/** * Test the wakelock usage for video being used in the picture-in-picuture (PIP) * mode. When video is playing in PIP window, we would always request a video * wakelock, and request audio wakelock only when video is audible. */ add_task(async function testCheckWakelockForPIPVideo() { await checkWakelockWhenChangeTabVisibility({ description: "playing a PIP video", lockAudio: true, lockVideo: true, }); await checkWakelockWhenChangeTabVisibility({ description: "playing a muted PIP video", additionalParams: { muted: true, }, lockAudio: false, lockVideo: true, }); await checkWakelockWhenChangeTabVisibility({ description: "playing a volume=0 PIP video", additionalParams: { volume: 0.0, }, lockAudio: false, lockVideo: true, }); }); /** * Following are helper functions and variables. */ const PAGE_URL = "https://example.com/browser/toolkit/content/tests/browser/file_video.html"; const AUDIO_WAKELOCK_NAME = "audio-playing"; const VIDEO_WAKELOCK_NAME = "video-playing"; const TEST_VIDEO_ID = "v"; // Import this in order to use `triggerPictureInPicture()`. /* import-globals-from ../../../../toolkit/components/pictureinpicture/tests/head.js */ Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/toolkit/components/pictureinpicture/tests/head.js", this ); async function checkWakelockWhenChangeTabVisibility({ description, additionalParams, lockAudio, lockVideo, }) { const originalTab = gBrowser.selectedTab; info(`start a new tab for '${description}'`); const tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( window.gBrowser, PAGE_URL ); info(`wait for PIP video starting playing`); await startPIPVideo(tab, additionalParams); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(AUDIO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: lockAudio, isForegroundLock: true, }); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(VIDEO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: lockVideo, isForegroundLock: true, }); info( `switch tab to background and still own foreground locks due to visible PIP video` ); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(window.gBrowser, originalTab); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(AUDIO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: lockAudio, isForegroundLock: true, }); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(VIDEO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: lockVideo, isForegroundLock: true, }); info(`pausing PIP video should release all locks`); await pausePIPVideo(tab); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(AUDIO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: false, }); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(VIDEO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: false, }); info(`resuming PIP video should request locks again`); await resumePIPVideo(tab); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(AUDIO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: lockAudio, isForegroundLock: true, }); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(VIDEO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: lockVideo, isForegroundLock: true, }); info(`switch tab to foreground again`); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(window.gBrowser, tab); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(AUDIO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: lockAudio, isForegroundLock: true, }); await waitForExpectedWakeLockState(VIDEO_WAKELOCK_NAME, { needLock: lockVideo, isForegroundLock: true, }); info(`remove tab`); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(tab.PIPWindow); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); } async function startPIPVideo(tab, { muted, volume } = {}) { tab.PIPWindow = await triggerPictureInPicture( tab.linkedBrowser, TEST_VIDEO_ID ); await SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [muted, volume, TEST_VIDEO_ID], async (muted, volume, Id) => { const video = content.document.getElementById(Id); if (muted) { video.muted = muted; } if (volume !== undefined) { video.volume = volume; } ok( await video.play().then( () => true, () => false ), `video started playing.` ); } ); } function pausePIPVideo(tab) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [TEST_VIDEO_ID], Id => { content.document.getElementById(Id).pause(); }); } function resumePIPVideo(tab) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [TEST_VIDEO_ID], async Id => { await content.document.getElementById(Id).play(); }); }