/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // This is loaded into all XUL windows. Wrap in a block to prevent // leaking to window scope. { const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm" ); /** * XUL:richlistbox element. */ MozElements.RichListBox = class RichListBox extends MozElements.BaseControl { constructor() { super(); this.selectedItems = new ChromeNodeList(); this._currentIndex = null; this._lastKeyTime = 0; this._incrementalString = ""; this._suppressOnSelect = false; this._userSelecting = false; this._selectTimeout = null; this._currentItem = null; this._selectionStart = null; this.addEventListener( "keypress", event => { if (event.altKey || event.metaKey) { return; } switch (event.keyCode) { case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP: this._moveByOffsetFromUserEvent(-1, event); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN: this._moveByOffsetFromUserEvent(1, event); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_HOME: this._moveByOffsetFromUserEvent(-this.currentIndex, event); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_END: this._moveByOffsetFromUserEvent( this.getRowCount() - this.currentIndex - 1, event ); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP: this._moveByOffsetFromUserEvent(this.scrollOnePage(-1), event); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN: this._moveByOffsetFromUserEvent(this.scrollOnePage(1), event); break; } }, { mozSystemGroup: true } ); this.addEventListener("keypress", event => { if (event.target != this) { return; } if ( event.key == " " && event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey && this.currentItem && this.selType == "multiple" ) { this.toggleItemSelection(this.currentItem); } if (!event.charCode || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { return; } if (event.timeStamp - this._lastKeyTime > 1000) { this._incrementalString = ""; } var key = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode).toLowerCase(); this._incrementalString += key; this._lastKeyTime = event.timeStamp; // If all letters in the incremental string are the same, just // try to match the first one var incrementalString = /^(.)\1+$/.test(this._incrementalString) ? RegExp.$1 : this._incrementalString; var length = incrementalString.length; var rowCount = this.getRowCount(); var l = this.selectedItems.length; var start = l > 0 ? this.getIndexOfItem(this.selectedItems[l - 1]) : -1; // start from the first element if none was selected or from the one // following the selected one if it's a new or a repeated-letter search if (start == -1 || length == 1) { start++; } for (var i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { var k = (start + i) % rowCount; var listitem = this.getItemAtIndex(k); if (!this._canUserSelect(listitem)) { continue; } // allow richlistitems to specify the string being searched for var searchText = "searchLabel" in listitem ? listitem.searchLabel : listitem.getAttribute("label"); // (see also bug 250123) searchText = searchText.substring(0, length).toLowerCase(); if (searchText == incrementalString) { this.ensureIndexIsVisible(k); this.timedSelect(listitem, this._selectDelay); break; } } }); this.addEventListener("focus", event => { if (this.getRowCount() > 0) { if (this.currentIndex == -1) { this.currentIndex = this.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow(); let currentItem = this.getItemAtIndex(this.currentIndex); if (currentItem) { this.selectItem(currentItem); } } else { this._fireEvent(this.currentItem, "DOMMenuItemActive"); } } this._lastKeyTime = 0; }); this.addEventListener("click", event => { // clicking into nothing should unselect multiple selections if (event.originalTarget == this && this.selType == "multiple") { this.clearSelection(); this.currentItem = null; } }); this.addEventListener("MozSwipeGesture", event => { // Only handle swipe gestures up and down switch (event.direction) { case event.DIRECTION_DOWN: this.scrollTop = this.scrollHeight; break; case event.DIRECTION_UP: this.scrollTop = 0; break; } }); } connectedCallback() { if (this.delayConnectedCallback()) { return; } this.setAttribute("allowevents", "true"); this._refreshSelection(); } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement set selectedItem(val) { this.selectItem(val); } get selectedItem() { return this.selectedItems.length ? this.selectedItems[0] : null; } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement set selectedIndex(val) { if (val >= 0) { // This is a micro-optimization so that a call to getIndexOfItem or // getItemAtIndex caused by _fireOnSelect (especially for derived // widgets) won't loop the children. this._selecting = { item: this.getItemAtIndex(val), index: val, }; this.selectItem(this._selecting.item); delete