/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const FileUtils = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm") .FileUtils; const gEnv = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"].getService( Ci.nsIEnvironment ); const gDashboard = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/dashboard;1"].getService( Ci.nsIDashboard ); const gDirServ = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIDirectoryServiceProvider ); const gNetLinkSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/network-link-service;1"] && Cc["@mozilla.org/network/network-link-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsINetworkLinkService ); const gDNSService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/dns-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIDNSService ); const gRequestNetworkingData = { http: gDashboard.requestHttpConnections, sockets: gDashboard.requestSockets, dns: gDashboard.requestDNSInfo, websockets: gDashboard.requestWebsocketConnections, dnslookuptool: () => {}, logging: () => {}, rcwn: gDashboard.requestRcwnStats, networkid: displayNetworkID, }; const gDashboardCallbacks = { http: displayHttp, sockets: displaySockets, dns: displayDns, websockets: displayWebsockets, rcwn: displayRcwnStats, }; const REFRESH_INTERVAL_MS = 3000; function col(element) { let col = document.createElement("td"); let content = document.createTextNode(element); col.appendChild(content); return col; } function displayHttp(data) { let cont = document.getElementById("http_content"); let parent = cont.parentNode; let new_cont = document.createElement("tbody"); new_cont.setAttribute("id", "http_content"); for (let i = 0; i < data.connections.length; i++) { let row = document.createElement("tr"); row.appendChild(col(data.connections[i].host)); row.appendChild(col(data.connections[i].port)); row.appendChild(col(data.connections[i].httpVersion)); row.appendChild(col(data.connections[i].ssl)); row.appendChild(col(data.connections[i].active.length)); row.appendChild(col(data.connections[i].idle.length)); new_cont.appendChild(row); } parent.replaceChild(new_cont, cont); } function displaySockets(data) { let cont = document.getElementById("sockets_content"); let parent = cont.parentNode; let new_cont = document.createElement("tbody"); new_cont.setAttribute("id", "sockets_content"); for (let i = 0; i < data.sockets.length; i++) { let row = document.createElement("tr"); row.appendChild(col(data.sockets[i].host)); row.appendChild(col(data.sockets[i].port)); row.appendChild(col(data.sockets[i].tcp)); row.appendChild(col(data.sockets[i].active)); row.appendChild(col(data.sockets[i].sent)); row.appendChild(col(data.sockets[i].received)); new_cont.appendChild(row); } parent.replaceChild(new_cont, cont); } function displayDns(data) { let suffixContent = document.getElementById("dns_suffix_content"); let suffixParent = suffixContent.parentNode; let suffixes = []; try { suffixes = gNetLinkSvc.dnsSuffixList; // May throw } catch (e) {} let suffix_tbody = document.createElement("tbody"); suffix_tbody.id = "dns_suffix_content"; for (let suffix of suffixes) { let row = document.createElement("tr"); row.appendChild(col(suffix)); suffix_tbody.appendChild(row); } suffixParent.replaceChild(suffix_tbody, suffixContent); let trr_url_tbody = document.createElement("tbody"); trr_url_tbody.id = "dns_trr_url"; let trr_url = document.createElement("tr"); trr_url.appendChild(col(gDNSService.currentTrrURI)); trr_url_tbody.appendChild(trr_url); let prevURL = document.getElementById("dns_trr_url"); prevURL.parentNode.replaceChild(trr_url_tbody, prevURL); let cont = document.getElementById("dns_content"); let parent = cont.parentNode; let new_cont = document.createElement("tbody"); new_cont.setAttribute("id", "dns_content"); for (let i = 0; i < data.entries.length; i++) { let row = document.createElement("tr"); row.appendChild(col(data.entries[i].hostname)); row.appendChild(col(data.entries[i].family)); row.appendChild(col(data.entries[i].trr)); let column = document.createElement("td"); for (let j = 0; j < data.entries[i].hostaddr.length; j++) { column.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data.entries[i].hostaddr[j])); column.