"use strict"; ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/TestUtils.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/NormandyTestUtils.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/components-utils/FilterExpressions.jsm", this ); ChromeUtils.import("resource://normandy/actions/BaseAction.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import("resource://normandy/lib/RecipeRunner.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import("resource://normandy/lib/ClientEnvironment.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import("resource://normandy/lib/CleanupManager.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import("resource://normandy/lib/NormandyApi.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import("resource://normandy/lib/ActionsManager.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import("resource://normandy/lib/AddonStudies.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import("resource://normandy/lib/Uptake.jsm", this); ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/components-utils/FilterExpressions.jsm", this ); const { RemoteSettings } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.js" ); add_task(async function getFilterContext() { const recipe = { id: 17, arguments: { foo: "bar" }, unrelated: false }; const context = RecipeRunner.getFilterContext(recipe); // Test for expected properties in the filter expression context. const expectedNormandyKeys = [ "channel", "country", "distribution", "doNotTrack", "isDefaultBrowser", "locale", "plugins", "recipe", "request_time", "searchEngine", "syncDesktopDevices", "syncMobileDevices", "syncSetup", "syncTotalDevices", "telemetry", "userId", "version", ]; for (const key of expectedNormandyKeys) { ok(key in context.env, `env.${key} is available`); ok(key in context.normandy, `normandy.${key} is available`); } Assert.deepEqual( context.normandy, context.env, "context offers normandy as backwards-compatible alias for context.environment" ); is( context.env.recipe.id, recipe.id, "environment.recipe is the recipe passed to getFilterContext" ); is( ClientEnvironment.recipe, undefined, "ClientEnvironment has not been mutated" ); delete recipe.unrelated; Assert.deepEqual( context.env.recipe, recipe, "environment.recipe drops unrecognized attributes from the recipe" ); // Filter context attributes are cached. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.user_id", "some id"]], }); is(context.env.userId, "some id", "User id is read from prefs when accessed"); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.user_id", "real id"]], }); is(context.env.userId, "some id", "userId was cached"); }); add_task( withStub(NormandyApi, "verifyObjectSignature"), async function test_getRecipeSuitability_filterExpressions() { const check = filter => RecipeRunner.getRecipeSuitability({ filter_expression: filter }); // Errors must result in a false return value. is( await check("invalid ( + 5yntax"), BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_ERROR, "Invalid filter expressions return false" ); // Non-boolean filter results result in a true return value. is( await check("[1, 2, 3]"), BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH, "Non-boolean filter expressions return true" ); // The given recipe must be available to the filter context. const recipe = { filter_expression: "normandy.recipe.id == 7", id: 7 }; is( await RecipeRunner.getRecipeSuitability(recipe), BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH, "The recipe is available in the filter context" ); recipe.id = 4; is( await RecipeRunner.getRecipeSuitability(recipe), BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MISMATCH, "The recipe is available in the filter context" ); } ); decorate_task( withStub(FilterExpressions, "eval"), withStub(Uptake, "reportRecipe"), withStub(NormandyApi, "verifyObjectSignature"), async function test_getRecipeSuitability_canHandleExceptions( evalStub, reportRecipeStub ) { evalStub.throws("this filter was broken somehow"); const someRecipe = { id: "1", action: "action", filter_expression: "broken", }; const result = await RecipeRunner.getRecipeSuitability(someRecipe); is( result, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_ERROR, "broken filters are reported" ); Assert.deepEqual(reportRecipeStub.args, [ [someRecipe, Uptake.RECIPE_FILTER_BROKEN], ]); } ); decorate_task( withSpy(FilterExpressions, "eval"), withStub(RecipeRunner, "getCapabilities"), withStub(NormandyApi, "verifyObjectSignature"), async function test_getRecipeSuitability_checksCapabilities( evalSpy, getCapabilitiesStub ) { getCapabilitiesStub.returns(new Set(["test-capability"])); is( await RecipeRunner.getRecipeSuitability({ filter_expression: "true", }), BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH, "Recipes with no capabilities should pass" ); ok(evalSpy.called, "Filter should be evaluated"); evalSpy.resetHistory(); is( await RecipeRunner.getRecipeSuitability({ capabilities: [], filter_expression: "true", }), BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH, "Recipes with empty capabilities should pass" ); ok(evalSpy.called, "Filter should be evaluated"); evalSpy.resetHistory(); is( await RecipeRunner.getRecipeSuitability({ capabilities: ["test-capability"], filter_expression: "true", }), BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH, "Recipes with a matching capability should pass" ); ok(evalSpy.called, "Filter should be evaluated"); evalSpy.resetHistory(); is( await RecipeRunner.getRecipeSuitability({ capabilities: ["impossible-capability"], filter_expression: "true", }), BaseAction.suitability.CAPABILITES_MISMATCH, "Recipes with non-matching capabilities should not pass" ); ok(!evalSpy.called, "Filter should not be evaluated"); } ); decorate_task( withMockNormandyApi, withStub(ClientEnvironment, "getClientClassification"), async function testClientClassificationCache(api, getStub) { getStub.returns(Promise.resolve(false)); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.api_url", "https://example.com/selfsupport-dummy"]], }); // When the experiment pref is false, eagerly call getClientClassification. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.experiments.lazy_classify", false]], }); ok(!getStub.called, "getClientClassification hasn't been called"); await RecipeRunner.run(); ok(getStub.called, "getClientClassification was called eagerly"); // When the experiment pref is true, do not eagerly call getClientClassification. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.experiments.lazy_classify", true]], }); getStub.reset(); ok(!getStub.called, "getClientClassification hasn't been called"); await RecipeRunner.run(); ok(!getStub.called, "getClientClassification was not called eagerly"); } ); decorate_task( withStub(Uptake, "reportRunner"), withStub(ActionsManager.prototype, "finalize"), NormandyTestUtils.withMockRecipeCollection([]), async function testRunEvents(reportRunnerStub, finalizeStub) { const startPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("recipe-runner:start"); const endPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("recipe-runner:end"); await RecipeRunner.run(); // Will timeout if notifications were not received. await startPromise; await endPromise; ok(true, "The test should pass without timing out"); } ); decorate_task( withStub(RecipeRunner, "getCapabilities"), withStub(NormandyApi, "verifyObjectSignature"), NormandyTestUtils.withMockRecipeCollection([{ id: 1 }]), async function test_run_includesCapabilities(getCapabilitiesStub) { getCapabilitiesStub.returns(new Set(["test-capabilitiy"])); await RecipeRunner.run(); ok(getCapabilitiesStub.called, "getCapabilities should be called"); } ); decorate_task( withStub(NormandyApi, "verifyObjectSignature"), withStub(ActionsManager.prototype, "processRecipe"), withStub(ActionsManager.prototype, "finalize"), withStub(Uptake, "reportRecipe"), async function testReadFromRemoteSettings( verifyObjectSignatureStub, processRecipeStub, finalizeStub, reportRecipeStub ) { const matchRecipe = { id: 1, name: "match", action: "matchAction", filter_expression: "true", }; const noMatchRecipe = { id: 2, name: "noMatch", action: "noMatchAction", filter_expression: "false", }; const missingRecipe = { id: 3, name: "missing", action: "missingAction", filter_expression: "true", }; const db = await RecipeRunner._remoteSettingsClientForTesting.db; const fakeSig = { signature: "abc" }; await db.importChanges({}, 42, [ { id: "match", recipe: matchRecipe, signature: fakeSig }, { id: "noMatch", recipe: noMatchRecipe, signature: fakeSig, }, { id: "missing", recipe: missingRecipe, signature: fakeSig, }, ]); let recipesFromRS = ( await RecipeRunner._remoteSettingsClientForTesting.get() ).map(({ recipe, signature }) => recipe); // Sort the records by id so that they match the order in the assertion recipesFromRS.