"use strict"; ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/components-utils/Sampling.jsm", this ); add_task(async function testStableSample() { // Absolute samples equal( await Sampling.stableSample("test", 1), true, "stableSample returns true for 100% sample" ); equal( await Sampling.stableSample("test", 0), false, "stableSample returns false for 0% sample" ); // Known samples. The numbers are nonces to make the tests pass equal( await Sampling.stableSample("test-0", 0.5), true, "stableSample returns true for known matching sample" ); equal( await Sampling.stableSample("test-1", 0.5), false, "stableSample returns false for known non-matching sample" ); }); add_task(async function testBucketSample() { // Absolute samples equal( await Sampling.bucketSample("test", 0, 10, 10), true, "bucketSample returns true for 100% sample" ); equal( await Sampling.bucketSample("test", 0, 0, 10), false, "bucketSample returns false for 0% sample" ); // Known samples. The numbers are nonces to make the tests pass equal( await Sampling.bucketSample("test-0", 0, 5, 10), true, "bucketSample returns true for known matching sample" ); equal( await Sampling.bucketSample("test-1", 0, 5, 10), false, "bucketSample returns false for known non-matching sample" ); }); add_task(async function testRatioSample() { // Invalid input await Assert.rejects( Sampling.ratioSample("test", []), /ratios must be at least 1 element long/, "ratioSample rejects for a list with no ratios" ); // Absolute samples equal( await Sampling.ratioSample("test", [1]), 0, "ratioSample returns 0 for a list with only 1 ratio" ); equal( await Sampling.ratioSample("test", [0, 0, 1, 0]), 2, "ratioSample returns the only non-zero bucket if all other buckets are zero" ); // Known samples. The numbers are nonces to make the tests pass equal( await Sampling.ratioSample("test-0", [1, 1]), 0, "ratioSample returns the correct index for known matching sample" ); equal( await Sampling.ratioSample("test-1", [1, 1]), 1, "ratioSample returns the correct index for known non-matching sample" ); }); add_task(async function testFractionToKey() { // Test that results are always 12 character hexadecimal strings. const expected_regex = /[0-9a-f]{12}/; const count = 100; let successes = 0; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const p = Sampling.fractionToKey(Math.random()); if (expected_regex.test(p)) { successes++; } } equal(successes, count, "fractionToKey makes keys the right length"); }); add_task(async function testTruncatedHash() { const expected_regex = /[0-9a-f]{12}/; const count = 100; let successes = 0; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const h = await Sampling.truncatedHash(Math.random()); if (expected_regex.test(h)) { successes++; } } equal(successes, count, "truncatedHash makes hashes the right length"); }); add_task(async function testBufferToHex() { const data = new ArrayBuffer(4); const view = new DataView(data); view.setUint8(0, 0xff); view.setUint8(1, 0x7f); view.setUint8(2, 0x3f); view.setUint8(3, 0x1f); equal(Sampling.bufferToHex(data), "ff7f3f1f"); });