/* -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["BrowserUtils"]; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "PlacesUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm" ); // The maximum number of concurrently-loaded origins allowed in order to // qualify for the Fission rollout experiment. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "fissionExperimentMaxOrigins", "fission.experiment.max-origins.origin-cap", 30 ); // The length of the sliding window during which a user must stay below // the max origin cap. If the last time a user passed the max origin cap // fell outside of this window, they will requalify for the experiment. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "fissionExperimentSlidingWindowMS", "fission.experiment.max-origins.sliding-window-ms", 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ); // The pref holding the current qaualification state of the user. If // true, the user is currently qualified from the experiment. const FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_QUALIFIED = "fission.experiment.max-origins.qualified"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "fissionExperimentQualified", FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_QUALIFIED, false ); // The pref holding the timestamp of the last time we saw an origin // count below the cap while the user was not currently marked as // qualified. const FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_LAST_QUALIFIED = "fission.experiment.max-origins.last-qualified"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "fissionExperimentLastQualified", FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_LAST_QUALIFIED, 0 ); // The pref holding the timestamp of the last time we saw an origin // count exceeding the cap. const FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_LAST_DISQUALIFIED = "fission.experiment.max-origins.last-disqualified"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "fissionExperimentLastDisqualified", FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_LAST_DISQUALIFIED, 0 ); var BrowserUtils = { /** * Prints arguments separated by a space and appends a new line. */ dumpLn(...args) { for (let a of args) { dump(a + " "); } dump("\n"); }, /** * restartApplication: Restarts the application, keeping it in * safe mode if it is already in safe mode. */ restartApplication() { let cancelQuit = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsISupportsPRBool ); Services.obs.notifyObservers( cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested", "restart" ); if (cancelQuit.data) { // The quit request has been canceled. return false; } // if already in safe mode restart in safe mode if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) { Services.startup.restartInSafeMode( Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart ); return undefined; } Services.startup.quit( Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart ); return undefined; }, /** * Check whether a page can be considered as 'empty', that its URI * reflects its origin, and that if it's loaded in a tab, that tab * could be considered 'empty' (e.g. like the result of opening * a 'blank' new tab). * * We have to do more than just check the URI, because especially * for things like about:blank, it is possible that the opener or * some other page has control over the contents of the page. * * @param {Browser} browser * The browser whose page we're checking. * @param {nsIURI} [uri] * The URI against which we're checking (the browser's currentURI * if omitted). * * @return {boolean} false if the page was opened by or is controlled by * arbitrary web content, unless that content corresponds with the URI. * true if the page is blank and controlled by a principal matching * that URI (or the system principal if the principal has no URI) */ checkEmptyPageOrigin(browser, uri = browser.currentURI) { // If another page opened this page with e.g. window.open, this page might // be controlled by its opener. if (browser.hasContentOpener) { return false; } let contentPrincipal = browser.contentPrincipal; // Not all principals have URIs... // There are two special-cases involving about:blank. One is where // the user has manually loaded it and it got created with a null // principal. The other involves the case where we load // some other empty page in a browser and the current page is the // initial about:blank page (which has that as its principal, not // just URI in