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id); Assert.deepEqual( recipesFromRS, [matchRecipe, noMatchRecipe, missingRecipe], "The recipes should be accesible from Remote Settings" ); await RecipeRunner.run(); Assert.deepEqual( verifyObjectSignatureStub.args, [ [matchRecipe, fakeSig, "recipe"], [missingRecipe, fakeSig, "recipe"], [noMatchRecipe, fakeSig, "recipe"], ], "all recipes should have their signature verified" ); Assert.deepEqual( processRecipeStub.args, [ [matchRecipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH], [missingRecipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH], [noMatchRecipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MISMATCH], ], "Recipes should be reported with the correct suitabilities" ); Assert.deepEqual( reportRecipeStub.args, [[noMatchRecipe, Uptake.RECIPE_DIDNT_MATCH_FILTER]], "Filtered-out recipes should be reported" ); } ); decorate_task( withStub(NormandyApi, "verifyObjectSignature"), withStub(ActionsManager.prototype, "processRecipe"), withStub(RecipeRunner, "getCapabilities"), async function testReadFromRemoteSettings( verifyObjectSignatureStub, processRecipe, getCapabilitiesStub ) { getCapabilitiesStub.returns(new Set(["compatible"])); const compatibleRecipe = { name: "match", filter_expression: "true", capabilities: ["compatible"], }; const incompatibleRecipe = { name: "noMatch", filter_expression: "true", capabilities: ["incompatible"], }; const db = await RecipeRunner._remoteSettingsClientForTesting.db; const fakeSig = { signature: "abc" }; await db.importChanges( {}, 42, [ { id: "match", recipe: compatibleRecipe, signature: fakeSig, }, { id: "noMatch", recipe: incompatibleRecipe, signature: fakeSig, }, ], { clear: true, } ); await RecipeRunner.run(); Assert.deepEqual( processRecipe.args, [ [compatibleRecipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH], [incompatibleRecipe, BaseAction.suitability.CAPABILITES_MISMATCH], ], "recipes should be marked if their capabilities aren't compatible" ); } ); decorate_task( withStub(ActionsManager.prototype, "processRecipe"), withStub(NormandyApi, "verifyObjectSignature"), withStub(Uptake, "reportRecipe"), NormandyTestUtils.withMockRecipeCollection(), async function testBadSignatureFromRemoteSettings( processRecipeStub, verifyObjectSignatureStub, reportRecipeStub, mockRecipeCollection ) { verifyObjectSignatureStub.throws(new Error("fake signature error")); const badSigRecipe = { id: 1, name: "badSig", action: "matchAction", filter_expression: "true", }; await mockRecipeCollection.addRecipes([badSigRecipe]); await RecipeRunner.run(); Assert.deepEqual(processRecipeStub.args, [ [badSigRecipe, BaseAction.suitability.SIGNATURE_ERROR], ]); Assert.deepEqual( reportRecipeStub.args, [[badSigRecipe, Uptake.RECIPE_INVALID_SIGNATURE]], "The recipe should have its uptake status recorded" ); } ); // Test init() during normal operation decorate_task( withPrefEnv({ set: [ ["datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled", true], // telemetry enabled ["app.normandy.dev_mode", false], ["app.normandy.first_run", false], ], }), withStub(RecipeRunner, "run"), withStub(RecipeRunner, "registerTimer"), async function testInit(runStub, registerTimerStub) { await RecipeRunner.init(); ok( !runStub.called, "RecipeRunner.run should not be called immediately when not in dev mode or first run" ); ok(registerTimerStub.called, "RecipeRunner.init registers a timer"); } ); // test init() in dev mode decorate_task( withPrefEnv({ set: [ ["datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled", true], // telemetry enabled ["app.normandy.dev_mode", true], ], }), withStub(RecipeRunner, "run"), withStub(RecipeRunner, "registerTimer"), withStub(RecipeRunner._remoteSettingsClientForTesting, "sync"), async function testInitDevMode(runStub, registerTimerStub, syncStub) { await RecipeRunner.init(); Assert.deepEqual( runStub.args, [[{ trigger: "devMode" }]], "RecipeRunner.run should be called immediately when in dev mode" ); ok(registerTimerStub.called, "RecipeRunner.init should register a timer"); ok( syncStub.called, "RecipeRunner.init should sync remote settings in dev mode" ); } ); // Test init() first run decorate_task( withPrefEnv({ set: [ ["datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled", true], // telemetry enabled ["app.normandy.dev_mode", false], ["app.normandy.first_run", true], ], }), withStub(RecipeRunner, "run"), withStub(RecipeRunner, "registerTimer"), withStub(RecipeRunner, "watchPrefs"), async function testInitFirstRun(runStub, registerTimerStub, watchPrefsStub) { await RecipeRunner.init(); Assert.deepEqual( runStub.args, [[{ trigger: "firstRun" }]], "RecipeRunner.run is called immediately on first run" ); ok( !