/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* ownerGlobal doesn't exist in content privileged windows. */ /* eslint-disable mozilla/use-ownerGlobal */ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["InsecurePasswordUtils"]; const STRINGS_URI = "chrome://global/locale/security/security.properties"; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "gContentSecurityManager", "@mozilla.org/contentsecuritymanager;1", "nsIContentSecurityManager" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "gScriptSecurityManager", "@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1", "nsIScriptSecurityManager" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "LoginHelper", "resource://gre/modules/LoginHelper.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () => { return LoginHelper.createLogger("InsecurePasswordUtils"); }); /* * A module that provides utility functions for form security. * */ this.InsecurePasswordUtils = { _formRootsWarned: new WeakMap(), /** * Gets the ID of the inner window of this DOM window. * * @param nsIDOMWindow window * @return integer * Inner ID for the given window. */ _getInnerWindowId(window) { return window.windowGlobalChild.innerWindowId; }, _sendWebConsoleMessage(messageTag, domDoc) { let windowId = this._getInnerWindowId(domDoc.defaultView); let category = "Insecure Password Field"; // All web console messages are warnings for now. let flag = Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag; let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(STRINGS_URI); let message = bundle.GetStringFromName(messageTag); let consoleMsg = Cc["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIScriptError ); consoleMsg.initWithWindowID( message, domDoc.location.href, 0, 0, 0, flag, category, windowId ); Services.console.logMessage(consoleMsg); }, /** * Gets the security state of the passed form. * * @param {FormLike} aForm A form-like object. @See {FormLikeFactory} * * @returns {Object} An object with the following boolean values: * isFormSubmitHTTP: if the submit action is an http:// URL * isFormSubmitSecure: if the submit action URL is secure, * either because it is HTTPS or because its origin is considered trustworthy */ _checkFormSecurity(aForm) { let isFormSubmitHTTP = false, isFormSubmitSecure = false; if (ChromeUtils.getClassName(aForm.rootElement) === "HTMLFormElement") { let uri = Services.io.newURI( aForm.rootElement.action || aForm.rootElement.baseURI ); let principal = gScriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal(uri, {}); if (uri.schemeIs("http")) { isFormSubmitHTTP = true; if ( principal.isOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy || // Ignore sites with local IP addresses pointing to local forms. (this._isPrincipalForLocalIPAddress( aForm.rootElement.nodePrincipal ) && this._isPrincipalForLocalIPAddress(principal)) ) { isFormSubmitSecure = true; } } else { isFormSubmitSecure = true; } } return { isFormSubmitHTTP, isFormSubmitSecure }; }, _isPrincipalForLocalIPAddress(aPrincipal) { let res = aPrincipal.isLocalIpAddress; if (res) { log.debug( "hasInsecureLoginForms: detected local IP address:", aPrincipal.asciispec ); } return res; }, /**s * Checks if there are insecure password fields present on the form's document * i.e. passwords inside forms with http action, inside iframes with http src, * or on insecure web pages. * * @param {FormLike} aForm A form-like object. @See {LoginFormFactory} * @return {boolean} whether the form is secure */ isFormSecure(aForm) { let isSafePage = aForm.ownerDocument.defaultView.isSecureContext; // Ignore insecure documents with URLs that are local IP addresses. // This is done because the vast majority of routers and other devices // on the network do not use HTTPS, making this warning show up almost // constantly on local connections, which annoys users and hurts our cause. if (!isSafePage && this._ignoreLocalIPAddress) { let isLocalIP = this._isPrincipalForLocalIPAddress( aForm.rootElement.nodePrincipal ); let topIsLocalIP = aForm.ownerDocument.defaultView.windowGlobalChild.windowContext .topWindowContext.isLocalIP; // Only consider the page safe if the top window has a local IP address // and, if this is an iframe, the iframe also has a local IP address. if (isLocalIP && topIsLocalIP) { isSafePage = true; } } let { isFormSubmitSecure, isFormSubmitHTTP } = this._checkFormSecurity( aForm ); return isSafePage && (isFormSubmitSecure || !isFormSubmitHTTP); }, /** * Report insecure password fields in a form to the web console to warn developers. * * @param {FormLike} aForm A form-like object. @See {FormLikeFactory} */ reportInsecurePasswords(aForm) { if ( this._formRootsWarned.has(aForm.rootElement) || this._formRootsWarned.get(aForm.rootElement) ) { return; } let domDoc = aForm.ownerDocument; let isSafePage = domDoc.defaultView.isSecureContext; let { isFormSubmitHTTP, isFormSubmitSecure } = this._checkFormSecurity( aForm ); if (!isSafePage) { if (domDoc.defaultView == domDoc.defaultView.parent) { this._sendWebConsoleMessage("InsecurePasswordsPresentOnPage", domDoc); } else { this._sendWebConsoleMessage("InsecurePasswordsPresentOnIframe", domDoc); } this._formRootsWarned.set(aForm.rootElement, true); } else if (isFormSubmitHTTP && !isFormSubmitSecure) { this._sendWebConsoleMessage("InsecureFormActionPasswordsPresent", domDoc); this._formRootsWarned.set(aForm.rootElement, true); } // The safety of a password field determined by the form action and the page protocol let passwordSafety; if (isSafePage) { if (isFormSubmitSecure) { passwordSafety = 0; } else if (isFormSubmitHTTP) { passwordSafety = 1; } else { passwordSafety = 2; } } else if (isFormSubmitSecure) { passwordSafety = 3; } else if (isFormSubmitHTTP) { passwordSafety = 4; } else { passwordSafety = 5; } Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("PWMGR_LOGIN_PAGE_SAFETY") .add(passwordSafety); }, }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( InsecurePasswordUtils, "_ignoreLocalIPAddress", "security.insecure_field_warning.ignore_local_ip_address", true );