/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "crashreporter.h" #include #include #if defined(XP_LINUX) # include # include # include #elif defined(XP_MACOSX) # include #elif defined(XP_WIN) # include #endif #include "json/json.h" #include "CrashAnnotations.h" using std::string; namespace CrashReporter { struct UUID { uint32_t m0; uint16_t m1; uint16_t m2; uint8_t m3[8]; }; // Generates an UUID; the code here is mostly copied from nsUUIDGenerator.cpp static string GenerateUUID() { UUID id = {}; #if defined(XP_WIN) // Windows HRESULT hr = CoCreateGuid((GUID*)&id); if (FAILED(hr)) { return ""; } #elif defined(XP_MACOSX) // MacOS X CFUUIDRef uuid = CFUUIDCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault); if (!uuid) { return ""; } CFUUIDBytes bytes = CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(uuid); memcpy(&id, &bytes, sizeof(UUID)); CFRelease(uuid); #elif defined(HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_BUF) // Android, BSD, ... arc4random_buf(id, sizeof(UUID)); #else // Linux int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { return ""; } if (read(fd, &id, sizeof(UUID)) != sizeof(UUID)) { close(fd); return ""; } close(fd); #endif /* Put in the version */ id.m2 &= 0x0fff; id.m2 |= 0x4000; /* Put in the variant */ id.m3[0] &= 0x3f; id.m3[0] |= 0x80; const char* kUUIDFormatString = "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"; const size_t kUUIDFormatStringLength = 36; char str[kUUIDFormatStringLength + 1] = {'\0'}; int num = snprintf(str, kUUIDFormatStringLength + 1, kUUIDFormatString, id.m0, id.m1, id.m2, id.m3[0], id.m3[1], id.m3[2], id.m3[3], id.m3[4], id.m3[5], id.m3[6], id.m3[7]); if (num != kUUIDFormatStringLength) { return ""; } return str; } const char kISO8601Date[] = "%F"; const char kISO8601DateHours[] = "%FT%H:00:00.000Z"; // Return the current date as a string in the specified format, the following // constants are provided: // - kISO8601Date, the ISO 8601 date format, YYYY-MM-DD // - kISO8601DateHours, the ISO 8601 full date format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:00:00.000Z static string CurrentDate(string format) { time_t now; time(&now); char buf[64]; // This should be plenty strftime(buf, sizeof buf, format.c_str(), gmtime(&now)); return buf; } const char kTelemetryClientId[] = "TelemetryClientId"; const char kTelemetryUrl[] = "TelemetryServerURL"; const char kTelemetrySessionId[] = "TelemetrySessionId"; const int kTelemetryVersion = 4; // Create the payload.metadata node of the crash ping using fields extracted // from the .extra file static Json::Value CreateMetadataNode(const Json::Value& aExtra) { Json::Value node; for (Json::ValueConstIterator iter = aExtra.begin(); iter != aExtra.end(); ++iter) { Annotation annotation; if (AnnotationFromString(annotation, iter.memberName())) { if (IsAnnotationWhitelistedForPing(annotation)) { node[iter.memberName()] = *iter; } } } return node; } // Create the payload node of the crash ping static Json::Value CreatePayloadNode(const Json::Value& aExtra, const string& aHash, const string& aSessionId) { Json::Value payload; payload["sessionId"] = aSessionId; payload["version"] = 1; payload["crashDate"] = CurrentDate(kISO8601Date); payload["crashTime"] = CurrentDate(kISO8601DateHours); payload["hasCrashEnvironment"] = true; payload["crashId"] = GetDumpLocalID(); payload["minidumpSha256Hash"] = aHash; payload["processType"] = "main"; // This is always a main crash if (aExtra.isMember("StackTraces")) { payload["stackTraces"] = aExtra["StackTraces"]; } // Assemble the payload metadata payload["metadata"] = CreateMetadataNode(aExtra); return payload; } // Create the application node of the crash ping static Json::Value CreateApplicationNode( const string& aVendor, const string& aName, const string& aVersion, const string& aDisplayVersion, const string& aPlatformVersion, const string& aChannel, const string& aBuildId, const string& aArchitecture, const string& aXpcomAbi) { Json::Value application; application["vendor"] = aVendor; application["name"] = aName; application["buildId"] = aBuildId; application["displayVersion"] = aDisplayVersion; application["platformVersion"] = aPlatformVersion; application["version"] = aVersion; application["channel"] = aChannel; if (!aArchitecture.empty()) { application["architecture"] = aArchitecture; } if (!aXpcomAbi.empty()) { application["xpcomAbi"] = aXpcomAbi; } return application; } // Create the root node of the crash ping static Json::Value