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("app.normandy.first_run"), "On first run, the first run pref is set to false" ); ok( registerTimerStub.called, "RecipeRunner.registerTimer registers a timer" ); // RecipeRunner.init() sets this pref to false, but SpecialPowers // relies on the preferences it manages to actually change when it // tries to change them. Settings this back to true here allows // that to happen. Not doing this causes popPrefEnv to hang forever. Services.prefs.setBoolPref("app.normandy.first_run", true); } ); // Test that prefs are watched correctly decorate_task( withPrefEnv({ set: [ ["app.normandy.dev_mode", false], ["app.normandy.first_run", false], ["app.normandy.enabled", true], ], }), withStub(RecipeRunner, "run"), withStub(RecipeRunner, "enable"), withStub(RecipeRunner, "disable"), withStub(CleanupManager, "addCleanupHandler"), async function testPrefWatching( runStub, enableStub, disableStub, addCleanupHandlerStub ) { await RecipeRunner.init(); is(enableStub.callCount, 1, "Enable should be called initially"); is(disableStub.callCount, 0, "Disable should not be called initially"); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.enabled", false]] }); is(enableStub.callCount, 1, "Enable should not be called again"); is( disableStub.callCount, 1, "RecipeRunner should disable when Shield is disabled" ); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.enabled", true]] }); is( enableStub.callCount, 2, "RecipeRunner should re-enable when Shield is enabled" ); is(disableStub.callCount, 1, "Disable should not be called again"); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.api_url", "http://example.com"]], }); // does not start with https:// is(enableStub.callCount, 2, "Enable should not be called again"); is( disableStub.callCount, 2, "RecipeRunner should disable when an invalid api url is given" ); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.api_url", "https://example.com"]], }); // ends with https:// is( enableStub.callCount, 3, "RecipeRunner should re-enable when a valid api url is given" ); is(disableStub.callCount, 2, "Disable should not be called again"); is( runStub.callCount, 0, "RecipeRunner.run should not be called during this test" ); } ); // Test that enable and disable are idempotent decorate_task( withStub(RecipeRunner, "registerTimer"), withStub(RecipeRunner, "unregisterTimer"), async function testPrefWatching(registerTimerStub, unregisterTimerStub) { const originalEnabled = RecipeRunner.enabled; try { RecipeRunner.enabled = false; RecipeRunner.enable(); RecipeRunner.enable(); RecipeRunner.enable(); is(registerTimerStub.callCount, 1, "Enable should be idempotent"); RecipeRunner.enabled = true; RecipeRunner.disable(); RecipeRunner.disable(); RecipeRunner.disable(); is(registerTimerStub.callCount, 1, "Disable should be idempotent"); } finally { RecipeRunner.enabled = originalEnabled; } } ); decorate_task( withPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.onsync_skew_sec", 0]], }), withStub(RecipeRunner, "run"), async function testRunOnSyncRemoteSettings(runStub) { const rsClient = RecipeRunner._remoteSettingsClientForTesting; await RecipeRunner.init(); ok( RecipeRunner._alreadySetUpRemoteSettings, "remote settings should be set up in the runner" ); // Runner disabled RecipeRunner.disable(); await rsClient.emit("sync", {}); ok(!runStub.called, "run() should not be called if disabled"); runStub.reset(); // Runner enabled RecipeRunner.enable(); await rsClient.emit("sync", {}); ok(runStub.called, "run() should be called if enabled"); runStub.reset(); // Runner disabled RecipeRunner.disable(); await rsClient.emit("sync", {}); ok(!runStub.called, "run() should not be called if disabled"); runStub.reset(); // Runner re-enabled RecipeRunner.enable(); await rsClient.emit("sync", {}); ok(runStub.called, "run() should be called if runner is re-enabled"); } ); decorate_task( withPrefEnv({ set: [ ["app.normandy.onsync_skew_sec", 