this._selecting; } else { this.clearSelection(); this.currentItem = null; } } get selectedIndex() { if (this.selectedItems.length) { return this.getIndexOfItem(this.selectedItems[0]); } return -1; } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement set value(val) { var kids = this.getElementsByAttribute("value", val); if (kids && kids.item(0)) { this.selectItem(kids[0]); } return val; } get value() { if (this.selectedItems.length) { return this.selectedItem.value; } return null; } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement get itemCount() { return this.itemChildren.length; } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement set selType(val) { this.setAttribute("seltype", val); return val; } get selType() { return this.getAttribute("seltype"); } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement set currentItem(val) { if (this._currentItem == val) { return val; } if (this._currentItem) { this._currentItem.current = false; if (!val && !this.suppressMenuItemEvent) { // An item is losing focus and there is no new item to focus. // Notify a11y that there is no focused item. this._fireEvent(this._currentItem, "DOMMenuItemInactive"); } } this._currentItem = val; if (val) { val.current = true; if (!this.suppressMenuItemEvent) { // Notify a11y that this item got focus. this._fireEvent(val, "DOMMenuItemActive"); } } return val; } get currentItem() { return this._currentItem; } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement set currentIndex(val) { if (val >= 0) { this.currentItem = this.getItemAtIndex(val); } else { this.currentItem = null; } } get currentIndex() { return this.currentItem ? this.getIndexOfItem(this.currentItem) : -1; } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement get selectedCount() { return this.selectedItems.length; } get itemChildren() { let children = Array.from(this.children).filter( node => node.localName == "richlistitem" ); return children; } set suppressOnSelect(val) { this.setAttribute("suppressonselect", val); } get suppressOnSelect() { return this.getAttribute("suppressonselect") == "true"; } set _selectDelay(val) { this.setAttribute("_selectDelay", val); } get _selectDelay() { return this.getAttribute("_selectDelay") || 50; } _fireOnSelect() { // make sure not to modify last-selected when suppressing select events // (otherwise we'll lose the selection when a template gets rebuilt) if (this._suppressOnSelect || this.suppressOnSelect) { return; } // remember the current item and all selected items with IDs var state = this.currentItem ? this.currentItem.id : ""; if (this.selType == "multiple" && this.selectedCount) { let getId = function getId(aItem) { return aItem.id; }; state += " " + [...this.selectedItems] .filter(getId) .map(getId) .join(" "); } if (state) { this.setAttribute("last-selected", state); } else { this.removeAttribute("last-selected"); } // preserve the index just in case no IDs are available if (this.currentIndex > -1) { this._currentIndex = this.currentIndex + 1; } var event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("select", true, true); this.dispatchEvent(event); // always call this (allows a commandupdater without controller) document.commandDispatcher.updateCommands("richlistbox-select"); } getNextItem(aStartItem, aDelta) { while (aStartItem) { aStartItem = aStartItem.nextSibling; if ( aStartItem && aStartItem.localName == "richlistitem" && (!this._userSelecting || this._canUserSelect(aStartItem)) ) { --aDelta; if (aDelta == 0) { return aStartItem; } } } return null; } getPreviousItem(aStartItem, aDelta) { while (aStartItem) { aStartItem = aStartItem.previousSibling; if ( aStartItem && aStartItem.localName == "richlistitem" && (!this._userSelecting || this._canUserSelect(aStartItem)) ) { --aDelta; if (aDelta == 0) { return aStartItem; } } } return null; } appendItem(aLabel, aValue) { var item = this.ownerDocument.createXULElement("richlistitem"); item.setAttribute("value", aValue); var label = this.ownerDocument.createXULElement("label"); label.setAttribute("value", aLabel); label.setAttribute("flex", "1"); label.setAttribute("crop", "end"); item.appendChild(label); this.appendChild(item); return item; } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement getIndexOfItem(aItem) { // don't search the children, if we're looking for none of them if (aItem == null) { return -1; } if (this._selecting && this._selecting.item == aItem) { return this._selecting.index; } return this.itemChildren.indexOf(aItem); } // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement getItemAtIndex(aIndex) { if (this._selecting && this._selecting.index == aIndex) { return this._selecting.item; } return this.itemChildren[aIndex] || null; } // nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement addItemToSelection(aItem) { if (this.selType != "multiple" && this.selectedCount) { return; } if (aItem.selected) { return; } this.selectedItems.append(aItem); aItem.selected = true; this._fireOnSelect(); } // nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement removeItemFromSelection(aItem) { if (!aItem.selected) { return; } this.selectedItems.remove(aItem); aItem.selected = false; this._fireOnSelect(); } // nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement toggleItemSelection(aItem) { if (aItem.selected) { this.removeItemFromSelection(aItem); } else { this.addItemToSelection(aItem); } } // nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement selectItem(aItem) { if (!aItem || aItem.disabled) { return; } if (this.selectedItems.length == 1 && this.selectedItems[0] == aItem) { return; } this._selectionStart = null; var suppress = this._suppressOnSelect; this._suppressOnSelect = true; this.clearSelection(); this.addItemToSelection(aItem); this.currentItem = aItem; this._suppressOnSelect = suppress; this._fireOnSelect(); } // nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement selectItemRange(aStartItem, aEndItem) { if (this.selType != "multiple") { return; } if (!aStartItem) { aStartItem = this._selectionStart ? this._selectionStart : this.currentItem; } if (!aStartItem) { aStartItem = aEndItem; } var suppressSelect = this._suppressOnSelect; this._suppressOnSelect = true; this._selectionStart = aStartItem; var currentItem; var startIndex = this.getIndexOfItem(aStartItem); var endIndex = this.getIndexOfItem(aEndItem); if (endIndex < startIndex) { currentItem = aEndItem; aEndItem = aStartItem; aStartItem = currentItem; } else { currentItem = aStartItem; } while (currentItem) { this.addItemToSelection(currentItem); if (currentItem == aEndItem) { currentItem = this.getNextItem(currentItem, 1); break; } currentItem = this.getNextItem(currentItem, 1); } // Clear around new selection // Don't use clearSelection() because it causes a lot of noise // with respect to selection removed notifications used by the // accessibility API support. var userSelecting = this._userSelecting; this._userSelecting = false; // that's US automatically unselecting for (; currentItem; currentItem = this.getNextItem(currentItem, 1)) { this.removeItemFromSelection(currentItem); } for ( currentItem = this.getItemAtIndex(0); currentItem != aStartItem; currentItem = this.getNextItem(currentItem, 1) ) { this.removeItemFromSelection(currentItem); } this._userSelecting = userSelecting; this._suppressOnSelect = suppressSelect; this._fireOnSelect(); } // nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement selectAll() { this._selectionStart = null; var suppress = this._suppressOnSelect; this._suppressOnSelect = true; var item = this.getItemAtIndex(0); while (item) { this.addItemToSelection(item); item = this.getNextItem(item, 1); } this._suppressOnSelect = suppress; this._fireOnSelect(); } // nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement clearSelection() { if (this.selectedItems) { while (this.selectedItems.length) { let item = this.selectedItems[0]; item.selected = false; this.selectedItems.remove(item); } } this._selectionStart = null; this._fireOnSelect(); } // nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement getSelectedItem(aIndex) { return aIndex < this.selectedItems.length ? this.selectedItems[aIndex] : null; } ensureIndexIsVisible(aIndex) { return this.ensureElementIsVisible(this.getItemAtIndex(aIndex)); } ensureElementIsVisible(aElement, aAlignToTop) { if (!aElement) { return; } // These calculations assume that there is no padding on the // "richlistbox" element, although there might be a margin. var targetRect = aElement.getBoundingClientRect(); var scrollRect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); var offset = targetRect.top - scrollRect.top; if (!aAlignToTop && offset >= 0) { // scrollRect.bottom wouldn't take a horizontal scroll bar into account let scrollRectBottom = scrollRect.top + this.clientHeight; offset = targetRect.bottom - scrollRectBottom; if (offset <= 0) { return; } } this.scrollTop += offset; } getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow() { var children = this.itemChildren; for (var ix = 0; ix < children.length; ix++) { if (this._isItemVisible(children[ix])) { return ix; } } return -1; } getRowCount() { return this.itemChildren.length; } scrollOnePage(aDirection) { var children = this.itemChildren; if (!children.length) { return 0; } // If nothing is selected, we just select the first element // at the extreme we're moving away from if (!this.currentItem) { return aDirection == -1 ? children.length : 0; } // If the current item is visible, scroll by one page so that // the new current item is at approximately the same