// -*- Mode: js; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; js2-skip-preprocessor-directives: t; -*- /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SimpleServiceDiscovery"]; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { setTimeout } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm"); var log = Cu.reportError; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["XMLHttpRequest"]); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "converter", function() { let conv = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].createInstance( Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter ); conv.charset = "utf8"; return conv; }); // Spec information: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cai-ssdp-v1-03 // http://www.dial-multiscreen.org/dial-protocol-specification const SSDP_PORT = 1900; const SSDP_ADDRESS = ""; const SSDP_DISCOVER_PACKET = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "HOST: " + SSDP_ADDRESS + ":" + SSDP_PORT + "\r\n" + 'MAN: "ssdp:discover"\r\n' + "MX: 2\r\n" + "ST: %SEARCH_TARGET%\r\n\r\n"; const SSDP_DISCOVER_ATTEMPTS = 3; const SSDP_DISCOVER_DELAY = 500; const SSDP_DISCOVER_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER = 2; const SSDP_TRANSMISSION_INTERVAL = 1000; const EVENT_SERVICE_FOUND = "ssdp-service-found"; const EVENT_SERVICE_LOST = "ssdp-service-lost"; /* * SimpleServiceDiscovery manages any discovered SSDP services. It uses a UDP * broadcast to locate available services on the local network. */ var SimpleServiceDiscovery = { get EVENT_SERVICE_FOUND() { return EVENT_SERVICE_FOUND; }, get EVENT_SERVICE_LOST() { return EVENT_SERVICE_LOST; }, _devices: new Map(), _services: new Map(), _searchSocket: null, _searchInterval: 0, _searchTimestamp: 0, _searchTimeout: Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer), _searchRepeat: Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer), _discoveryMethods: [], _forceTrailingSlash(aURL) { // Cleanup the URL to make it consistent across devices try { aURL = Services.io.newURI(aURL).spec; } catch (e) {} return aURL; }, // nsIUDPSocketListener implementation onPacketReceived(aSocket, aMessage) { // Listen for responses from specific devices. There could be more than one // available. let response = aMessage.data.split("\n"); let service = {}; response.forEach(function(row) { let name = row.toUpperCase(); if (name.startsWith("LOCATION")) { service.location = row.substr(10).trim(); } else if (name.startsWith("ST")) { service.target = row.substr(4).trim(); } }); if (service.location && service.target) { service.location = this._forceTrailingSlash(service.location); // When we find a valid response, package up the service information // and pass it on. try { this._processService(service); } catch (e) {} } }, onStopListening(aSocket, aStatus) { // This is fired when the socket is closed expectedly or unexpectedly. // nsITimer.cancel() is a no-op if the timer is not active. this._searchTimeout.cancel(); this._searchSocket = null; }, // Start a search. Make it continuous by passing an interval (in milliseconds). // This will stop a current search loop because the timer resets itself. // Returns the existing search interval. search: function search(aInterval) { let existingSearchInterval = this._searchInterval; if (aInterval > 0) { this._searchInterval = aInterval || 0; this._searchRepeat.initWithCallback( this._search.bind(this), this._searchInterval, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK ); } this._search(); return existingSearchInterval; }, // Stop the current continuous search stopSearch: function stopSearch() { this._searchRepeat.cancel(); }, _usingLAN() { let network = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/network-link-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsINetworkLinkService ); return ( network.linkType == Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.LINK_TYPE_WIFI || network.linkType == Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET || network.linkType == Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.LINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN ); }, _search: function _search() { // If a search is already active, shut it down. this._searchShutdown(); // We only search if on local network if (!this._usingLAN()) { return; } // Update the timestamp so we can use it to clean out stale services the // next time we search. this._searchTimestamp = Date.now(); // Look for any fixed IP devices. Some routers might be configured to block // UDP broadcasts, so this is a way to skip discovery. this._searchFixedDevices(); // Look for any devices via registered external discovery mechanism. this._startExternalDiscovery(); // Perform a UDP broadcast to search for SSDP devices let socket = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/udp-socket;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIUDPSocket ); try { socket.init( SSDP_PORT, false, Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal() ); socket.joinMulticast(SSDP_ADDRESS); socket.asyncListen(this); } catch (e) { // We were unable to create the broadcast socket. Just return, but don't // kill the interval timer. This might work next time. log("failed to start socket: " + e); return; } // Make the timeout SSDP_DISCOVER_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER times as long as the time needed to send out the discovery packets. const SSDP_DISCOVER_TIMEOUT = this._devices.size * SSDP_DISCOVER_ATTEMPTS * SSDP_TRANSMISSION_INTERVAL * SSDP_DISCOVER_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER; this._searchSocket = socket; this._searchTimeout.initWithCallback( this._searchShutdown.bind(this), SSDP_DISCOVER_TIMEOUT, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT ); let data = SSDP_DISCOVER_PACKET; // Send discovery packets out at 1 per SSDP_TRANSMISSION_INTERVAL and send each SSDP_DISCOVER_ATTEMPTS times // to allow for packet loss on noisy networks. let timeout = SSDP_DISCOVER_DELAY; for (let attempts = 0; attempts < SSDP_DISCOVER_ATTEMPTS; attempts++) { for (let [, /* key */ device] of this._devices) { let target = device.target; setTimeout(function() { let msgData = data.replace("%SEARCH_TARGET%", target); try { let msgRaw = converter.convertToByteArray(msgData); socket.send(SSDP_ADDRESS, SSDP_PORT, msgRaw); } catch (e) { log("failed to convert to byte array: " + e); } }, timeout); timeout += SSDP_TRANSMISSION_INTERVAL; } } }, _searchFixedDevices: function _searchFixedDevices() { let fixedDevices = Services.prefs.getCharPref( "browser.casting.fixedDevices", "" ); if (!fixedDevices) { return; } fixedDevices = JSON.parse(fixedDevices); for (let fixedDevice of fixedDevices) { // Verify we have the right data if (!