# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. partner_link: click: objects: ["newtab", "urlbar"] release_channel_collection: opt-out products: - "firefox" record_in_processes: ["main"] description: > This is recorded when clicking a partner link. The value is the partner. bug_numbers: [1637217, 1644442, 1643426] notification_emails: - "dao@mozilla.com" expiry_version: never attribution: objects: ["success", "failure", "abort"] release_channel_collection: opt-out products: - "firefox" record_in_processes: ["main"] description: > This is recorded when sending an attribution request for a partner link. The value is the partner. bug_numbers: [1637217, 1644442, 1643426] notification_emails: - "dao@mozilla.com" expiry_version: never activity_stream: event: objects: [ "ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET", "BLOCK", "BOOKMARK_ADD", "BOOKMARK_DELETE", "CLICK", "CLICK_PRIVACY_INFO", "CLOSE_NEWTAB_PREFS", "SHOW_PERSONALIZE", "HIDE_PERSONALIZE", "DELETE", "DELETE_FROM_POCKET", "DELETE_CONFIRM", "DIALOG_CANCEL", "DIALOG_OPEN", "DRAG", "DROP", "MIGRATION_CANCEL", "MIGRATION_START", "OPEN_NEWTAB_PREFS", "OPEN_NEW_WINDOW", "OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW", "PIN", "PREF_CHANGED", "PREVIEW_REQUEST", "SAVE_TO_POCKET", "SEARCH", "SEARCH_EDIT_ADD", "SEARCH_EDIT_CLOSE", "SEARCH_EDIT_DELETE", "SEARCH_HANDOFF", "SHOW_PRIVACY_INFO", "SKIPPED_SIGNIN", "SUBMIT_EMAIL", "DISCLAIMER_ACKED", "MENU_ADD_SEARCH", "MENU_ADD_TOPSITE", "MENU_COLLAPSE", "MENU_EXPAND", "MENU_MANAGE", "MENU_MOVE_DOWN", "MENU_MOVE_UP", "MENU_PRIVACY_NOTICE", "MENU_REMOVE", "TOP_SITES_EDIT", "TOP_SITES_EDIT_CLOSE", "TOPSITE_SPONSOR_INFO", "UNPIN"] release_channel_collection: opt-out products: - "firefox" - "fennec" record_in_processes: ["main"] description: > This is recorded with every user interaction on Activity Stream elements. bug_numbers: [1429497, 1429489, 1514732] notification_emails: - "najiang@mozilla.com" - "msamuel@mozilla.com" - "rrosario@mozilla.com" expiry_version: never extra_keys: addon_version: The Activity Stream addon version. session_id: The ID of the Activity Stream session in which the event occurred page: about:home or about_newtab - the page where the event occurred user_prefs: An integer representaing a user's A-S settings. action_position: The index of card receiving interactions. end: objects: ["session"] release_channel_collection: opt-out products: - "firefox" - "fennec" record_in_processes: ["main"] description: > This is recorded with every session ended in Activity Stream. bug_numbers: [1429497, 1429489] notification_emails: - "najiang@mozilla.com" - "msamuel@mozilla.com" expiry_version: never extra_keys: addon_version: The Activity Stream addon version. session_id: The ID of the Activity Stream session in which the event occurred page: about:home or about_newtab - the page where the event occurred user_prefs: An integer representaing a user's A-S settings. addonsManager: install: description: > These events are recorded during the install and update flow for extensions and themes, the value of the event is an install_id shared by the events related to the same install or update flow. objects: ["extension", "theme", "locale", "dictionary", "other", "unknown"] methods: ["install", "update"] extra_keys: addon_id: A string which identify the extension (when available) download_time: The number of ms needed to complete the download error: The AddonManager error related to an install or update failure. source: > The source that originally triggered the add-on installation, one of "about:addons", "about:debugging", "about:preferences", "amo", "app:profile", "disco", "distribution", "extension", "enterprise-policy", "file-url", "geckoview-app", "gmp-plugin", "internal", "plugin", "rtamo", "sync", "system-addon", "temporary-addon", "unknown". method: > The method used by the source to install the add-on (included when the source can use more than one, e.g. install events with source "about:addons" may have "install-from-file" or "url" as method), one of "amWebAPI", "drag-and-drop", "installTrigger", "install-from-file", "link", "management-webext-api", "sideload", "url". num_strings: The number of permission description strings in the extension permission doorhanger updated_from: Determine if an update has been requested by the user or the application ("app" / "user") step: > The current step in the install or update flow: - started, postponed, cancelled, failed, permissions_prompt, completed - site_warning, site_blocked, install_disabled_warning - download_started, download_completed, download_failed notification_emails: ["addons-dev-internal@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: "92" products: - "firefox" - "fennec" - "thunderbird" record_in_processes: ["main"] bug_numbers: [1433335, 1515697, 1523641, 1549770, 1590736, 1630596, 1672570] release_channel_collection: opt-out install_stats: description: > These events