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } row.appendChild(column); row.appendChild(col(data.entries[i].expiration)); row.appendChild(col(data.entries[i].originAttributesSuffix)); new_cont.appendChild(row); } parent.replaceChild(new_cont, cont); } function displayWebsockets(data) { let cont = document.getElementById("websockets_content"); let parent = cont.parentNode; let new_cont = document.createElement("tbody"); new_cont.setAttribute("id", "websockets_content"); for (let i = 0; i < data.websockets.length; i++) { let row = document.createElement("tr"); row.appendChild(col(data.websockets[i].hostport)); row.appendChild(col(data.websockets[i].encrypted)); row.appendChild(col(data.websockets[i].msgsent)); row.appendChild(col(data.websockets[i].msgreceived)); row.appendChild(col(data.websockets[i].sentsize)); row.appendChild(col(data.websockets[i].receivedsize)); new_cont.appendChild(row); } parent.replaceChild(new_cont, cont); } function displayRcwnStats(data) { let status = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("network.http.rcwn.enabled"); let linkType = Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.LINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN; try { linkType = gNetLinkSvc.linkType; } catch (e) {} if ( !( linkType == Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.LINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN || linkType == Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET || linkType == Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.LINK_TYPE_USB || linkType == Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.LINK_TYPE_WIFI ) ) { status = false; } let cacheWon = data.rcwnCacheWonCount; let netWon = data.rcwnNetWonCount; let total = data.totalNetworkRequests; let cacheSlow = data.cacheSlowCount; let cacheNotSlow = data.cacheNotSlowCount; document.getElementById("rcwn_status").innerText = status; document.getElementById("total_req_count").innerText = total; document.getElementById("rcwn_cache_won_count").innerText = cacheWon; document.getElementById("rcwn_cache_net_count").innerText = netWon; document.getElementById("rcwn_cache_slow").innerText = cacheSlow; document.getElementById("rcwn_cache_not_slow").innerText = cacheNotSlow; // Keep in sync with CachePerfStats::EDataType in CacheFileUtils.h const perfStatTypes = ["open", "read", "write", "entryopen"]; const perfStatFieldNames = ["avgShort", "avgLong", "stddevLong"]; for (let typeIndex in perfStatTypes) { for (let statFieldIndex in perfStatFieldNames) { document.getElementById( "rcwn_perfstats_" + perfStatTypes[typeIndex] + "_" + perfStatFieldNames[statFieldIndex] ).innerText = data.perfStats[typeIndex][perfStatFieldNames[statFieldIndex]]; } } } function displayNetworkID() { try { let linkIsUp = gNetLinkSvc.isLinkUp; let linkStatusKnown = gNetLinkSvc.linkStatusKnown; let networkID = gNetLinkSvc.networkID; document.getElementById("networkid_isUp").innerText = linkIsUp; document.getElementById( "networkid_statusKnown" ).innerText = linkStatusKnown; document.getElementById("networkid_id").innerText = networkID; } catch (e) { document.getElementById("networkid_isUp").innerText = ""; document.getElementById("networkid_statusKnown").innerText = ""; document.getElementById("networkid_id").innerText = ""; } } function requestAllNetworkingData() { for (let id in gRequestNetworkingData) { requestNetworkingDataForTab(id); } } function requestNetworkingDataForTab(id) { gRequestNetworkingData[id](gDashboardCallbacks[id]); } let gInited = false; function init() { if (gInited) { return; } gInited = true; gDashboard.enableLogging = true; requestAllNetworkingData(); let autoRefresh = document.getElementById("autorefcheck"); if (autoRefresh.checked) { setAutoRefreshInterval(autoRefresh); } autoRefresh.addEventListener("click", function() { let refrButton = document.getElementById("refreshButton"); if (this.checked) { setAutoRefreshInterval(this); refrButton.disabled = "disabled"; } else { clearInterval(this.interval); refrButton.disabled = null; } }); let refr = document.getElementById("refreshButton"); refr.addEventListener("click", requestAllNetworkingData); if (document.getElementById("autorefcheck").checked) { refr.disabled = "disabled"; } // Event delegation on #categories element let menu = document.getElementById("categories"); menu.addEventListener("click", function click(e) { if (e.target && e.target.parentNode == menu) { show(e.target); } }); let dnsLookupButton = document.getElementById("dnsLookupButton"); dnsLookupButton.addEventListener("click", function() { doLookup(); }); let clearDNSCache = document.getElementById("clearDNSCache"); clearDNSCache.addEventListener("click", function() { gDNSService.clearCache(true); }); let setLogButton = document.getElementById("set-log-file-button"); setLogButton.addEventListener("click", setLogFile); let setModulesButton = document.getElementById("set-log-modules-button"); setModulesButton.addEventListener("click", setLogModules); let startLoggingButton = document.getElementById("start-logging-button"); startLoggingButton.addEventListener("click", startLogging); let stopLoggingButton = document.getElementById("stop-logging-button"); stopLoggingButton.addEventListener("click", stopLogging); try { let file = gDirServ.getFile("TmpD", {}); file.append("log.txt"); document.getElementById("log-file").value = file.path; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } // Update the value of the log file. updateLogFile(); // Update the active log modules updateLogModules(); // If we can't set the file and the modules at runtime, // the start and stop buttons wouldn't really do anything. if (setLogButton.disabled && setModulesButton.disabled) { startLoggingButton.disabled = true; stopLoggingButton.disabled = true; } if (location.hash) { let sectionButton = document.getElementById( "category-" + location.hash.substring(1) ); if (sectionButton) { sectionButton.click(); } } } function updateLogFile() { let logPath = ""; // Try to get the environment variable for the log file logPath = gEnv.get("MOZ_LOG_FILE") || gEnv.get("NSPR_LOG_FILE"); let currentLogFile = document.getElementById("current-log-file"); let setLogFileButton = document.getElementById("set-log-file-button"); // If the log file was set from an env var, we disable the ability to set it // at runtime. if (logPath.length) { currentLogFile.innerText = logPath; setLogFileButton.disabled = true; } else { // There may be a value set by a pref. currentLogFile.innerText = gDashboard.getLogPath(); } } function updateLogModules() { // Try to get the environment variable for the log file let logModules = gEnv.get("MOZ_LOG") || gEnv.get("MOZ_LOG_MODULES") || gEnv.get("NSPR_LOG_MODULES"); let currentLogModules = document.getElementById("current-log-modules"); let setLogModulesButton = document.getElementById("set-log-modules-button"); if (logModules.length) { currentLogModules.innerText = logModules; // If the log modules are set by an environment variable at startup, do not // allow changing them throught a pref. It would be difficult to figure out // which ones are enabled and which ones are not. The user probably knows // what he they are doing. setLogModulesButton.disabled = true; } else { let activeLogModules = []; try { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("logging.config.add_timestamp")) { activeLogModules.push("timestamp"); } } catch (e) {} try { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("logging.config.sync")) { activeLogModules.push("sync"); } } catch (e) {} let children = Services.prefs.getBranch("logging.").getChildList(""); for (let pref of children) { if (pref.startsWith("config.")) { continue; } try { let value = Services.prefs.getIntPref(`logging.${pref}`); activeLogModules.push(`${pref}:${value}`); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } currentLogModules.innerText = activeLogModules.join(","); } } function setLogFile() { let setLogButton = document.getElementById("set-log-file-button"); if (setLogButton.disabled) { // There's no point trying since it wouldn't work anyway. return; } let logFile = document.getElementById("log-file").value.trim(); Services.prefs.setCharPref("logging.config.LOG_FILE", logFile); updateLogFile(); } function clearLogModules() { // Turn off all the modules. let children = Services.prefs.getBranch("logging.").getChildList(""); for (let pref of children) { if (!pref.startsWith("config.")) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(`logging.