[DEFAULT] head = head.js skip-if = os == "android" || toolkit == "android" # Not supported on GV because we can't add/remove from storage. support-files = data/** # Test logins.json file access, not applicable to Android. [test_module_LoginStore.js] skip-if = os == "android" [test_loginsBackup.js] skip-if = os == "android" # The following tests apply to any storage back-end that supports add/modify/remove. [test_context_menu.js] skip-if = os == "android" # The context menu isn't used on Android. # LoginManagerContextMenu is only included for MOZ_BUILD_APP == 'browser'. run-if = buildapp == "browser" [test_dedupeLogins.js] [test_disabled_hosts.js] [test_displayOrigin.js] [test_doLoginsMatch.js] [test_getFormFields.js] [test_getPasswordFields.js] [test_getPasswordOrigin.js] [test_getUserNameAndPasswordFields.js] [test_isOriginMatching.js] [test_isProbablyANewPasswordField.js] [test_isUsernameFieldType.js] [test_legacy_empty_formActionOrigin.js] [test_LoginManagerParent_doAutocompleteSearch.js] skip-if = os == "android" # Password generation not packaged/used on Android [test_LoginManagerParent_getGeneratedPassword.js] skip-if = os == "android" # Password generation not packaged/used on Android [test_LoginManagerParent_onPasswordEditedOrGenerated.js] skip-if = os == "android" # Password generation not packaged/used on Android [test_LoginManagerParent_searchAndDedupeLogins.js] skip-if = os == "android" # schemeUpgrades aren't supported [test_LoginManagerPrompter_getUsernameSuggestions.js] skip-if = os == "android" # Tests desktop's prompter [test_legacy_validation.js] [test_login_autocomplete_result.js] skip-if = os == "android" [test_logins_change.js] [test_logins_decrypt_failure.js] skip-if = os == "android" # Bug 1171687: Needs fixing on Android [test_logins_metainfo.js] [test_logins_search.js] [test_maybeImportLogin.js] skip-if = os == "android" # Only used by migrator, which isn't on Android [test_module_LoginCSVImport.js] [test_module_LoginExport.js] skip-if = os == "android" # there is no export for android [test_notifications.js] [test_OSCrypto_win.js] skip-if = os != "win" [test_PasswordGenerator.js] skip-if = os == "android" # Not packaged/used on Android [test_recipes_add.js] [test_recipes_content.js] [test_remote_recipes.js] skip-if = os == "android" [test_search_schemeUpgrades.js] [test_shadowHTTPLogins.js] [test_storage.js] [test_telemetry.js] [test_vulnerable_passwords.js] skip-if = os == "android" # Not implemented for storage-mozStorage