/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = []; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { AddonManager, AddonManagerPrivate } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm" ); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { Log } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); // These symbols are, unfortunately, accessed via the module global from // tests, and therefore cannot be lexical definitions. var { GMPPrefs, GMPUtils, OPEN_H264_ID, WIDEVINE_ID } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/GMPUtils.jsm" ); const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "GMPInstallManager", "resource://gre/modules/GMPInstallManager.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "setTimeout", "resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm" ); const URI_EXTENSION_STRINGS = "chrome://mozapps/locale/extensions/extensions.properties"; const SEC_IN_A_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60; // How long to wait after a user enabled EME before attempting to download CDMs. const GMP_CHECK_DELAY = 10 * 1000; // milliseconds const XHTML = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; const NS_GRE_DIR = "GreD"; const CLEARKEY_PLUGIN_ID = "gmp-clearkey"; const CLEARKEY_VERSION = "0.1"; const FIRST_CONTENT_PROCESS_TOPIC = "ipc:first-content-process-created"; const GMP_LICENSE_INFO = "gmp_license_info"; const GMP_PRIVACY_INFO = "gmp_privacy_info"; const GMP_LEARN_MORE = "learn_more_label"; const GMP_PLUGINS = [ { id: OPEN_H264_ID, name: "openH264_name", description: "openH264_description2", // The following licenseURL is part of an awful hack to include the OpenH264 // license without having bug 624602 fixed yet, and intentionally ignores // localisation. licenseURL: "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/OpenH264-license.txt", homepageURL: "https://www.openh264.org/", }, { id: WIDEVINE_ID, name: "widevine_description", // Describe the purpose of both CDMs in the same way. description: "cdm_description2", licenseURL: "https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/", homepageURL: "https://www.widevine.com/", isEME: true, }, ]; XPCOMUtils.defineConstant(this, "GMP_PLUGINS", GMP_PLUGINS); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "pluginsBundle", () => Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/plugins.properties") ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gmpService", () => Cc["@mozilla.org/gecko-media-plugin-service;1"].getService( Ci.mozIGeckoMediaPluginChromeService ) ); var gLogger; var gLogAppenderDump = null; function configureLogging() { if (!gLogger) { gLogger = Log.repository.getLogger("Toolkit.GMP"); gLogger.addAppender(new Log.ConsoleAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter())); } gLogger.level = GMPPrefs.getInt(GMPPrefs.KEY_LOGGING_LEVEL, Log.Level.Warn); let logDumping = GMPPrefs.getBool(GMPPrefs.KEY_LOGGING_DUMP, false); if (logDumping != !!gLogAppenderDump) { if (logDumping) { gLogAppenderDump = new Log.DumpAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter()); gLogger.addAppender(gLogAppenderDump); } else { gLogger.removeAppender(gLogAppenderDump); gLogAppenderDump = null; } } } /** * The GMPWrapper provides the info for the various GMP plugins to public * callers through the API. */ function GMPWrapper(aPluginInfo, aRawPluginInfo) { this._plugin = aPluginInfo; this._rawPlugin = aRawPluginInfo; this._log = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix( "Toolkit.GMP", "GMPWrapper(" + this._plugin.id + ") " ); Services.prefs.addObserver( GMPPrefs.getPrefKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ENABLED, this._plugin.id), this, true ); Services.prefs.addObserver( GMPPrefs.getPrefKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, this._plugin.id), this, true ); if (this._plugin.isEME) { Services.prefs.addObserver(GMPPrefs.KEY_EME_ENABLED, this, true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "EMEVideo:CDMMissing"); } } GMPWrapper.prototype = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIObserver", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), // An active task that checks for plugin updates and installs them. _updateTask: null, _gmpPath: null, _isUpdateCheckPending: false, set gmpPath(aPath) { this._gmpPath = aPath; }, get gmpPath() { if (!this._gmpPath && this.isInstalled) { this._gmpPath = PathUtils.join( Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path, this._plugin.id, GMPPrefs.getString(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, null, this._plugin.id) ); } return this._gmpPath; }, get id() { return this._plugin.id; }, get type() { return "plugin"; }, get isGMPlugin() { return true; }, get name() { return this._plugin.name; }, get creator() { return null; }, get homepageURL() { return this._plugin.homepageURL; }, get description() { return this._plugin.description; }, get fullDescription() { return null; }, getFullDescription(doc) { let plugin = this._rawPlugin; let frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); for (let [urlProp, labelId] of [ ["learnMoreURL", GMP_LEARN_MORE], [ "licenseURL", this.id == WIDEVINE_ID ? GMP_PRIVACY_INFO : GMP_LICENSE_INFO, ], ]) { if (plugin[urlProp]) { let a = doc.createElementNS(XHTML, "a"); a.href = plugin[urlProp]; a.target = "_blank"; a.textContent = pluginsBundle.GetStringFromName(labelId); if (frag.childElementCount) { frag.append( doc.createElementNS(XHTML, "br"), doc.createElementNS(XHTML, "br") ); } frag.append(a); } } return frag; }, get version() { return GMPPrefs.getString( GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, null, this._plugin.id ); }, get isActive() { return ( !this.appDisabled && !this.userDisabled && !GMPUtils.isPluginHidden(this._plugin) ); }, get appDisabled() { if ( this._plugin.isEME && !GMPPrefs.getBool(GMPPrefs.KEY_EME_ENABLED, true) ) { // If "media.eme.enabled" is false, all EME plugins are disabled. return true; } return false; }, get userDisabled() { return !GMPPrefs.getBool( GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ENABLED, true, this._plugin.id ); }, set userDisabled(aVal) { GMPPrefs.setBool( GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ENABLED, aVal === false, this._plugin.id ); }, async enable() { this.userDisabled = false; }, async disable() { this.userDisabled = true; }, get blocklistState() { return Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED; }, get size() { return 0; }, get scope() { return AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION; }, get pendingOperations() { return AddonManager.PENDING_NONE; }, get operationsRequiringRestart() { return AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_NONE; }, get permissions() { let permissions = 0; if (!this.appDisabled) { permissions |= AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UPGRADE; permissions |= this.userDisabled ? AddonManager.PERM_CAN_ENABLE : AddonManager.PERM_CAN_DISABLE; } return permissions; }, get updateDate() { let time = Number( GMPPrefs.getInt(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_LAST_UPDATE, 0, this._plugin.id) ); if (this.isInstalled) { return new Date(time * 1000); } return null; }, get isCompatible() { return true; }, get isPlatformCompatible() { return true; }, get providesUpdatesSecurely() { return true; }, get foreignInstall() { return false; }, get installTelemetryInfo() { return { source: "gmp-plugin" }; }, isCompatibleWith(aAppVersion, aPlatformVersion) { return true; }, get applyBackgroundUpdates() { if (!GMPPrefs.isSet(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, this._plugin.id)) { return AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT; } return GMPPrefs.getBool( GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, true, this._plugin.id ) ? AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_ENABLE : AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE; }, set applyBackgroundUpdates(aVal) { if (aVal == AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT) { GMPPrefs.reset(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, this._plugin.id); } else if (aVal == AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_ENABLE) { GMPPrefs.setBool(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, true, this._plugin.id); } else if (aVal == AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE) { GMPPrefs.setBool(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, false, this._plugin.id); } }, /** * Called by the addon manager to update GMP addons. For example this will be * used if a user manually checks for GMP plugin updates by using the * menu in about:addons. * * This function is not used if MediaKeySystemAccess