/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "LookupCacheV4.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include #include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h" #include "nsClassHashtable.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "VariableLengthPrefixSet.h" #include "Common.h" // Create fullhash by appending random characters. static nsCString CreateFullHash(const nsACString& in) { nsCString out(in); out.SetLength(32); for (size_t i = in.Length(); i < 32; i++) { out.SetCharAt(char(rand() % 256), i); } return out; } // This function generate N prefixes with size between MIN and MAX. // The output array will not be cleared, random result will append to it static void RandomPrefixes(uint32_t N, uint32_t MIN, uint32_t MAX, _PrefixArray& array) { array.SetCapacity(array.Length() + N); uint32_t range = (MAX - MIN + 1); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { uint32_t prefixSize = (rand() % range) + MIN; _Prefix prefix; prefix.SetLength(prefixSize); bool added = false; while (!added) { char* dst = prefix.BeginWriting(); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < prefixSize; j++) { dst[j] = rand() % 256; } if (!array.Contains(prefix)) { array.AppendElement(prefix); added = true; } } } } // This test loops through all the prefixes and converts each prefix to // fullhash by appending random characters, each converted fullhash // should at least match its original length in the prefixSet. static void DoExpectedLookup(LookupCacheV4* cache, _PrefixArray& array) { uint32_t matchLength = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < array.Length(); i++) { const nsCString& prefix = array[i]; Completion complete; complete.Assign(CreateFullHash(prefix)); // Find match for prefix-generated full hash bool has, confirmed; cache->Has(complete, &has, &matchLength, &confirmed); MOZ_ASSERT(matchLength != 0); if (matchLength != prefix.Length()) { // Return match size is not the same as prefix size. // In this case it could be because the generated fullhash match other // prefixes, check if this prefix exist. bool found = false; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < array.Length(); j++) { if (array[j].Length() != matchLength) { continue; } if (0 == memcmp(complete.buf, array[j].BeginReading(), matchLength)) { found = true; break; } } ASSERT_TRUE(found); } } } static void DoRandomLookup(LookupCacheV4* cache, uint32_t N, _PrefixArray& array) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { // Random 32-bytes test fullhash char buf[32]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) { buf[j] = (char)(rand() % 256); } // Get the expected result. nsTArray expected; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < array.Length(); j++) { const nsACString& str = array[j]; if (0 == memcmp(buf, str.BeginReading(), str.Length())) { expected.AppendElement(str.Length()); } } Completion complete; complete.Assign(nsDependentCSubstring(buf, 32)); bool has, confirmed; uint32_t matchLength = 0; cache->Has(complete, &has, &matchLength, &confirmed); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.IsEmpty() ? !matchLength : expected.Contains(matchLength)); } } static already_AddRefed SetupLookupCache( const nsACString& aName) { nsCOMPtr rootDir; NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(rootDir)); nsAutoCString provider("test"); RefPtr lookup = new LookupCacheV4(aName, provider, rootDir); lookup->Init(); return lookup.forget(); } class UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam { protected: void SetUp() override { // max_array_size to 0 means we are testing delta algorithm here. static const char prefKey[] = "browser.safebrowsing.prefixset.max_array_size"; mozilla::Preferences::SetUint(prefKey, GetParam()); mCache = SetupLookupCache("test"_ns); } void TearDown() override { mCache = nullptr; mArray.Clear(); mMap.Clear(); } nsresult SetupPrefixes(_PrefixArray&& aArray) { mArray = std::move(aArray); PrefixArrayToPrefixStringMap(mArray, mMap); return mCache->Build(mMap); } void SetupPrefixesAndVerify(_PrefixArray& aArray) { mArray = aArray.Clone(); PrefixArrayToPrefixStringMap(mArray, mMap); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(mCache->Build(mMap))); Verify(); } void SetupPrefixesAndVerify(_PrefixArray&& aArray) { nsresult rv = SetupPrefixes(std::move(aArray)); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); Verify(); } void