/* import-globals-from head_addons.js */ const PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET = "extensions.systemAddonSet"; const PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_UPDATE_URL = "extensions.systemAddon.update.url"; const PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_UPDATE_ENABLED = "extensions.systemAddon.update.enabled"; // See bug 1507255 Services.prefs.setBoolPref("media.gmp-manager.updateEnabled", true); function root(server) { let { primaryScheme, primaryHost, primaryPort } = server.identity; return `${primaryScheme}://${primaryHost}:${primaryPort}/data`; } XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "testserver", () => { let server = new HttpServer(); server.start(); Services.prefs.setCharPref( PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_UPDATE_URL, `${root(server)}/update.xml` ); return server; }); async function serveSystemUpdate(xml, perform_update) { testserver.registerPathHandler("/data/update.xml", (request, response) => { response.write(xml); }); try { await perform_update(); } finally { testserver.registerPathHandler("/data/update.xml", null); } } // Runs an update check making it use the passed in xml string. Uses the direct // call to the update function so we get rejections on failure. async function installSystemAddons(xml, waitIDs = []) { info("Triggering system add-on update check."); await serveSystemUpdate( xml, async function() { let { XPIProvider } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm" ); await Promise.all([ XPIProvider.updateSystemAddons(), ...waitIDs.map(id => promiseWebExtensionStartup(id)), ]); }, testserver ); } // Runs a full add-on update check which will in some cases do a system add-on // update check. Always succeeds. async function updateAllSystemAddons(xml) { info("Triggering full add-on update check."); await serveSystemUpdate( xml, function() { return new Promise(resolve => { Services.obs.addObserver(function observer() { Services.obs.removeObserver( observer, "addons-background-update-complete" ); resolve(); }, "addons-background-update-complete"); // Trigger the background update timer handler gInternalManager.notify(null); }); }, testserver ); } // Builds an update.xml file for an update check based on the data passed. function buildSystemAddonUpdates(addons) { let xml = `\n\n\n`; if (addons) { xml += ` \n`; for (let addon of addons) { if (addon.xpi) { testserver.registerFile(`/data/${addon.path}`, addon.xpi); } xml += ` \n`; } xml += ` \n`; } xml += `\n`; return xml; } let _systemXPIs = new Map(); function getSystemAddonXPI(num, version) { let key = `${num}:${version}`; if (!_systemXPIs.has(key)) { _systemXPIs.set( key, AddonTestUtils.createTempWebExtensionFile({ manifest: { name: `System Add-on ${num}`, version, applications: { gecko: { id: `system${num}@tests.mozilla.org`, }, }, }, }) ); } return _systemXPIs.get(key); } async function initSystemAddonDirs() { let hiddenSystemAddonDir = FileUtils.getDir( "ProfD", ["sysfeatures", "hidden"], true ); let system1_1 = await getSystemAddonXPI(1, "1.0"); system1_1.copyTo(hiddenSystemAddonDir, "system1@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); let system2_1 = await getSystemAddonXPI(2, "1.0"); system2_1.copyTo(hiddenSystemAddonDir, "system2@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); let prefilledSystemAddonDir = FileUtils.getDir( "ProfD", ["sysfeatures", "prefilled"], true ); let system2_2 = await getSystemAddonXPI(2, "2.0"); system2_2.copyTo(prefilledSystemAddonDir, "system2@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); let system3_2 = await getSystemAddonXPI(3, "2.0"); system3_2.copyTo(prefilledSystemAddonDir, "system3@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); } /** * Returns current system add-on update directory (stored in pref). */ function getCurrentSystemAddonUpdatesDir() { const updatesDir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["features"], false); let dir = updatesDir.clone(); let set = JSON.parse(Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET)); dir.append(set.directory); return dir; } /** * Removes all files from system add-on update directory. */ function clearSystemAddonUpdatesDir() { const updatesDir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["features"], false); // Delete any existing directories if (updatesDir.exists()) { updatesDir.remove(true); } Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET); } registerCleanupFunction(() => { clearSystemAddonUpdatesDir(); }); /** * Installs a known set of add-ons into the system add-on update directory. */ async function buildPrefilledUpdatesDir() { clearSystemAddonUpdatesDir(); // Build the test set let dir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["features", "prefilled"], true); let xpi = await getSystemAddonXPI(2, "2.0"); xpi.copyTo(dir, "system2@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); xpi = await getSystemAddonXPI(3, "2.0"); xpi.copyTo(dir, "system3@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); // Mark these in the past so the startup file scan notices when files have changed properly FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", [ "features", "prefilled", "system2@tests.mozilla.org.xpi", ]).lastModifiedTime -= 10000; FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", [ "features", "prefilled", "system3@tests.mozilla.org.xpi", ]).lastModifiedTime -= 10000; Services.prefs.setCharPref( PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET, JSON.stringify({ schema: 1, directory: dir.leafName, addons: { "system2@tests.mozilla.org": { version: "2.0", }, "system3@tests.mozilla.org": { version: "2.0", }, }, }) ); } /** * Check currently installed ssystem add-ons against a set of conditions. * * @param {Array} conditions - an array of objects of the form { isUpgrade: false, version: null} * @param {nsIFile} distroDir - the system add-on distribution directory (the "features" dir in the app directory) */ async function checkInstalledSystemAddons(conditions, distroDir) { for (let i = 0; i < conditions.length; i++) { let condition = conditions[i]; let id = "system" + (i + 1) + "@tests.mozilla.org"; let addon = await promiseAddonByID(id); if (!("isUpgrade" in condition) || !