const { SharedDataMap } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://messaging-system/lib/SharedDataMap.jsm" ); const { FileTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/FileTestUtils.jsm" ); const { TestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/TestUtils.jsm" ); const { ExperimentFakes } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/MSTestUtils.jsm" ); const PATH = FileTestUtils.getTempFile("shared-data-map").path; function with_sharedDataMap(test) { let testTask = async () => { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const instance = new SharedDataMap("xpcshell", { path: PATH, isParent: true, }); try { await test({ instance, sandbox }); } finally { sandbox.restore(); } }; // Copy the name of the test function to identify the test Object.defineProperty(testTask, "name", { value: }); add_task(testTask); } with_sharedDataMap(async function test_set_notify({ instance, sandbox }) { await instance.init(); let updateStub = sandbox.stub(); instance.on("parent-store-update:foo", updateStub); instance.set("foo", "bar"); Assert.equal(updateStub.callCount, 1, "Update event sent"); Assert.equal(updateStub.firstCall.args[1], "bar", "Update event sent value"); }); with_sharedDataMap(async function test_set_child_notify({ instance, sandbox }) { await instance.init(); let updateStub = sandbox.stub(); const childInstance = new SharedDataMap("xpcshell", { path: PATH, isParent: false, }); childInstance.on("child-store-update:foo", updateStub); let childStoreUpdate = new Promise(resolve => childInstance.on("child-store-update:foo", resolve) ); instance.set("foo", "bar"); await childStoreUpdate; Assert.equal(updateStub.callCount, 1, "Update event sent"); Assert.equal(updateStub.firstCall.args[1], "bar", "Update event sent value"); }); with_sharedDataMap(async function test_async({ instance, sandbox }) { const spy = sandbox.spy(instance._store, "load"); await instance.init(); instance.set("foo", "bar"); Assert.equal(spy.callCount, 1, "Should init async"); Assert.equal(instance.get("foo"), "bar", "It should retrieve a string value"); }); with_sharedDataMap(async function test_saveSoon({ instance, sandbox }) { await instance.init(); const stub = sandbox.stub(instance._store, "saveSoon"); instance.set("foo", "bar"); Assert.equal(stub.callCount, 1, "Should call save soon when setting a value"); }); with_sharedDataMap(async function test_childInit({ instance, sandbox }) { sandbox.stub(instance, "isParent").get(() => false); const stubA = sandbox.stub(instance._store, "ensureDataReady"); const stubB = sandbox.stub(instance._store, "load"); await instance.init(); Assert.equal( stubA.callCount, 0, "It should not try to initialize sync from child" ); Assert.equal( stubB.callCount, 0, "It should not try to initialize async from child" ); }); with_sharedDataMap(async function test_parentChildSync_synchronously({ instance: parentInstance, sandbox, }) { await parentInstance.init(); parentInstance.set("foo", { bar: 1 }); const childInstance = new SharedDataMap("xpcshell", { path: PATH, isParent: false, }); await parentInstance.ready(); await childInstance.ready(); await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => childInstance.get("foo"), "Wait for child to sync" ); Assert.deepEqual( childInstance.get("foo"), parentInstance.get("foo"), "Parent and child should be in sync" ); }); with_sharedDataMap(async function test_parentChildSync_async({ instance: parentInstance, sandbox, }) { const childInstance = new SharedDataMap("xpcshell", { path: PATH, isParent: false, }); await parentInstance.init(); parentInstance.set("foo", { bar: 1 }); await parentInstance.ready(); await childInstance.ready(); await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => childInstance.get("foo"), "Wait for child to sync" ); Assert.deepEqual( childInstance.get("foo"), parentInstance.get("foo"), "Parent and child should be in sync" ); }); with_sharedDataMap(async function test_earlyChildSync({ instance: parentInstance, sandbox, }) { const childInstance = new SharedDataMap("xpcshell", { path: PATH, isParent: false, }); Assert.equal(childInstance.has("baz"), false, "Should not fail"); await parentInstance.init(); parentInstance.set("baz", { bar: 1 }); await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => childInstance.get("baz"), "Wait for child to sync" ); Assert.deepEqual( childInstance.get("baz"), parentInstance.get("baz"), "Parent and child should be in sync" ); });