/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * @class nsURLFormatterService * * nsURLFormatterService exposes methods to substitute variables in URL formats. * * Mozilla Applications linking to Mozilla websites are strongly encouraged to use * URLs of the following format: * * http[s]://%SERVICE%.mozilla.[com|org]/%LOCALE%/ */ const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm" ); const PREF_APP_DISTRIBUTION = "distribution.id"; const PREF_APP_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION = "distribution.version"; ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "UpdateUtils", "resource://gre/modules/UpdateUtils.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "Region", "resource://gre/modules/Region.jsm" ); function nsURLFormatterService() { XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "ABI", function UFS_ABI() { let ABI = "default"; try { ABI = Services.appinfo.XPCOMABI; } catch (e) {} return ABI; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "OSVersion", function UFS_OSVersion() { let OSVersion = "default"; let { sysinfo } = Services; try { OSVersion = sysinfo.getProperty("name") + " " + sysinfo.getProperty("version"); OSVersion += ` (${sysinfo.getProperty("secondaryLibrary")})`; } catch (e) {} return encodeURIComponent(OSVersion); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter( this, "distribution", function UFS_distribution() { let defaults = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(null); let id = defaults.getCharPref(PREF_APP_DISTRIBUTION, "default"); let version = defaults.getCharPref( PREF_APP_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION, "default" ); return { id, version }; } ); } nsURLFormatterService.prototype = { classID: Components.ID("{e6156350-2be8-11db-a98b-0800200c9a66}"), QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIURLFormatter"]), _defaults: { LOCALE: () => Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47, REGION() { try { // When the geoip lookup failed to identify the region, we fallback to // the 'ZZ' region code to mean 'unknown'. return Region.home || "ZZ"; } catch (e) { return "ZZ"; } }, VENDOR() { return Services.appinfo.vendor; }, NAME() { return Services.appinfo.name; }, ID() { return Services.appinfo.ID; }, VERSION() { return Services.appinfo.version; }, MAJOR_VERSION() { return Services.appinfo.version.replace( /^([^\.]+\.[0-9]+[a-z]*).*/gi, "$1" ); }, APPBUILDID() { return Services.appinfo.appBuildID; }, PLATFORMVERSION() { return Services.appinfo.platformVersion; }, PLATFORMBUILDID() { return Services.appinfo.platformBuildID; }, APP() { return Services.appinfo.name.toLowerCase().replace(/ /, ""); }, OS() { return Services.appinfo.OS; }, XPCOMABI() { return this.ABI; }, BUILD_TARGET() { return Services.appinfo.OS + "_" + this.ABI; }, OS_VERSION() { return this.OSVersion; }, CHANNEL: () => UpdateUtils.UpdateChannel, MOZILLA_API_KEY: () => AppConstants.MOZ_MOZILLA_API_KEY, GOOGLE_LOCATION_SERVICE_API_KEY: () => AppConstants.MOZ_GOOGLE_LOCATION_SERVICE_API_KEY, GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_KEY: () => AppConstants.MOZ_GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_KEY, BING_API_CLIENTID: () => AppConstants.MOZ_BING_API_CLIENTID, BING_API_KEY: () => AppConstants.MOZ_BING_API_KEY, DISTRIBUTION() { return this.distribution.id; }, DISTRIBUTION_VERSION() { return this.distribution.version; }, }, formatURL: function uf_formatURL(aFormat) { var _this = this; var replacementCallback = function(aMatch, aKey) { if (aKey in _this._defaults) { return _this._defaults[aKey].call(_this); } Cu.reportError("formatURL: Couldn't find value for key: " + aKey); return aMatch; }; return aFormat.replace(/%([A-Z_]+)%/g, replacementCallback); }, formatURLPref: function uf_formatURLPref(aPref) { var format = null; try { format = Services.prefs.getStringPref(aPref); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("formatURLPref: Couldn't get pref: " + aPref); return "about:blank"; } if ( !Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(aPref) && /^(data:text\/plain,.+=.+|chrome:\/\/.+\/locale\/.+\.properties)$/.test( format ) ) { // This looks as if it might be a localised preference try { format = Services.prefs.getComplexValue( aPref, Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString ).data; } catch (ex) {} } return this.formatURL(format); }, trimSensitiveURLs: function uf_trimSensitiveURLs(aMsg) { // Only the google API keys is sensitive for now. aMsg = AppConstants.MOZ_GOOGLE_LOCATION_SERVICE_API_KEY ? aMsg.replace( RegExp(AppConstants.MOZ_GOOGLE_LOCATION_SERVICE_API_KEY, "g"), "[trimmed-google-api-key]" ) : aMsg; return AppConstants.MOZ_GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_KEY ? aMsg.replace( RegExp(AppConstants.MOZ_GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_KEY, "g"), "[trimmed-google-api-key]" ) : aMsg; }, }; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["nsURLFormatterService"];