/* eslint max-len: ["error", 80] */
const { AddonTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
const server = AddonTestUtils.createHttpServer();
const initialAutoUpdate = AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault;
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault = initialAutoUpdate;
add_task(async function setup() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["extensions.checkUpdateSecurity", false]],
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
function loadDetailView(win, id) {
let doc = win.document;
let card = doc.querySelector(`addon-card[addon-id="${id}"]`);
let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(card, { clickCount: 1 }, win);
return loaded;
add_task(async function testChangeAutoUpdates() {
let id = "test@mochi.test";
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
manifest: {
name: "Test",
applications: { gecko: { id } },
// Use permanent so the add-on can be updated.
useAddonManager: "permanent",
await extension.startup();
let addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(id);
let win = await loadInitialView("extension");
let doc = win.document;
let getInputs = updateRow => ({
default: updatesRow.querySelector('input[value="1"]'),
on: updatesRow.querySelector('input[value="2"]'),
off: updatesRow.querySelector('input[value="0"]'),
checkForUpdate: updatesRow.querySelector('[action="update-check"]'),
await loadDetailView(win, id);
let card = doc.querySelector(`addon-card[addon-id="${id}"]`);
ok(card.querySelector("addon-details"), "The card now has details");
let updatesRow = card.querySelector(".addon-detail-row-updates");
let inputs = getInputs(updatesRow);
is(addon.applyBackgroundUpdates, 1, "Default is set");
ok(inputs.default.checked, "The default option is selected");
ok(inputs.checkForUpdate.hidden, "Update check is hidden");
is(addon.applyBackgroundUpdates, "2", "Updates are now enabled");
ok(inputs.on.checked, "The on option is selected");
ok(inputs.checkForUpdate.hidden, "Update check is hidden");
is(addon.applyBackgroundUpdates, "0", "Updates are now disabled");
ok(inputs.off.checked, "The off option is selected");
ok(!inputs.checkForUpdate.hidden, "Update check is visible");
// Go back to the list view and check the details view again.
let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win);
await loaded;
// Load the detail view again.
await loadDetailView(win, id);
card = doc.querySelector(`addon-card[addon-id="${id}"]`);
updatesRow = card.querySelector(".addon-detail-row-updates");
inputs = getInputs(updatesRow);
ok(inputs.off.checked, "Off is still selected");
// Disable global updates.
let updated = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(card, "update");
AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault = false;
await updated;
// Updates are still the same.
is(addon.applyBackgroundUpdates, "0", "Updates are now disabled");
ok(inputs.off.checked, "The off option is selected");
ok(!inputs.checkForUpdate.hidden, "Update check is visible");
// Check default.
is(addon.applyBackgroundUpdates, "1", "Default is set");
ok(inputs.default.checked, "The default option is selected");
ok(!inputs.checkForUpdate.hidden, "Update check is visible");
is(addon.applyBackgroundUpdates, "2", "Updates are now enabled");
ok(inputs.on.checked, "The on option is selected");
ok(inputs.checkForUpdate.hidden, "Update check is hidden");
// Enable updates again.
updated = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(card, "update");
AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault = true;
await updated;
await closeView(win);
await extension.unload();
["addonsManager", "view", "aboutAddons", "list", { type: "extension" }],
{ type: "extension", addonId: id },
{ type: "extension", addonId: id, action: "setAddonUpdate" },
{ type: "extension", addonId: id, action: "setAddonUpdate" },
["addonsManager", "view", "aboutAddons", "list", { type: "extension" }],
{ type: "extension", addonId: id },
{ type: "extension", addonId: id, action: "setAddonUpdate" },
{ type: "extension", addonId: id, action: "setAddonUpdate" },
async function setupExtensionWithUpdate(
{ releaseNotes, cancelUpdate } = {}
) {
let serverHost = `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}`;
let updatesPath = `/ext-updates-${id}.json`;
let baseManifest = {
name: "Updates",
icons: { "48": "an-icon.png" },
applications: {
gecko: {
update_url: serverHost + updatesPath,
let updateXpi = AddonTestUtils.createTempWebExtensionFile({
manifest: {
version: "2",
// Include a permission in the updated extension, to make
// sure that we trigger the permission prompt as expected
// (and that we can accept or cancel the update by observing
// the underlying observerService notification).
