/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * This module collects data on send failures and other critical issues with Telemetry submissions. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TelemetryHealthPing"]; ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "TelemetryController", "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryController.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "setTimeout", "resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "clearTimeout", "resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "TelemetryUtils", "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryUtils.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "Log", "resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "Preferences", "resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm" ); const Utils = TelemetryUtils; const MS_IN_A_MINUTE = 60 * 1000; const IS_HEALTH_PING_ENABLED = Preferences.get( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.HealthPingEnabled, true ); // Send health ping every hour const SEND_TICK_DELAY = 60 * MS_IN_A_MINUTE; // Send top 10 discarded pings only to minimize health ping size const MAX_SEND_DISCARDED_PINGS = 10; const LOGGER_NAME = "Toolkit.Telemetry"; const LOGGER_PREFIX = "TelemetryHealthPing::"; var Policy = { setSchedulerTickTimeout: (callback, delayMs) => setTimeout(callback, delayMs), clearSchedulerTickTimeout: id => clearTimeout(id), }; var TelemetryHealthPing = { Reason: Object.freeze({ IMMEDIATE: "immediate", // Ping was sent immediately after recording with no delay. DELAYED: "delayed", // Recorded data was sent after a delay. SHUT_DOWN: "shutdown", // Recorded data was sent on shutdown. }), FailureType: Object.freeze({ DISCARDED_FOR_SIZE: "pingDiscardedForSize", SEND_FAILURE: "sendFailure", }), OsInfo: Object.freeze({ name: Services.appinfo.OS, version: Services.sysinfo.get("kernel_version") || Services.sysinfo.get("version"), }), HEALTH_PING_TYPE: "health", _logger: null, // The health ping is sent every every SEND_TICK_DELAY. // Initialize this so that first failures are sent immediately. _lastSendTime: -SEND_TICK_DELAY, /** * This stores reported send failures with the following structure: * { * type1: { * subtype1: value, * ... * subtypeN: value * }, * ... * } */ _failures: {}, _timeoutId: null, /** * Record a failure to send a ping out. * @param {String} failureType The type of failure (e.g. "timeout", ...). * @returns {Promise} Test-only, resolved when the ping is stored or sent. */ recordSendFailure(failureType) { return this._addToFailure(this.FailureType.SEND_FAILURE, failureType); }, /** * Record that a ping was discarded and its type. * @param {String} pingType The type of discarded ping (e.g. "main", ...). * @returns {Promise} Test-only, resolved when the ping is stored or sent. */ recordDiscardedPing(pingType) { return this._addToFailure(this.FailureType.DISCARDED_FOR_SIZE, pingType); }, /** * Assemble payload. * @param {String} reason A string indicating the triggering reason (e.g. "immediate", "delayed", "shutdown"). * @returns {Object} The assembled payload. */ _assemblePayload(reason) { this._log.trace("_assemblePayload()"); let payload = { os: this.OsInfo, reason, }; for (let key of Object.keys(this._failures)) { if (key === this.FailureType.DISCARDED_FOR_SIZE) { payload[key] = this._getTopDiscardFailures(this._failures[key]); } else { payload[key] = this._failures[key]; } } return payload; }, /** * Sort input dictionary descending by value. * @param {Object} failures A dictionary of failures subtype and count. * @returns {Object} Sorted failures by value. */ _getTopDiscardFailures(failures) { this._log.trace("_getTopDiscardFailures()"); let sortedItems = Object.entries(failures).sort((first, second) => { return second[1] - first[1]; }); let result = {}; sortedItems.slice(0, MAX_SEND_DISCARDED_PINGS).forEach(([key, value]) => { result[key] = value; }); return result; }, /** * Assemble the failure information and submit it. * @param {String} reason A string indicating the triggering reason (e.g. "immediate", "delayed", "shutdown"). * @returns {Promise} Test-only promise that resolves when the ping was stored or sent (if any). */ _submitPing(reason) { if (!IS_HEALTH_PING_ENABLED || !this._hasDataToSend()) { return Promise.resolve(); } this._log.trace("_submitPing(" + reason + ")"); let payload = this._assemblePayload(reason); this._clearData(); this._lastSendTime = Utils.monotonicNow(); let options = { addClientId: true, usePingSender: reason === this.Reason.SHUT_DOWN, }; return new Promise(r => // If we submit the health ping immediately, the send task would be triggered again // before discarding oversized pings from the queue. // To work around this, we send the ping on the next tick. Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(() => r( TelemetryController.submitExternalPing( this.HEALTH_PING_TYPE, payload, options ) ) ) ); }, /** * Accumulate failure information and trigger a ping immediately or on timeout. * @param {String} failureType The type of failure (e.g. "timeout", ...). * @param {String} failureSubType The subtype of failure (e.g. ping type, ...). * @returns {Promise} Test-only, resolved when the ping is stored or sent. */ _addToFailure(failureType, failureSubType) { this._log.trace( "_addToFailure() - with type and subtype: " + failureType + " : " + failureSubType ); if (!(failureType in this._failures)) { this._failures[failureType] = {}; } let current = this._failures[failureType][failureSubType] || 0; this._failures[failureType][failureSubType] = current + 1; const now = Utils.monotonicNow(); if (now - this._lastSendTime >= SEND_TICK_DELAY) { return this._submitPing(this.Reason.IMMEDIATE); } let submissionDelay = SEND_TICK_DELAY - now - this._lastSendTime; this._timeoutId = Policy.setSchedulerTickTimeout( () => TelemetryHealthPing._submitPing(this.Reason.DELAYED), submissionDelay ); return Promise.resolve(); }, /** * @returns {boolean} Check the availability of recorded failures data. */ _hasDataToSend() { return Object.keys(this._failures).length !== 0; }, /** * Clear recorded failures data. */ _clearData() { this._log.trace("_clearData()"); this._failures = {}; }, /** * Clear and reset timeout. */ _resetTimeout() { if (this._timeoutId) { Policy.clearSchedulerTickTimeout(this._timeoutId); this._timeoutId = null; } }, /** * Submit latest ping on shutdown. * @returns {Promise} Test-only, resolved when the ping is stored or sent. */ shutdown() { this._log.trace("shutdown()"); this._resetTimeout(); return this._submitPing(this.Reason.SHUT_DOWN); }, /** * Test-only, restore to initial state. */ testReset() { this._lastSendTime = -SEND_TICK_DELAY; this._clearData(); this._resetTimeout(); }, get _log() { if (!this._logger) { this._logger = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix( LOGGER_NAME, LOGGER_PREFIX + "::" ); } return this._logger; }, };