${pref}`); } } Services.prefs.clearUserPref("logging.config.add_timestamp"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("logging.config.sync"); updateLogModules(); } function setLogModules() { let setLogModulesButton = document.getElementById("set-log-modules-button"); if (setLogModulesButton.disabled) { // The modules were set via env var, so we shouldn't try to change them. return; } let modules = document.getElementById("log-modules").value.trim(); // Clear previously set log modules. clearLogModules(); let logModules = modules.split(","); for (let module of logModules) { if (module == "timestamp") { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("logging.config.add_timestamp", true); } else if (module == "rotate") { // XXX: rotate is not yet supported. } else if (module == "append") { // XXX: append is not yet supported. } else if (module == "sync") { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("logging.config.sync", true); } else { let lastColon = module.lastIndexOf(":"); let key = module.slice(0, lastColon); let value = parseInt(module.slice(lastColon + 1), 10); Services.prefs.setIntPref(`logging.${key}`, value); } } updateLogModules(); } function startLogging() { setLogFile(); setLogModules(); } function stopLogging() { clearLogModules(); // clear the log file as well Services.prefs.clearUserPref("logging.config.LOG_FILE"); updateLogFile(); } function show(button) { let current_tab = document.querySelector(".active"); let category = button.getAttribute("id").substring("category-".length); let content = document.getElementById(category); if (current_tab == content) { return; } current_tab.classList.remove("active"); current_tab.hidden = true; content.classList.add("active"); content.hidden = false; let current_button = document.querySelector("[selected=true]"); current_button.removeAttribute("selected"); button.setAttribute("selected", "true"); let autoRefresh = document.getElementById("autorefcheck"); if (autoRefresh.checked) { clearInterval(autoRefresh.interval); setAutoRefreshInterval(autoRefresh); } let title = document.getElementById("sectionTitle"); title.textContent = button.children[0].textContent; location.hash = category; } function setAutoRefreshInterval(checkBox) { let active_tab = document.querySelector(".active"); checkBox.interval = setInterval(function() { requestNetworkingDataForTab(active_tab.id); }, REFRESH_INTERVAL_MS); } // We use the pageshow event instead of onload. This is needed because sometimes // the page is loaded via session-restore/bfcache. In such cases we need to call // init() to keep the page behaviour consistent with the ticked checkboxes. // Mostly the issue is with the autorefresh checkbox. window.addEventListener("pageshow", function() { init(); }); function doLookup() { let host = document.getElementById("host").value; if (host) { try { gDashboard.requestDNSLookup(host, displayDNSLookup); } catch (e) {} try { gDashboard.requestDNSHTTPSRRLookup(host, displayHTTPSRRLookup); } catch (e) {} } } function displayDNSLookup(data) { let cont = document.getElementById("dnslookuptool_content"); let parent = cont.parentNode; let new_cont = document.createElement("tbody"); new_cont.setAttribute("id", "dnslookuptool_content"); if (data.answer) { for (let address of data.address) { let row = document.createElement("tr"); row.appendChild(col(address)); new_cont.appendChild(row); } } else { new_cont.appendChild(col(data.error)); } parent.replaceChild(new_cont, cont); } function displayHTTPSRRLookup(data) { let cont = document.getElementById("https_rr_content"); let parent = cont.parentNode; let new_cont = document.createElement("tbody"); new_cont.setAttribute("id", "https_rr_content"); if (data.answer) { for (let record of data.records) { let row = document.createElement("tr"); let alpn = record.alpn ? `alpn="${record.alpn.alpn}" ` : ""; let noDefaultAlpn = record.noDefaultAlpn ? "noDefaultAlpn " : ""; let port = record.port ? `port="${record.port.port}" ` : ""; let echConfig = record.echConfig ? `echConfig="${record.echConfig.echConfig}" ` : ""; let ODoHConfig = record.ODoHConfig ? `ODoHConfig="${record.ODoHConfig.ODoHConfig}" ` : ""; let ipv4hint = ""; let ipv6hint = ""; if (record.ipv4Hint) { let ipv4Str = ""; for (let addr of record.ipv4Hint.address) { ipv4Str += `${addr}, `; } // Remove ", " at the end. ipv4Str = ipv4Str.slice(0, -2); ipv4hint = `ipv4hint="${ipv4Str}" `; } if (record.ipv6Hint) { let ipv6Str = ""; for (let addr of record.ipv6Hint.address) { ipv6Str += `${addr}, `; } // Remove ", " at the end. ipv6Str = ipv6Str.slice(0, -2); ipv6hint = `ipv6hint="${ipv6Str}" `; } let str = `${record.priority} ${record.targetName} `; str += `(${alpn}${noDefaultAlpn}${port}`; str += `${ipv4hint}${echConfig}${ipv6hint}`; str += `${ODoHConfig})`; row.appendChild(col(str)); new_cont.appendChild(row); } } else { new_cont.appendChild(col(data.error)); } parent.replaceChild(new_cont, cont); }