var tests = [ // Config is an array with 4 elements: // - annotation blocklist // - annotation entitylist // - tracking blocklist // - tracking entitylist // All disabled. { config: [false, false, false, false], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: false, }, // Just entitylisted. { config: [false, false, false, true], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: false, }, // Just blocklisted. { config: [false, false, true, false], loadExpected: false, annotationExpected: false, }, // entitylist + blocklist => entitylist wins { config: [false, false, true, true], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: false, }, // just annotated in entitylist. { config: [false, true, false, false], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: false, }, // TP and annotation entitylisted. { config: [false, true, false, true], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: false, }, // Annotation entitylisted, but TP blocklisted. { config: [false, true, true, false], loadExpected: false, annotationExpected: false, }, // Annotation entitylisted. TP blocklisted and entitylisted: entitylist wins. { config: [false, true, true, true], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: false, }, // Just blocklist annotated. { config: [true, false, false, false], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: true, }, // annotated but TP entitylisted. { config: [true, false, false, true], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: true, }, // annotated and blocklisted. { config: [true, false, true, false], loadExpected: false, annotationExpected: false, }, // annotated, TP blocklisted and entitylisted: entitylist wins. { config: [true, false, true, true], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: true, }, // annotated in white and blocklist. { config: [true, true, false, false], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: false, }, // annotated in white and blocklist. TP Whiteslited { config: [true, true, false, true], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: false, }, // everywhere. TP entitylist wins. { config: [true, true, true, true], loadExpected: true, annotationExpected: false, }, ]; function prefBlacklistValue(value) { return value ? "" : ""; } function prefWhitelistValue(value) { return value ? "mochi.test,mochi.xorigin-test" : ""; } async function runTest(test, expectedFlag, expectedTrackingResource, prefs) { let config = [ [ "urlclassifier.trackingAnnotationTable.testEntries", prefBlacklistValue(test.config[0]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.fingerprinting.annotate.blacklistHosts", prefBlacklistValue(test.config[0]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.cryptomining.annotate.blacklistHosts", prefBlacklistValue(test.config[0]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.socialtracking.annotate.blacklistHosts", prefBlacklistValue(test.config[0]), ], [ "urlclassifier.trackingAnnotationWhitelistTable.testEntries", prefWhitelistValue(test.config[1]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.fingerprinting.annotate.whitelistHosts", prefWhitelistValue(test.config[1]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.cryptomining.annotate.whitelistHosts", prefWhitelistValue(test.config[1]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.socialtracking.annotate.whitelistHosts", prefWhitelistValue(test.config[1]), ], [ "urlclassifier.trackingTable.testEntries", prefBlacklistValue(test.config[2]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.fingerprinting.blacklistHosts", prefBlacklistValue(test.config[2]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.cryptomining.blacklistHosts", prefBlacklistValue(test.config[2]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.socialtracking.blacklistHosts", prefBlacklistValue(test.config[2]), ], [ "urlclassifier.trackingWhitelistTable.testEntries", prefWhitelistValue(test.config[3]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.fingerprinting.whitelistHosts", prefWhitelistValue(test.config[3]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.cryptomining.whitelistHosts", prefWhitelistValue(test.config[3]), ], [ "urlclassifier.features.socialtracking.whitelistHosts", prefWhitelistValue(test.config[3]), ], ]; info("Testing: " + JSON.stringify(config) + "\n"); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: config.concat(prefs) }); // This promise will be resolved when the chromeScript knows if the channel // is annotated or not. let annotationPromise; if (test.loadExpected) { info("We want to have annotation information"); annotationPromise = new Promise(resolve => { chromeScript.addMessageListener( "last-channel-flags", data => resolve(data), { once: true } ); }); } // Let's load a script with a random query string to avoid network cache. // Using a script as the fingerprinting feature does not block display content let result = await new Promise(resolve => { let script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute( "src", "" + Math.random() ); script.onload = _ => resolve(true); script.onerror = _ => resolve(false); document.body.appendChild(script); }); is(result, test.loadExpected, "The loading happened correctly"); if (annotationPromise) { let data = await annotationPromise; is( !!data.classificationFlags, test.annotationExpected, "The annotation happened correctly" ); if (test.annotationExpected) { is(data.classificationFlags, expectedFlag, "Correct flag"); is( data.isThirdPartyTrackingResource, expectedTrackingResource, "Tracking resource flag matches" ); } } } var chromeScript; function runTests(flag, prefs, trackingResource) { chromeScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(_ => { const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm" ); function onExamResp(subject, topic, data) { let channel = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel); let classifiedChannel = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIClassifiedChannel); if ( !channel || !classifiedChannel || !channel.URI.spec.startsWith( "" ) ) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef sendAsyncMessage("last-channel-flags", { classificationFlags: classifiedChannel.classificationFlags, isThirdPartyTrackingResource: classifiedChannel.isThirdPartyTrackingResource(), }); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef addMessageListener("done", __ => { Services.obs.removeObserver(onExamResp, "http-on-examine-response"); }); Services.obs.addObserver(onExamResp, "http-on-examine-response"); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef sendAsyncMessage("start-test"); }); chromeScript.addMessageListener( "start-test", async _ => { for (let test in tests) { await runTest(tests[test], flag, trackingResource, prefs); } chromeScript.sendAsyncMessage("done"); SimpleTest.finish(); }, { once: true } ); }