/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["LoginRecipesContent", "LoginRecipesParent"]; const REQUIRED_KEYS = ["hosts"]; const OPTIONAL_KEYS = [ "description", "notPasswordSelector", "notUsernameSelector", "passwordSelector", "pathRegex", "usernameSelector", "schema", "id", "last_modified", ]; const SUPPORTED_KEYS = REQUIRED_KEYS.concat(OPTIONAL_KEYS); const { NetUtil } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["URL", "fetch"]); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "LoginHelper", "resource://gre/modules/LoginHelper.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () => LoginHelper.createLogger("LoginRecipes") ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { RemoteSettings: "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.js", }); /** * Create an instance of the object to manage recipes in the parent process. * Consumers should wait until {@link initializationPromise} resolves before * calling methods on the object. * * @constructor * @param {String} [aOptions.defaults=null] the URI to load the recipes from. * If it's null, nothing is loaded. * */ function LoginRecipesParent(aOptions = { defaults: null }) { if (Services.appinfo.processType != Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) { throw new Error( "LoginRecipesParent should only be used from the main process" ); } this._defaults = aOptions.defaults; this.reset(); } LoginRecipesParent.prototype = { /** * Promise resolved with an instance of itself when the module is ready. * * @type {Promise} */ initializationPromise: null, /** * @type {bool} Whether default recipes were loaded at construction time. */ _defaults: null, /** * @type {Map} Map of hosts (including non-default port numbers) to Sets of recipes. * e.g. "example.com:8080" => Set({...}) */ _recipesByHost: null, /** * @type {Object} Instance of Remote Settings client that has access to the * "password-recipes" collection */ _rsClient: null, /** * @param {Object} aRecipes an object containing recipes to load for use. The object * should be compatible with JSON (e.g. no RegExp). * @return {Promise} resolving when the recipes are loaded */ load(aRecipes) { let recipeErrors = 0; for (let rawRecipe of aRecipes.siteRecipes) { try { rawRecipe.pathRegex = rawRecipe.pathRegex ? new RegExp(rawRecipe.pathRegex) : undefined; this.add(rawRecipe); } catch (ex) { recipeErrors++; log.error("Error loading recipe", rawRecipe, ex); } } if (recipeErrors) { return Promise.reject(`There were ${recipeErrors} recipe error(s)`); } return Promise.resolve(); }, /** * Reset the set of recipes to the ones from the time of construction. */ reset() { log.debug("Resetting recipes with defaults:", this._defaults); this._recipesByHost = new Map(); if (this._defaults) { let initPromise; /** * Both branches rely on a JSON dump of the Remote Settings collection, packaged both in Desktop and Android. * The «legacy» mode will read the dump directly from the packaged resources. * With Remote Settings, the dump is used to initialize the local database without network, * and the list of password recipes can be refreshed without restarting and without software update. */ if (LoginHelper.remoteRecipesEnabled) { if (!this._rsClient) { this._rsClient = RemoteSettings(LoginHelper.remoteRecipesCollection); // Set up sync observer to update local recipes from Remote Settings recipes this._rsClient.on("sync", event => this.onRemoteSettingsSync(event)); } initPromise = this._rsClient.get(); } else if (this._defaults.startsWith("resource://")) { initPromise = fetch(this._defaults) .then(resp => resp.json()) .then(({ data }) => data); } else { log.error("Invalid recipe path found, setting empty recipes list!"); initPromise = new Promise(() => []); } this.initializationPromise = initPromise.then(async siteRecipes => { Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("clearRecipeCache"); await this.load({ siteRecipes }); return this; }); } else { this.initializationPromise = Promise.resolve(this); } }, /** * Validate the recipe is sane and then add it to the set of recipes. * * @param {Object} recipe */ add(recipe) { log.debug("Adding recipe:", recipe); let recipeKeys = Object.keys(recipe); let unknownKeys = recipeKeys.filter(key => !SUPPORTED_KEYS.includes(key)); if (unknownKeys.length) { throw new Error( "The following recipe keys aren't supported: " + unknownKeys.join(", ") ); } let missingRequiredKeys = REQUIRED_KEYS.filter( key => !recipeKeys.includes(key) ); if (missingRequiredKeys.length) { throw new Error( "The following required recipe keys are missing: " + missingRequiredKeys.join(", ") ); } if (!Array.isArray(recipe.hosts)) { throw new Error("'hosts' must be a array"); } if (!recipe.hosts.length) { throw new Error("'hosts' must be a non-empty array"); } if (recipe.pathRegex && recipe.pathRegex.constructor.name != "RegExp") { throw new Error("'pathRegex' must be a regular expression"); } const OPTIONAL_STRING_PROPS = [ "description", "passwordSelector", "usernameSelector", ]; for (let prop of OPTIONAL_STRING_PROPS) { if (recipe[prop] && typeof