which case it could be web-based). Especially in // e10s, we need to tackle that case specifically to avoid race // conditions when updating the URL bar. // // Note that we check the documentURI here, since the currentURI on // the browser might have been set by SessionStore in order to // support switch-to-tab without having actually loaded the content // yet. let uriToCheck = browser.documentURI || uri; if ( (uriToCheck.spec == "about:blank" && contentPrincipal.isNullPrincipal) || contentPrincipal.spec == "about:blank" ) { return true; } if (contentPrincipal.isContentPrincipal) { return contentPrincipal.equalsURI(uri); } // ... so for those that don't have them, enforce that the page has the // system principal (this matches e.g. on about:newtab). return contentPrincipal.isSystemPrincipal; }, /** * urlSecurityCheck: JavaScript wrapper for checkLoadURIWithPrincipal * and checkLoadURIStrWithPrincipal. * If |aPrincipal| is not allowed to link to |aURL|, this function throws with * an error message. * * @param aURL * The URL a page has linked to. This could be passed either as a string * or as a nsIURI object. * @param aPrincipal * The principal of the document from which aURL came. * @param aFlags * Flags to be passed to checkLoadURIStr. If undefined, * nsIScriptSecurityManager.STANDARD will be passed. */ urlSecurityCheck(aURL, aPrincipal, aFlags) { var secMan = Services.scriptSecurityManager; if (aFlags === undefined) { aFlags = secMan.STANDARD; } try { if (aURL instanceof Ci.nsIURI) { secMan.checkLoadURIWithPrincipal(aPrincipal, aURL, aFlags); } else { secMan.checkLoadURIStrWithPrincipal(aPrincipal, aURL, aFlags); } } catch (e) { let principalStr = ""; try { principalStr = " from " + aPrincipal.spec; } catch (e2) {} throw new Error(`Load of ${aURL + principalStr} denied.`); } }, /** * Return or create a principal with the content of one, and the originAttributes * of an existing principal (e.g. on a docshell, where the originAttributes ought * not to change, that is, we should keep the userContextId, privateBrowsingId, * etc. the same when changing the principal). * * @param principal * The principal whose content/null/system-ness we want. * @param existingPrincipal * The principal whose originAttributes we want, usually the current * principal of a docshell. * @return an nsIPrincipal that matches the content/null/system-ness of the first * param, and the originAttributes of the second. */ principalWithMatchingOA(principal, existingPrincipal) { // Don't care about system principals: if (principal.isSystemPrincipal) { return principal; } // If the originAttributes already match, just return the principal as-is. if (existingPrincipal.originSuffix == principal.originSuffix) { return principal; } let secMan = Services.scriptSecurityManager; if (principal.isContentPrincipal) { return secMan.principalWithOA( principal, existingPrincipal.originAttributes ); } if (principal.isNullPrincipal) { return secMan.createNullPrincipal(existingPrincipal.originAttributes); } throw new Error( "Can't change the originAttributes of an expanded principal!" ); }, /** * Constructs a new URI, using nsIIOService. * @param aURL The URI spec. * @param aOriginCharset The charset of the URI. * @param aBaseURI Base URI to resolve aURL, or null. * @return an nsIURI object based on aURL. * * @deprecated Use Services.io.newURI directly instead. */ makeURI(aURL, aOriginCharset, aBaseURI) { return Services.io.newURI(aURL, aOriginCharset, aBaseURI); }, /** * @deprecated Use Services.io.newFileURI directly instead. */ makeFileURI(aFile) { return Services.io.newFileURI(aFile); }, /** * For a given DOM element, returns its position in "screen" * coordinates. In a content process, the coordinates returned will * be relative to the left/top of the tab. In the chrome process, * the coordinates are relative to the user's screen. */ getElementBoundingScreenRect(aElement) { return this.getElementBoundingRect(aElement, true); }, /** * For a given DOM element, returns its position as an offset from the topmost * window. In a content process, the coordinates returned will be relative to * the left/top of the topmost content area. If aInScreenCoords is true, * screen coordinates will be returned instead. */ getElementBoundingRect(aElement, aInScreenCoords) { let rect = aElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let win = aElement.ownerGlobal; let x = rect.left; let y = rect.top; // We need to compensate for any iframes that might shift things // over. We also need to compensate for zooming. let parentFrame = win.frameElement; while (parentFrame) { win = parentFrame.ownerGlobal; let cstyle = win.getComputedStyle(parentFrame); let framerect = parentFrame.getBoundingClientRect(); x += framerect.left + parseFloat(cstyle.borderLeftWidth) + parseFloat(cstyle.paddingLeft); y += framerect.top + parseFloat(cstyle.borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(cstyle.paddingTop); parentFrame = win.frameElement; } rect = { left: x, top: y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height, }; rect = win.windowUtils.transformRectLayoutToVisual( rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height ); if (aInScreenCoords) { rect = { left: rect.left + win.mozInnerScreenX, top: rect.top + win.mozInnerScreenY, width: rect.width, height: rect.height, }; } let fullZoom = win.windowUtils.fullZoom; rect = { left: rect.left * fullZoom, top: rect.top * fullZoom, width: rect.width * fullZoom, height: rect.height * fullZoom, }; return rect; }, onBeforeLinkTraversal(originalTarget, linkURI, linkNode, isAppTab) { // Don't modify non-default targets or targets that aren't in top-level app // tab docshells (isAppTab will be false for app tab subframes). if (originalTarget != "" || !isAppTab) { return originalTarget; } // External links from within app tabs should always open in new tabs // instead of replacing the app tab's page (Bug 575561) let linkHost; let docHost; try { linkHost = linkURI.host; docHost = linkNode.ownerDocument.documentURIObject.host; } catch (e) { // nsIURI.host can throw for non-nsStandardURL nsIURIs. // If we fail to get either host, just return originalTarget. return originalTarget; } if (docHost == linkHost) { return originalTarget; } // Special case: ignore "www" prefix if it is part of host string let [longHost, shortHost] = linkHost.length > docHost.length ? [linkHost, docHost] : [docHost, linkHost]; if (longHost == "www." + shortHost) { return originalTarget; } return "_blank"; }, /** * Map the plugin's name to a filtered version more suitable for UI. * * @param aName The full-length name string of the plugin. * @return the simplified name string. */ makeNicePluginName(aName) { if (aName == "Shockwave Flash") { return "Adobe Flash"; } // Regex checks if aName begins with "Java" + non-letter char if (/^Java\W/.exec(aName)) { return "Java"; } // Clean up the plugin name by stripping off parenthetical clauses, // trailing version numbers or "plugin". // EG, "Foo Bar (Linux) Plugin 1.23_02" --> "Foo Bar" // Do this by first stripping the numbers, etc. off the end, and then // removing "Plugin" (and then trimming to get rid of any whitespace). // (Otherwise, something like "Java(TM) Plug-in 1.7.0_07" gets mangled) let newName = aName .replace(/\(.*?\)/g, "") .replace(/[\s\d\.\-\_\(\)]+$/, "") .replace(/\bplug-?in\b/i, "") .trim(); return newName; }, /** * Returns true if |mimeType| is text-based, or false otherwise. * * @param mimeType * The MIME type to check. */ mimeTypeIsTextBased(mimeType) { return ( mimeType.startsWith("text/") || mimeType.endsWith("+xml") || mimeType == "application/x-javascript" || mimeType == "application/javascript" || mimeType == "application/json" || mimeType == "application/xml" ); }, /** * Returns true if we can show a find bar, including FAYT, for the specified * document location. The location must not be in a blacklist of specific * "about:" pages for which find is disabled. * * This can be called from the parent process or from content processes. */ canFindInPage(location) { return ( !location.startsWith("about:addons") && !location.startsWith( "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/aboutaddons.html" ) && !location.startsWith("about:preferences") ); }, _visibleToolbarsMap: new WeakMap(), /** * Return true if any or a specific toolbar that interacts with the content * document is visible. * * @param {nsIDocShell} docShell The docShell instance that a toolbar should * be interacting with * @param {String} which Identifier of a specific toolbar * @return {Boolean} */ isToolbarVisible(docShell, which) { let window = this.getRootWindow(docShell); if (!this._visibleToolbarsMap.has(window)) { return false; } let toolbars = this._visibleToolbarsMap.get(window); return !!toolbars && toolbars.has(which); }, /** * Sets the --toolbarbutton-button-height CSS property on the closest * toolbar to the provided element. Useful if you need to vertically * center a position:absolute element within a toolbar that uses * -moz-pack-align:stretch, and thus a height which is dependant on * the font-size. * * @param element An element within the toolbar whose height is desired. */ async setToolbarButtonHeightProperty(element) { let window = element.ownerGlobal; let dwu = window.windowUtils; let toolbarItem = element; let urlBarContainer = element.closest("#urlbar-container"); if (urlBarContainer) { // The stop-reload-button, which is contained in #urlbar-container, // needs to use #urlbar-container to calculate the bounds. toolbarItem = urlBarContainer; } if (!toolbarItem) { return; } let bounds = dwu.