("location" in fixedDevice) || !("target" in fixedDevice)) { continue; } fixedDevice.location = this._forceTrailingSlash(fixedDevice.location); let service = { location: fixedDevice.location, target: fixedDevice.target, }; // We don't assume the fixed target is ready. We still need to ping it. try { this._processService(service); } catch (e) {} } }, // Called when the search timeout is hit. We use it to cleanup the socket and // perform some post-processing on the services list. _searchShutdown: function _searchShutdown() { if (this._searchSocket) { // This will call onStopListening. this._searchSocket.close(); // Clean out any stale services for (let [, /* key */ service] of this._services) { if (service.lastPing != this._searchTimestamp) { this.removeService(service.uuid); } } } this._stopExternalDiscovery(); }, getSupportedExtensions() { let extensions = []; this.services.forEach(function(service) { extensions = extensions.concat(service.extensions); }, this); return extensions.filter(function(extension, pos) { return extensions.indexOf(extension) == pos; }); }, getSupportedMimeTypes() { let types = []; this.services.forEach(function(service) { types = types.concat(service.types); }, this); return types.filter(function(type, pos) { return types.indexOf(type) == pos; }); }, registerDevice: function registerDevice(aDevice) { // We must have "id", "target" and "factory" defined if ( !("id" in aDevice) || !("target" in aDevice) || !("factory" in aDevice) ) { // Fatal for registration throw new Error("Registration requires an id, a target and a location"); } // Only add if we don't already know about this device if (!this._devices.has(aDevice.id)) { this._devices.set(aDevice.id, aDevice); } else { log("device was already registered: " + aDevice.id); } }, unregisterDevice: function unregisterDevice(aDevice) { // We must have "id", "target" and "factory" defined if ( !("id" in aDevice) || !("target" in aDevice) || !("factory" in aDevice) ) { return; } // Only remove if we know about this device if (this._devices.has(aDevice.id)) { this._devices.delete(aDevice.id); } else { log("device was not registered: " + aDevice.id); } }, findAppForService: function findAppForService(aService) { if (!aService || !aService.deviceID) { return null; } // Find the registration for the device if (this._devices.has(aService.deviceID)) { return this._devices.get(aService.deviceID).factory(aService); } return null; }, findServiceForID: function findServiceForID(aUUID) { if (this._services.has(aUUID)) { return this._services.get(aUUID); } return null; }, // Returns an array copy of the active services get services() { let array = []; for (let [, /* key */ service] of this._services) { let target = this._devices.get(service.deviceID); service.extensions = target.extensions; service.types = target.types; array.push(service); } return array; }, // Returns false if the service does not match the device's filters _filterService: function _filterService(aService) { // Loop over all the devices, looking for one that matches the service for (let [, /* key */ device] of this._devices) { // First level of match is on the target itself if (device.target != aService.target) { continue; } // If we have no filter, everything passes if (!("filters" in device)) { aService.deviceID = device.id; return true; } // If all the filters pass, we have a match let failed = false; let filters = device.filters; for (let filter in filters) { if (filter in aService && aService[filter] != filters[filter]) { failed = true; } } // We found a match, so link the service to the device if (!failed) { aService.deviceID = device.id; return true; } } // We didn't find any matches return false; }, _processService: function _processService(aService) { // Use the REST api to request more information about this service let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", aService.location, true); xhr.channel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.INHIBIT_CACHING; xhr.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); xhr.addEventListener("load", () => { if (xhr.status == 200) { let doc = xhr.responseXML; aService.appsURL = xhr.getResponseHeader("Application-URL"); if (aService.appsURL && !aService.appsURL.endsWith("/")) { aService.appsURL += "/"; } aService.friendlyName = doc.querySelector("friendlyName").textContent; aService.uuid = doc.querySelector("UDN").textContent; aService.manufacturer = doc.querySelector("manufacturer").textContent; aService.modelName = doc.querySelector("modelName").textContent; this.addService(aService); } }); xhr.send(null); }, // Add a service to the WeakMap, even if one already exists with this id. // Returns true if this succeeded or false if it failed _addService(service) { // Filter out services that do not match the device filter if (!this._filterService(service)) { return false; } let device = this._devices.get(service.target); if (device && device.mirror) { service.mirror = true; } this._services.set(service.uuid, service); return true; }, addService(service) { // Only add and notify if we don't already know about this service if (!this._services.has(service.uuid)) { if (!this._addService(service)) { return; } Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, EVENT_SERVICE_FOUND, service.uuid); } // Make sure we remember this service is not stale this._services.get(service.uuid).lastPing = this._searchTimestamp; }, removeService(uuid) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, EVENT_SERVICE_LOST, uuid); this._services.delete(uuid); }, updateService(service) { if (!this._addService(service)) { return; } // Make sure we remember this service is not stale this._services.get(service.uuid).lastPing = this._searchTimestamp; }, addExternalDiscovery(discovery) { this._discoveryMethods.push(discovery); }, _startExternalDiscovery() { for (let discovery of this._discoveryMethods) { discovery.startDiscovery(); } }, _stopExternalDiscovery() { for (let discovery of this._discoveryMethods) { discovery.stopDiscovery(); } }, };