/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 expandtab filetype=javascript * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const BYTES_PER_MEBIBYTE = 1048576; const MS_PER_DAY = 86400000; // Threshold value for removeOldCorruptDBs. // Corrupt DBs older than this value are removed. const CORRUPT_DB_RETAIN_DAYS = 14; // Seconds between maintenance runs. const MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 7 * 86400; const { ComponentUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/ComponentUtils.jsm" ); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { OS: "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm", Sqlite: "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm", }); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PlacesDBUtils", "PlacesDBUtilsIdleMaintenance"]; var PlacesDBUtils = { _isShuttingDown: false, _clearTaskQueue: false, clearPendingTasks() { PlacesDBUtils._clearTaskQueue = true; }, /** * Executes integrity check and common maintenance tasks. * * @return a Map[taskName(String) -> Object]. The Object has the following properties: * - succeeded: boolean * - logs: an array of strings containing the messages logged by the task. */ async maintenanceOnIdle() { let tasks = [ this.checkIntegrity, this.invalidateCaches, this.checkCoherence, this._refreshUI, this.originFrecencyStats, this.incrementalVacuum, this.removeOldCorruptDBs, ]; let telemetryStartTime = Date.now(); let taskStatusMap = await PlacesDBUtils.runTasks(tasks); Services.prefs.setIntPref( "places.database.lastMaintenance", parseInt(Date.now() / 1000) ); Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("PLACES_IDLE_MAINTENANCE_TIME_MS") .add(Date.now() - telemetryStartTime); return taskStatusMap; }, /** * Executes integrity check, common and advanced maintenance tasks (like * expiration and vacuum). Will also collect statistics on the database. * * Note: although this function isn't actually async, we keep it async to * allow us to maintain a simple, consistent API for the tasks within this object. * * @return {Promise} * A promise that resolves with a Map[taskName(String) -> Object]. * The Object has the following properties: * - succeeded: boolean * - logs: an array of strings containing the messages logged by the task. */ async checkAndFixDatabase() { let tasks = [ this.checkIntegrity, this.invalidateCaches, this.checkCoherence, this.expire, this.originFrecencyStats, this.vacuum, this.stats, this._refreshUI, ]; return PlacesDBUtils.runTasks(tasks); }, /** * Forces a full refresh of Places views. * * Note: although this function isn't actually async, we keep it async to * allow us to maintain a simple, consistent API for the tasks within this object. * * @returns {Array} An empty array. */ async _refreshUI() { // Send batch update notifications to update the UI. let observers = [ ...PlacesUtils.history.getObservers(), ...PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers(), ]; for (let observer of observers) { observer.onBeginUpdateBatch(); observer.onEndUpdateBatch(); } return []; }, /** * Checks integrity and tries to fix the database through a reindex. * * @return {Promise} resolves if database is sane or is made sane. * @resolves to an array of logs for this task. * @rejects if we're unable to fix corruption or unable to check status. */ async checkIntegrity() { let logs = []; async function check(dbName) { try { await integrity(dbName); logs.push(`The ${dbName} database is sane`); } catch (ex) { PlacesDBUtils.clearPendingTasks(); if (ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED) { logs.push(`The ${dbName} database is corrupt`); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "places.database.replaceDatabaseOnStartup", dbName ); throw new Error( `Unable to fix corruption, ${dbName} will be replaced on next startup` ); } throw new Error(`Unable to check ${dbName} integrity: ${ex}`); } } await check("places.sqlite"); await check("favicons.sqlite"); return logs; }, invalidateCaches() { let logs = []; return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper( "PlacesDBUtils: invalidate caches", async db => { let idsWithStaleGuidsRows = await db.execute( `SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid IS NULL OR NOT IS_VALID_GUID(guid) OR (type = :bookmark_type AND fk IS NULL) OR (type <> :bookmark_type AND fk NOT NULL) OR type IS NULL`, { bookmark_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK } ); for (let row of idsWithStaleGuidsRows) { let id = row.getResultByName("id"); PlacesUtils.invalidateCachedGuidFor(id); } logs.push("The caches have been invalidated"); return logs; } ).catch(ex => { PlacesDBUtils.clearPendingTasks(); throw new Error("Unable to invalidate caches"); }); }, /** * Checks data coherence and tries to fix most common errors. * * @return {Promise} resolves when coherence is checked. * @resolves to an array of logs for this task. * @rejects if database is not coherent. */ async checkCoherence() { let logs = []; let stmts = await PlacesDBUtils._getCoherenceStatements(); let coherenceCheck = true; await PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper( "PlacesDBUtils: coherence check:", db => db.executeTransaction(async () => { for (let { query, params } of stmts) { try { await db.execute(query, params || null); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); coherenceCheck = false; } } }) ); if (coherenceCheck) { logs.push("The database is coherent"); } else { PlacesDBUtils.clearPendingTasks(); throw new Error("Unable to complete the coherence check"); } return logs; }, /** * Runs incremental vacuum on databases supporting it. * * @return {Promise} resolves when done. * @resolves to an array of logs for this task. * @rejects if we were unable to vacuum. */ async incrementalVacuum() { let logs = []; return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper( "PlacesDBUtils: incrementalVacuum", async db => { let count = ( await db.execute("PRAGMA favicons.freelist_count") )[0].getResultByIndex(0); if (count < 10) { logs.push( `The favicons database has only ${count} free pages, not vacuuming.` ); } else { logs.push( `The favicons database has ${count} free pages, vacuuming.` ); await db.execute("PRAGMA favicons.incremental_vacuum"); count = ( await db.execute("PRAGMA favicons.freelist_count") )[0].getResultByIndex(0); logs.push( `The database has been vacuumed and has now ${count} free pages.` ); } return logs; } ).catch(ex => { PlacesDBUtils.clearPendingTasks(); throw new Error( "Unable to incrementally vacuum the favicons database " + ex ); }); }, async _getCoherenceStatements() { let cleanupStatements = [ // MOZ_PLACES // L.1 remove duplicate URLs. // This task uses a temp table of potential dupes, and a trigger to remove // them. It runs first because it relies on subsequent tasks to clean up // orphaned foreign key references. The task works like this: first, we // insert all rows with the same hash into the temp table. This lets // SQLite use the `url_hash` index for scanning `moz_places`. Hashes // aren't unique, so two different URLs might have the same hash. To find // the actual dupes, we use a unique constraint on the URL in the temp // table. If that fails, we bump the dupe count. Then, we delete all dupes // from the table. This fires the cleanup trigger, which updates all // foreign key references to point to one of the duplicate Places, then // deletes the others. { query: `CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_places_dupes_temp( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , hash INTEGER NOT NULL , url TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL , count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 )`, }, { query: `CREATE TEMP TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS moz_places_remove_dupes_temp_trigger AFTER DELETE ON moz_places_dupes_temp FOR EACH ROW BEGIN /* Reassign history visits. */ UPDATE moz_historyvisits SET place_id = OLD.id WHERE place_id IN (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id <> OLD.id AND url_hash = OLD.hash AND url = OLD.url); /* Merge autocomplete history entries. */ INSERT INTO moz_inputhistory(place_id, input, use_count) SELECT OLD.id, a.input, a.use_count FROM moz_inputhistory a JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = a.place_id WHERE h.id <> OLD.id AND h.url_hash = OLD.hash AND h.url = OLD.url ON CONFLICT(place_id, input) DO UPDATE SET place_id = excluded.place_id, use_count = use_count + excluded.use_count; /* Merge page annos, ignoring annos with the same name that are already set on the destination. */ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_annos(id, place_id, anno_attribute_id, content, flags, expiration, type, dateAdded, lastModified) SELECT (SELECT k.id FROM moz_annos k WHERE k.place_id = OLD.id AND k.anno_attribute_id = a.anno_attribute_id), OLD.id, a.anno_attribute_id, a.content, a.flags, a.expiration, a.type, a.dateAdded, a.lastModified FROM moz_annos a JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = a.place_id WHERE h.id <> OLD.id AND url_hash = OLD.hash AND url = OLD.url; /* Reassign bookmarks, and bump the Sync change counter just in case we have new keywords. */ UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET fk = OLD.id, syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter + 1 WHERE fk IN (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE url_hash = OLD.hash AND url = OLD.url); /* Reassign keywords. */ UPDATE moz_keywords SET place_id = OLD.id WHERE place_id IN (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id <> OLD.id AND url_hash = OLD.hash AND url = OLD.url); /* Now that we've updated foreign key references, drop the conflicting source. */ DELETE FROM moz_places WHERE id <> OLD.id AND url_hash = OLD.hash AND url = OLD.url; /* Recalculate frecency for the destination. */ UPDATE moz_places SET frecency = calculate_frecency(id) WHERE id = OLD.id; /* Trigger frecency updates for affected origins. */ DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsupdate_temp; END`, }, { query: `INSERT INTO moz_places_dupes_temp(id, hash, url, count) SELECT h.id, h.url_hash, h.url, 1 FROM moz_places h JOIN (SELECT url_hash FROM moz_places GROUP BY url_hash HAVING count(*) > 1) d ON d.url_hash = h.url_hash ON CONFLICT(url) DO UPDATE SET count = count + 1`, }, { query: `DELETE FROM moz_places_dupes_temp WHERE count > 1` }, { query: `DROP TABLE moz_places_dupes_temp` }, // MOZ_ANNO_ATTRIBUTES // A.1 remove obsolete annotations from moz_annos. // The 'weave0' idiom exploits character ordering (0 follows /) to // efficiently select all annos with a 'weave/' prefix. { query: `DELETE FROM moz_annos WHERE type = 4 OR anno_attribute_id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = 'downloads/destinationFileName' OR name BETWEEN 'weave/' AND 'weave0' )`, }, // A.2 remove obsolete annotations from moz_items_annos. { query: `DELETE FROM moz_items_annos WHERE type = 4 OR anno_attribute_id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = 'sync/children' OR name = 'placesInternal/GUID' OR name BETWEEN 'weave/' AND 'weave0' )`, }, // A.3 remove unused attributes. { query: `DELETE FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes n WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = n.id LIMIT 1) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = n.id LIMIT 1) )`, }, // MOZ_ANNOS // B.1 remove annos with an invalid attribute { query: `DELETE FROM moz_annos WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_annos a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE id = a.anno_attribute_id LIMIT 1) )`, }, // B.2 remove orphan annos { query: `DELETE FROM moz_annos WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_annos a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id = a.place_id LIMIT 1) )`, }, // D.1 remove items that are not uri bookmarks from tag containers { query: `DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid NOT IN ( :rootGuid, :menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :tagsGuid /* skip roots */ ) AND id IN ( SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b WHERE b.parent IN (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = :tags_folder) AND b.type <> :bookmark_type )`, params: { tags_folder: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, bookmark_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid, }, }, // D.2 remove empty tags { query: `DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid NOT IN ( :rootGuid, :menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :tagsGuid /* skip roots */ ) AND id IN ( SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b WHERE b.id IN (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = :tags_folder) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id from moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = b.id LIMIT 1) )`, params: { tags_folder: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid, }, }, // D.3 move orphan items to unsorted folder { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET parent = (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = :unfiledGuid) WHERE guid NOT IN ( :rootGuid, :menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :tagsGuid /* skip roots */ ) AND id IN ( SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = b.parent LIMIT 1) )`, params: { rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid, }, }, // D.4 Insert tombstones for any synced items with the wrong type. // Sync doesn't support changing the type of an existing item while // keeping its GUID. To avoid confusing other clients, we insert // tombstones for all synced items with the wrong type, so that we // can reupload them with the correct type and a new GUID. { query: `INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_bookmarks_deleted(guid, dateRemoved) SELECT guid, :dateRemoved FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE syncStatus <> :syncStatus AND ((type IN (:folder_type, :separator_type) AND fk NOTNULL) OR (type = :bookmark_type AND fk IS NULL) OR type IS NULL)`, params: { dateRemoved: PlacesUtils.toPRTime(new Date()), syncStatus: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NEW, bookmark_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, folder_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, separator_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR, }, }, // D.5 fix wrong item types // Folders and separators should not have an fk. // If they have a valid fk, convert them to bookmarks, and give them new // GUIDs. If the item has children, we'll move them to the unfiled root // in D.8. If the `fk` doesn't exist in `moz_places`, we'll remove the // item in D.9. { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET guid = GENERATE_GUID(), type = :bookmark_type WHERE guid NOT IN ( :rootGuid, :menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :tagsGuid /* skip roots */ ) AND id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks b WHERE type IN (:folder_type, :separator_type) AND fk NOTNULL )`, params: { bookmark_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, folder_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, separator_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR, rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid, }, }, // D.6 fix wrong item types // Bookmarks should have an fk, if they don't have any, convert them to // folders. { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET guid = GENERATE_GUID(), type = :folder_type WHERE guid NOT IN ( :rootGuid, :menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :tagsGuid /* skip roots */ ) AND id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks b WHERE type = :bookmark_type AND fk IS NULL )`, params: { bookmark_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, folder_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid, }, }, // D.7 fix wrong item types // `moz_bookmarks.type` doesn't have a NOT NULL constraint, so it's // possible for an item to not have a type (bug 1586427). { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET guid = GENERATE_GUID(), type = CASE WHEN fk NOT NULL THEN :bookmark_type ELSE :folder_type END WHERE guid NOT IN ( :rootGuid, :menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :tagsGuid /* skip roots */ ) AND type IS NULL`, params: { bookmark_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, folder_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid, }, }, // D.8 fix wrong parents // Items cannot have separators or other bookmarks // as parent, if they have bad parent move them to unsorted bookmarks. { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET parent = (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = :unfiledGuid) WHERE guid NOT IN ( :rootGuid, :menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :tagsGuid /* skip roots */ ) AND id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks b WHERE EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = b.parent AND type IN (:bookmark_type, :separator_type) LIMIT 1) )`, params: { bookmark_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, separator_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR, rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid, }, }, // D.9 remove items without a valid place // We've already converted folders with an `fk` to bookmarks in D.5, // and bookmarks without an `fk` to folders in D.6. However, the `fk` // might not reference an existing `moz_places.id`, even if it's // NOT NULL. This statement takes care of those. { query: `DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks AS b WHERE b.guid NOT IN ( :rootGuid, :menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :tagsGuid /* skip roots */ ) AND b.fk NOT NULL AND b.type = :bookmark_type AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM moz_places h WHERE h.id = b.fk)`, params: { bookmark_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid, }, }, // D.10 recalculate positions // This requires multiple related statements. // We can detect a folder with bad position values comparing the sum of // all distinct position values (+1 since position is 0-based) with the // triangular numbers obtained by the number of children (n). // SUM(DISTINCT position + 1) == (n * (n + 1) / 2). // id is not a PRIMARY KEY on purpose, since we need a rowid that // increments monotonically. { query: `CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_bm_reindex_temp ( id INTEGER , parent INTEGER , position INTEGER )`, }, { query: `INSERT INTO moz_bm_reindex_temp SELECT id, parent, 0 FROM moz_bookmarks b WHERE parent IN ( SELECT parent FROM moz_bookmarks GROUP BY parent HAVING (SUM(DISTINCT position + 1) - (count(*) * (count(*) + 1) / 2)) <> 0 ) ORDER BY parent ASC, position ASC, ROWID ASC`, }, { query: `CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS moz_bm_reindex_temp_index ON moz_bm_reindex_temp(parent)`, }, { query: `UPDATE moz_bm_reindex_temp SET position = ( ROWID - (SELECT MIN(t.ROWID) FROM moz_bm_reindex_temp t WHERE t.parent = moz_bm_reindex_temp.parent) )`, }, { query: `CREATE TEMP TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS moz_bm_reindex_temp_trigger BEFORE DELETE ON moz_bm_reindex_temp FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = OLD.position WHERE id = OLD.id; END`, }, { query: `DELETE FROM moz_bm_reindex_temp` }, { query: `DROP INDEX moz_bm_reindex_temp_index` }, { query: `DROP TRIGGER moz_bm_reindex_temp_trigger` }, { query: `DROP TABLE moz_bm_reindex_temp` }, // D.12 Fix empty-named tags. // Tags were allowed to have empty names due to a UI bug. Fix them by // replacing their title with "(notitle)", and bumping the change counter // for all bookmarks with the fixed tags. { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter + 1 WHERE fk IN (SELECT b.fk FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent WHERE length(p.title) = 0 AND p.type = :folder_type AND p.parent = :tags_folder)`, params: { folder_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, tags_folder: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, }, }, { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET title = :empty_title WHERE length(title) = 0 AND type = :folder_type AND parent = :tags_folder`, params: { empty_title: "(notitle)", folder_type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, tags_folder: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, }, }, // MOZ_ICONS // E.1 remove orphan icon entries. { query: `DELETE FROM moz_pages_w_icons WHERE page_url_hash NOT IN ( SELECT url_hash FROM moz_places )`, }, // Remove icons whose