is requested and * Widevine is not yet installed, or if the user toggles prefs to enable EME. * For the function used in those cases see `checkForUpdates`. */ findUpdates(aListener, aReason, aAppVersion, aPlatformVersion) { this._log.trace( "findUpdates() - " + this._plugin.id + " - reason=" + aReason ); // In the case of GMP addons we do not wish to implement AddonInstall, as // we don't want to display information as in a normal addon install such // as a download progress bar. As such, we short circuit our // listeners by indicating that no updates exist (though some may). AddonManagerPrivate.callNoUpdateListeners(this, aListener); if (aReason === AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_PERIODIC_UPDATE) { if (!AddonManager.shouldAutoUpdate(this)) { this._log.trace( "findUpdates() - " + this._plugin.id + " - no autoupdate" ); return Promise.resolve(false); } let secSinceLastCheck = Date.now() / 1000 - Services.prefs.getIntPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_UPDATE_LAST_CHECK, 0); if (secSinceLastCheck <= SEC_IN_A_DAY) { this._log.trace( "findUpdates() - " + this._plugin.id + " - last check was less then a day ago" ); return Promise.resolve(false); } } else if (aReason !== AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED) { this._log.trace( "findUpdates() - " + this._plugin.id + " - the given reason to update is not supported" ); return Promise.resolve(false); } if (this._updateTask !== null) { this._log.trace( "findUpdates() - " + this._plugin.id + " - update task already running" ); return this._updateTask; } this._updateTask = (async () => { this._log.trace("findUpdates() - updateTask"); try { let installManager = new GMPInstallManager(); let res = await installManager.checkForAddons(); let update = res.addons.find(addon => addon.id === this._plugin.id); if (update && update.isValid && !update.isInstalled) { this._log.trace( "findUpdates() - found update for " + this._plugin.id + ", installing" ); await installManager.installAddon(update); } else { this._log.trace("findUpdates() - no updates for " + this._plugin.id); } this._log.info( "findUpdates() - updateTask succeeded for " + this._plugin.id ); } catch (e) { this._log.error( "findUpdates() - updateTask for " + this._plugin.id + " threw", e ); throw e; } finally { this._updateTask = null; } return true; })(); return this._updateTask; }, get pluginMimeTypes() { return []; }, get pluginLibraries() { if (this.isInstalled) { let path = this.version; return [path]; } return []; }, get pluginFullpath() { if (this.isInstalled) { let path = PathUtils.join( Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path, this._plugin.id, this.version ); return [path]; } return []; }, get isInstalled() { return this.version && !!this.version.length; }, _handleEnabledChanged() { this._log.info( "_handleEnabledChanged() id=" + this._plugin.id + " isActive=" + this.isActive ); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners( this.isActive ? "onEnabling" : "onDisabling", this, false ); if (this._gmpPath) { if (this.isActive) { this._log.info( "onPrefEnabledChanged() - adding gmp directory " + this._gmpPath ); gmpService.addPluginDirectory(this._gmpPath); } else { this._log.info( "onPrefEnabledChanged() - removing gmp directory " + this._gmpPath ); gmpService.removePluginDirectory(this._gmpPath); } } AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners( this.isActive ? "onEnabled" : "onDisabled", this ); }, onPrefEMEGlobalEnabledChanged() { this._log.info( "onPrefEMEGlobalEnabledChanged() id=" + this._plugin.id + " appDisabled=" + this.appDisabled + " isActive=" + this.isActive + " hidden=" + GMPUtils.isPluginHidden(this._plugin) ); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onPropertyChanged", this, [ "appDisabled", ]); // If EME or the GMP itself are disabled, uninstall the GMP. // Otherwise, check for updates, so we download and install the GMP. if (this.appDisabled) { this.uninstallPlugin(); } else if (!GMPUtils.isPluginHidden(this._plugin)) { AddonManagerPrivate.callInstallListeners( "onExternalInstall", null, this, null, false ); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onInstalling", this, false); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onInstalled", this); this.checkForUpdates(GMP_CHECK_DELAY); } if (!this.userDisabled) { this._handleEnabledChanged(); } }, /** * This is called if prefs are changed to enable EME, or if Widevine * MediaKeySystemAccess is requested but the Widevine CDM is not installed. * * For the function used by the addon manager see `findUpdates`. */ checkForUpdates(delay) { if (this._isUpdateCheckPending) { return; } this._isUpdateCheckPending = true; GMPPrefs.reset(GMPPrefs.KEY_UPDATE_LAST_CHECK, null); // Delay this in case the user changes his mind and doesn't want to // enable EME after all. setTimeout(() => { if (!this.appDisabled) { let gmpInstallManager = new GMPInstallManager(); // We don't really care about the results, if someone is interested // they can check the log. gmpInstallManager.simpleCheckAndInstall().catch(() => {}); } this._isUpdateCheckPending = false; }, delay); }, onPrefEnabledChanged() { if (!this._plugin.isEME || !this.appDisabled) { this._handleEnabledChanged(); } }, onPrefVersionChanged() { AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onUninstalling", this, false); if (this._gmpPath) { this._log.info( "onPrefVersionChanged() - unregistering gmp directory " + this._gmpPath ); gmpService.removeAndDeletePluginDirectory( this._gmpPath, true /* can defer */ ); } AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onUninstalled", this); AddonManagerPrivate.callInstallListeners( "onExternalInstall", null, this, null, false ); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onInstalling", this, false); this._gmpPath = null; if (this.isInstalled) { this._gmpPath = PathUtils.join( Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path, this._plugin.id, GMPPrefs.getString(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, null, this._plugin.id) ); } if (this._gmpPath && this.isActive) { this._log.info( "onPrefVersionChanged() - registering gmp directory " + this._gmpPath ); gmpService.addPluginDirectory(this._gmpPath); } AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onInstalled", this); }, observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "nsPref:changed") { let pref = data; if ( pref == GMPPrefs.getPrefKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ENABLED, this._plugin.id) ) { this.onPrefEnabledChanged(); } else if ( pref == GMPPrefs.getPrefKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, this._plugin.id) ) { this.onPrefVersionChanged(); } else if (pref == GMPPrefs.KEY_EME_ENABLED) { this.onPrefEMEGlobalEnabledChanged(); } } else if (topic == "EMEVideo:CDMMissing") { this.checkForUpdates(0); } }, uninstallPlugin() { AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onUninstalling", this, false); if (this.gmpPath) { this._log.info( "uninstallPlugin() - unregistering gmp directory " + this.gmpPath ); gmpService.removeAndDeletePluginDirectory(this.gmpPath); } GMPPrefs.reset(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, this.id); GMPPrefs.reset(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ABI, this.id); GMPPrefs.reset(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_LAST_UPDATE, this.id); AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onUninstalled", this); }, shutdown() { Services.prefs.removeObserver( GMPPrefs.getPrefKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ENABLED, this._plugin.id), this ); Services.prefs.removeObserver( GMPPrefs.getPrefKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, this._plugin.id), this ); if (this._plugin.isEME) { Services.prefs.removeObserver(GMPPrefs.KEY_EME_ENABLED, this); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "EMEVideo:CDMMissing"); } return this._updateTask; }, _arePluginFilesOnDisk() { let fileExists = function(aGmpPath, aFileName) { let f = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); let path = PathUtils.join(aGmpPath, aFileName); f.initWithPath(path); return f.exists(); }; let id = this._plugin.id.substring(4); let libName = AppConstants.DLL_PREFIX + id + AppConstants.DLL_SUFFIX; let infoName; if (this._plugin.id == WIDEVINE_ID) { infoName = "manifest.json"; } else { infoName = id + ".info"; } return ( fileExists(this.gmpPath, libName) && fileExists(this.gmpPath, infoName) ); }, validate() { if (!this.isInstalled) { // Not installed -> Valid. return { installed: false, valid: true, }; } let expectedABI = GMPUtils._expectedABI(this._plugin); let abi = GMPPrefs.getString( GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ABI, expectedABI, this._plugin.id ); if (abi != expectedABI) { // ABI doesn't match. Possibly this is a profile migrated across platforms // or from 32 -> 64 bit. return { installed: true, mismatchedABI: true, valid: false, }; } // Installed -> Check if files are missing. let filesOnDisk = this._arePluginFilesOnDisk(); return { installed: true, valid: filesOnDisk, }; }, }; var GMPProvider = { get name() { return "GMPProvider"; }, _plugins: null, startup() { configureLogging(); this._log = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix( "Toolkit.GMP", "GMPProvider." ); this.buildPluginList(); this.ensureProperCDMInstallState(); Services.prefs.addObserver(GMPPrefs.KEY_LOG_BASE, configureLogging); for (let plugin of this._plugins.values()) { let wrapper = plugin.wrapper; let gmpPath = wrapper.gmpPath; let isEnabled = wrapper.isActive; this._log.trace( "startup - enabled=" + isEnabled + ", gmpPath=" + gmpPath ); if (gmpPath && isEnabled) { let validation = wrapper.validate(); if (validation.mismatchedABI) { this._log.info( "startup - gmp " + plugin.id + " mismatched ABI, uninstalling" ); wrapper.uninstallPlugin(); continue; } if (!validation.valid) { this._log.info( "startup - gmp " + plugin.id + " invalid, uninstalling" ); wrapper.uninstallPlugin(); continue; } this._log.info("startup - adding gmp directory " + gmpPath); try { gmpService.addPluginDirectory(gmpPath); } catch (e) { if (e.name != "NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE") { throw e; } this._log.warn( "startup - adding gmp directory failed with " + e.name + " - sandboxing not available?", e ); } } } try { let greDir = Services.dirsvc.get(NS_GRE_DIR, Ci.nsIFile); let path = greDir.path; if (GMPUtils._isWindowsOnARM64()) { path = PathUtils.join(path, "i686"); } let clearkeyPath = PathUtils.join( path, CLEARKEY_PLUGIN_ID, CLEARKEY_VERSION ); this._log.info("startup - adding clearkey CDM directory " + clearkeyPath); gmpService.addPluginDirectory(clearkeyPath); } catch (e) { this._log.warn("startup - adding clearkey CDM failed", e); } }, shutdown() { this._log.trace("shutdown"); Services.prefs.removeObserver(GMPPrefs.KEY_LOG_BASE, configureLogging); let shutdownTask = (async () => { this._log.trace("shutdown - shutdownTask"); let shutdownSucceeded = true; for (let plugin of this._plugins.values()) { try { await plugin.wrapper.shutdown(); } catch (e) { shutdownSucceeded = false; } } this._plugins = null; if (!shutdownSucceeded) { throw new Error("Shutdown failed"); } })(); return shutdownTask; }, async getAddonByID(aId) { if (!this.isEnabled) { return null; } let plugin = this._plugins.get(aId); if (plugin && !GMPUtils.isPluginHidden(plugin)) { return plugin.wrapper; } return null; }, async getAddonsByTypes(aTypes) { if (!this.isEnabled || (aTypes && !aTypes.includes("plugin"))) { return []; } let results = Array.from(this._plugins.values()) .filter(p => !GMPUtils.isPluginHidden(p)) .map(p => p.wrapper); return results; }, get isEnabled() { return GMPPrefs.getBool(GMPPrefs.KEY_PROVIDER_ENABLED, false); }, buildPluginList() { this._plugins = new Map(); for (let aPlugin of GMP_PLUGINS) { let plugin = { id: aPlugin.id, name: pluginsBundle.GetStringFromName(aPlugin.name), description: pluginsBundle.GetStringFromName(aPlugin.description), homepageURL: aPlugin.homepageURL, optionsURL: aPlugin.optionsURL, wrapper: null, isEME: aPlugin.isEME, }; plugin.wrapper = new GMPWrapper(plugin, aPlugin); this._plugins.set(plugin.id, plugin); } }, ensureProperCDMInstallState() { if (!GMPPrefs.getBool(GMPPrefs.KEY_EME_ENABLED, true)) { for (let plugin of this._plugins.values()) { if (plugin.isEME && plugin.wrapper.isInstalled) { gmpService.addPluginDirectory(plugin.wrapper.gmpPath); plugin.wrapper.uninstallPlugin(); } } } }, observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == FIRST_CONTENT_PROCESS_TOPIC) { AddonManagerPrivate.registerProvider(GMPProvider, [ new AddonManagerPrivate.AddonType( "plugin", URI_EXTENSION_STRINGS, "type.plugin.name", AddonManager.VIEW_TYPE_LIST, 6000, AddonManager.TYPE_SUPPORTS_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE ), ]); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, FIRST_CONTENT_PROCESS_TOPIC); } }, addObserver() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, FIRST_CONTENT_PROCESS_TOPIC); }, }; GMPProvider.addObserver();