600], // 10 minutes, much longer than the test will take to run ], }), withStub(RecipeRunner, "run"), async function testOnSyncRunDelayed(runStub) { ok( !RecipeRunner._syncSkewTimeout, "precondition: No timer should be active" ); const rsClient = RecipeRunner._remoteSettingsClientForTesting; await rsClient.emit("sync", {}); ok(runStub.notCalled, "run() should be not called yet"); ok(RecipeRunner._syncSkewTimeout, "A timer should be set"); clearInterval(RecipeRunner._syncSkewTimeout); // cleanup } ); decorate_task( withStub(RecipeRunner._remoteSettingsClientForTesting, "get"), async function testRunCanRunOnlyOnce(getRecipesStub) { getRecipesStub.returns( // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve([]), 10)) ); // Run 2 in parallel. await Promise.all([RecipeRunner.run(), RecipeRunner.run()]); is(getRecipesStub.callCount, 1, "run() is no-op if already running"); } ); decorate_task( withPrefEnv({ set: [ // Enable update timer logs. ["app.update.log", true], ["app.normandy.api_url", "https://example.com"], ["app.normandy.first_run", false], ["app.normandy.onsync_skew_sec", 0], ], }), withSpy(RecipeRunner, "run"), withStub(ActionsManager.prototype, "finalize"), withStub(Uptake, "reportRunner"), async function testSyncDelaysTimer(runSpy, finalizeStub, reportRecipeStub) { // Mark any existing timer as having run just now. for (const { value } of Services.catMan.enumerateCategory("update-timer")) { const timerID = value.split(",")[2]; console.log(`Mark timer ${timerID} as ran recently`); // See https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/11cfa0462/toolkit/components/timermanager/UpdateTimerManager.jsm#8 const timerLastUpdatePref = `app.update.lastUpdateTime.${timerID}`; const lastUpdateTime = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000); Services.prefs.setIntPref(timerLastUpdatePref, lastUpdateTime); } // Set a timer interval as small as possible so that the UpdateTimerManager // will pick the recipe runner as the most imminent timer to run on `notify()`. Services.prefs.setIntPref("app.normandy.run_interval_seconds", 1); // This will refresh the timer interval. RecipeRunner.unregisterTimer(); RecipeRunner.registerTimer(); is(runSpy.callCount, 0, "run() shouldn't have run yet"); // Simulate timer notification. runSpy.resetHistory(); const service = Cc["@mozilla.org/updates/timer-manager;1"].getService( Ci.nsITimerCallback ); const newTimer = () => { const t = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); t.initWithCallback(() => {}, 10, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return t; }; // Run timer once, to make sure this test works as expected. const startTime = Date.now(); const endPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("recipe-runner:end"); service.notify(newTimer()); await endPromise; // will timeout if run() not called. const timerLatency = Math.max(Date.now() - startTime, 1); is(runSpy.callCount, 1, "run() should be called from timer"); // Run once from sync event. runSpy.resetHistory(); const rsClient = RecipeRunner._remoteSettingsClientForTesting; await rsClient.emit("sync", {}); // waits for listeners to run. is(runSpy.callCount, 1, "run() should be called from sync"); // Trigger timer again. This should not run recipes again, since a sync just happened runSpy.resetHistory(); is(runSpy.callCount, 0, "run() does not run again from timer"); service.notify(newTimer()); // Wait at least as long as the latency we had above. Ten times as a margin. is(runSpy.callCount, 0, "run() does not run again from timer"); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timerLatency * 10)); is(runSpy.callCount, 0, "run() does not run again from timer"); RecipeRunner.disable(); } ); // Test that the capabilities for context variables are generated correctly. decorate_task(async function testAutomaticCapabilities() { const capabilities = await RecipeRunner.getCapabilities(); ok( capabilities.has("jexl.context.env.country"), "context variables from Normandy's client context should be included" ); ok( capabilities.has("jexl.context.env.version"), "context variables from the superclass context should be included" ); ok( !capabilities.has("jexl.context.env.getClientClassification"), "non-getter functions should not be included" ); ok( !capabilities.has("jexl.context.env.prototype"), "built-in, non-enumerable properties should not be included" ); });