("version" in condition)) { throw Error("condition must contain isUpgrade and version"); } let isUpgrade = conditions[i].isUpgrade; let version = conditions[i].version; let expectedDir = isUpgrade ? getCurrentSystemAddonUpdatesDir() : distroDir; if (version) { info(`Checking state of add-on ${id}, expecting version ${version}`); // Add-on should be installed Assert.notEqual(addon, null); Assert.equal(addon.version, version); Assert.ok(addon.isActive); Assert.ok(!addon.foreignInstall); Assert.ok(addon.hidden); Assert.ok(addon.isSystem); // Verify the add-ons file is in the right place let file = expectedDir.clone(); file.append(id + ".xpi"); Assert.ok(file.exists()); Assert.ok(file.isFile()); let uri = addon.getResourceURI(); if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIJARURI) { uri = uri.JARFile; } Assert.ok(uri instanceof Ci.nsIFileURL); Assert.equal(uri.file.path, file.path); if (isUpgrade) { Assert.equal(addon.signedState, AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_SYSTEM); } } else { info(`Checking state of add-on ${id}, expecting it to be missing`); if (isUpgrade) { // Add-on should not be installed Assert.equal(addon, null); } } } } /** * Returns all system add-on updates directories. */ async function getSystemAddonDirectories() { const updatesDir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["features"], false); let subdirs = []; if (await OS.File.exists(updatesDir.path)) { let iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(updatesDir.path); await iterator.forEach(entry => { if (entry.isDir) { subdirs.push(entry); } }); iterator.close(); } return subdirs; } /** * Sets up initial system add-on update conditions. * * @param {Object} setup - an object containing a setup function and an array of objects * of the form {isUpgrade: false, version: null} * * @param {nsIFile} distroDir - the system add-on distribution directory (the "features" dir in the app directory) */ async function setupSystemAddonConditions(setup, distroDir) { info("Clearing existing database."); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET); distroDir.leafName = "empty"; let updateList = []; await overrideBuiltIns({ system: updateList }); await promiseStartupManager(); await promiseShutdownManager(); info("Setting up conditions."); await setup.setup(); if (distroDir) { if (distroDir.path.endsWith("hidden")) { updateList = ["system1@tests.mozilla.org", "system2@tests.mozilla.org"]; } else if (distroDir.path.endsWith("prefilled")) { updateList = ["system2@tests.mozilla.org", "system3@tests.mozilla.org"]; } } await overrideBuiltIns({ system: updateList }); let startupPromises = setup.initialState.map((item, i) => item.version ? promiseWebExtensionStartup(`system${i + 1}@tests.mozilla.org`) : null ); await Promise.all([promiseStartupManager(), ...startupPromises]); // Make sure the initial state is correct info("Checking initial state."); await checkInstalledSystemAddons(setup.initialState, distroDir); } /** * Verify state of system add-ons after installation. * * @param {Array} initialState - an array of objects of the form {isUpgrade: false, version: null} * @param {Array} finalState - an array of objects of the form {isUpgrade: false, version: null} * @param {Boolean} alreadyUpgraded - whether a restartless upgrade has already been performed. * @param {nsIFile} distroDir - the system add-on distribution directory (the "features" dir in the app directory) */ async function verifySystemAddonState( initialState, finalState = undefined, alreadyUpgraded = false, distroDir ) { let expectedDirs = 0; // If the initial state was using the profile set then that directory will // still exist. if (initialState.some(a => a.isUpgrade)) { expectedDirs++; } if (finalState == undefined) { finalState = initialState; } else if (finalState.some(a => a.isUpgrade)) { // If the new state is using the profile then that directory will exist. expectedDirs++; } // Since upgrades are restartless now, the previous update dir hasn't been removed. if (alreadyUpgraded) { expectedDirs++; } info("Checking final state."); let dirs = await getSystemAddonDirectories(); Assert.equal(dirs.length, expectedDirs); await checkInstalledSystemAddons(...finalState, distroDir); // Check that the new state is active after a restart await promiseShutdownManager(); let updateList = []; if (distroDir) { if (distroDir.path.endsWith("hidden")) { updateList = ["system1@tests.mozilla.org", "system2@tests.mozilla.org"]; } else if (distroDir.path.endsWith("prefilled")) { updateList = ["system2@tests.mozilla.org", "system3@tests.mozilla.org"]; } } await overrideBuiltIns({ system: updateList }); await promiseStartupManager(); await checkInstalledSystemAddons(finalState, distroDir); } /** * Run system add-on tests and compare the results against a set of expected conditions. * * @param {String} setupName - name of the current setup conditions. * @param {Object} setup - Defines the set of initial conditions to run each test against. Each should * define the following properties: * setup: A task to setup the profile into the initial state. * initialState: The initial expected system add-on state after setup has run. * @param {Array} test - The test to run. Each test must define an updateList or test. The following * properties are used: * updateList: The set of add-ons the server should respond with. * test: A function to run to perform the update check (replaces * updateList) * fails: An optional property, if true the update check is expected to * fail. * finalState: An optional property, the expected final state of system add-ons, * if missing the test condition's initialState is used. * @param {nsIFile} distroDir - the system add-on distribution directory (the "features" dir in the app directory) */ async function execSystemAddonTest(setupName, setup, test, distroDir) { await setupSystemAddonConditions(setup, distroDir); try { if ("test" in test) { await test.test(); } else { let xml = buildSystemAddonUpdates(test.updateList); let ids = (test.updateList || []).map(item => item.id); await installSystemAddons(xml, ids); } if (test.fails) { do_throw("Expected this test to fail"); } } catch (e) { if (!test.fails) { do_throw(e); } } // some tests have a different expected combination of default // and updated add-ons. if (test.finalState && setupName in test.finalState) { await verifySystemAddonState( setup.initialState, test.finalState[setupName], false, distroDir ); } else { await verifySystemAddonState( setup.initialState, undefined, false, distroDir ); } await promiseShutdownManager(); }