/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "mozilla/AbstractThread.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/PerformanceUtils.h" #include "mozilla/PerformanceMetricsCollector.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_dom.h" #include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WorkerDebugger.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WorkerDebuggerManager.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; static mozilla::LazyLogModule sPerfLog("PerformanceMetricsCollector"); #ifdef LOG # undef LOG #endif #define LOG(args) MOZ_LOG(sPerfLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, args) namespace mozilla { // // class IPCTimeout // NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(IPCTimeout, nsIObserver) // static IPCTimeout* IPCTimeout::CreateInstance(AggregatedResults* aResults) { MOZ_ASSERT(aResults); uint32_t delay = StaticPrefs::dom_performance_children_results_ipc_timeout(); if (delay == 0) { return nullptr; } return new IPCTimeout(aResults, delay); } IPCTimeout::IPCTimeout(AggregatedResults* aResults, uint32_t aDelay) : mResults(aResults) { MOZ_ASSERT(aResults); MOZ_ASSERT(aDelay > 0); mozilla::DebugOnly rv = NS_NewTimerWithObserver( getter_AddRefs(mTimer), this, aDelay, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); LOG(("IPCTimeout timer created")); } IPCTimeout::~IPCTimeout() { Cancel(); } void IPCTimeout::Cancel() { if (mTimer) { LOG(("IPCTimeout timer canceled")); mTimer->Cancel(); mTimer = nullptr; } } NS_IMETHODIMP IPCTimeout::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) { MOZ_ASSERT(strcmp(aTopic, NS_TIMER_CALLBACK_TOPIC) == 0); LOG(("IPCTimeout timer triggered")); mResults->ResolveNow(); return NS_OK; } // // class AggregatedResults // AggregatedResults::AggregatedResults(nsID aUUID, PerformanceMetricsCollector* aCollector) : mPendingResults(0), mCollector(aCollector), mUUID(aUUID) { MOZ_ASSERT(aCollector); mIPCTimeout = IPCTimeout::CreateInstance(this); } void AggregatedResults::Abort(nsresult aReason) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mHolder.IsEmpty()); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_FAILED(aReason)); if (mIPCTimeout) { mIPCTimeout->Cancel(); mIPCTimeout = nullptr; } mHolder.Reject(aReason, __func__); mPendingResults = 0; } void AggregatedResults::ResolveNow() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mHolder.IsEmpty()); LOG(("[%s] Early resolve", nsIDToCString(mUUID).get())); mHolder.Resolve(CopyableTArray(mData), __func__); mIPCTimeout = nullptr; mCollector->ForgetAggregatedResults(mUUID); } void AggregatedResults::AppendResult( const nsTArray& aMetrics) { if (mHolder.IsEmpty()) { // A previous call failed and the promise was already rejected return; } MOZ_ASSERT(mPendingResults > 0); // Each PerformanceInfo is converted into a PerformanceInfoDictionary for (const PerformanceInfo& result : aMetrics) { mozilla::dom::Sequence items; for (const CategoryDispatch& entry : result.items()) { uint32_t count = entry.count(); if (count == 0) { continue; } CategoryDispatchDictionary* item = items.AppendElement(fallible); if (NS_WARN_IF(!item)) { Abort(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; } item->mCategory = entry.category(); item->mCount = count; } PerformanceInfoDictionary* data = mData.AppendElement(fallible); if (NS_WARN_IF(!data)) { Abort(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; } data->mPid = result.pid(); data->mWindowId = result.windowId(); data->mHost.Assign(result.host()); data->mDuration = result.duration(); data->mCounterId = result.counterId(); data->mIsWorker = result.isWorker(); data->mIsTopLevel = result.isTopLevel(); data->mMemoryInfo.mDomDom = result.memory().domDom(); data->mMemoryInfo.mDomStyle = result.memory().domStyle(); data->mMemoryInfo.mDomOther = result.memory().domOther(); data->mMemoryInfo.mGCHeapUsage = result.memory().GCHeapUsage(); data->mMemoryInfo.mMedia.mAudioSize = result.memory().media().audioSize(); data->mMemoryInfo.mMedia.mVideoSize = result.memory().media().videoSize(); data->mMemoryInfo.mMedia.mResourcesSize = result.memory().media().resourcesSize(); data->mItems = items; } mPendingResults--; if (mPendingResults) { return; } LOG(("[%s] All data collected, resolving promise", nsIDToCString(mUUID).get())); if (mIPCTimeout) { mIPCTimeout->Cancel(); mIPCTimeout = nullptr; } nsTArray data; data.Assign(mData); mHolder.Resolve(std::move(data), __func__); mCollector->ForgetAggregatedResults(mUUID); } void AggregatedResults::SetNumResultsRequired(uint32_t