origin is not in moz_origins, unless referenced. { query: `DELETE FROM moz_icons WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_icons WHERE root = 0 UNION ALL SELECT id FROM moz_icons WHERE root = 1 AND get_host_and_port(icon_url) NOT IN (SELECT host FROM moz_origins) AND fixup_url(get_host_and_port(icon_url)) NOT IN (SELECT host FROM moz_origins) EXCEPT SELECT icon_id FROM moz_icons_to_pages )`, }, // MOZ_HISTORYVISITS // F.1 remove orphan visits { query: `DELETE FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_historyvisits v WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id = v.place_id LIMIT 1) )`, }, // MOZ_INPUTHISTORY // G.1 remove orphan input history { query: `DELETE FROM moz_inputhistory WHERE place_id IN ( SELECT place_id FROM moz_inputhistory i WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id = i.place_id LIMIT 1) )`, }, // MOZ_ITEMS_ANNOS // H.1 remove item annos with an invalid attribute { query: `DELETE FROM moz_items_annos WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos t WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE id = t.anno_attribute_id LIMIT 1) )`, }, // H.2 remove orphan item annos { query: `DELETE FROM moz_items_annos WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos t WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = t.item_id LIMIT 1) )`, }, // MOZ_KEYWORDS // I.1 remove unused keywords { query: `DELETE FROM moz_keywords WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_keywords k WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM moz_places h WHERE k.place_id = h.id) )`, }, // MOZ_PLACES // L.2 recalculate visit_count and last_visit_date { query: `UPDATE moz_places SET visit_count = (SELECT count(*) FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE place_id = moz_places.id AND visit_type NOT IN (0,4,7,8,9)), last_visit_date = (SELECT MAX(visit_date) FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE place_id = moz_places.id) WHERE id IN ( SELECT h.id FROM moz_places h WHERE visit_count <> (SELECT count(*) FROM moz_historyvisits v WHERE v.place_id = h.id AND visit_type NOT IN (0,4,7,8,9)) OR last_visit_date <> (SELECT MAX(visit_date) FROM moz_historyvisits v WHERE v.place_id = h.id) )`, }, // L.3 recalculate hidden for redirects. { query: `UPDATE moz_places SET hidden = 1 WHERE id IN ( SELECT h.id FROM moz_places h JOIN moz_historyvisits src ON src.place_id = h.id JOIN moz_historyvisits dst ON dst.from_visit = src.id AND dst.visit_type IN (5,6) LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks on fk = h.id AND fk ISNULL GROUP BY src.place_id HAVING count(*) = visit_count )`, }, // L.4 recalculate foreign_count. { query: `UPDATE moz_places SET foreign_count = (SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE fk = moz_places.id ) + (SELECT count(*) FROM moz_keywords WHERE place_id = moz_places.id )`, }, // L.5 recalculate missing hashes. { query: `UPDATE moz_places SET url_hash = hash(url) WHERE url_hash = 0`, }, // L.6 fix invalid Place GUIDs. { query: `UPDATE moz_places SET guid = GENERATE_GUID() WHERE guid IS NULL OR NOT IS_VALID_GUID(guid)`, }, // MOZ_BOOKMARKS // S.1 fix invalid GUIDs for synced bookmarks. // This requires multiple related statements. // First, we insert tombstones for all synced bookmarks with invalid // GUIDs, so that we can delete them on the server. Second, we add a // temporary trigger to bump the change counter for the parents of any // items we update, since Sync stores the list of child GUIDs on the // parent. Finally, we assign new GUIDs for all items with missing and // invalid GUIDs, bump their change counters, and reset their sync // statuses to NEW so that they're considered for deduping. { query: `INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_bookmarks_deleted(guid, dateRemoved) SELECT guid, :dateRemoved FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE syncStatus <> :syncStatus AND guid NOT NULL AND NOT IS_VALID_GUID(guid)`, params: { dateRemoved: PlacesUtils.toPRTime(new Date()), syncStatus: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NEW, }, }, { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET guid = GENERATE_GUID(), syncStatus = :syncStatus WHERE guid IS NULL OR NOT IS_VALID_GUID(guid)`, params: { syncStatus: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NEW, }, }, // S.2 drop tombstones for bookmarks that aren't deleted. { query: `DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks_deleted WHERE guid IN (SELECT guid FROM moz_bookmarks)`, }, // S.3 set missing added and last modified dates. { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET dateAdded = COALESCE(NULLIF(dateAdded, 0), NULLIF(lastModified, 0), NULLIF(( SELECT MIN(visit_date) FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE place_id = fk ), 0), STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000), lastModified = COALESCE(NULLIF(lastModified, 0), NULLIF(dateAdded, 0), NULLIF(( SELECT MAX(visit_date) FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE place_id = fk ), 0), STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000) WHERE NULLIF(dateAdded, 0) IS NULL OR NULLIF(lastModified, 0) IS