permissions: ["http://*.example.com/*"],
let releaseNotesExtra = {};
if (releaseNotes) {
let notesPath = "/notes.txt";
server.registerPathHandler(notesPath, (request, response) => {
if (releaseNotes == "ERROR") {
response.setStatusLine(null, 404, "Not Found");
} else {
response.setStatusLine(null, 200, "OK");
releaseNotesExtra.update_info_url = serverHost + notesPath;
let xpiFilename = `/update-${id}.xpi`;
server.registerFile(xpiFilename, updateXpi);
AddonTestUtils.registerJSON(server, updatesPath, {
addons: {
[id]: {
updates: [
version: "2",
update_link: serverHost + xpiFilename,
handlePermissionPrompt({ addonId: id, reject: cancelUpdate });
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
manifest: {
version: "1",
// Use permanent so the add-on can be updated.
useAddonManager: "permanent",
await extension.startup();
return extension;
function disableAutoUpdates(card) {
// Check button should be hidden.
let updateCheckButton = card.querySelector('button[action="update-check"]');
ok(updateCheckButton.hidden, "The button is initially hidden");
// Disable updates, update check button is now visible.
ok(!updateCheckButton.hidden, "The button is now visible");
// There shouldn't be an update shown to the user.
assertUpdateState({ card, shown: false });
function checkForUpdate(card, expected) {
let updateCheckButton = card.querySelector('button[action="update-check"]');
let updateFound = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(card, expected);
return updateFound;
function installUpdate(card, expected) {
// Install the update.
let updateInstalled = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(card, expected);
let updated = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(card, "update");
return Promise.all([updateInstalled, updated]);
async function findUpdatesForAddonId(id) {
let addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(id);
await new Promise(resolve => {
{ onUpdateAvailable: resolve },
function assertUpdateState({
expanded = true,
releaseNotes = false,
}) {
let menuButton = card.querySelector(".more-options-button");
menuButton.classList.contains("more-options-button-badged") == shown,
"The menu button is badged"
let installButton = card.querySelector('panel-item[action="install-update"]');
installButton.hidden != shown,
`The install button is ${shown ? "hidden" : "shown"}`
if (expanded) {
let updateCheckButton = card.querySelector('button[action="update-check"]');
updateCheckButton.hidden == shown,
`The update check button is ${shown ? "hidden" : "shown"}`
let { tabGroup } = card.details;
is(tabGroup.hidden, false, "The tab group is shown");
let notesBtn = tabGroup.querySelector('[name="release-notes"]');
`The release notes button is ${releaseNotes ? "shown" : "hidden"}`
add_task(async function testUpdateAvailable() {
let id = "update@mochi.test";
let extension = await setupExtensionWithUpdate(id);
let win = await loadInitialView("extension");
let doc = win.document;
await loadDetailView(win, id);
let card = doc.querySelector("addon-card");
// Disable updates and then check.
await checkForUpdate(card, "update-found");
// There should now be an update.
assertUpdateState({ card, shown: true });
// The version was 1.
let versionRow = card.querySelector(".addon-detail-row-version");
is(versionRow.lastChild.textContent, "1", "The version started as 1");
await installUpdate(card, "update-installed");
// The version is now 2.
versionRow = card.querySelector(".addon-detail-row-version");
is(versionRow.lastChild.textContent, "2", "The version has updated");
// No update is shown again.
assertUpdateState({ card, shown: false });
// Check for updates again, there shouldn't be an update.