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(toolbarItem); if (!bounds.height) { await window.promiseDocumentFlushed(() => { bounds = dwu.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(toolbarItem); }); } if (bounds.height) { toolbarItem.style.setProperty( "--toolbarbutton-height", bounds.height + "px" ); } }, /** * Track whether a toolbar is visible for a given a docShell. * * @param {nsIDocShell} docShell The docShell instance that a toolbar should * be interacting with * @param {String} which Identifier of a specific toolbar * @param {Boolean} [visible] Whether the toolbar is visible. Optional, * defaults to `true`. */ trackToolbarVisibility(docShell, which, visible = true) { // We have to get the root window object, because XPConnect WrappedNatives // can't be used as WeakMap keys. let window = this.getRootWindow(docShell); let toolbars = this._visibleToolbarsMap.get(window); if (!toolbars) { toolbars = new Set(); this._visibleToolbarsMap.set(window, toolbars); } if (!visible) { toolbars.delete(which); } else { toolbars.add(which); } }, /** * Retrieve the root window object (i.e. the top-most content global) for a * specific docShell object. * * @param {nsIDocShell} docShell * @return {nsIDOMWindow} */ getRootWindow(docShell) { return docShell.browsingContext.top.window; }, /** * Trim the selection text to a reasonable size and sanitize it to make it * safe for search query input. * * @param aSelection * The selection text to trim. * @param aMaxLen * The maximum string length, defaults to a reasonable size if undefined. * @return The trimmed selection text. */ trimSelection(aSelection, aMaxLen) { // Selections of more than 150 characters aren't useful. const maxLen = Math.min(aMaxLen || 150, aSelection.length); if (aSelection.length > maxLen) { // only use the first maxLen important chars. see bug 221361 let pattern = new RegExp("^(?:\\s*.){0," + maxLen + "}"); pattern.test(aSelection); aSelection = RegExp.lastMatch; } aSelection = aSelection.trim().replace(/\s+/g, " "); if (aSelection.length > maxLen) { aSelection = aSelection.substr(0, maxLen); } return aSelection; }, /** * Retrieve the text selection details for the given window. * * @param aTopWindow * The top window of the element containing the selection. * @param aCharLen * The maximum string length for the selection text. * @return The selection details containing the full and trimmed selection text * and link details for link selections. */ getSelectionDetails(aTopWindow, aCharLen) { let focusedWindow = {}; let focusedElement = Services.focus.getFocusedElementForWindow( aTopWindow, true, focusedWindow ); focusedWindow = focusedWindow.value; let selection = focusedWindow.getSelection(); let selectionStr = selection.toString(); let fullText; let url; let linkText; let isDocumentLevelSelection = true; // try getting a selected text in text input. if (!selectionStr && focusedElement) { // Don't get the selection for password fields. See bug 565717. if ( ChromeUtils.getClassName(focusedElement) === "HTMLTextAreaElement" || (ChromeUtils.getClassName(focusedElement) === "HTMLInputElement" && focusedElement.mozIsTextField(true)) ) { selection = focusedElement.editor.selection; selectionStr = selection.toString(); isDocumentLevelSelection = false; } } let collapsed = selection.isCollapsed; if (selectionStr) { // Have some text, let's figure out if it looks like a URL that isn't // actually a link. linkText = selectionStr.trim(); if (/^(?:https?|ftp):/i.test(linkText)) { try { url = this.makeURI(linkText); } catch (ex) {} } else if (/^(?:[a-z\d-]+\.)