NULL`, }, // S.4 reset added dates that are ahead of last modified dates. { query: `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET dateAdded = lastModified WHERE dateAdded > lastModified`, }, ]; // Create triggers for updating Sync metadata. The "sync change" trigger // bumps the parent's change counter when we update a GUID or move an item // to a different folder, since Sync stores the list of child GUIDs on the // parent. The "sync tombstone" trigger inserts tombstones for deleted // synced bookmarks. cleanupStatements.unshift({ query: `CREATE TEMP TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS moz_bm_sync_change_temp_trigger AFTER UPDATE OF guid, parent, position ON moz_bookmarks FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter + 1 WHERE id IN (OLD.parent, NEW.parent, NEW.id); END`, }); cleanupStatements.unshift({ query: `CREATE TEMP TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS moz_bm_sync_tombstone_temp_trigger AFTER DELETE ON moz_bookmarks FOR EACH ROW WHEN OLD.guid NOT NULL AND OLD.syncStatus <> 1 BEGIN UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter + 1 WHERE id = OLD.parent; INSERT INTO moz_bookmarks_deleted(guid, dateRemoved) VALUES(OLD.guid, STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000); END`, }); cleanupStatements.push({ query: `DROP TRIGGER moz_bm_sync_change_temp_trigger`, }); cleanupStatements.push({ query: `DROP TRIGGER moz_bm_sync_tombstone_temp_trigger`, }); return cleanupStatements; }, /** * Tries to vacuum the database. * * Note: although this function isn't actually async, we keep it async to * allow us to maintain a simple, consistent API for the tasks within this object. * * @return {Promise} resolves when database is vacuumed. * @resolves to an array of logs for this task. * @rejects if we are unable to vacuum database. */ async vacuum() { let logs = []; let placesDbPath = OS.Path.join( OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "places.sqlite" ); let info = await OS.File.stat(placesDbPath); logs.push(`Initial database size is ${parseInt(info.size / 1024)}KiB`); return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper( "PlacesDBUtils: vacuum", async db => { await db.execute("VACUUM"); logs.push("The database has been vacuumed"); info = await OS.File.stat(placesDbPath); logs.push(`Final database size is ${parseInt(info.size / 1024)}KiB`); return logs; } ).catch(() => { PlacesDBUtils.clearPendingTasks(); throw new Error("Unable to vacuum database"); }); }, /** * Forces a full expiration on the database. * * Note: although this function isn't actually async, we keep it async to * allow us to maintain a simple, consistent API for the tasks within this object. * * @return {Promise} resolves when the database in cleaned up. * @resolves to an array of logs for this task. */ async expire() { let logs = []; let expiration = Cc["@mozilla.org/places/expiration;1"].getService( Ci.nsIObserver ); let returnPromise = new Promise(res => { let observer = (subject, topic, data) => { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic); logs.push("Database cleaned up"); res(logs); }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, PlacesUtils.TOPIC_EXPIRATION_FINISHED); }); // Force an orphans expiration step. expiration.observe(null, "places-debug-start-expiration", 0); return returnPromise; }, /** * Collects statistical data on the database. * * @return {Promise} resolves when statistics are collected. * @resolves to an array of logs for this task. * @rejects if we are unable to collect stats for some reason. */ async stats() { let logs = []; let placesDbPath = OS.Path.join( OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "places.sqlite" ); let info = await OS.File.stat(placesDbPath); logs.push(`Places.sqlite size is ${parseInt(info.size / 1024)}KiB`); let faviconsDbPath = OS.Path.join( OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "favicons.sqlite" ); info = await OS.File.stat(faviconsDbPath); logs.push(`Favicons.sqlite size is ${parseInt(info.size / 1024)}KiB`); // Execute each step async. let pragmas = [ "user_version", "page_size", "cache_size", "journal_mode", "synchronous", ].map(p => `pragma_${p}`); let pragmaQuery = `SELECT * FROM ${pragmas.join(", ")}`; await PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper( "PlacesDBUtils: pragma for stats", async db => { let row = (await db.execute(pragmaQuery))[0]; for (let i = 0; i != pragmas.length; i++) { logs.push(`${pragmas[i]} is ${row.getResultByIndex(i)}`); } } ).catch(() => { logs.push("Could not set pragma for stat collection"); }); // Get maximum number of unique URIs. try { let limitURIs = await Cc["@mozilla.org/places/expiration;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISupports) .wrappedJSObject.getPagesLimit(); logs.push( "History can store a maximum of " + limitURIs + " unique pages" ); } catch (ex) {} let query = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = :type"; let params = {}; let _getTableCount = async tableName => { let db = await PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection(); let rows = await db.execute(`SELECT count(*) FROM ${tableName}`); logs.push( `Table ${tableName} has ${rows[0].getResultByIndex(0)} records` ); }; try { params.type = "table"; let db = await PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection(); await db.execute(query, params, r => _getTableCount(r.getResultByIndex(0)) ); params.type = "index"; await db.execute(query, params, r => { logs.push(`Index ${r.getResultByIndex(0)}`); }); params.type = "trigger"; await db.execute(query, params, r => { logs.push(`Trigger ${r.getResultByIndex(0)}`); }); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Unable to collect stats."); } return logs; }, /** * Recalculates statistical data on the origin frecencies in the database. * * @return {Promise} resolves when statistics are collected. */ originFrecencyStats() { return new Promise(resolve => { PlacesUtils.history.recalculateOriginFrecencyStats(() => resolve(["Recalculated origin frecency stats"]) ); }); }, /** * Collects telemetry data and reports it to Telemetry. * * Note: although this function isn't actually async, we keep it async to * allow us to maintain a simple, consistent API for the tasks within this object. * */ async telemetry() { // This will be populated with one integer property for each probe result, // using the histogram name as key. let probeValues = {}; // The following array contains an ordered list of entries that are // processed to collect telemetry data. Each entry has these properties: // // histogram: Name of the telemetry histogram to update. // query: This is optional. If present, contains a database command // that will be executed asynchronously, and whose result will // be added to the telemetry histogram. // callback: This is optional. If present, contains a function that must // return the value that will be added to the telemetry // histogram. If a query is also present, its result is passed // as the first argument of the function. If the function // raises an exception, no data is added to the histogram. // // Since all queries are executed in order by the database backend, the // callbacks can also use the result of previous queries stored in the // probeValues object. let probes = [ { histogram: "PLACES_PAGES_COUNT", query: "SELECT count(*) FROM moz_places", }, { histogram: "PLACES_BOOKMARKS_COUNT", query: `SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent <> :tags_folder WHERE b.type = :type_bookmark`, params: { tags_folder: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, type_bookmark: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, }, }, { histogram: "PLACES_TAGS_COUNT", query: `SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = :tags_folder`, params: { tags_folder: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, }, }, { histogram: "PLACES_KEYWORDS_COUNT", query: "SELECT count(*) FROM moz_keywords", }, { histogram: "PLACES_SORTED_BOOKMARKS_PERC", query: `SELECT IFNULL(ROUND(( SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent <> :tags_folder AND t.parent > :places_root WHERE b.type = :type_bookmark ) * 100 / ( SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent <> :tags_folder WHERE b.type = :type_bookmark )), 0)`, params: { places_root: PlacesUtils.placesRootId, tags_folder: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, type_bookmark: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, }, }, { histogram: "PLACES_TAGGED_BOOKMARKS_PERC", query: `SELECT IFNULL(ROUND(( SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent = :tags_folder ) * 100 / ( SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent <> :tags_folder WHERE b.type = :type_bookmark )), 0)`, params: { tags_folder: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, type_bookmark: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, }, }, { histogram: "PLACES_DATABASE_FILESIZE_MB", async callback() { let placesDbPath = OS.Path.join( OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "places.sqlite" ); let info = await OS.File.stat(placesDbPath); return parseInt(info.size / BYTES_PER_MEBIBYTE); }, }, { histogram: "PLACES_DATABASE_PAGESIZE_B", query: "PRAGMA page_size /* PlacesDBUtils.jsm PAGESIZE_B */", }, { histogram: "PLACES_DATABASE_SIZE_PER_PAGE_B", query: "PRAGMA page_count", callback(aDbPageCount) { // Note that the database file size would not be meaningful for this // calculation, because the file grows in fixed-size chunks. let dbPageSize = probeValues.PLACES_DATABASE_PAGESIZE_B; let placesPageCount = probeValues.PLACES_PAGES_COUNT; return Math.round((dbPageSize * aDbPageCount) / placesPageCount); }, }, { histogram: "PLACES_DATABASE_FAVICONS_FILESIZE_MB", async callback() { let faviconsDbPath = OS.Path.join( OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "favicons.sqlite" ); let info = await OS.File.stat(faviconsDbPath); return parseInt(info.size / BYTES_PER_MEBIBYTE); }, }, { histogram: "PLACES_ANNOS_BOOKMARKS_COUNT", query: "SELECT count(*) FROM moz_items_annos", }, { histogram: "PLACES_ANNOS_PAGES_COUNT", query: "SELECT count(*) FROM moz_annos", }, { histogram: "PLACES_MAINTENANCE_DAYSFROMLAST", callback() { try { let lastMaintenance = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "places.database.lastMaintenance" ); let