CreateRootNode( const Json::Value& aExtra, const string& aUuid, const string& aHash, const string& aClientId, const string& aSessionId, const string& aName, const string& aVersion, const string& aChannel, const string& aBuildId) { Json::Value root; root["type"] = "crash"; // This is a crash ping root["id"] = aUuid; root["version"] = kTelemetryVersion; root["creationDate"] = CurrentDate(kISO8601DateHours); root["clientId"] = aClientId; // Parse the telemetry environment Json::Value environment; Json::Reader reader; string architecture; string xpcomAbi; string displayVersion; string platformVersion; if (reader.parse(aExtra["TelemetryEnvironment"].asString(), environment, /* collectComments */ false)) { if (environment.isMember("build") && environment["build"].isObject()) { Json::Value build = environment["build"]; if (build.isMember("architecture") && build["architecture"].isString()) { architecture = build["architecture"].asString(); } if (build.isMember("xpcomAbi") && build["xpcomAbi"].isString()) { xpcomAbi = build["xpcomAbi"].asString(); } if (build.isMember("displayVersion") && build["displayVersion"].isString()) { displayVersion = build["displayVersion"].asString(); } if (build.isMember("platformVersion") && build["platformVersion"].isString()) { platformVersion = build["platformVersion"].asString(); } } root["environment"] = environment; } root["payload"] = CreatePayloadNode(aExtra, aHash, aSessionId); root["application"] = CreateApplicationNode( aExtra["Vendor"].asString(), aName, aVersion, displayVersion, platformVersion, aChannel, aBuildId, architecture, xpcomAbi); return root; } // Generates the URL used to submit the crash ping, see TelemetrySend.jsm string GenerateSubmissionUrl(const string& aUrl, const string& aId, const string& aName, const string& aVersion, const string& aChannel, const string& aBuildId) { return aUrl + "/submit/telemetry/" + aId + "/crash/" + aName + "/" + aVersion + "/" + aChannel + "/" + aBuildId + "?v=" + std::to_string(kTelemetryVersion); } // Write out the ping into the specified file. // // Returns true if the ping was written out successfully, false otherwise. static bool WritePing(const string& aPath, const string& aPing) { ofstream* f = UIOpenWrite(aPath, ios::trunc); bool success = false; if (f->is_open()) { *f << aPing; f->close(); success = f->good(); } delete f; return success; } // Assembles the crash ping using the JSON data extracted from the .extra file // and sends it using the crash sender. All the telemetry specific data but the // environment will be stripped from the annotations so that it won't be sent // together with the crash report. // // Note that the crash ping sender is invoked in a fire-and-forget way so this // won't block waiting for the ping to be delivered. // // Returns true if the ping was assembled and handed over to the pingsender // correctly, also populates the aPingUuid parameter with the ping UUID. Returns // false otherwise and leaves the aPingUuid parameter unmodified. bool SendCrashPing(Json::Value& aExtra, const string& aHash, string& aPingUuid, const string& pingDir) { // Remove the telemetry-related data from the crash annotations Json::Value value; if (!aExtra.removeMember(kTelemetryClientId, &value)) { return false; } string clientId = value.asString(); if (!aExtra.removeMember(kTelemetryUrl, &value)) { return false; } string serverUrl = value.asString(); if (!aExtra.removeMember(kTelemetrySessionId, &value)) { return false; } string sessionId = value.asString(); string buildId = aExtra["BuildID"].asString(); string channel = aExtra["ReleaseChannel"].asString(); string name = aExtra["ProductName"].asString(); string version = aExtra["Version"].asString(); string uuid = GenerateUUID(); string url = GenerateSubmissionUrl(serverUrl, uuid, name, version, channel, buildId); if (serverUrl.empty() || uuid.empty()) { return false; } Json::Value root = CreateRootNode(aExtra, uuid, aHash, clientId, sessionId, name, version, channel, buildId); // Write out the result to the pending pings directory Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder; builder["indentation"] = ""; string ping = Json::writeString(builder, root); string pingPath = pingDir + UI_DIR_SEPARATOR + uuid + ".json"; if (!WritePing(pingPath, ping)) { return false; } // Hand over the ping to the sender vector args = {url, pingPath}; if (UIRunProgram(GetProgramPath(UI_PING_SENDER_FILENAME), args)) { aPingUuid = uuid; return true; } else { return false; } } } // namespace CrashReporter