await checkForUpdate(card, "no-update");
await closeView(win);
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function testReleaseNotesLoad() {
let id = "update-with-notes@mochi.test";
let extension = await setupExtensionWithUpdate(id, {
releaseNotes: `
My release notes
A thing
Go somewhere
let win = await loadInitialView("extension");
let doc = win.document;
await loadDetailView(win, id);
let card = doc.querySelector("addon-card");
let { deck, tabGroup } = card.details;
// Disable updates and then check.
await checkForUpdate(card, "update-found");
// There should now be an update.
assertUpdateState({ card, shown: true, releaseNotes: true });
info("Check release notes");
let notesBtn = tabGroup.querySelector('[name="release-notes"]');
let notes = card.querySelector("update-release-notes");
let loading = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(notes, "release-notes-loading");
let loaded = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(notes, "release-notes-loaded");
// Don't use notesBtn.click() since it causes an assertion to fail.
// See bug 1551621 for more info.
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(notesBtn, {}, win);
await loading;
"The loading message is shown"
await loaded;
info("Checking HTML release notes");
let [h1, ul, a] = notes.children;
is(h1.tagName, "H1", "There's a heading");
is(h1.textContent, "My release notes", "The heading has content");
is(ul.tagName, "UL", "There's a list");
is(ul.children.length, 1, "There's one item in the list");
let [li] = ul.children;
is(li.tagName, "LI", "There's a list item");
is(li.textContent, "A thing", "The text is set");
ok(!li.hasAttribute("onclick"), "The onclick was removed");
ok(!notes.querySelector("link"), "The link tag was removed");
ok(!notes.querySelector("script"), "The script tag was removed");
is(a.textContent, "Go somewhere", "The link text is preserved");
is(a.href, "http://example.com/", "The link href is preserved");
info("Verify the link opened in a new tab");
let tabOpened = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser, a.href);
let tab = await tabOpened;
let originalContent = notes.innerHTML;
info("Switch away and back to release notes");
// Load details view.
let detailsBtn = tabGroup.querySelector('.tab-button[name="details"]');
let viewChanged = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(deck, "view-changed");
await viewChanged;
// Load release notes again, verify they weren't loaded.
viewChanged = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(deck, "view-changed");
let notesCached = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
await viewChanged;
await notesCached;
is(notes.innerHTML, originalContent, "The content didn't change");
info("Install the update to clean it up");
await installUpdate(card, "update-installed");
// There's no more update but release notes are still shown.
assertUpdateState({ card, shown: false, releaseNotes: true });
await closeView(win);
await extension.unload();
["addonsManager", "view", "aboutAddons", "list", { type: "extension" }],
{ type: "extension", addonId: id },
{ type: "extension", addonId: id, action: "setAddonUpdate" },
{ type: "extension", addonId: id, action: "checkForUpdate" },
{ type: "extension", addonId: id, action: "releaseNotes" },
{ type: "extension", addonId: id, action: "releaseNotes" },
add_task(async function testReleaseNotesError() {
let id = "update-with-notes-error@mochi.test";
let extension = await setupExtensionWithUpdate(id, { releaseNotes: "ERROR" });
let win = await loadInitialView("extension");
let doc = win.document;
await loadDetailView(win, id);
let card = doc.querySelector("addon-card");
let { deck, tabGroup } = card.details;
// Disable updates and then check.
await checkForUpdate(card, "update-found");
// There should now be an update.
assertUpdateState({ card, shown: true, releaseNotes: true });
info("Check release notes");
let notesBtn = tabGroup.querySelector('[name="release-notes"]');
let notes = card.querySelector("update-release-notes");
let loading = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(notes, "release-notes-loading");
let errored = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(notes, "release-notes-error");
// Don't use notesBtn.click() since it causes an assertion to fail.
// See bug 1551621 for more info.