nowSeconds = parseInt(Date.now() / 1000); return parseInt((nowSeconds - lastMaintenance) / 86400); } catch (ex) { return 60; } }, }, ]; for (let probe of probes) { let val; if ("query" in probe) { let db = await PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection(); val = ( await db.execute(probe.query, probe.params || {}) )[0].getResultByIndex(0); } // Report the result of the probe through Telemetry. // The resulting promise cannot reject. if ("callback" in probe) { val = await probe.callback(val); } probeValues[probe.histogram] = val; Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(probe.histogram).add(val); } }, /** * Remove old and useless places.sqlite.corrupt files. * * @resolves to an array of logs for this task. * */ async removeOldCorruptDBs() { let logs = []; logs.push( "> Cleanup profile from places.sqlite.corrupt files older than " + CORRUPT_DB_RETAIN_DAYS + " days." ); let re = /^places\.sqlite(-\d)?\.corrupt$/; let currentTime = Date.now(); let iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir); try { await iterator.forEach(async entry => { let lastModificationDate; if (!entry.isDir && !entry.isSymLink && re.test(entry.name)) { if ("winLastWriteDate" in entry) { // Under Windows, additional information allows us to sort files immediately // without having to perform additional I/O. lastModificationDate = entry.winLastWriteDate.getTime(); } else { // Under other OSes, we need to call OS.File.stat let info = await OS.File.stat(entry.path); lastModificationDate = info.lastModificationDate.getTime(); } try { // Convert milliseconds to days. let days = Math.ceil( (currentTime - lastModificationDate) / MS_PER_DAY ); if (days >= CORRUPT_DB_RETAIN_DAYS || days < 0) { await OS.File.remove(entry.path); } } catch (error) { logs.push("Could not remove file: " + entry.path, error); } } }); } catch (error) { logs.push("removeOldCorruptDBs failed", error); } finally { iterator.close(); } return logs; }, /** * Runs a list of tasks, returning a Map when done. * * @param tasks * Array of tasks to be executed, in form of pointers to methods in * this module. * @return {Promise} * A promise that resolves with a Map[taskName(String) -> Object]. * The Object has the following properties: * - succeeded: boolean * - logs: an array of strings containing the messages logged by the task */ async runTasks(tasks) { if (!this._registeredShutdownObserver) { this._registeredShutdownObserver = true; PlacesUtils.registerShutdownFunction(() => { this._isShuttingDown = true; }); } PlacesDBUtils._clearTaskQueue = false; let tasksMap = new Map(); for (let task of tasks) { if (PlacesDBUtils._isShuttingDown) { tasksMap.set(task.name, { succeeded: false, logs: ["Shutting down, will not schedule the task."], }); continue; } if (PlacesDBUtils._clearTaskQueue) { tasksMap.set(task.name, { succeeded: false, logs: ["The task queue was cleared by an error in another task."], }); continue; } let result = await task() .then((logs = [`${task.name} complete`]) => ({ succeeded: true, logs })) .catch(err => ({ succeeded: false, logs: [err.message] })); tasksMap.set(task.name, result); } return tasksMap; }, }; async function integrity(dbName) { async function check(db) { let row; await db.execute("PRAGMA integrity_check", null, (r, cancel) => { row = r; cancel(); }); return row.getResultByIndex(0) === "ok"; } // Create a new connection for this check, so we can operate independently // from a broken Places service. // openConnection returns an exception with .result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED, // we should do the same everywhere we want maintenance to try replacing the // database on next startup. let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, dbName); let db = await Sqlite.openConnection({ path }); try { if (await check(db)) { return; } // We stopped due to an integrity corruption, try to fix it if possible. // First, try to reindex, this often fixes simple indices problems. try { await db.execute("REINDEX"); } catch (ex) { throw new Components.Exception( "Impossible to reindex database", Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED ); } // Check again. if (!(await check(db))) { throw new Components.Exception( "The database is still corrupt", Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED ); } } finally { await db.close(); } } function PlacesDBUtilsIdleMaintenance() {} PlacesDBUtilsIdleMaintenance.prototype = { observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "idle-daily": // Once a week run places.sqlite maintenance tasks. let lastMaintenance = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "places.database.lastMaintenance", 0 ); let nowSeconds = parseInt(Date.now() / 1000); if (lastMaintenance < nowSeconds - MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL_SECONDS) { PlacesDBUtils.maintenanceOnIdle(); } break; default: throw new Error("Trying to handle an unknown category."); } }, _xpcom_factory: ComponentUtils.generateSingletonFactory( PlacesDBUtilsIdleMaintenance ), classID: Components.ID("d38926e0-29c1-11eb-8588-0800200c9a66"), QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIObserver"]), };