position as // the existing current item. let height = this.getBoundingClientRect().height; if (this._isItemVisible(this.currentItem)) { this.scrollBy(0, height * aDirection); } // Figure out, how many items fully fit into the view port // (including the currently selected one), and determine // the index of the first one lying (partially) outside let currentItemRect = this.currentItem.getBoundingClientRect(); var startBorder = currentItemRect.y; if (aDirection == -1) { startBorder += currentItemRect.height; } var index = this.currentIndex; for (var ix = index; 0 <= ix && ix < children.length; ix += aDirection) { let childRect = children[ix].getBoundingClientRect(); if (childRect.height == 0) { continue; // hidden children have a y of 0 } var endBorder = childRect.y + (aDirection == -1 ? childRect.height : 0); if ((endBorder - startBorder) * aDirection > height) { break; // we've reached the desired distance } index = ix; } return index != this.currentIndex ? index - this.currentIndex : aDirection; } _refreshSelection() { // when this method is called, we know that either the currentItem // and selectedItems we have are null (ctor) or a reference to an // element no longer in the DOM (template). // first look for the last-selected attribute var state = this.getAttribute("last-selected"); if (state) { var ids = state.split(" "); var suppressSelect = this._suppressOnSelect; this._suppressOnSelect = true; this.clearSelection(); for (let i = 1; i < ids.length; i++) { var selectedItem = document.getElementById(ids[i]); if (selectedItem) { this.addItemToSelection(selectedItem); } } var currentItem = document.getElementById(ids[0]); if (!currentItem && this._currentIndex) { currentItem = this.getItemAtIndex( Math.min(this._currentIndex - 1, this.getRowCount()) ); } if (currentItem) { this.currentItem = currentItem; if (this.selType != "multiple" && this.selectedCount == 0) { this.selectedItem = currentItem; } if (this.getBoundingClientRect().height) { this.ensureElementIsVisible(currentItem); } else { // XXX hack around a bug in ensureElementIsVisible as it will // scroll beyond the last element, bug 493645. this.ensureElementIsVisible(currentItem.previousElementSibling); } } this._suppressOnSelect = suppressSelect; // XXX actually it's just a refresh, but at least // the Extensions manager expects this: this._fireOnSelect(); return; } // try to restore the selected items according to their IDs // (applies after a template rebuild, if last-selected was not set) if (this.selectedItems) { let itemIds = []; for (let i = this.selectedCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let selectedItem = this.selectedItems[i]; itemIds.push(selectedItem.id); this.selectedItems.remove(selectedItem); } for (let i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++) { let selectedItem = document.getElementById(itemIds[i]); if (selectedItem) { this.selectedItems.append(selectedItem); } } } if (this.currentItem && this.currentItem.id) { this.currentItem = document.getElementById(this.currentItem.id); } else { this.currentItem = null; } // if we have no previously current item or if the above check fails to // find the previous nodes (which causes it to clear selection) if (!this.currentItem && this.selectedCount == 0) { this.currentIndex = this._currentIndex ? this._currentIndex - 1 : 0; // cf. listbox constructor: // select items according to their attributes var children = this.itemChildren; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { if (children[i].getAttribute("selected") == "true") { this.selectedItems.append(children[i]); } } } if (this.selType != "multiple" && this.selectedCount == 0) { this.selectedItem = this.currentItem; } } _isItemVisible(aItem) { if (!aItem) { return false; } var y = this.getBoundingClientRect().y; // Partially visible items are also considered visible let itemRect = aItem.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( itemRect.y + itemRect.height > y && itemRect.y < y + this.clientHeight ); } moveByOffset(aOffset, aIsSelecting, aIsSelectingRange) { if ((aIsSelectingRange || !aIsSelecting) && this.selType != "multiple") { return; } var newIndex = this.currentIndex + aOffset; if (newIndex < 0) { newIndex = 0; } var numItems = this.getRowCount(); if (newIndex > numItems - 1) { newIndex = numItems - 1; } var newItem = this.getItemAtIndex(newIndex); // make sure that the item is actually visible/selectable if (this._userSelecting && newItem && !this._canUserSelect(newItem)) { newItem = aOffset > 0 ? this.getNextItem(newItem, 1) || this.getPreviousItem(newItem, 1) : this.getPreviousItem(newItem, 1) || this.getNextItem(newItem, 1); } if (newItem) { this.ensureIndexIsVisible(this.getIndexOfItem(newItem)); if (aIsSelectingRange) { this.selectItemRange(null, newItem); } else