/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests for `History.update` as implemented in History.jsm "use strict"; add_task(async function test_error_cases() { Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update("not an object"), /Error: PageInfo: Input should be a valid object/, "passing a string as pageInfo should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update(null), /Error: PageInfo: Input should be/, "passing a null as pageInfo should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ description: "Test description", }), /Error: PageInfo: The following properties were expected: url, guid/, "not included a url or a guid should throw" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "not a valid url string" }), /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing an invalid url should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com", description: 123, }), /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing a non-string description in pageInfo should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com", guid: "invalid guid", description: "Test description", }), /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing a invalid guid in pageInfo should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com", previewImageURL: "not a valid url string", }), /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing an invlid preview image url in pageInfo should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => { let imageName = "a-very-long-string".repeat(10000); let previewImageURL = `http://valid.uri.com/${imageName}.png`; PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com", previewImageURL, }); }, /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing an oversized previewImageURL in pageInfo should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com" }), /TypeError: pageInfo object must at least/, "passing a pageInfo with neither description, previewImageURL, nor annotations should throw a TypeError" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com", annotations: "asd", }), /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing a pageInfo with incorrect annotations type should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com", annotations: new Map(), }), /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing a pageInfo with an empty annotations type should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com", annotations: new Map([[1234, "value"]]), }), /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing a pageInfo with an invalid key type should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com", annotations: new Map([["test", ["myarray"]]]), }), /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing a pageInfo with an invalid key type should throw an Error" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com", annotations: new Map([["test", { anno: "value" }]]), }), /Error: PageInfo: Invalid value for property/, "passing a pageInfo with an invalid key type should throw an Error" ); }); add_task(async function test_description_change_saved() { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); let TEST_URL = "http://mozilla.org/test_description_change_saved"; await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL); Assert.ok(await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL)); let description = "Test description"; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description }); let descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB( TEST_URL, "description" ); Assert.equal( description, descriptionInDB, "description should be updated via URL as expected" ); description = ""; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description }); descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description"); Assert.strictEqual( null, descriptionInDB, "an empty description should set it to null in the database" ); let guid = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "guid"); description = "Test description"; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, guid, description }); descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description"); Assert.equal( description, descriptionInDB, "description should be updated via GUID as expected" ); description = "Test descipriton".repeat(1000); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description }); descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description"); Assert.ok( !!descriptionInDB.length < description.length, "a long description should be truncated" ); description = null; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description }); descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description"); Assert.strictEqual( description, descriptionInDB, "a null description should set it to null in the database" ); }); add_task(async function test_previewImageURL_change_saved() { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); let TEST_URL = "http://mozilla.org/test_previewImageURL_change_saved"; let IMAGE_URL = "http://mozilla.org/test_preview_image.png"; await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL); Assert.ok(await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL)); let previewImageURL = IMAGE_URL; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, previewImageURL }); let previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB( TEST_URL, "preview_image_url" ); Assert.equal( previewImageURL, previewImageURLInDB, "previewImageURL should be updated via URL as expected" ); previewImageURL = null; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, previewImageURL }); previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB( TEST_URL, "preview_image_url" ); Assert.strictEqual( null, previewImageURLInDB, "a null previewImageURL should set it to null in the database" ); let guid = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "guid"); previewImageURL = IMAGE_URL; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ guid, previewImageURL }); previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB( TEST_URL, "preview_image_url" ); Assert.equal( previewImageURL, previewImageURLInDB, "previewImageURL should be updated via GUID as expected" ); previewImageURL = ""; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, previewImageURL }); previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB( TEST_URL, "preview_image_url" ); Assert.strictEqual( null, previewImageURLInDB, "an empty previewImageURL should set it to null in the database" ); }); add_task(async function test_change_description_and_preview_saved() { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); let TEST_URL = "http://mozilla.org/test_change_both_saved"; await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL); Assert.ok(await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL)); let description = "Test description"; let previewImageURL = "http://mozilla.org/test_preview_image.png"; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description, previewImageURL, }); let descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB( TEST_URL, "description" ); let previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB( TEST_URL, "preview_image_url" ); Assert.equal( description, descriptionInDB, "description should be updated via URL as expected" ); Assert.equal( previewImageURL, previewImageURLInDB, "previewImageURL should be updated via URL as expected" ); // Update description should not touch other