aNumResultsRequired) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mPendingResults && aNumResultsRequired); mPendingResults = aNumResultsRequired; } RefPtr AggregatedResults::GetPromise() { return mHolder.Ensure(__func__); } // // class PerformanceMetricsCollector (singleton) // // raw pointer for the singleton PerformanceMetricsCollector* gInstance = nullptr; PerformanceMetricsCollector::~PerformanceMetricsCollector() { MOZ_ASSERT(gInstance == this); gInstance = nullptr; } void PerformanceMetricsCollector::ForgetAggregatedResults(const nsID& aUUID) { MOZ_ASSERT(gInstance); MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); // This Remove() call will trigger AggregatedResults DTOR and if its // the last in the table, the DTOR of PerformanceMetricsCollector. // That's why we need to make sure we hold a reference here before the call RefPtr kungFuDeathGrip = this; LOG(("[%s] Removing from the table", nsIDToCString(aUUID).get())); mAggregatedResults.Remove(aUUID); } // static RefPtr PerformanceMetricsCollector::RequestMetrics() { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); RefPtr pmc = gInstance; if (!pmc) { pmc = new PerformanceMetricsCollector(); gInstance = pmc; } return pmc->RequestMetricsInternal(); } RefPtr PerformanceMetricsCollector::RequestMetricsInternal() { // each request has its own UUID nsID uuid; nsresult rv = nsContentUtils::GenerateUUIDInPlace(uuid); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return RequestMetricsPromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); } LOG(("[%s] Requesting Performance Metrics", nsIDToCString(uuid).get())); // Getting all content processes nsTArray children; ContentParent::GetAll(children); uint32_t numChildren = children.Length(); // keep track of all results in an AggregatedResults instance UniquePtr results = MakeUnique(uuid, this); RefPtr promise = results->GetPromise(); // We want to get back as many results as children + one parent if needed uint32_t numResultsRequired = children.Length(); nsTArray> localPromises = CollectPerformanceInfo(); if (!localPromises.IsEmpty()) { numResultsRequired++; } LOG(("[%s] Expecting %d results back", nsIDToCString(uuid).get(), numResultsRequired)); results->SetNumResultsRequired(numResultsRequired); mAggregatedResults.Put(uuid, std::move(results)); // calling all content processes via IPDL (async) for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { if (NS_WARN_IF(!children[i]->SendRequestPerformanceMetrics(uuid))) { LOG(("[%s] Failed to send request to child %d", nsIDToCString(uuid).get(), i)); mAggregatedResults.GetValue(uuid)->get()->Abort(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return RequestMetricsPromise::CreateAndReject(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, __func__); } LOG(("[%s] Request sent to child %d", nsIDToCString(uuid).get(), i)); } nsTArray> promises = CollectPerformanceInfo(); if (promises.IsEmpty()) { return promise; } // collecting the current process PerformanceInfo PerformanceInfoPromise::All(NS_GetCurrentThread(), localPromises) ->Then( NS_GetCurrentThread(), __func__, [uuid](const nsTArray aResult) { LOG(("[%s] Local CollectPerformanceInfo promise resolved", nsIDToCString(uuid).get())); DataReceived(uuid, aResult); }, [](const nsresult aResult) {}); return promise; } // static nsresult PerformanceMetricsCollector::DataReceived( const nsID& aUUID, const nsTArray& aMetrics) { // If some content process were unresponsive on shutdown, we may get called // here with late data received from children - so instead of asserting // that gInstance is available, we just return. if (!gInstance) { LOG(("[%s] gInstance is gone", nsIDToCString(aUUID).get())); return NS_OK; } MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); return gInstance->DataReceivedInternal(aUUID, aMetrics); } nsresult PerformanceMetricsCollector::DataReceivedInternal( const nsID& aUUID, const nsTArray& aMetrics) { MOZ_ASSERT(gInstance == this); UniquePtr* results = mAggregatedResults.GetValue(aUUID); if (!results) { LOG(("[%s] UUID is gone from mAggregatedResults", nsIDToCString(aUUID).get())); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } LOG(("[%s] Received one PerformanceInfo array", nsIDToCString(aUUID).get())); AggregatedResults* aggregatedResults = results->get(); MOZ_ASSERT(aggregatedResults); // If this is the last result, AppendResult() will trigger the deletion // of this collector, nothing should be done after this line. aggregatedResults->AppendResult(aMetrics); return NS_OK; } } // namespace mozilla