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(notesBtn, {}, win);
await loading;
"The loading message is shown"
await errored;
"The error message is shown"
info("Switch away and back to release notes");
// Load details view.
let detailsBtn = tabGroup.querySelector('.tab-button[name="details"]');
let viewChanged = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(deck, "view-changed");
await viewChanged;
// Load release notes again, verify they weren't loaded.
viewChanged = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(deck, "view-changed");
let notesCached = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
await viewChanged;
await notesCached;
info("Install the update to clean it up");
await installUpdate(card, "update-installed");
await closeView(win);
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function testUpdateCancelled() {
let id = "update@mochi.test";
let extension = await setupExtensionWithUpdate(id, { cancelUpdate: true });
let win = await loadInitialView("extension");
let doc = win.document;
await loadDetailView(win, "update@mochi.test");
let card = doc.querySelector("addon-card");
// Disable updates and then check.
await checkForUpdate(card, "update-found");
// There should now be an update.
assertUpdateState({ card, shown: true });
// The add-on starts as version 1.
let versionRow = card.querySelector(".addon-detail-row-version");
is(versionRow.lastChild.textContent, "1", "The version started as 1");
// Force the install to be cancelled.
let install = card.updateInstall;
ok(install, "There was an install found");
await installUpdate(card, "update-cancelled");
// The add-on is still version 1.
versionRow = card.querySelector(".addon-detail-row-version");
is(versionRow.lastChild.textContent, "1", "The version hasn't changed");
// The update has been removed.
assertUpdateState({ card, shown: false });
await closeView(win);
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function testAvailableUpdates() {
let ids = ["update1@mochi.test", "update2@mochi.test", "update3@mochi.test"];
let addons = await Promise.all(ids.map(id => setupExtensionWithUpdate(id)));
// Disable global add-on updates.
AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault = false;
let win = await loadInitialView("extension");
let doc = win.document;
let updatesMessage = doc.getElementById("updates-message");
let categoryUtils = new CategoryUtilities(win.managerWindow);
let availableCat = categoryUtils.get("available-updates");
ok(availableCat.hidden, "Available updates is hidden");
is(availableCat.badgeCount, 0, "There are no updates");
ok(updatesMessage, "There is an updates message");
is_element_hidden(updatesMessage, "The message is hidden");
ok(!updatesMessage.message.textContent, "The message is empty");
ok(!updatesMessage.button.textContent, "The button is empty");
// Check for all updates.
let updatesFound = TestUtils.topicObserved("EM-update-check-finished");
doc.querySelector('#page-options [action="check-for-updates"]').click();
is_element_visible(updatesMessage, "The message is visible");
ok(!updatesMessage.message.textContent, "The message is empty");
ok(updatesMessage.button.hidden, "The view updates button is hidden");
// Make sure the message gets populated by fluent.
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => updatesMessage.message.textContent,
"wait for message text"
await updatesFound;
// The button should be visible, and should get some text from fluent.
ok(!updatesMessage.button.hidden, "The view updates button is visible");
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => updatesMessage.button.textContent,
"wait for button text"
// Wait for the available updates count to finalize, it's async.
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => availableCat.badgeCount == 3);
// The category shows the correct update count.
ok(!availableCat.hidden, "Available updates is visible");
is(availableCat.badgeCount, 3, "There are 3 updates");
// Go to the available updates page.
let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win);
await loaded;
// Check the updates are shown.
let cards = doc.querySelectorAll("addon-card");
is(cards.length, 3, "There are 3 cards");
// Each card should have an update.
for (let card of cards) {
assertUpdateState({ card, shown: true, expanded: false });
// Check the detail page for the first add-on.
await loadDetailView(win, ids[0]);
"The extensions category is selected"
// Go back to the last view.
loaded = waitForViewLoad(win);
await loaded;
// We're back on the updates view.