+[a-z]+$/i.test(linkText)) { // Check if this could be a valid url, just missing the protocol. // Now let's see if this is an intentional link selection. Our guess is // based on whether the selection begins/ends with whitespace or is // preceded/followed by a non-word character. // selection.toString() trims trailing whitespace, so we look for // that explicitly in the first and last ranges. let beginRange = selection.getRangeAt(0); let delimitedAtStart = /^\s/.test(beginRange); if (!delimitedAtStart) { let container = beginRange.startContainer; let offset = beginRange.startOffset; if (container.nodeType == container.TEXT_NODE && offset > 0) { delimitedAtStart = /\W/.test(container.textContent[offset - 1]); } else { delimitedAtStart = true; } } let delimitedAtEnd = false; if (delimitedAtStart) { let endRange = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1); delimitedAtEnd = /\s$/.test(endRange); if (!delimitedAtEnd) { let container = endRange.endContainer; let offset = endRange.endOffset; if ( container.nodeType == container.TEXT_NODE && offset < container.textContent.length ) { delimitedAtEnd = /\W/.test(container.textContent[offset]); } else { delimitedAtEnd = true; } } } if (delimitedAtStart && delimitedAtEnd) { try { url = Services.uriFixup.getFixupURIInfo(linkText).preferredURI; } catch (ex) {} } } } if (selectionStr) { // Pass up to 16K through unmolested. If an add-on needs more, they will // have to use a content script. fullText = selectionStr.substr(0, 16384); selectionStr = this.trimSelection(selectionStr, aCharLen); } if (url && !url.host) { url = null; } return { text: selectionStr, docSelectionIsCollapsed: collapsed, isDocumentLevelSelection, fullText, linkURL: url ? url.spec : null, linkText: url ? linkText : "", }; }, /** * Replaces %s or %S in the provided url or postData with the given parameter, * acccording to the best charset for the given url. * * @return [url, postData] * @throws if nor url nor postData accept a param, but a param was provided. */ async parseUrlAndPostData(url, postData, param) { let hasGETParam = /%s/i.test(url); let decodedPostData = postData ? unescape(postData) : ""; let hasPOSTParam = /%s/i.test(decodedPostData); if (!hasGETParam && !hasPOSTParam) { if (param) { // If nor the url, nor postData contain parameters, but a parameter was // provided, return the original input. throw new Error( "A param was provided but there's nothing to bind it to" ); } return [url, postData]; } let charset = ""; const re = /^(.*)\&mozcharset=([a-zA-Z][_\-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*$/; let matches = url.match(re); if (matches) { [, url, charset] = matches; } else { // Try to fetch a charset from History. try { // Will return an empty string if character-set is not found. let pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(url, { includeAnnotations: true, }); if (pageInfo && pageInfo.annotations.has(PlacesUtils.CHARSET_ANNO)) { charset = pageInfo.annotations.get(PlacesUtils.CHARSET_ANNO); } } catch (ex) { // makeURI() throws if url is invalid. Cu.reportError(ex); } } // encodeURIComponent produces UTF-8, and cannot be used for other charsets. // escape() works in those cases, but it doesn't uri-encode +, @, and /. // Therefore we need to manually replace these ASCII characters by their // encodeURIComponent result, to match the behavior of nsEscape() with // url_XPAlphas. let encodedParam = ""; if (charset && charset != "UTF-8") { try { let converter = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter); converter.charset = charset; encodedParam = converter.ConvertFromUnicode(param) + converter.Finish(); } catch (ex) { encodedParam = param; } encodedParam = escape(encodedParam).replace( /[+@\/]+/g, encodeURIComponent ); } else { // Default charset is UTF-8 encodedParam = encodeURIComponent(param); } url = url.replace(/%s/g, encodedParam).replace(/%S/g, param); if (hasPOSTParam) { postData = decodedPostData .replace(/%s/g, encodedParam) .replace(/%S/g, param); } return [url, postData]; }, /** * Generate a document fragment for a localized string that has DOM * node replacements. This avoids using getFormattedString followed * by assigning to innerHTML. Fluent can probably replace this when * it is in use everywhere. * * @param {Document} doc * @param {String} msg * The string to put replacements in. Fetch from * a stringbundle using getString or GetStringFromName, * or even an inserted dtd string. * @param {Node|String} nodesOrStrings * The replacement items. Can be a mix of Nodes * and Strings. However, for correct behaviour, the * number of items provided needs to exactly match * the number of replacement strings in the l10n string. * @returns {DocumentFragment} * A document fragment. In the trivial case (no * replacements), this will simply be a fragment with 1 * child, a text node containing the localized string. */ getLocalizedFragment(doc, msg, ...nodesOrStrings) { // Ensure replacement points are indexed: for (let i = 1; i <= nodesOrStrings.length; i++) { if (!msg.includes("%" + i + "$S")) { msg = msg.replace(/%S/, "%" + i + "$S"); } } let numberOfInsertionPoints = msg.match(/%\d+\$S/g).length; if (numberOfInsertionPoints != nodesOrStrings.length) { Cu.reportError( `Message has ${numberOfInsertionPoints} insertion points, ` + `but got ${nodesOrStrings.length} replacement parameters!