ExtensionTelemetry = new Proxy(metricsCache, { get(target, prop, receiver) { if (!(prop in histograms)) { throw new Error(`Unknown metric ${prop}`); } // Lazily create and cache the metric result object. if (!target.has(prop)) { target.set(prop, new ExtensionTelemetryMetric(prop)); } return target.get(prop); }, });