"The available updates category is selected"
// Find the cards again.
cards = doc.querySelectorAll("addon-card");
is(cards.length, 3, "There are 3 cards");
// Install the first update.
await installUpdate(cards[0], "update-installed");
assertUpdateState({ card: cards[0], shown: false, expanded: false });
// The count goes down but the card stays.
is(availableCat.badgeCount, 2, "There are only 2 updates now");
"All 3 cards are still visible on the updates page"
// Install the other two updates.
await installUpdate(cards[1], "update-installed");
assertUpdateState({ card: cards[1], shown: false, expanded: false });
await installUpdate(cards[2], "update-installed");
assertUpdateState({ card: cards[2], shown: false, expanded: false });
// The count goes down but the card stays.
is(availableCat.badgeCount, 0, "There are no more updates");
"All 3 cards are still visible on the updates page"
// Enable global add-on updates again.
AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault = true;
await closeView(win);
await Promise.all(addons.map(addon => addon.unload()));
add_task(async function testUpdatesShownOnLoad() {
let id = "has-update@mochi.test";
let addon = await setupExtensionWithUpdate(id);
// Find the update for our addon.
AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault = false;
await findUpdatesForAddonId(id);
let win = await loadInitialView("extension");
let categoryUtils = new CategoryUtilities(win.managerWindow);
let updatesButton = categoryUtils.get("available-updates");
ok(!updatesButton.hidden, "The updates button is shown");
is(updatesButton.badgeCount, 1, "There is an update");
let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win);
await loaded;
let cards = win.document.querySelectorAll("addon-card");
is(cards.length, 1, "There is one update card");
let card = cards[0];
is(card.addon.id, id, "The update is for the expected add-on");
await installUpdate(card, "update-installed");
ok(!updatesButton.hidden, "The updates button is still shown");
is(updatesButton.badgeCount, 0, "There are no more updates");
info("Check that the updates section is hidden when re-opened");
await closeView(win);
win = await loadInitialView("extension");
categoryUtils = new CategoryUtilities(win.managerWindow);
updatesButton = categoryUtils.get("available-updates");
ok(updatesButton.hidden, "Available updates is hidden");
is(updatesButton.badgeCount, 0, "There are no updates");
AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault = true;
await closeView(win);
await addon.unload();
add_task(async function testPromptOnBackgroundUpdateCheck() {
const id = "test-prompt-on-background-check@mochi.test";
const extension = await setupExtensionWithUpdate(id);
AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault = false;
const addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(id);
await AddonTestUtils.promiseFindAddonUpdates(
let win = await loadInitialView("extension");
let card = getAddonCard(win, id);
const promisePromptInfo = promisePermissionPrompt(id);
await installUpdate(card, "update-installed");
const promptInfo = await promisePromptInfo;
ok(promptInfo, "Got a permission prompt as expected");
AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault = true;
await closeView(win);
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function testNoUpdateAvailableOnUnrelatedAddonCards() {
let idNoUpdate = "no-update@mochi.test";
let extensionNoUpdate = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
useAddonManager: "temporary",
manifest: {
name: "TestAddonNoUpdate",
applications: { gecko: { id: idNoUpdate } },
await extensionNoUpdate.startup();
let win = await loadInitialView("extension");
let cardNoUpdate = getAddonCard(win, idNoUpdate);
ok(cardNoUpdate, `Got AddonCard for ${idNoUpdate}`);
// Assert that there is not an update badge
assertUpdateState({ card: cardNoUpdate, shown: false, expanded: false });
// Trigger a onNewInstall event by install another unrelated addon.
const XPI_URL = `${SECURE_TESTROOT}../xpinstall/amosigned.xpi`;
let install = await AddonManager.getInstallForURL(XPI_URL);
await AddonManager.installAddonFromAOM(
// Cancel the install used to trigger the onNewInstall install event.
await install.cancel();
// Assert that the previously installed addon isn't marked with the
// update available badge after installing an unrelated addon.
assertUpdateState({ card: cardNoUpdate, shown: false, expanded: false });
await closeView(win);
await extensionNoUpdate.unload();