` ); } let fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); let parts = [msg]; let insertionPoint = 1; for (let replacement of nodesOrStrings) { let insertionString = "%" + insertionPoint++ + "$S"; let partIndex = parts.findIndex( part => typeof part == "string" && part.includes(insertionString) ); if (partIndex == -1) { fragment.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(msg)); return fragment; } if (typeof replacement == "string") { parts[partIndex] = parts[partIndex].replace( insertionString, replacement ); } else { let [firstBit, lastBit] = parts[partIndex].split(insertionString); parts.splice(partIndex, 1, firstBit, replacement, lastBit); } } // Put everything in a document fragment: for (let part of parts) { if (typeof part == "string") { if (part) { fragment.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(part)); } } else { fragment.appendChild(part); } } return fragment; }, /** * Returns a Promise which resolves when the given observer topic has been * observed. * * @param {string} topic * The topic to observe. * @param {function(nsISupports, string)} [test] * An optional test function which, when called with the * observer's subject and data, should return true if this is the * expected notification, false otherwise. * @returns {Promise} */ promiseObserved(topic, test = () => true) { return new Promise(resolve => { let observer = (subject, topic, data) => { if (test(subject, data)) { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic); resolve({ subject, data }); } }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, topic); }); }, removeSingleTrailingSlashFromURL(aURL) { // remove single trailing slash for http/https/ftp URLs return aURL.replace(/^((?:http|https|ftp):\/\/[^/]+)\/$/, "$1"); }, /** * Returns a URL which has been trimmed by removing 'http://' and any * trailing slash (in http/https/ftp urls). * Note that a trimmed url may not load the same page as the original url, so * before loading it, it must be passed through URIFixup, to check trimming * doesn't change its destination. We don't run the URIFixup check here, * because trimURL is in the page load path (see onLocationChange), so it * must be fast and simple. * * @param {string} aURL The URL to trim. * @returns {string} The trimmed string. */ get trimURLProtocol() { return "http://"; }, trimURL(aURL) { let url = this.removeSingleTrailingSlashFromURL(aURL); // Remove "http://" prefix. return url.startsWith(this.trimURLProtocol) ? url.substring(this.trimURLProtocol.length) : url; }, recordSiteOriginTelemetry(aWindows, aIsGeckoView) { Services.tm.idleDispatchToMainThread(() => { this._recordSiteOriginTelemetry(aWindows, aIsGeckoView); }); }, computeSiteOriginCount(aWindows, aIsGeckoView) { // Geckoview and Desktop work differently. On desktop, aBrowser objects // holds an array of tabs which we can use to get the objects. // In Geckoview, it is apps' responsibility to keep track of the tabs, so // there isn't an easy way for us to get the tabs. let tabs = []; if (aIsGeckoView) { // To get all active windows; Each tab has its own window tabs = aWindows; } else { for (const win of aWindows) { tabs = tabs.concat(win.gBrowser.tabs); } } let topLevelBCs = []; for (const tab of tabs) { let browser; if (aIsGeckoView) { browser = tab.browser; } else { browser = tab.linkedBrowser; } if (browser.browsingContext) { // This is the top level browsingContext topLevelBCs.push(browser.browsingContext); } } return CanonicalBrowsingContext.countSiteOrigins(topLevelBCs); }, _recordSiteOriginTelemetry(aWindows, aIsGeckoView) { let currentTime = Date.now(); // default is 5 minutes if (!this.min_interval) { this.min_interval = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "telemetry.number_of_site_origin.min_interval", 300000 ); } let originCount = this.computeSiteOriginCount(aWindows, aIsGeckoView); let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( "FX_NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_SITE_ORIGINS_ALL_TABS" ); // Discard