recipe[prop] != "string") { throw new Error(`'${prop}' must be a string`); } } // Add the recipe to the map for each host for (let host of recipe.hosts) { if (!this._recipesByHost.has(host)) { this._recipesByHost.set(host, new Set()); } this._recipesByHost.get(host).add(recipe); } }, /** * Currently only exact host matches are returned but this will eventually handle parent domains. * * @param {String} aHost (e.g. example.com:8080 [non-default port] or sub.example.com) * @return {Set} of recipes that apply to the host ordered by host priority */ getRecipesForHost(aHost) { let hostRecipes = this._recipesByHost.get(aHost); if (!hostRecipes) { return new Set(); } return hostRecipes; }, /** * Handles the Remote Settings sync event for the "password-recipes" collection. * * @param {Object} aEvent * @param {Array} event.current Records in the "password-recipes" collection after the sync event * @param {Array} event.created Records that were created with this particular sync * @param {Array} event.updated Records that were updated with this particular sync * @param {Array} event.deleted Records that were deleted with this particular sync */ onRemoteSettingsSync(aEvent) { this._recipesByHost = new Map(); let { data: { current }, } = aEvent; let recipes = { siteRecipes: current, }; Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("clearRecipeCache"); this.load(recipes); }, }; this.LoginRecipesContent = { _recipeCache: new WeakMap(), _clearRecipeCache() { log.debug("_clearRecipeCache"); this._recipeCache = new WeakMap(); }, /** * Locally caches recipes for a given host. * * @param {String} aHost (e.g. example.com:8080 [non-default port] or sub.example.com) * @param {Object} win - the window of the host * @param {Set} recipes - recipes that apply to the host */ cacheRecipes(aHost, win, recipes) { log.debug("cacheRecipes: for:", aHost); let recipeMap = this._recipeCache.get(win); if (!recipeMap) { recipeMap = new Map(); this._recipeCache.set(win, recipeMap); } recipeMap.set(aHost, recipes); }, /** * Tries to fetch recipes for a given host, using a local cache if possible. * Otherwise, the recipes are cached for later use. * * @param {JSWindowActor} aActor - actor making request * @param {String} aHost (e.g. example.com:8080 [non-default port] or sub.example.com) * @param {Object} win - the window of the host * @return {Set} of recipes that apply to the host */ getRecipes(aActor, aHost, win) { let recipes; let recipeMap = this._recipeCache.get(win); if (recipeMap) { recipes = recipeMap.get(aHost); if (recipes) { return recipes; } } log.warn("getRecipes: falling back to a synchronous message for:", aHost); recipes = Services.cpmm.sendSyncMessage("PasswordManager:findRecipes", { formOrigin: aHost, })[0]; this.cacheRecipes(aHost, win, recipes); return recipes; }, /** * @param {Set} aRecipes - Possible recipes that could apply to the form * @param {FormLike} aForm - We use a form instead of just a URL so we can later apply * tests to the page contents. * @return {Set} a subset of recipes that apply to the form with the order preserved */ _filterRecipesForForm(aRecipes, aForm) { let formDocURL = aForm.ownerDocument.location; let hostRecipes = aRecipes; let recipes = new Set(); log.debug("_filterRecipesForForm", aRecipes); if (!hostRecipes) { return recipes; } for (let hostRecipe of hostRecipes) { if ( hostRecipe.pathRegex && !hostRecipe.pathRegex.test(formDocURL.pathname) ) { continue; } recipes.add(hostRecipe); } return recipes; }, /** * Given a set of recipes that apply to the host, choose the one most applicable for * overriding login fields in the form. * * @param {Set} aRecipes The set of recipes to consider for the form * @param {FormLike} aForm The form where login fields exist. * @return {Object} The recipe that is most applicable for the form. */ getFieldOverrides(aRecipes, aForm) { let recipes = this._filterRecipesForForm(aRecipes, aForm); log.debug("getFieldOverrides: filtered recipes:", recipes.size, recipes); if (!recipes.size) { return null; } let chosenRecipe = null; // Find the first (most-specific recipe that involves field overrides). for (let recipe of recipes) { if ( !recipe.usernameSelector && !recipe.passwordSelector && !recipe.notUsernameSelector && !recipe.notPasswordSelector ) { continue; } chosenRecipe = recipe; break; } return chosenRecipe; }, /** * @param {HTMLElement} aParent the element to query for the selector from. * @param {CSSSelector} aSelector the CSS selector to query for the login field. * @return {HTMLElement|null} */ queryLoginField(aParent, aSelector) { if (!aSelector) { return null; } let field = aParent.ownerDocument.querySelector(aSelector); if (!field) { log.debug("Login field selector wasn't matched:", aSelector); return null; } // ownerGlobal doesn't exist in content privileged windows. if ( // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/use-ownerGlobal !(field instanceof aParent.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLInputElement) ) { log.warn("Login field isn't an so ignoring it:", aSelector); return null; } return field; }, };