/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // We wastefully reload the same JS files across components. This puts all // the common JS files used by safebrowsing and url-classifier into a // single component. const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const PREF_DISABLE_TEST_BACKOFF = "browser.safebrowsing.provider.test.disableBackoff"; /** * Partially applies a function to a particular "this object" and zero or * more arguments. The result is a new function with some arguments of the first * function pre-filled and the value of |this| "pre-specified". * * Remaining arguments specified at call-time are appended to the pre- * specified ones. * * Usage: * var barMethBound = BindToObject(myFunction, myObj, "arg1", "arg2"); * barMethBound("arg3", "arg4"); * * @param fn {string} Reference to the function to be bound * * @param self {object} Specifies the object which |this| should point to * when the function is run. If the value is null or undefined, it will default * to the global object. * * @returns {function} A partially-applied form of the speficied function. */ this.BindToObject = function BindToObject(fn, self, opt_args) { var boundargs = fn.boundArgs_ || []; boundargs = boundargs.concat( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2, arguments.length) ); if (fn.boundSelf_) { self = fn.boundSelf_; } if (fn.boundFn_) { fn = fn.boundFn_; } var newfn = function() { // Combine the static args and the new args into one big array var args = boundargs.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); return fn.apply(self, args); }; newfn.boundArgs_ = boundargs; newfn.boundSelf_ = self; newfn.boundFn_ = fn; return newfn; }; // This implements logic for stopping requests if the server starts to return // too many errors. If we get MAX_ERRORS errors in ERROR_PERIOD minutes, we // back off for TIMEOUT_INCREMENT minutes. If we get another error // immediately after we restart, we double the timeout and add // TIMEOUT_INCREMENT minutes, etc. // // This is similar to the logic used by the search suggestion service. // HTTP responses that count as an error. We also include any 5xx response // as an error. this.HTTP_FOUND = 302; this.HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303; this.HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307; /** * @param maxErrors Number of times to request before backing off. * @param retryIncrement Time (ms) for each retry before backing off. * @param maxRequests Number the number of requests needed to trigger backoff * @param requestPeriod Number time (ms) in which maxRequests have to occur to * trigger the backoff behavior (0 to disable maxRequests) * @param timeoutIncrement Number time (ms) the starting timeout period * we double this time for consecutive errors * @param maxTimeout Number time (ms) maximum timeout period * @param tolerance Checking next request tolerance. */ this.RequestBackoff = function RequestBackoff( maxErrors, retryIncrement, maxRequests, requestPeriod, timeoutIncrement, maxTimeout, tolerance, provider = null ) { this.MAX_ERRORS_ = maxErrors; this.RETRY_INCREMENT_ = retryIncrement; this.MAX_REQUESTS_ = maxRequests; this.REQUEST_PERIOD_ = requestPeriod; this.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT_ = timeoutIncrement; this.MAX_TIMEOUT_ = maxTimeout; this.TOLERANCE_ = tolerance; // Queue of ints keeping the time of all requests this.requestTimes_ = []; this.numErrors_ = 0; this.errorTimeout_ = 0; this.nextRequestTime_ = 0; // For test provider, we will disable backoff if preference is set to false. if (provider === "test") { this.canMakeRequestDefault = this.canMakeRequest; this.canMakeRequest = function() { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_DISABLE_TEST_BACKOFF, true)) { return true; } return this.canMakeRequestDefault(); }; } }; /** * Reset the object for reuse. This deliberately doesn't clear requestTimes_. */ RequestBackoff.prototype.reset = function() { this.numErrors_ = 0; this.errorTimeout_ = 0; this.nextRequestTime_ = 0; }; /** * Check to see if we can make a request. */ RequestBackoff.prototype.canMakeRequest = function() { var now = Date.now(); // Note that nsITimer delay is approximate: the timer can be fired before the // requested time has elapsed. So, give it a tolerance if (now + this.TOLERANCE_ < this.nextRequestTime_) { return false; } return ( this.requestTimes_.length < this.MAX_REQUESTS_ || now - this.requestTimes_[0] > this.REQUEST_PERIOD_ ); }; RequestBackoff.prototype.noteRequest = function() { var now = Date.now(); this.requestTimes_.push(now); // We only care about keeping track of MAX_REQUESTS if (this.requestTimes_.length > this.MAX_REQUESTS_) { this.requestTimes_.shift(); } }; RequestBackoff.prototype.nextRequestDelay = function() { return Math.max(0, this.nextRequestTime_ - Date.now()); }; /** * Notify this object of the last server response. If it's an error, */ RequestBackoff.prototype.noteServerResponse = function(status) { if (this.isErrorStatus(status)) { this.numErrors_++; if (this.numErrors_ < this.MAX_ERRORS_) { this.errorTimeout_ = this.RETRY_INCREMENT_; } else if (this.numErrors_ == this.MAX_ERRORS_) { this.errorTimeout_ = this.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT_; } else { this.errorTimeout_ *= 2; } this.errorTimeout_ = Math.min(this.errorTimeout_, this.MAX_TIMEOUT_); this.nextRequestTime_ = Date.now() + this.errorTimeout_; } else { // Reset error timeout, allow requests to go through. this.reset(); } }; /** * We consider 302, 303, 307, 4xx, and 5xx http responses to be errors. * @param status Number http status * @return Boolean true if we consider this http status an error */ RequestBackoff.prototype.isErrorStatus = function(status) { return ( (400 <= status && status <= 599) || HTTP_FOUND == status || HTTP_SEE_OTHER == status || HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT == status ); }; // Wrap a general-purpose |RequestBackoff| to a v4-specific one // since both listmanager and hashcompleter would use it. // Note that |maxRequests| and |requestPeriod| is still configurable // to throttle pending requests. /* exported RequestBackoffV4 */ function RequestBackoffV4(maxRequests, requestPeriod, provider = null) { let rand = Math.random(); let retryInterval = Math.floor(15 * 60 * 1000 * (rand + 1)); // 15 ~ 30 min. let backoffInterval = Math.floor(30 * 60 * 1000 * (rand + 1)); // 30 ~ 60 min. return new RequestBackoff( 2 /* max errors */, retryInterval /* retry interval, 15~30 min */, maxRequests /* num requests */, requestPeriod /* request time, 60 min */, backoffInterval /* backoff interval, 60 min */, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 /* max backoff, 24hr */, 1000 /* tolerance of 1 sec */, provider /* provider name */ ); } // Expose this whole component. var lib = this; function UrlClassifierLib() { this.wrappedJSObject = lib; } UrlClassifierLib.prototype.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI([]); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["UrlClassifierLib"];