SetupRandomPrefixesAndVerify(uint32_t N, uint32_t MIN, uint32_t MAX) { srand(time(nullptr)); RandomPrefixes(N, MIN, MAX, mArray); PrefixArrayToPrefixStringMap(mArray, mMap); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(mCache->Build(mMap))); Verify(); } void Verify() { DoExpectedLookup(mCache, mArray); DoRandomLookup(mCache, 1000, mArray); CheckContent(mCache, mArray); } RefPtr mCache; _PrefixArray mArray; PrefixStringMap mMap; }; // Test setting prefix set with only 4-bytes prefixes TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, FixedLengthSet) { SetupPrefixesAndVerify({ _Prefix("alph"), _Prefix("brav"), _Prefix("char"), _Prefix("delt"), _Prefix("echo"), _Prefix("foxt"), }); } TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, FixedLengthRandomSet) { SetupRandomPrefixesAndVerify(1500, 4, 4); } TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, FixedLengthRandomLargeSet) { SetupRandomPrefixesAndVerify(15000, 4, 4); } TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, FixedLengthTinySet) { SetupPrefixesAndVerify({ _Prefix("tiny"), }); } // Test setting prefix set with only 5~32 bytes prefixes TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, VariableLengthSet) { SetupPrefixesAndVerify( {_Prefix("bravo"), _Prefix("charlie"), _Prefix("delta"), _Prefix("EchoEchoEchoEchoEcho"), _Prefix("foxtrot"), _Prefix("GolfGolfGolfGolfGolfGolfGolfGolf"), _Prefix("hotel"), _Prefix("november"), _Prefix("oscar"), _Prefix("quebec"), _Prefix("romeo"), _Prefix("sierrasierrasierrasierrasierra"), _Prefix("Tango"), _Prefix("whiskey"), _Prefix("yankee"), _Prefix("ZuluZuluZuluZulu")}); } TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, VariableLengthRandomSet) { SetupRandomPrefixesAndVerify(1500, 5, 32); } // Test setting prefix set with both 4-bytes prefixes and 5~32 bytes prefixes TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, MixedPrefixSet) { SetupPrefixesAndVerify( {_Prefix("enus"), _Prefix("apollo"), _Prefix("mars"), _Prefix("Hecatonchires cyclopes"), _Prefix("vesta"), _Prefix("neptunus"), _Prefix("jupiter"), _Prefix("diana"), _Prefix("minerva"), _Prefix("ceres"), _Prefix("Aidos,Adephagia,Adikia,Aletheia"), _Prefix("hecatonchires"), _Prefix("alcyoneus"), _Prefix("hades"), _Prefix("vulcanus"), _Prefix("juno"), _Prefix("mercury"), _Prefix("Stheno, Euryale and Medusa")}); } TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, MixedRandomPrefixSet) { SetupRandomPrefixesAndVerify(1500, 4, 32); } // Test resetting prefix set TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, ResetPrefix) { // Base prefix set _PrefixArray oldArray = { _Prefix("Iceland"), _Prefix("Peru"), _Prefix("Mexico"), _Prefix("Australia"), _Prefix("Japan"), _Prefix("Egypt"), _Prefix("America"), _Prefix("Finland"), _Prefix("Germany"), _Prefix("Italy"), _Prefix("France"), _Prefix("Taiwan"), }; SetupPrefixesAndVerify(oldArray); // New prefix set _PrefixArray newArray = { _Prefix("Pikachu"), _Prefix("Bulbasaur"), _Prefix("Charmander"), _Prefix("Blastoise"), _Prefix("Pidgey"), _Prefix("Mewtwo"), _Prefix("Jigglypuff"), _Prefix("Persian"), _Prefix("Tentacool"), _Prefix("Onix"), _Prefix("Eevee"), _Prefix("Jynx"), }; SetupPrefixesAndVerify(newArray); // Should not match any of the first prefix set uint32_t matchLength = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < oldArray.Length(); i++) { Completion complete; complete.Assign(CreateFullHash(oldArray[i])); // Find match for prefix-generated full hash bool has, confirmed; mCache->Has(complete, &has, &matchLength, &confirmed); ASSERT_TRUE(matchLength == 0); } } // Test only set one 4-bytes prefix and one full-length prefix TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, TinyPrefixSet) { SetupPrefixesAndVerify({ _Prefix("AAAA"), _Prefix("11112222333344445555666677778888"), }); } // Test empty prefix set and IsEmpty function TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, EmptyFixedPrefixSet) { ASSERT_TRUE(mCache->IsEmpty()); SetupPrefixesAndVerify({}); // Insert an 4-bytes prefix, then IsEmpty should return false SetupPrefixesAndVerify({_Prefix("test")}); ASSERT_TRUE(!mCache->IsEmpty()); } TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, EmptyVariableLengthPrefixSet) { ASSERT_TRUE(mCache->IsEmpty()); SetupPrefixesAndVerify({}); // Insert an 5~32 bytes prefix, then IsEmpty should return false