are recorded at the end of the install flow, but only when the source that originally triggered the add-on installation is "amo" or "disco". The value of an event is the SHA256 hash of the addon_id. objects: ["extension", "theme", "locale", "dictionary", "other", "unknown"] extra_keys: addon_id: > A string which identifies the add-on. This value might be trimmed. utm_campaign: > The specific product promotion or strategic campaign that drives traffic to the install page. utm_content: > The specific item that a person clicks on to access the install page (such as an A/B test, a website banner, or a specific ad). utm_medium: The channel used to share the install page. utm_source: > The name of the product, domain of the website that drives traffic to the install page. notification_emails: ["addons-dev-internal@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: never products: - "firefox" record_in_processes: ["main"] bug_numbers: [1653020] release_channel_collection: opt-out manage: description: > This events are recorded when an installed add-ons is being disable/enabled/uninstalled, the value of the event is the addon_id (which also allow to correlate multiple events related to each other). objects: ["extension", "theme", "locale", "dictionary", "other"] methods: ["disable", "enable", "sideload_prompt", "uninstall"] extra_keys: source: > The source from which the addon has been installed (See extra_keys.source description from addonsManager.install telemetry event definition). method: > The method used by the source to install the add-on (included when the source can use more than one, e.g. install events with source "about:addons" may have "install-from-file" or "url" as method). num_strings: The number of permission description strings in the extension permission doorhanger notification_emails: ["addons-dev-internal@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: "92" products: - "firefox" - "fennec" - "thunderbird" record_in_processes: ["main"] bug_numbers: [1433335, 1515697, 1523641, 1549770, 1590736, 1630596, 1672570] release_channel_collection: opt-out link: description: > A link method event triggered when a user follows a link. The object is the page that the link is on: aboutAddons or aboutPreferences. The value is where the link goes: about:addons, about:preferences, about:debugging, support (on SUMO) or rating, search, author (on AMO) or homepage (on AMO or elsewhere), discohome (on AMO via a recommended add-on card), discomore (on AMO via discover), disconotice (on SUMO via discover) objects: - aboutAddons - aboutPreferences - customize extra_keys: view: The view the user was on (discover, list, detail or updates). type: "For search: the type of page for this view (especially extension or theme list)." notification_emails: ["addons-dev-internal@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: "92" products: - "firefox" - "fennec" record_in_processes: ["main"] bug_numbers: [1500147, 1546248, 1590736, 1630596, 1672570] release_channel_collection: opt-out view: description: > A view method event is triggered when a user views a page in about:addons. The object is always aboutAddons. The value is the view name: discover, list, updates or detail. objects: - aboutAddons extra_keys: type: > The type of the view, for about:addons views shared between the supported add-on types it is set to an extension type, while for views related to updates it is set to "recent" or "available". source: The source of the installation for an add-on. addonId: The id of the add-on being acted upon. notification_emails: ["addons-dev-internal@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: "92" products: - "firefox" - "fennec" record_in_processes: ["main"] bug_numbers: [1500147, 1590736, 1630596, 1672570] release_channel_collection: opt-out action: description: > An action method event is triggered when a user performs an action through the UI on an add-on (besides the object "appUpgrade" which is referred to action performed automatically for the user as part of a Firefox upgrade). The object is where in the product the action was performed. objects: - aboutAddons - browserAction - customize - pageAction - doorhanger - appUpgrade extra_keys: action: > The action that was performed. Options include disable, enable, uninstall, undo, contribute, preferences, installFromFile, manage, dismiss, checkForUpdates, checkForUpdate, setUpdatePolicy, setAddonUpdate, installFromRecommendation, resetUpdatePolicy, privateBrowsingAllowed and releaseNotes. type: "For enable, disable, uninstall, undo and installFromRecommendation: the add-on type that is being acted upon." view: > The view for the event when object is aboutAddons, or the specific doorhanger when object is doorhanger. addonId: The id of the add-on being acted upon. notification_emails: ["addons-dev-internal@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: "92" products: - "firefox" - "fennec" record_in_processes: ["main"] bug_numbers: [1500147, 1513344, 1529347, 1546248, 1590736, 1630596, 1672570] release_channel_collection: opt-out report: description: > An abuse report submitted by a user for a given extension. The object of the event represent the report entry point, the value is the id of the addon being reported. objects: - amo - menu - toolbar_context_menu - uninstall extra_keys: addon_type: > The type of the add-on being reported (missing on ERROR_ADDON_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_AMODETAILS_NOTFOUND and ERROR_AMODETAILS_FAILURE). error_type: > AbuseReport Error Type (included in case of submission failures). The error types include ERROR_ABORTED_SUBMIT, ERROR_ADDON_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_CLIENT, ERROR_NETWORK, ERROR_UNKNOWN, ERROR_RECENT_SUBMIT, ERROR_SERVER, ERROR_AMODETAILS_NOTFOUND, ERROR_AMODETAILS_FAILURE. notification_emails: ["addons-dev-internal@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: "92" products: - "firefox" - "fennec" - "thunderbird" record_in_processes: ["main"] bug_numbers: [1544927, 1580561, 1590736, 1630596, 1672570] release_channel_collection: opt-out downloads: added: description: > Sent when downloading a new file. Possible values are in contained in DownloadsCommon::kFileExtensions. All other downloads not in the listare marked as other. objects: ["fileExtension"] bug_numbers: [1627676] notification_emails: ["rtestard@mozilla.com", "emalysz@mozilla.com"] products: - "firefox" record_in_processes: ["main"] release_channel_collection: opt-out expiry_version: never form_autocomplete: show: objects: ["logins"] bug_numbers: [1619498, 1628849] description: >- An content form autocomplete popup was shown. Details on the timing and context are provided. The `value` is the number of milliseconds since the autocomplete search started. expiry_version: never extra_keys: acFieldName: The "field name" token (last one) of the field's autocomplete attribute. fieldType: The `type` property value of the field. generatedPasswo: The number of generated password rows shown. hadPrevious: Whether the autocomplete results had cached previous results it could use. typeWasPassword: Whether the input `type` was ever "password". insecureWarning: The number of insecure login field warning rows shown (should be 0 or 1). login: The number of login rows shown (with or without the domain line). importableLogin: The number of import suggestion rows shown. loginsFooter: The number of "View Saved Logins" footer row shown. stringLength: Length of the text in the field that triggered these results. notification_emails: ["passwords-dev@mozilla.org"] products: - firefox record_in_processes: ["main"] release_channel_collection: opt-out creditcard: doorhanger: description: >- User interactions for the browser credit card autofill doorhanger. objects: - "capture_doorhanger" - "update_doorhanger" methods: - "show" - "save" - "update" - "cancel" - "disable" bug_numbers: [1653073, 1653083] notification_emails: ["jmathies@mozilla.com", "chsiang@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: "93" products: - "firefox" record_in_processes: ["main"] release_channel_collection: opt-out manage: description: >- User interactions for credit card autofill preferences management UI. objects: - "manage" methods: - "show" - "add" - "delete" - "show_entry" - "edit" bug_numbers: [1653073, 1654167] notification_emails: ["jmathies@mozilla.com", "chsiang@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: "93" products: - "firefox" record_in_processes: ["main"] release_channel_collection: opt-out cc_form: description: >- User interactions for credit card autofill forms objects: - "cc_form" methods: - "detected" - "popup_shown" - "filled" - "filled_modified" - "submitted" bug_numbers: [1653073, 1653162] notification_emails: ["jmathies@mozilla.com", "chsiang@mozilla.com"] expiry_version: "93" products: - "firefox" record_in_processes: ["content"] release_channel_collection: opt-out extra_keys: cc_name_found: Whether the cardholder name field was identified cc_number_found: Whether the credit card number field was identified cc_exp_found: Whether the expiration date was identified cc_name: Whether the name was autofilled (autofilled / not_filled / user_filled / unavailable) cc_number: Whether the credit card number field was autofilled (autofilled / not_filled / user_filled / unavailable) cc_exp: Whether the expiration date was autofilled (autofilled / not_filled / user_filled / unavailable) field_name: Name of the field being affected by the method fields_not_auto: >- Number of fields in a `submitted` event that were not autofilled. Note that this number counts all fields in a form, even if some of those fields might have been identified as password and/or address fields. Additionally, it may include input elements that are not rendered as user-modifiable, such as hidden fields as well as