fields description = null; await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description }); descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description"); previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB( TEST_URL, "preview_image_url" ); Assert.strictEqual( description, descriptionInDB, "description should be updated via URL as expected" ); Assert.equal( previewImageURL, previewImageURLInDB, "previewImageURL should not be updated" ); }); /** * Gets annotation information from the database for the specified URL and * annotation name. * * @param {String} pageUrl The URL to search for. * @param {String} annoName The name of the annotation to search for. * @return {Array} An array of objects containing the annotations found. */ async function getAnnotationInfoFromDB(pageUrl, annoName) { let db = await PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection(); let rows = await db.execute( ` SELECT a.content, a.flags, a.expiration, a.type FROM moz_anno_attributes n JOIN moz_annos a ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = a.place_id WHERE h.url_hash = hash(:pageUrl) AND h.url = :pageUrl AND n.name = :annoName `, { annoName, pageUrl } ); let result = rows.map(row => { return { content: row.getResultByName("content"), flags: row.getResultByName("flags"), expiration: row.getResultByName("expiration"), type: row.getResultByName("type"), }; }); return result; } add_task(async function test_simple_change_annotations() { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); const TEST_URL = "http://mozilla.org/test_change_both_saved"; await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL); Assert.ok( await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL), "Should have inserted the page into the database." ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, annotations: new Map([["test/annotation", "testContent"]]), }); let pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URL, { includeAnnotations: true, }); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.size, 1, "Should have one annotation for the page" ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation"), "testContent", "Should have the correct annotation" ); let annotationInfo = await getAnnotationInfoFromDB( TEST_URL, "test/annotation" ); Assert.deepEqual( { content: "testContent", flags: 0, type: PlacesUtils.history.ANNOTATION_TYPE_STRING, expiration: PlacesUtils.history.ANNOTATION_EXPIRE_NEVER, }, annotationInfo[0], "Should have stored the correct annotation data in the db" ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, annotations: new Map([["test/annotation2", "testAnno"]]), }); pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URL, { includeAnnotations: true, }); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.size, 2, "Should have two annotations for the page" ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation"), "testContent", "Should have the correct value for the first annotation" ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation2"), "testAnno", "Should have the correct value for the second annotation" ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, annotations: new Map([["test/annotation", 1234]]), }); pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URL, { includeAnnotations: true, }); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.size, 2, "Should still have two annotations for the page" ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation"), 1234, "Should have the updated the first annotation value" ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation2"), "testAnno", "Should have kept the value for the second annotation" ); annotationInfo = await getAnnotationInfoFromDB(TEST_URL, "test/annotation"); Assert.deepEqual( { content: 1234, flags: 0, type: PlacesUtils.history.ANNOTATION_TYPE_INT64, expiration: PlacesUtils.history.ANNOTATION_EXPIRE_NEVER, }, annotationInfo[0], "Should have updated the annotation data in the db" ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, annotations: new Map([["test/annotation", null]]), }); pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URL, { includeAnnotations: true, }); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.size, 1, "Should have removed only the first annotation" ); Assert.strictEqual( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation"), undefined, "Should have removed only the first annotation" ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation2"), "testAnno", "Should have kept the value for the second annotation" ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, annotations: new Map([["test/annotation2", null]]), }); pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URL, { includeAnnotations: true, }); Assert.equal(pageInfo.annotations.size, 0, "Should have no annotations left"); let db = await PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection(); let rows = await db.execute(` SELECT * FROM moz_annos `); Assert.equal(rows.length, 0, "Should be no annotations left in the db"); }); add_task(async function test_change_multiple_annotations() { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); const TEST_URL = "http://mozilla.org/test_change_both_saved"; await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL); Assert.ok( await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL), "Should have inserted the page into the database." ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, annotations: new Map([ ["test/annotation", "testContent"], ["test/annotation2", "testAnno"], ]), }); let pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URL, { includeAnnotations: true, }); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.size, 2, "Should have inserted the two annotations for the page." ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation"), "testContent", "Should have the correct value for the first annotation" ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation2"), "testAnno", "Should have the correct value for the second annotation" ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, annotations: new Map([ ["test/annotation", 123456], ["test/annotation2", 135246], ]), }); pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URL, { includeAnnotations: true, }); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.size, 2, "Should have two annotations for the page" ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation"), 123456, "Should have the correct value for the first annotation" ); Assert.equal( pageInfo.annotations.get("test/annotation2"), 135246, "Should have the correct value for the second annotation" ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, annotations: new Map([ ["test/annotation", null], ["test/annotation2", null], ]), }); pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URL, { includeAnnotations: true, }); Assert.equal(pageInfo.annotations.size, 0, "Should have no annotations left"); }); add_task(async function test_annotations_nonexisting_page() { info("Adding annotations to a non existing page should be silent"); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://nonexisting.moz/", annotations: new Map([["test/annotation", null]]), }); }); add_task(async function test_annotations_nonexisting_page() { info("Adding annotations to a non existing page should be silent"); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://nonexisting.moz/", annotations: new Map([["test/annotation", null]]), }); });