if (aIsSelecting) { this.selectItem(newItem); } this.currentItem = newItem; } } _moveByOffsetFromUserEvent(aOffset, aEvent) { if (!aEvent.defaultPrevented) { this._userSelecting = true; this.moveByOffset(aOffset, !aEvent.ctrlKey, aEvent.shiftKey); this._userSelecting = false; aEvent.preventDefault(); } } _canUserSelect(aItem) { var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(aItem); return ( style.display != "none" && style.visibility == "visible" && style.MozUserInput != "none" ); } _selectTimeoutHandler(aMe) { aMe._fireOnSelect(); aMe._selectTimeout = null; } timedSelect(aItem, aTimeout) { var suppress = this._suppressOnSelect; if (aTimeout != -1) { this._suppressOnSelect = true; } this.selectItem(aItem); this._suppressOnSelect = suppress; if (aTimeout != -1) { if (this._selectTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(this._selectTimeout); } this._selectTimeout = window.setTimeout( this._selectTimeoutHandler, aTimeout, this ); } } /** * For backwards-compatibility and for convenience. * Use ensureElementIsVisible instead */ ensureSelectedElementIsVisible() { return this.ensureElementIsVisible(this.selectedItem); } _fireEvent(aTarget, aName) { let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent(aName, true, true); aTarget.dispatchEvent(event); } }; MozXULElement.implementCustomInterface(MozElements.RichListBox, [ Ci.nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement, Ci.nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement, ]); customElements.define("richlistbox", MozElements.RichListBox); /** * XUL:richlistitem element. */ MozElements.MozRichlistitem = class MozRichlistitem extends MozElements.BaseText { constructor() { super(); this.selectedByMouseOver = false; /** * If there is no modifier key, we select on mousedown, not * click, so that drags work correctly. */ this.addEventListener("mousedown", event => { var control = this.control; if (!control || control.disabled) { return; } if ( (!event.ctrlKey || (AppConstants.platform == "macosx" && event.button == 2)) && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey ) { if (!this.selected) { control.selectItem(this); } control.currentItem = this; } }); /** * On a click (up+down on the same item), deselect everything * except this item. */ this.addEventListener("click", event => { if (event.button != 0) { return; } var control = this.control; if (!control || control.disabled) { return; } control._userSelecting = true; if (control.selType != "multiple") { control.selectItem(this); } else if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { control.toggleItemSelection(this); control.currentItem = this; } else if (event.shiftKey) { control.selectItemRange(null, this); control.currentItem = this; } else { /* We want to deselect all the selected items except what was clicked, UNLESS it was a right-click. We have to do this in click rather than mousedown so that you can drag a selected group of items */ // use selectItemRange instead of selectItem, because this // doesn't de- and reselect this item if it is selected control.selectItemRange(this, this); } control._userSelecting = false; }); } /** * nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement */ get label() { const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; return Array.from( this.getElementsByTagNameNS(XUL_NS, "label"), label => label.value ).join(" "); } set searchLabel(val) { if (val !== null) { this.setAttribute("searchlabel", val); } // fall back to the label property (default value) else { this.removeAttribute("searchlabel"); } return val; } get searchLabel() { return this.hasAttribute("searchlabel") ? this.getAttribute("searchlabel") : this.label; } /** * nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement */ set value(val) { this.setAttribute("value", val); return val; } get value() { return this.getAttribute("value"); } /** * nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement */ set selected(val) { if (val) { this.setAttribute("selected", "true"); } else { this.removeAttribute("selected"); } return val; } get selected() { return this.getAttribute("selected") == "true"; } /** * nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement */ get control() { var parent = this.parentNode; while (parent) { if (parent.localName == "richlistbox") { return parent; } parent = parent.parentNode; } return null; } set current(val) { if (val) { this.setAttribute("current", "true"); } else { this.removeAttribute("current"); } return val; } get current() { return this.getAttribute("current") == "true"; } }; MozXULElement.implementCustomInterface(MozElements.MozRichlistitem, [ Ci.nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement, ]); customElements.define("richlistitem", MozElements.MozRichlistitem); }