the first load because most of the time the first load only has 1 // tab and 1 window open, so it is useless to report it. if (!this._lastRecordSiteOrigin) { this._lastRecordSiteOrigin = currentTime; } else if (currentTime >= this._lastRecordSiteOrigin + this.min_interval) { this._lastRecordSiteOrigin = currentTime; histogram.add(originCount); } // Update the Fission experiment qualification state based on the // current origin count: // If we don't already have a last disqualification timestamp, look // through the existing histogram values, and use the existing // maximum value as the initial count. This will prevent us from // enrolling users in the experiment if they have a history of // exceeding our origin cap. if (!this._checkedInitialExperimentQualification) { this._checkedInitialExperimentQualification = true; if ( !Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue( FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_LAST_DISQUALIFIED ) ) { for (let [bucketStr, entryCount] of Object.entries( histogram.snapshot().values )) { let bucket = Number(bucketStr); if (bucket > originCount && entryCount > 0) { originCount = bucket; } } Services.prefs.setIntPref(FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_LAST_DISQUALIFIED, 0); } } let currentTimeSec = currentTime / 1000; if (originCount < fissionExperimentMaxOrigins) { let lastDisqualified = fissionExperimentLastDisqualified; let lastQualified = fissionExperimentLastQualified; // If the last time we saw a qualifying origin count was earlier // than the last time we say a disqualifying count, update any // existing last disqualified timestamp to just before now, on the // basis that our origin count has probably just fallen below the // cap. if (lastDisqualified > 0 && lastQualified <= lastDisqualified) { Services.prefs.setIntPref( FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_LAST_DISQUALIFIED, currentTimeSec - 1 ); } if (!fissionExperimentQualified) { Services.prefs.setIntPref( FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_LAST_QUALIFIED, currentTimeSec ); // We have a qualifying origin count now. If the last time we were // disqualified was prior to the start of our current sliding // window, re-qualify the user. if ( currentTimeSec - lastDisqualified >= fissionExperimentSlidingWindowMS / 1000 ) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_QUALIFIED, true); } } } else { Services.prefs.setIntPref( FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_LAST_DISQUALIFIED, currentTimeSec ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(FISSION_EXPERIMENT_PREF_QUALIFIED, false); } }, /** * Converts a property bag to object. * @param {nsIPropertyBag} bag - The property bag to convert * @returns {Object} - The object representation of the nsIPropertyBag */ propBagToObject(bag) { function toValue(property) { if (typeof property != "object") { return property; } if (Array.isArray(property)) { return property.map(this.toValue, this); } if (property && property instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag) { return this.propBagToObject(property); } return property; } if (!(bag instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag)) { throw new TypeError("Not a property bag"); } let result = {}; for (let { name, value: property } of bag.enumerator) { let value = toValue(property); result[name] = value; } return result; }, /** * Converts an object to a property bag. * @param {Object} obj - The object to convert. * @returns {nsIPropertyBag} - The property bag representation of the object. */ objectToPropBag(obj) { function fromValue(value) { if (typeof value == "function") { return null; // Emulating the behavior of JSON.stringify with functions } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value.map(this.fromValue, this); } if (value == null || typeof value != "object") { // Auto-converted to nsIVariant return value; } return this.objectToPropBag(value); } if (obj == null || typeof obj != "object") { throw new TypeError("Invalid object: " + obj); } let bag = Cc["@mozilla.org/hash-property-bag;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag ); for (let k of Object.keys(obj)) { let value = fromValue(obj[k]); bag.setProperty(k, value); } return bag; }, }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( BrowserUtils, "navigationRequireUserInteraction", "browser.navigation.requireUserInteraction", false );