/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ "use strict"; add_task(async function test_MatchPattern_matches() { function test(url, pattern, normalized = pattern, options = {}, explicit) { let uri = Services.io.newURI(url); pattern = Array.prototype.concat.call(pattern); normalized = Array.prototype.concat.call(normalized); let patterns = pattern.map(pat => new MatchPattern(pat, options)); let set = new MatchPatternSet(pattern, options); let set2 = new MatchPatternSet(patterns, options); deepEqual( set2.patterns, patterns, "Patterns in set should equal the input patterns" ); equal( set.matches(uri, explicit), set2.matches(uri, explicit), "Single pattern and pattern set should return the same match" ); for (let [i, pat] of patterns.entries()) { equal( pat.pattern, normalized[i], "Pattern property should contain correct normalized pattern value" ); } if (patterns.length == 1) { equal( patterns[0].matches(uri, explicit), set.matches(uri, explicit), "Single pattern and string set should return the same match" ); } return set.matches(uri, explicit); } function pass({ url, pattern, normalized, options, explicit }) { ok( test(url, pattern, normalized, options, explicit), `Expected match: ${JSON.stringify(pattern)}, ${url}` ); } function fail({ url, pattern, normalized, options, explicit }) { ok( !test(url, pattern, normalized, options, explicit), `Expected no match: ${JSON.stringify(pattern)}, ${url}` ); } function invalid({ pattern }) { Assert.throws( () => new MatchPattern(pattern), /.*/, `Invalid pattern '${pattern}' should throw` ); Assert.throws( () => new MatchPatternSet([pattern]), /.*/, `Invalid pattern '${pattern}' should throw` ); } // Invalid pattern. invalid({ pattern: "" }); // Pattern must include trailing slash. invalid({ pattern: "http://mozilla.org" }); // Protocol not allowed. invalid({ pattern: "gopher://wuarchive.wustl.edu/" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org", pattern: "http://mozilla.org/" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org/", pattern: "http://mozilla.org/" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org/", pattern: "*://mozilla.org/" }); pass({ url: "https://mozilla.org/", pattern: "*://mozilla.org/" }); fail({ url: "file://mozilla.org/", pattern: "*://mozilla.org/" }); fail({ url: "ftp://mozilla.org/", pattern: "*://mozilla.org/" }); fail({ url: "http://mozilla.com", pattern: "http://*mozilla.com*/" }); fail({ url: "http://mozilla.com", pattern: "http://mozilla.*/" }); invalid({ pattern: "http:/mozilla.com/" }); pass({ url: "http://google.com", pattern: "http://*.google.com/" }); pass({ url: "http://docs.google.com", pattern: "http://*.google.com/" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org:8080", pattern: "http://mozilla.org/" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org:8080", pattern: "*://mozilla.org/" }); fail({ url: "http://mozilla.org:8080", pattern: "http://mozilla.org:8080/" }); // Now try with * in the path. pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org", pattern: "http://mozilla.org/*" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org/", pattern: "http://mozilla.org/*" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org/", pattern: "*://mozilla.org/*" }); pass({ url: "https://mozilla.org/", pattern: "*://mozilla.org/*" }); fail({ url: "file://mozilla.org/", pattern: "*://mozilla.org/*" }); fail({ url: "http://mozilla.com", pattern: "http://mozilla.*/*" }); pass({ url: "http://google.com", pattern: "http://*.google.com/*" }); pass({ url: "http://docs.google.com", pattern: "http://*.google.com/*" }); // Check path stuff. fail({ url: "http://mozilla.com/abc/def", pattern: "http://mozilla.com/" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.com/abc/def", pattern: "http://mozilla.com/*" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.com/abc/def", pattern: "http://mozilla.com/a*f", }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.com/abc/def", pattern: "http://mozilla.com/a*" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.com/abc/def", pattern: "http://mozilla.com/*f" }); fail({ url: "http://mozilla.com/abc/def", pattern: "http://mozilla.com/*e" }); fail({ url: "http://mozilla.com/abc/def", pattern: "http://mozilla.com/*c" }); invalid({ pattern: "http:///a.html" }); pass({ url: "file:///foo", pattern: "file:///foo*" }); pass({ url: "file:///foo/bar.html", pattern: "file:///foo*" }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org/a", pattern: "" }); pass({ url: "https://mozilla.org/a", pattern: "" }); pass({ url: "ftp://mozilla.org/a", pattern: "" }); pass({ url: "file:///a", pattern: "" }); fail({ url: "gopher://wuarchive.wustl.edu/a", pattern: "" }); // Multiple patterns. pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org", pattern: ["http://mozilla.org/"] }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org", pattern: ["http://mozilla.org/", "http://mozilla.com/"], }); pass({ url: "http://mozilla.com", pattern: ["http://mozilla.org/", "http://mozilla.com/"], }); fail({ url: "http://mozilla.biz", pattern: ["http://mozilla.org/", "http://mozilla.com/"], }); // Match url with fragments. pass({ url: "http://mozilla.org/base#some-fragment", pattern: "http://mozilla.org/base", }); // Match data:-URLs. pass({ url: "data:text/plain,foo", pattern: ["data:text/plain,foo"] }); pass({ url: "data:text/plain,foo", pattern: ["data:text/plain,*"] }); pass({ url: "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,foo", pattern: ["data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,foo"], }); fail({ url: "data:text/plain,foo", pattern: ["data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,foo"], }); fail({ url: "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,foo", pattern: ["data:text/plain,foo"], }); // Privileged matchers: invalid({ pattern: "about:foo" }); invalid({ pattern: "resource://foo/*" }); pass({ url: "about:foo", pattern: ["about:foo", "about:foo*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); pass({ url: "about:foo", pattern: ["about:foo*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); pass({ url: "about:foobar", pattern: ["about:foo*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); pass({ url: "resource://foo/bar", pattern: ["resource://foo/bar"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); fail({ url: "resource://fog/bar", pattern: ["resource://foo/bar"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); fail({ url: "about:foo", pattern: ["about:meh"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); // Matchers for schemes without host should ignore ignorePath. pass({ url: "about:reader?http://e.com/", pattern: ["about:reader*"], options: { ignorePath: true, restrictSchemes: false }, }); pass({ url: "data:,", pattern: ["data:,*"], options: { ignorePath: true } }); // Matchers for schems without host should still match even if the explicit (host) flag is set. pass({ url: "about:reader?explicit", pattern: ["about:reader*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, explicit: true, }); pass({ url: "about:reader?explicit", pattern: ["about:reader?explicit"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, explicit: true, }); pass({ url: "data:,explicit", pattern: ["data:,explicit"], explicit: true }); pass({ url: "data:,explicit", pattern: ["data:,*"], explicit: true }); // Matchers without "//" separator in the pattern. pass({ url: "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,foo", pattern: ["data:*"] }); pass({ url: "about:blank", pattern: ["about:*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); pass({ url: "view-source:https://example.com", pattern: ["view-source:*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); invalid({ pattern: ["chrome:*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false } }); invalid({ pattern: "http:*" }); // Matchers for unrecognized schemes. invalid({ pattern: "unknown-scheme:*" }); pass({ url: "unknown-scheme:foo", pattern: ["unknown-scheme:foo"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); pass({ url: "unknown-scheme:foo", pattern: ["unknown-scheme:*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); pass({ url: "unknown-scheme://foo", pattern: ["unknown-scheme://foo"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); pass({ url: "unknown-scheme://foo", pattern: ["unknown-scheme://*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); pass({ url: "unknown-scheme://foo", pattern: ["unknown-scheme:*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); fail({ url: "unknown-scheme://foo", pattern: ["unknown-scheme:foo"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); fail({ url: "unknown-scheme:foo", pattern: ["unknown-scheme://foo"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); fail({ url: "unknown-scheme:foo", pattern: ["unknown-scheme://*"], options: { restrictSchemes: false }, }); // Matchers for IPv6 pass({ url: "http://[::1]/", pattern: ["http://[::1]/"] }); pass({ url: "http://[2a03:4000:6:310e:216:3eff:fe53:99b]/", pattern: ["http://[2a03:4000:6:310e:216:3eff:fe53:99b]/"], }); fail({ url: "http://[2:4:6:3:2:3:f:b]/", pattern: ["http://[2a03:4000:6:310e:216:3eff:fe53:99b]/"], }); // Before fixing Bug 1529230, the only way to match a specific IPv6 url is by droping the brackets in pattern, // thus we keep this pattern valid for the sake of backward compatibility pass({ url: "http://[::1]/", pattern: ["http://::1/"] }); pass({ url: "http://[2a03:4000:6:310e:216:3eff:fe53:99b]/", pattern: ["http://2a03:4000:6:310e:216:3eff:fe53:99b/"], }); }); add_task(async function test_MatchPattern_overlaps() { function test(filter, hosts, optional) { filter = Array.prototype.concat.call(filter); hosts = Array.prototype.concat.call(hosts); optional = Array.prototype.concat.call(optional); const set = new MatchPatternSet([...hosts, ...optional]); const pat = new MatchPatternSet(filter); return set.overlapsAll(pat); } function pass({ filter = [], hosts = [], optional = [] }) { ok( test(filter, hosts, optional), `Expected overlap: ${filter}, ${hosts} (${optional})` ); } function fail({ filter = [], hosts = [], optional = [] }) { ok( !test(filter, hosts, optional), `Expected no overlap: ${filter}, ${hosts} (${optional})` ); } // Direct comparison. pass({ hosts: "http://ab.cd/", filter: "http://ab.cd/" }); fail({ hosts: "http://ab.cd/", filter: "ftp://ab.cd/" }); // Wildcard protocol. pass({ hosts: "*://ab.cd/", filter: "https://ab.cd/" }); fail({ hosts: "*://ab.cd/", filter: "ftp://ab.cd/" }); // Wildcard subdomain. pass({ hosts: "http://*.ab.cd/", filter: "http://ab.cd/" }); pass({ hosts: "http://*.ab.cd/", filter: "http://www.ab.cd/" }); fail({ hosts: "http://*.ab.cd/", filter: "http://ab.cd.ef/" }); fail({ hosts: "http://*.ab.cd/", filter: "http://www.cd/" }); // Wildcard subsumed. pass({ hosts: "http://*.ab.cd/", filter: "http://*.cd/" }); fail({ hosts: "http://*.cd/", filter: "http://*.xy/" }); // Subdomain vs substring. fail({ hosts: "http://*.ab.cd/", filter: "http://fake-ab.cd/" }); fail({ hosts: "http://*.ab.cd/", filter: "http://*.fake-ab.cd/" }); // Wildcard domain. pass({ hosts: "http://*/", filter: "http://ab.cd/" }); fail({ hosts: "http://*/", filter: "https://ab.cd/" }); // Wildcard wildcards. pass({ hosts: "", filter: "ftp://ab.cd/" }); fail({ hosts: "" }); // Multiple hosts. pass({ hosts: ["http://ab.cd/"], filter: ["http://ab.cd/"] }); pass({ hosts: ["http://ab.cd/", "http://ab.xy/"], filter: "http://ab.cd/" }); pass({ hosts: ["http://ab.cd/", "http://ab.xy/"], filter: "http://ab.xy/" }); fail({ hosts: ["http://ab.cd/", "http://ab.xy/"], filter: "http://ab.zz/" }); // Multiple Multiples. pass({ hosts: ["http://*.ab.cd/"], filter: ["http://ab.cd/", "http://www.ab.cd/"], }); pass({ hosts: ["http://ab.cd/", "http://ab.xy/"], filter: ["http://ab.cd/", "http://ab.xy/"], }); fail({ hosts: ["http://ab.cd/", "http://ab.xy/"], filter: ["http://ab.cd/", "http://ab.zz/"], }); // Optional. pass({ hosts: [], optional: "http://ab.cd/", filter: "http://ab.cd/" }); pass({ hosts: "http://ab.cd/", optional: "http://ab.xy/", filter: ["http://ab.cd/", "http://ab.xy/"], }); fail({ hosts: "http://ab.cd/", optional: "https://ab.xy/", filter: "http://ab.xy/", }); }); add_task(async function test_MatchGlob() { function test(url, pattern) { let m = new MatchGlob(pattern[0]); return m.matches(Services.io.newURI(url).spec); } function pass({ url, pattern }) { ok( test(url, pattern), `Expected match: ${JSON.stringify(pattern)}, ${url}` ); } function fail({ url, pattern }) { ok( !test(url, pattern), `Expected no match: ${JSON.stringify(pattern)}, ${url}` ); } let moz = "http://mozilla.org"; pass({ url: moz, pattern: ["*"] }); pass({ url: moz, pattern: ["http://*"] }); pass({ url: moz, pattern: ["*mozilla*"] }); // pass({url: moz, pattern: ["*example*", "*mozilla*"]}); pass({ url: moz, pattern: ["*://*"] }); pass({ url: "https://mozilla.org", pattern: ["*://*"] }); // Documentation example pass({ url: "http://www.example.com/foo/bar", pattern: ["http://???.example.com/foo/*"], }); pass({ url: "http://the.example.com/foo/", pattern: ["http://???.example.com/foo/*"], }); fail({ url: "http://my.example.com/foo/bar", pattern: ["http://???.example.com/foo/*"], }); fail({ url: "http://example.com/foo/", pattern: ["http://???.example.com/foo/*"], }); fail({ url: "http://www.example.com/foo", pattern: ["http://???.example.com/foo/*"], }); // Matches path let path = moz + "/abc/def"; pass({ url: path, pattern: ["*def"] }); pass({ url: path, pattern: ["*c/d*"] }); pass({ url: path, pattern: ["*org/abc*"] }); fail({ url: path + "/", pattern: ["*def"] }); // Trailing slash pass({ url: moz, pattern: ["*.org/"] }); fail({ url: moz, pattern: ["*.org"] }); // Wrong TLD fail({ url: moz, pattern: ["*oz*.com/"] }); // Case sensitive fail({ url: moz, pattern: ["*.ORG/"] }); }); add_task(async function test_MatchPattern_subsumes() { function test(oldPat, newPat) { let m = new MatchPatternSet(oldPat); return m.subsumes(new MatchPattern(newPat)); } function pass({ oldPat, newPat }) { ok(test(oldPat, newPat), `${JSON.stringify(oldPat)} subsumes "${newPat}"`); } function fail({ oldPat, newPat }) { ok( !test(oldPat, newPat), `${JSON.stringify(oldPat)} doesn't subsume "${newPat}"` ); } pass({ oldPat: [""], newPat: "*://*/*" }); pass({ oldPat: [""], newPat: "http://*/*" }); pass({ oldPat: [""], newPat: "http://*.example.com/*" }); pass({ oldPat: ["*://*/*"], newPat: "http://*/*" }); pass({ oldPat: ["*://*/*"], newPat: "wss://*/*" }); pass({ oldPat: ["*://*/*"], newPat: "http://*.example.com/*" }); pass({ oldPat: ["*://*.example.com/*"], newPat: "http://*.example.com/*" }); pass({ oldPat: ["*://*.example.com/*"], newPat: "*://sub.example.com/*" }); pass({ oldPat: ["https://*/*"], newPat: "https://*.example.com/*" }); pass({ oldPat: ["http://*.example.com/*"], newPat: "http://subdomain.example.com/*", }); pass({ oldPat: ["http://*.sub.example.com/*"], newPat: "http://sub.example.com/*", }); pass({ oldPat: ["http://*.sub.example.com/*"], newPat: "http://sec.sub.example.com/*", }); pass({ oldPat: ["http://www.example.com/*"], newPat: "http://www.example.com/path/*", }); pass({ oldPat: ["http://www.example.com/path/*"], newPat: "http://www.example.com/*", }); fail({ oldPat: ["*://*/*"], newPat: "" }); fail({ oldPat: ["*://*/*"], newPat: "ftp://*/*" }); fail({ oldPat: ["*://*/*"], newPat: "file://*/*" }); fail({ oldPat: ["http://example.com/*"], newPat: "*://example.com/*" }); fail({ oldPat: ["http://example.com/*"], newPat: "https://example.com/*" }); fail({ oldPat: ["http://example.com/*"], newPat: "http://otherexample.com/*", }); fail({ oldPat: ["http://example.com/*"], newPat: "http://*.example.com/*" }); fail({ oldPat: ["http://example.com/*"], newPat: "http://subdomain.example.com/*", }); fail({ oldPat: ["http://subdomain.example.com/*"], newPat: "http://example.com/*", }); fail({ oldPat: ["http://subdomain.example.com/*"], newPat: "http://*.example.com/*", }); fail({ oldPat: ["http://sub.example.com/*"], newPat: "http://*.sub.example.com/*", }); fail({ oldPat: ["ws://example.com/*"], newPat: "wss://example.com/*" }); fail({ oldPat: ["http://example.com/*"], newPat: "ws://example.com/*" }); fail({ oldPat: ["https://example.com/*"], newPat: "wss://example.com/*" }); });