/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TelemetryScheduler"]; const { Log } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { TelemetrySession } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/TelemetrySession.jsm" ); const { TelemetryUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryUtils.jsm" ); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this ); const { clearTimeout, setTimeout } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm" ); // Other pings const { EcosystemTelemetry } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/EcosystemTelemetry.jsm" ); const { TelemetryPrioPing } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/PrioPing.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetters(this, { idleService: ["@mozilla.org/widget/useridleservice;1", "nsIUserIdleService"], }); const MIN_SUBSESSION_LENGTH_MS = Services.prefs.getIntPref("toolkit.telemetry.minSubsessionLength", 5 * 60) * 1000; const LOGGER_NAME = "Toolkit.Telemetry"; // Seconds of idle time before pinging. // On idle-daily a gather-telemetry notification is fired, during it probes can // start asynchronous tasks to gather data. const IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "toolkit.telemetry.idleTimeout", 5 * 60 ); // Execute a scheduler tick every 5 minutes. const SCHEDULER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "toolkit.telemetry.scheduler.tickInterval", 5 * 60 ) * 1000; // When user is idle, execute a scheduler tick every 60 minutes. const SCHEDULER_TICK_IDLE_INTERVAL_MS = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "toolkit.telemetry.scheduler.idleTickInterval", 60 * 60 ) * 1000; // The maximum time (ms) until the tick should moved from the idle // queue to the regular queue if it hasn't been executed yet. const SCHEDULER_TICK_MAX_IDLE_DELAY_MS = 60 * 1000; // The frequency at which we persist session data to the disk to prevent data loss // in case of aborted sessions (currently 5 minutes). const ABORTED_SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; // The tolerance we have when checking if it's midnight (15 minutes). const SCHEDULER_MIDNIGHT_TOLERANCE_MS = 15 * 60 * 1000; /** * This is a policy object used to override behavior for testing. */ var Policy = { now: () => new Date(), setSchedulerTickTimeout: (callback, delayMs) => setTimeout(callback, delayMs), clearSchedulerTickTimeout: id => clearTimeout(id), prioEncode: (batchID, prioParams) => PrioEncoder.encode(batchID, prioParams), }; /** * TelemetryScheduler contains a single timer driving all regularly-scheduled * Telemetry related jobs. Having a single place with this logic simplifies * reasoning about scheduling actions in a single place, making it easier to * coordinate jobs and coalesce them. */ var TelemetryScheduler = { // Tracks the main ping _lastDailyPingTime: 0, // Tracks the aborted session ping _lastSessionCheckpointTime: 0, // Tracks all other pings at regular intervals _lastPeriodicPingTime: 0, _log: null, // The timer which drives the scheduler. _schedulerTimer: null, // The interval used by the scheduler timer. _schedulerInterval: 0, _shuttingDown: true, _isUserIdle: false, /** * Initialises the scheduler and schedules the first daily/aborted session pings. */ init() { this._log = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix( LOGGER_NAME, "TelemetryScheduler::" ); this._log.trace("init"); this._shuttingDown = false; this._isUserIdle = false; // Initialize the last daily ping and aborted session last due times to the current time. // Otherwise, we might end up sending daily pings even if the subsession is not long enough. let now = Policy.now(); this._lastDailyPingTime = now.getTime(); this._lastPeriodicPingTime = now.getTime(); this._lastSessionCheckpointTime = now.getTime(); this._rescheduleTimeout(); idleService.addIdleObserver(this, IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "wake_notification"); }, /** * Stops the scheduler. */ shutdown() { if (this._shuttingDown) { if (this._log) { this._log.error("shutdown - Already shut down"); } else { Cu.reportError("TelemetryScheduler.shutdown - Already shut down"); } return; } this._log.trace("shutdown"); if (this._schedulerTimer) { Policy.clearSchedulerTickTimeout(this._schedulerTimer); this._schedulerTimer = null; } idleService.removeIdleObserver(this, IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "wake_notification"); this._shuttingDown = true; }, _clearTimeout() { if (this._schedulerTimer) { Policy.clearSchedulerTickTimeout(this._schedulerTimer); } }, /** * Reschedules the tick timer. */ _rescheduleTimeout() { this._log.trace("_rescheduleTimeout - isUserIdle: " + this._isUserIdle); if (this._shuttingDown) { this._log.warn("_rescheduleTimeout - already shutdown"); return; } this._clearTimeout(); const now = Policy.now(); let timeout = SCHEDULER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS; // When the user is idle we want to fire the timer less often. if (this._isUserIdle) { timeout = SCHEDULER_TICK_IDLE_INTERVAL_MS; // We need to make sure though that we don't miss sending pings around // midnight when we use the longer idle intervals. const nextMidnight = TelemetryUtils.getNextMidnight(now); timeout = Math.min(timeout, nextMidnight.getTime() - now.getTime()); } this._log.trace( "_rescheduleTimeout - scheduling next tick for " + new Date(now.getTime() + timeout) ); this._schedulerTimer = Policy.setSchedulerTickTimeout( () => this._onSchedulerTick(), timeout ); }, _sentPingToday(pingTime, nowDate) { // This is today's date and also the previous midnight (0:00). const todayDate = TelemetryUtils.truncateToDays(nowDate); // We consider a ping sent for today if it occured after or at 00:00 today. return pingTime >= todayDate.getTime(); }, /** * Checks if we can send a daily ping or not. * @param {Object} nowDate A date object. * @return {Boolean} True if we can send the daily ping, false otherwise. */ _isDailyPingDue(nowDate) { // The daily ping is not due if we already sent one today. if (this._sentPingToday(this._lastDailyPingTime, nowDate)) { this._log.trace("_isDailyPingDue - already sent one today"); return false; } // Avoid overly short sessions. const timeSinceLastDaily = nowDate.getTime() - this._lastDailyPingTime; if (timeSinceLastDaily < MIN_SUBSESSION_LENGTH_MS) { this._log.trace( "_isDailyPingDue - delaying daily to keep minimum session length" ); return false; } this._log.trace("_isDailyPingDue - is due"); return true; }, /** * Checks if we can send a regular ping or not. * @param {Object} nowDate A date object. * @return {Boolean} True if we can send the regular pings, false otherwise. */ _isPeriodicPingDue(nowDate) { // The periodic ping is not due if we already sent one today. if (this._sentPingToday(this._lastPeriodicPingTime, nowDate)) { this._log.trace("_isPeriodicPingDue - already sent one today"); return false; } this._log.trace("_isPeriodicPingDue - is due"); return true; }, /** * An helper function to save an aborted-session ping. * @param {Number} now The current time, in milliseconds. * @param {Object} [competingPayload=null] If we are coalescing the daily and the * aborted-session pings, this is the payload for the former. Note * that the reason field of this payload will be changed. * @return {Promise} A promise resolved when the ping is saved. */ _saveAbortedPing(now, competingPayload = null) { this._lastSessionCheckpointTime = now; return TelemetrySession.saveAbortedSessionPing(competingPayload).catch(e => this._log.error("_saveAbortedPing - Failed", e) ); }, /** * The notifications handler. */ observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { this._log.trace("observe - aTopic: " + aTopic); switch (aTopic) { case "idle": // If the user is idle, increase the tick interval. this._isUserIdle = true; return this._onSchedulerTick(); case "active": // User is back to work, restore the original tick interval. this._isUserIdle = false; return this._onSchedulerTick(true); case "wake_notification": // The machine woke up from sleep, trigger a tick to avoid sessions // spanning more than a day. // This is needed because sleep time does not count towards timeouts // on Mac & Linux - see bug 1262386, bug 1204823 et al. return this._onSchedulerTick(true); } return undefined; }, /** * Creates an object with a method `dispatch` that will call `dispatchFn` unless * the method `cancel` is called beforehand. * * This is used to wrap main thread idle dispatch