SetupPrefixesAndVerify({_Prefix("test variable length")}); ASSERT_TRUE(!mCache->IsEmpty()); } // Test prefix size should only between 4~32 bytes TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, MinMaxPrefixSet) { // Test prefix set between 4-32 bytes, should success SetupPrefixesAndVerify({_Prefix("1234"), _Prefix("ABCDEFGHIJKKMNOP"), _Prefix("1aaa2bbb3ccc4ddd5eee6fff7ggg8hhh")}); // Prefix size less than 4-bytes should fail nsresult rv = SetupPrefixes({_Prefix("123")}); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_FAILED(rv)); // Prefix size greater than 32-bytes should fail rv = SetupPrefixes({_Prefix("1aaa2bbb3ccc4ddd5eee6fff7ggg8hhh9")}); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_FAILED(rv)); } // Test save then load prefix set with only 4-bytes prefixes TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, LoadSaveFixedLengthPrefixSet) { nsCOMPtr file; _PrefixArray array; PrefixStringMap map; // Save { RefPtr save = SetupLookupCache("test-save"_ns); RandomPrefixes(10000, 4, 4, array); PrefixArrayToPrefixStringMap(array, map); save->Build(map); DoExpectedLookup(save, array); DoRandomLookup(save, 1000, array); CheckContent(save, array); NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(file)); file->Append(u"test.vlpset"_ns); save->StoreToFile(file); } // Load { RefPtr load = SetupLookupCache("test-load"_ns); load->LoadFromFile(file); DoExpectedLookup(load, array); DoRandomLookup(load, 1000, array); CheckContent(load, array); } file->Remove(false); } // Test save then load prefix set with only 5~32 bytes prefixes TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, LoadSaveVariableLengthPrefixSet) { nsCOMPtr file; _PrefixArray array; PrefixStringMap map; // Save { RefPtr save = SetupLookupCache("test-save"_ns); RandomPrefixes(10000, 5, 32, array); PrefixArrayToPrefixStringMap(array, map); save->Build(map); DoExpectedLookup(save, array); DoRandomLookup(save, 1000, array); CheckContent(save, array); NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(file)); file->Append(u"test.vlpset"_ns); save->StoreToFile(file); } // Load { RefPtr load = SetupLookupCache("test-load"_ns); load->LoadFromFile(file); DoExpectedLookup(load, array); DoRandomLookup(load, 1000, array); CheckContent(load, array); } file->Remove(false); } // Test save then load prefix with both 4 bytes prefixes and 5~32 bytes prefixes TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, LoadSavePrefixSet) { nsCOMPtr file; _PrefixArray array; PrefixStringMap map; // Save { RefPtr save = SetupLookupCache("test-save"_ns); // Try to simulate the real case that most prefixes are 4bytes RandomPrefixes(20000, 4, 4, array); RandomPrefixes(1000, 5, 32, array); PrefixArrayToPrefixStringMap(array, map); save->Build(map); DoExpectedLookup(save, array); DoRandomLookup(save, 1000, array); CheckContent(save, array); NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(file)); file->Append(u"test.vlpset"_ns); save->StoreToFile(file); } // Load { RefPtr load = SetupLookupCache("test-load"_ns); load->LoadFromFile(file); DoExpectedLookup(load, array); DoRandomLookup(load, 1000, array); CheckContent(load, array); } file->Remove(false); } // This is for fixed-length prefixset TEST_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, LoadSaveNoDelta) { nsCOMPtr file; _PrefixArray array; PrefixStringMap map; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // construct a tree without deltas by making the distance // between entries larger than 16 bits uint32_t v = ((1 << 16) + 1) * i; nsCString* ele = array.AppendElement(); ele->AppendASCII(reinterpret_cast(&v), 4); } // Save { RefPtr save = SetupLookupCache("test-save"_ns); PrefixArrayToPrefixStringMap(array, map); save->Build(map); DoExpectedLookup(save, array); DoRandomLookup(save, 1000, array); CheckContent(save, array); NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(file)); file->Append(u"test.vlpset"_ns); save->StoreToFile(file); } // Load { RefPtr load = SetupLookupCache("test-load"_ns); load->LoadFromFile(file); DoExpectedLookup(load, array); DoRandomLookup(load, 1000, array); CheckContent(load, array); } file->Remove(false); } // To run the same test for different configurations of // "browser_safebrowsing_prefixset_max_array_size" INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, UrlClassifierPrefixSetTest, ::testing::Values(0, UINT32_MAX));