since it does not provide a * cancel mechanism. */ _makeIdleDispatch(dispatchFn) { this._log.trace("_makeIdleDispatch"); let fn = dispatchFn; let l = msg => this._log.trace(msg); // need to bind `this` return { cancel() { fn = undefined; }, dispatch(resolve, reject) { l("_makeIdleDispatch.dispatch - !!fn: " + !!fn); if (!fn) { return Promise.resolve().then(resolve, reject); } return fn(resolve, reject); }, }; }, /** * Performs a scheduler tick. This function manages Telemetry recurring operations. * @param {Boolean} [dispatchOnIdle=false] If true, the tick is dispatched in the * next idle cycle of the main thread. * @return {Promise} A promise, only used when testing, resolved when the scheduled * operation completes. */ _onSchedulerTick(dispatchOnIdle = false) { this._log.trace("_onSchedulerTick - dispatchOnIdle: " + dispatchOnIdle); // This call might not be triggered from a timeout. In that case we don't want to // leave any previously scheduled timeouts pending. this._clearTimeout(); if (this._idleDispatch) { this._idleDispatch.cancel(); } if (this._shuttingDown) { this._log.warn("_onSchedulerTick - already shutdown."); return Promise.reject(new Error("Already shutdown.")); } let promise = Promise.resolve(); try { if (dispatchOnIdle) { this._idleDispatch = this._makeIdleDispatch((resolve, reject) => { this._log.trace( "_onSchedulerTick - ildeDispatchToMainThread dispatch" ); return this._schedulerTickLogic().then(resolve, reject); }); promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { return this._idleDispatch ? this._idleDispatch.dispatch(resolve, reject) : Promise.resolve().then(resolve, reject); }, SCHEDULER_TICK_MAX_IDLE_DELAY_MS) ); } else { promise = this._schedulerTickLogic(); } } catch (e) { this._log.error("_onSchedulerTick - There was an exception", e); } finally { this._rescheduleTimeout(); } // This promise is returned to make testing easier. return promise; }, /** * Implements the scheduler logic. * @return {Promise} Resolved when the scheduled task completes. Only used in tests. */ _schedulerTickLogic() { this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic"); let nowDate = Policy.now(); let now = nowDate.getTime(); // Check if the daily ping is due. const shouldSendDaily = this._isDailyPingDue(nowDate); // Check if other regular pings are due. const shouldSendPeriodic = this._isPeriodicPingDue(nowDate); if (shouldSendPeriodic) { this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic - Periodic ping due."); this._lastPeriodicPingTime = now; // Send other pings. EcosystemTelemetry.periodicPing(); TelemetryPrioPing.periodicPing(); } if (shouldSendDaily) { this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic - Daily ping due."); this._lastDailyPingTime = now; return TelemetrySession.sendDailyPing(); } // Check if the aborted-session ping is due. If a daily ping was saved above, it was // already duplicated as an aborted-session ping. const isAbortedPingDue = now - this._lastSessionCheckpointTime >= ABORTED_SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS; if (isAbortedPingDue) { this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic - Aborted session ping due."); return this._saveAbortedPing(now); } // No ping is due. this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic - No ping due."); return Promise.resolve(); }, /** * Re-schedule the daily ping if some other equivalent ping was sent. * * This is only called from TelemetrySession when a main ping with reason 'environment-change' * is sent. * * @param {Object} [payload] The payload of the ping that was sent, * to be stored as an aborted-session ping. */ rescheduleDailyPing(payload) { if (this._shuttingDown) { this._log.error("rescheduleDailyPing - already shutdown"); return; } this._log.trace("rescheduleDailyPing"); let now = Policy.now(); // We just generated an environment-changed ping, save it as an aborted session and // update the schedules. this._saveAbortedPing(now.getTime(), payload); // If we're close to midnight, skip today's daily ping and reschedule it for tomorrow. let nearestMidnight = TelemetryUtils.getNearestMidnight( now, SCHEDULER_MIDNIGHT_TOLERANCE_MS ); if (nearestMidnight) { this._lastDailyPingTime = now.getTime(); } }, };